1、 INCITS/ISO/IEC 10179:1996/COR 1:20012010 (ISO/IEC 10179/Cor1:2001, IDT) Corrigendum 1 Reaffirmed as INCITS/ISO/IEC 10179:1996/COR 1:2001 R2015INCITS/ISO/IEC 10179:1996/COR 1:20012010 PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file m
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4、he file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Adopted by INCITS (InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards) as an American National Standard. Date of
5、 ANSI Approval: 7/15/2010 Published by American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036 Copyright 2010 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). All rights reserved. These materials are subject to copyright claims of International Standardization Organizat
6、ion (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and Information Technology Industry Council (ITI). Not for resale. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written
7、permission of ITI. All requests pertaining to this standard should be submitted to ITI, 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington DC 20005. Printed in the United States of America ii ITIC 2010 All rights reserved ICS 35.240.30 Ref. No. ISO/IEC 10179:1996/Cor.1:2001(E) ISO/IEC 2001 All rights reservedP
9、mation technology Processing languages DocumentStyle Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL)TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1Technologies de linformation Langages de traitement Smantique de prsentation de documents et langagede spcifications (DSSSL)RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 1Technical Corrigendum 1 to Inter
10、national Standard ISO/IEC 10179:1996 was prepared by Joint TechnicalCommittee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 34, Document description and processinglanguages.This Technical Corrigendum corrects the errors in ISO/IEC 10179:1996. Some extensions, for example additionalflow obje
11、ct classes, additional formatting area, and alternative syntax, are dealt with in ISO/IEC 10179:1996/Amd.1(to be published).Page 6, definition 4.35Add the following note:NOTE 1.5 A subtree is a node-list of the node which will be generated by applying the following procedure to the node-list that co
12、ntains only the root node: make a union of the node-list and their children without duplicates. When the output of theprocedure is the same as the input, that is the node-list requested.ISO/IEC 10179:1996/Cor.1:2001(E)2 ISO/IEC 2001 All rights reservedPage 8, subclause 5.2Add the following as the la
13、st item of the unordered list:“ string: string“Page 31, subclause 8.2.1Delete the phrase “, or assignment of,“ in the last paragraph.Page 36, subclause,replace“(3456)“with“3“.Page 39, subclause the paragraph on let*-expression, replace “rig
14、ht of the binding-spec“ with “the end of the body“.Page 56, subclause the last paragraph, replace “with the number name raised“ with “with the unit name raised“.Page 190, subclause 12.5.2Add the following as the first item of the list:“(length-spec? obj)“Page 218, subclause 12.6.6Replace “
15、#f“ with “0pt“ as the initial value in the asis-wrap-indent: characteristics.Replace “expand-tabs?:“ with “expand-tabs:“intheexpand-tabs?: characteristics.Page 222, subclause 12.6.6Add “The initial value is start.“ as the last description in the line-number-side: characteristics.Add “The initial val
16、ue is a space.“ as the last description in the line-number-sep: characteristics.Replace “0“ with “0pt“as the initial value in the last-line-justify-limit: characteristics.Page 256, subclause 12.6.18Delete the line-miter-limit: characteristics.ISO/IEC 10179:1996/Cor.1:2001(E) ISO/IEC 2001 All rights
17、reserved 3Page 267, subclause the following characteristics just before the last paragraph: keep-with-previous?: keep-with-next?: keep: may-violate-keep-before?: may-violate-keep-after?:Page 287, subclause the following as the last descriptions in the border-priority: chara
18、cteristics:“If there are conflicting borders of equal priority one from a table-border and one from a cell-border, the one fromthe table-border should win. If there are conflicting borders of equal priority, one with border-present?: #t andone with border-present?: #f, the one with border-present?: #t should win.“