ANSI UL 1740 BULLETIN-2017 UL Standard for Safety Robots and Robotic Equipment (COMMENTS DUE September 5 2017).pdf

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ANSI UL 1740 BULLETIN-2017 UL Standard for Safety Robots and Robotic Equipment (COMMENTS DUE September 5 2017).pdf_第5页
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1、UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSubject 1740July 21, 2017SUMMARY OF TOPICSThe following topics for the Standard for Robots and Robotic Equipment, UL 1740, are beingrecirculated:1. The proposed 4th Edition of UL 1740COMMENTS DUE

2、: September 5, 2017For your convenience in review, proposed additions to the previously proposed requirements dated2017-03-17 are shown underlined and proposed deletions are shown lined-out.1. The proposed 4th Edition of UL 1740RATIONALEResponses to comments have been posted within the 1740 Proposal

3、 Review Work Area dated2017-03-17.Proposal submitted by: Joseph Bablo, UL LLCPROPOSAL1.1 These requirements cover robots and robotic equipment rated 600 V or less and intended forinstallation in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. Equipment evaluated to theserequirements are is in

4、tended to meet the requirements of Robots and Robotic Devices SafetyRequirements for Industrial Robots Part 1, ISO 10281-1, and / or Robots and robotic devices Safetyrequirements for personal care robots, ISO 13482, and can be installed in accordance with ISO 10218-1,Robots and Robotic Devices Safet

5、y Requirements for Industrial Robots Part 1 and ISO 10218-2,Robots and Robotic Devices Safety Requirements for Industrial Robots Part 2: Robot Systems andIntegration.1.2 These requirements cover robotic equipment and systems intended for indoor and outdoor use inapplications such as parts assembly,

6、parts transfer, automated material handling, inspection, loading,die-casting, deburring, welding, paint spraying, clinical/diagnostic systems, pharmaceutical applications,commercial food processing, automated vehicle refueling systems, library book handling/sorting, cleanroom applications, medical u

7、se , mobile robots, personal care robots, Automated Guided Vehicles(AGVs), automated storage/retrieval systems, and the like.1.3 Robots and robotic equipment that contain unique features or functions associated with theapplication or end-product equipment, and not specifically addressed in this stan

8、dard or referencedstandards, shall also be evaluated to the applicable requirements of those standards for the application orend-product equipment.UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL2.9 ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC/ PROGRAAMMABLE ELECTR

9、ONIC E/E/PE Based on Electrical (E)and/or Electronic (E) and/or Programmable Electronic (PE) technology.NOTE The term is intended to cover any and all devices or systems operating on electrical principles.EXAMPLE: Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic devices include: Electro-mechanical devi

10、ces (electrical); Solid-state non-programmable electronic devices (electronic); Electronic devices based on computer technology (programmable electronic).IEC. This material is reproduced from IEC 61508-4 Ed. 2.0 b:2010, with permission of the American National Standards Institute(ANSI) on behalf of

11、International Electrotechnical Commission. All rights reserved.2.11 ENABLING DEVICE A manually operated device which, when continuously activated, permitsmotion. Release or compression beyond the center position of the device shall stop robot motion andmotion of associated equipment that may present

12、 a hazard.2.13 FIELD-WIRING TERMINAL A wiring terminal on permanently connected equipment to whichsupply connections are made when the equipment is installed in the field.2.14 FUNCTIONAL SAFETY (FS) Part of the overall safety relating to the Equipment Under Control(EUC) and the EUC control system th

13、at depends on the correct functioning of the E/E/PE safety-relatedsystems and other risk reduction measures.IEC. This material is reproduced from IEC 61508-4 Ed. 2.0 b:2010, with permission of the American Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of International Electrotechnical Commission. All rights r

14、eserved.2.18 MANUAL MODE Movement of a robot to or through a series of points to be stored for the robotto perform its intended task(s) Control state that allows for the direct control by an operator.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 10218-1:2015 with permission of the American National Stan

15、dards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of the International Standardization Organization. All rights reserved.2.24 PENDANT Hand held unit linked to the control system with which a robot and associatedequipment can be programmed or moved or controlled.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 10218-1:2015 w

16、ith permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of the International Standardization Organization. All rights reserved.2.26 PERSONAL CARE ROBOT Service Robot that performs actions contributing directly towardsimprovement in the quality of life of humans, excluding medical

17、 applicationsNote 1 to entry: This might include physical contact with the human to perform the task.Note 2 to entry: Typical types of personal care robots include: mobile servant robot, physical assistant robot and person carrier robot.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 13482-1:2014 with per

18、mission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of the International Standardization Organization. All rights reserved.JULY 21, 2017SUBJECT 1740 -2-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL2.29 PORTABLE EQUIPMENT Eq

19、uipment that is cord and plug connected, is less than 18 kg (40 lb)in mass, and is not intended to be fastened in place, or a cord-connected wall mounted unit with a massless than 18 kg (40 lb) whose mounting means permits easy removal by a user.2.33 PROTECTIVE STOP Type of interruption of operation

20、 that allows a cessation of motion, andrelated hazards,for safeguarding purposes and which retains the program logic to facilitate a restart.Adapted by UL from ISO 10218-1:2011 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of theInternational Organization of Standardi

21、zation. All rights reserved.2.35 REDUNDANCY The application of more than one device or system, or part of a device or asystem, such that if in the event of one failing to perform its function another is available to perform thatfunction.2.36 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK Under normal conditions a risk of e

22、lectric shock exists between anytwo conductive parts or between a conductive part and earth ground if the continuous current flowbetween the two points exceeds the leakage current limits determined by the Leakage Current Test,Section 50, and if the open circuit voltage exceeds the limits in Table 2.

23、1. Under fault or abnormalconditions: a risk of electric shock is considered to exist at any part at the potentials above in Table 2.1and when the continuous current flow through a 500 ohm resistor connected across the potential exceeds5.0 mA.2.38 ROBOT Automatically controlled, reprogrammable multi

24、purpose machine, programmable inseveral degrees of freedom, which can be either fixed in place or mobile Actuated mechanismprogrammable in two or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to performintended tasks.1 A robot includes the control system and interface of the co

25、ntrol system.2 The classification of robot into industrial robot or service robot is done according to its intendedapplication.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 8373:2012 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of the International Standardization Organiz

26、ation. All rights reserved.2.39 ROBOTIC SYSTEM A system that includes the robot (hardware and software) consisting of therobot, whether mobile or not;the end-effector(s);, any equipment, devices, or sensors required for therobot to perform its tasks; and any communication interface that is operating

27、 and monitoring the robot,equipment, or sensors, as far as these peripheral devices are supervised by the robot control system.2.40 SAFEGUARD Guard or protective device.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 12100:2010 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf o

28、f the International Standardization Organization. All rights reserved.2.48 SINGULARITY Condition where the motion of a set of robot joints produces no net Cartesianmotion (translational or rotational) of either the robot flange or the Tool Center Point (TCP). Cartesianmotions that pass near this con

29、dition can produce unexpected high joint speeds, which can be hazardous.A singularity can also be defined as an occurrence whenever the rank of the Jacobian Mmatrix becomesless than full rank Mathematically, in a singular configuration, the joint velocity in joint space can becomeinfinite to maintai

30、n Cartesian velocity. In actual operation, motions defined in Cartesian space that passnear singularities can produce high axis joint speeds. These high speeds can be unexpected to anoperator. Figure 2.2 below demonstrates the robot behavior as the wrist passes near the shoulderJULY 21, 2017SUBJECT

31、1740 -3-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULsingularity, as the robot moves the tool linearly from point A (with the elbow at point C) to point B (with theelbow at point E), Joint 1 rotates rapidly from a configuration where the el

32、bow is at point D, finally endingat configuration with the elbow at point E.Adapted by UL from ISO 10218-1:2011 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of theInternational Organization of Standardization. All rights reserved.2.53 SPACE, SAFEGUARDED Space defined

33、 by the perimeter safeguarding.ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 10218-1:2011 with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) onbehalf of the International Standardization Organization. All rights reserved.2.54 STATIONARY EQUIPMENT Hard wired or Ccord- and plug-connected

34、equipment that is intendedto be fastened in place, or located in a dedicated space.2.55 TEACH PENDANT A hand held control unit that can be used to program, control or move the robotand associated equipment.8.2 Portable robotic equipment shall not be provided with means for permanent mounting. If the

35、equipment is mounted in a manner that permits removal without the use of tools, a cord connected meansfor electrical termination may be employed. A means for hanging or storage may be provided.This is generated text for figtxt.JULY 21, 2017SUBJECT 1740 -4-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR F


37、15.1 Portable equipment requiring external electrical power shall be provided with a power-supply cord such as Type S, ST, SJ, SJT, SO, STO, SJO, SJTO or suitable for the application with a groundingconductor and an attachment plug for connection to the supply circuit. The rating of the plug and the

38、ampacity of the cord shall be as specified in 14.1.3. The grounding conductor shall be connected to thegrounding blade of a grounding attachment plug and shall be connected to the frame or enclosure of theequipment. The grounding conductor surface insulation shall be green with or without one or mor

39、e yellowstripes.15.2 All external power connections to the robotic equipment shall be by means of a cord and attachmentplug.16 Stationary Cord Connected Robotic Equipment16.1 In determining the acceptability of a cord and plug connection for stationary robotic equipment, thedecision should include c

40、onsideration of whether:a) The cord connection of the equipment facilitates frequent interchange;b) Reduction of the transmission of noise or vibration is accomplished;c) The fastening means or mechanical connections are intended to permit removal formaintenance and repair; orFigure 11.4Articulated

41、probeJULY 21, 2017SUBJECT 1740 -6-UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULd) All external connections to the equipment are by means of cord and attachment plug.16.2 The cord shall be: Type S, ST, SJ, SJT, SO, STO, SJO, SJTO or suitable

42、 for the applicationincluding a grounding conductor or an equivalent hard-usage cord directly connected to the equipmentand terminated in a grounding attachment plug. The rating of the plug and the ampacity of the cord shallcomply with Stationary robotic equipment may employ hard-wired e

43、lectrical power connections.21.1.1 There shall be provision for grounding the robotic equipment and all dead metal parts that areexposed or that are likely to be touched by a person during a normal operation or adjustment and that arelikely to become energized through electrical malfunction. (See 71

44、.1.)Exception: Robotic equipment supplied solely by an isolated, low voltage limited energy source are notrequired to be grounded.27.1.1 A disconnecting means shall be provided for each incoming supply circuit. This means shall belocated outside the safeguarded space.32 Use with “LASER(s)”, lasers o

45、r X-Radiation32.1 Equipment which employs “LASER”- laser or X-radiation (such as cathode-ray tube monitors orother x-radiation sources) shall be provided with documentation of compliance, as applicable, with theFederal requirements 21 CFR Part 1040 (Lasers) with or without the use of the Center for

46、Devices andRadiological Health (CDRH) laser notice 50; or 21 CFR 1020 (Ionizing Radiation) of the Department ofHealth and Human Services (DHHS). In addition to these Federal requirements, it may be necessary tosubject the end use equipment/system to supplemental evaluations to determine acceptabilit

47、y of risks inaccordance with Functional Safety Analysis, Section Where required by the risk assessment Tthe robot control system shall be provided withuser-connected inputs, outputs, or both, that reliably function to automatically stop the robot when safetygates, guards or the like are ac

48、tivated during robot operation.36.6 36.4 Emergency movement without drive power and brake release36.6.1 36.4.1 The robot shall be designed and constructed so that each axis is capable of being movedwithout using drive power. See Emergency Movement of Robot Without Drive Power Test, Section 65,and Ma

49、nufacturers Documentation, Section 95. Manual release of power actuated brakes, solenoids, andthe like, without drive power for emergency movement of robot axes, may be employed where weightcounter-balancing, mechanical stops (such as blocks, chocks, securement pins, supports), or equivalentmeans exist.36.6.2 36.4.2 A brake release shall be protected against unintentional actuation. The brake releasemeans shall be readily accessible without the use of a key or special tools. Symbols shall identify eachaxis and warnin

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