ARMY MIL-G-46382-1963 GAGES SNAP THREAD ROLL《断裂螺纹轧辊压力计》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-G-46382-1963 GAGES SNAP THREAD ROLL《断裂螺纹轧辊压力计》.pdf_第5页
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1、28 JUNE 1963 MILITARY SPECIFICATION GAGES, SNAP, THREAD ROLL This specification hua been approved Zg the Deprtment of Defenae and .is man- datory for me by the Departments of the Amy, th8 Navy, and the Force. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers basic require- ments for the manufacture, inspe

2、ction, and preparation for delivery of thread roll snap gages and is to be used in conjunction with drawings or documenix that depict the type and style of the desired gages. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitations for bids form a part of thi

3、s specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL NN-P-515 - Plywood, Container Grade UU-P-268 -Paper, Kraft, Un- treated, Wrapping PPP-B-585 - Boxes, Wood, Wire- bound PPP-B-591 - B o x e s , Fiberboard, Wood-Cleated PPP-B-601 - Boxes, Wood, Cleated- Plywood PPP-B-621 - Boxes,

4、Wood, Nailed and Lack-Corner PPP-B-636 - Boxes, Fiberboard PPP-T-76 - Tape, Pressure-Sensi- tive Adhesive Pa- per, Water Resist- ant (For carton Sealing) MILITARY MIL-P-116 - Preservation, M et h- ods of MIL-B-121 - B a r r i e r Material, Greaseproofed, Wa- terproofed, Flexible MILS45176 - Specimen

5、s, Compari- son, Surface Rough- ness (Flat) with Carrying Case MILI-45177 - Instruments, Tracer, Surface Roughness STANDARDS MILITARY MLSTD-10 -Surface Roughness Waviness and Lay IlfIL-STD-120 - Gage Inspection MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment MIG-STD-171- Finishing of Metal (ora) and Wood Surface

6、s and Storage Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_. MIL-G-46382 52 777770b 0367773 T c 5 MIL-G-46382 PUBLICATIONS u. s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS dards for Federal Services“ Handbook H28 “Screw-Thread Stan- (Co

7、pies of documents required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity OP as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Frame - 3.1.1- The frame shall be of such size and shape most suitable-for the intended puipose.

8、Unless otherwise specified the material for the frame shall be a fine giiained cast iron of uniform solidity $and density free from all imperfections affecting serviceability or use- fulness. The frame shall have features that will permit the thread rolls to have move- ment, without shake, of the mi

9、nimum amount specified on applicable documents in a plane perpendicular to the axes of the thread rolls when the thread rolls are as- sembled on the fiwne. These features shall have an adjusting and locking device to pre- vent fui%her movement of the thread rolls once they have been set to the desir

10、ed speci- fied size. The adjusting and locking device shall be designed m that it can be sealed with wax or other sealing materials. The material for these features thread setting bars or other established methods. 3.2.10 Workmumhip. Workmaaship ahall be such that the thread roll snap gages speci- f

11、ied .herein shall -comply with the require- ments in section 3. All parts and the final assembly shall comply with the provisions set furth in section 4. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 The supplier is responsible for the per- formance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except a

12、s otherwise speci- fied, the supplier may utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and services .ac- ceptable to the Government. Inspection records of the examination and tests shall be kept complete and available to the Govern- ment as specified in the contract or order. The Government re

13、serves the right to per- form any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conf om o prescribed requirements. 4.2 Acceptance inspection. Acceptance in- spection by the Government shall consist either of an examinati

14、on of the inspection record of each gage as maintained by the supplier or actual inspection (one hundred percent inspection) of each gage or a com- bination of both methods. Unless otherwise specified, acceptance inspection shall be made at the place of delivery. - 4.2.1 Rejections. Rejections shall

15、 be on an individual basis. 4.3 Hardness test. Hardness tests shall be made on standard type hardness testers and shall be made as near the actual roll wear surface as practicable. 4.4 Surface roughness of gaging surfaces. Surface roughness shall be determined by an instrument conforming to the requ

16、ire- ments of Specification MIL-145177. Areas where measurement of surface roughness is difficult or impracticable determination of the surface roughness height value shall be made by visual comparison with type I speci- mens conforming to Specification MILS- 45176 4.4.1 Gaging surfaces shall be vis

17、ualiy in- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-4b382 52 W 7777706 03b7773 3 MIM46382 spected for seams, cracks, nicks, scratches, rust spots, and other defects which may materially effect the use, durability, or sta- bility of the th

18、read roll snap gage. Dyying. The gages shaU be dried in accordance With my applicable drying pro- cedure specified in Specification MILP-116. 4.5 Dimensional. 4.5.1 age frame. The gage frame com- plete with its component parts shall be in- spected for conformance to the requirements as speci

19、fied herein and on applicable docu- ments. Gage Rolls. The gage rolls shall be inspected by the methods specified in Stan- dmd MIL-STD-120 for angle, annular rib spacing, thread height, etc, Assembled gage. The assembled gage shall be checked at a temperature of 68 degrees F. to insu

20、re that it is functionally correct and can be set to the desired pitch diameter. The parallelism of the pitch and minor diameters shall be inspected by the methods described in Standard MIL-STD- 120 and shall be within the tolerances speci- fied on applicable documents. The locking mechani

21、sm shd be inspected to insure a secure setting. The thread rolls shall be inspected to insure free rotation. 4.6 The preservation, packaging, and pack- of the gages shall be in accordmance with the requirements of section 6. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation and packaging. Prese

22、rva- tion and packaging shall be level A or C as specified (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A Cleaning. The gages hl1 be cleaned in accordance with process C-1 of Specifica- tion MIL-P-116. P.ieservatbn applicatzon. The gages shall be preserved with type P-10 preserva- tive as specified in Spe

23、cification MIGP-116. Unit packuging. Each gage shall be packaged by method 1A-15 as specified in specificmation MIL-P-I16 and herein. The gage shall be wrapped with type II, grade A, class 2, barrier material conforming to Specification MIGB-121 and secured with tape conforming to Specificat

24、ion PPP-T-76. The MIGB-121 barrier material shall be overwrapped with Kraft paper conforming to Specification UU-P-268. 5.1.2 Level C. The gages shall be preserved and packaged in ,accordance with the manu- facturers commercial practice. 5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or C as specified (s

25、ee 6.2). 5.2.1 Level A. The gages (gages of the same size frame) shall be packed in a close- fitting wire bound box, wood cleated fiber- board box, wood cleated-plywood box, nail wood box, or CL fiberboard box conforming to Specification PPP-B-585, class 3, PPP-B- 591 (Overseas type), PPP-B-601, sty

26、le A or B using plywood conforming to Specification NN-P-515, type II or III, class 2, PPP-B- 621, class 2, and PPP-3-636, class 2 or 3, respectively. Closure and strapping require- ments shall be in accordance with the applic- able box specification or appendix thereto. The maximum gross weight of

27、wood or woodcleated boxes shall be 200 pounds. The gross weight of fiberboard boxes shall not exceed the weight limitations of the applic- able box specifications. 5.2.2 Leve2 B. The gages (gages of the same size frame) shall be packed in chse- fitting wire hund wood box, wood+iea$ed fiberboard box,

28、 wood cleated-plywood box, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 i nail wood box or a fiberboard box conform- ing to Specification PPP-Bs85, class 1, PPP-B-591 (Domestic type), PSP-B-601, (Domestic type), PPP-B-621, class 1, and PPP-B-636

29、, class 1, respectively. Closure shall be as specified in the applicable box specification or appendix thereto. The maxi- mum gross weight of wood or wood-cleated boxes shall be 200 pounds. The gross weight of fiberboard boxes shall not exceed the weight limitations of the applicable box specificati

30、on, 5.2.3 Level C* The gages shall be packed to afford protection against damage during direct shipment from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use. 5.3 Marking. Unit packages and shipping containers shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of Standard MIL STD

31、-129. 03b9774 5 N 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. Gages described herein are to be used for acceptance inspection of externally threaded components by Govern- ment facilities when applicable. 6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documenta (a) Title, number, and date of this sge- (b) Number of gages required. (

32、c) Level of preservation, packaging, (a) Type of setting gage (see (e) Availability of inspection records (f) Applicable drawings or document& should specify the following: cification. and packing required. (see 4.1). Custodians: Preparing activity: Army-MU Army-MU Nay y-Wem Air Force-MAA Project No. 5220-6008 5 f U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:?01047-1964-(1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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