1、MILITAiC1 S FECI PICATIOH 1, SCOPE 1.1 Thia apacifiction cover8 one type of firmrm htondad for UBQ primarily 88 9 lightweight, mcoillaaa , minunlly portable ontlpereonnal weapon I 3 A PpfJ CARL! DOCWEhTS I 2.1 for bida, or r-quont for propotwl rom. n wrt of the opacificntion to tha axtant spaciqd he
2、rein. ma folowinp documenta of the oaua in efact on data o invitation Military KIL-C-UlM - Copper Rmi for Cruehar Cylindem or Proaaura Cylindem 33ILC-13931 - Cannona, Ganem1 5pecifimtion for 141L-I4+67 - Inspection Equipaant Acquieition, Kintanc and Dinpoaition of o 4ILSTD-109 - Wllity Asaurance Tem
3、 and lief init iona PtJBLI CATIOYS F.cC 1010 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIGR-12t.05 A (IC-) . Nastar rS6p.P 7305619 - Naster Index of Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions for Fiifle, Fkcoilless 57MM: MUA1 8 P?4033!I? - Packaglng Data Sheet, Rifle, Recoilless, 57NM: M14A1 (Copies
4、of specifications, standardn, drawings, end publicationa required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should ho obtained from the procuring activity or a3 directed by th!: contracting offhr.) 3. E:QuIRmNTs . 3.3. alihmit a fhrB art.icle, article shall be inclhded in the pi
5、lot pack (see. 5.1). First article. . Vken specified in thq contr.xct, t!w contractor shall. Unless otherwise apecificd (see 6.1.1), the firnt 3.2 Material and construction. specification, MIL-C-13931, and the dmwings and specifications listed in Engineering Parts List 7305619 3.3 Mechanical t-equir
6、c?xents, The recoilless rifle shall conform to this 3.3.1 fkce of the chamber when these mcmbrs are screwed together using the torque rcquircnents specified on the barrel assembly drawinpr. The should2r of the tube shall show uniform bearing on the front 3.4 Corrosion-resistant finish, Corrosion-res
7、istant finish skll bs applied to parts and asseRblies as specified on the drawings. 3.5 Paintirig, Paint shdl be applied only where and AS specified. 3.6 Functioninq. 511 parts sqll function without inter$erence, erratic movement Qr mdfunction. 3 .ss otherwise spscificd in the contract. or purchase
8、ord$r, tk.c supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirarnents as spscif ied herein, Except 28 otherwise specified in the contract or crdcr, the suppl-ier may use his lin or 2.w other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection rcciiire- ments spscif icd herein
9、, unless disspprovcd bx the Government. ment reservas the right to :;erform any of the inapcctions set forth in . thc. sped f ication trh+rc! ,-i?.rticle 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services- - MIL-R-12bOSA 10 m 9999306 0234339 3 quantity pmduction. x:ifomnca inapectiona apecifled herein and
10、auch othor lnapactlon na ia rmceaciam to dotsrmino conplhnce witoh tho requiremanta of the contmct. The firat article ahdl ha aubjacted to the qiulity Insmction proviaiona. The riflaa ahall bc lnapcictai for con- fomnca to requlremanta of thla opecification, MIL-C-13931, $CAPS linted in Vast
11、er ECAP 7305619 for riflaa, and SkQAP-APPk;F:DIX-kVT. 4,5,1.2 BCUFR Surfacas: inonthla pro3uctlon, which ever ia 8mer, shall be inspected for uniform bearing of tuba shoulder on the front face of the chamber, when thaoe mambara are acrewed together using the torque requirements specified on tho barr
12、el asaembly drawings. husahn blue or equivalent will be uaad for proof of contict uniformity. After inspection, the proofing medurn will be renovad from components by mans of an spprovcd cleaning jolvcnt. Failure to meet the unifom balng requirement ahPl1 be cauae for rejection. = Corrosion r
13、esistant irsh. Each rifle shnll ba inspected vis- udly for con;pli?nce with. corrosion-rsistant finish rzquirsrnenta on the drawings. Three rlflea from each napactlon lot or one Failure to conply shall be caiisc for reJection, 4,5,1.l+ with paint rcquiremonts on tha drawings. cause for re3ection. Pa
14、 intir.p., Each rifla shall be inspected visually for compljance Fsilure to comply ab11 b3 4,S.l. 5 Workmanship. i!orkmnchip shall bcl maminad in accordance with E.lnPC-13?31. 4,5*1.6 Final wmiwtion, Find examination of each rifle shll he completed after testing and prior to prascrvakLon and pockagi
15、ng to determine compliance h*th this spacification, MIL-C-13931, and the contract k.T.1.7 Inwection of preparation for delivery. 4,5,1,7.1 Examination. The chssificition of defects and the AQLs assoc- iated with individual defects for examination of the preparation for dalivsry are a8 follows: Licen
16、sed by Information Handling Services- flIL-R-12605A LO I 9999906 029LILLiO T Defect .r nssurance elements of the procurir,g activity. - 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesHIL-R-12605A 10 9779706 0294141 L .4,5.?.3.1 hsection nt tho proviw iniinq. Except, 38 specified h-?ein, the rifle8 shall
17、 be inspected in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-G-13931 4, Ierma usad In the proof firiW. a, !A “standard might projectile“ weighs 2.75 potinda plu8 or minus 0.05 pouks. b. A “Standard pressure round“ shall use a “Standard The round shnll be loaded to produce a muzzle mi
18、ght velocity of 1xo feet per second, and an average, reaw.rd, recoil rno- mentum for “Standard“ rounds (Table I) not to exceed 3.0 pound-aecond with a chamber pressureless than the weapon upper pressure limit at 70F (UPL) of 65cO psi. C. A %pccific pressure round“ shdl use a %tandard wcigtit project
19、ile“ and the round shall be loaded to.devalop il3 + 4 percent of the uppzr pressure limit at 70F (UR) of.6500 psi or 7350 -+ 260 psi. I 4.5.2L3.1.2 with Table I, sll rounds being fired at zero elevation plus or minus 5“, andin the order shown. Proof firinp,. Each rifle shall be pqoof fired in accord
20、ance TAELF: I Round Number 1 2 to r, Number of bunds Type of Round - Specific (113 5 4 percent Um) .Standard (100 percent U%) 1 3% +:I.dditiofi=d standard rounds may be fired when in the ju.iment of ehe test director the result of the preceding round is questionable or inconclusive. Not more than 6
21、additional rounds shall be fired before bore diameter measurements, midity at the time of proof firing 8hall be recorded. hathor conditions, barometric pressure, and relativa hu- 4.5.2,3.1.3 Muzzle Velocity. cveq 24 rifles and when a ctcmge occurs in tho lot of proof ammunition. Velocity checks shal
22、l be made on 1 in Bore enbrRement. II = weight of suspended amembly (lb) d = horizontal defhction of suspended assemb3.1+6 Recoil Momentum. The recoil mmcntum shall be determined for lach rifle, actualkv proof fired; in accorchnce with Para, L. ,!+. Inspection after pr
23、oof fizinq. The rifles shqll be inspected in accorance with applicable requirements of MIL-C-13931. fom.nca testing al1 parts shall be magnetic-particle tested in accordancc with applicable drawings and apacifications. A11 components and sub- assemblies shall be viawlly examined. Cncks and fractures
24、 shall be causo for r5jection of affected Part(s) .in compliance with 3.7.2.; 4.5.3 Inmcction equipment. Data list3 containing equipment used in the inspection of parts, mbassenblics, and assemblies are listed in DL 7305619 for rifles. After per- Ac uioition w&enancc?, and disposition. . Unl
25、ess otherdsr: specifiedesponsibilit for acquisition, miintenance, and disoosition of accsptance inspection and test equipncnt prescribed in the List of Inspection Equipment DL 7305619 for rifles, and for a11 other inspction *cquiprncnt required to perform inspection prescribed by appli&ble specifica
26、tions, shall be in accordance with KILI-45607. ticcuriw of 3tandard hIcasuPinir esuiPmcnt ._ kihen commercial and modified commercial inspection and test equipment is usad, it shll be capable of repetitive measurements to nn acctirRcy of 10 percent of the total tolerance of the characteristi
27、c being inspectd. 4 5. PREPARATICN FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Pilot pack. sccordance with 3.1. level of packaging specified in the contmct and pzcked level C in actor- dancc h-it,h the reaiiirements of P3ckP.ging Data Sheet PLC33R7. On each contmct, a pilot pp.ck shall bo formr-icd in ?!.lot packs for the rif
28、le skall be packaged to the -7 Licensed by Information Handling Services-MIL-R-L2605A 10 m 7797706 0274343 5 m 5.2 Preearvation, oackaaing. and triarking. %e rifle shall Ee unit packaged, packed, and rkrked in accordance with the requirements of Packaging %ta Shtet P843387 5,3 Remir partsr mrkedin a
29、ccorance with tha requircmcnta of the sppliable packaging dsta sheet (sec 6.1.1). Repaj? ?arts shall be unit packaged, packed, and 6.1 Ordsrina dstl. Procurement documents should apecify the following: a O 1, hocurement requirements a. Title, nmhqr, and datg of this spacification b. Requirements for
30、 siihmission of and shipping instructions for first article (sec 3.1 and 4.1) and pilot pnck (se% 3.1 and 5.1). . (1) Tho contract should designate the ex1mina.tions and tests to hs performed hy the contractor and the examinations and tests to be ptr- formed b? the Csvernmsnt. (2) The contmct should
31、 specifrr the sample sim (i.e., the number of units) of the first article sample. (3) Tho contract should designate tht inspection and test &ta that is required to be furnished tho Government when the contrqctor is required to perform afther or both examinations and tests. (4) The contract. should d
32、esignate at whose expens2 a retest mp bo pcrfomd. (5) The contract should specify that the acceptable first article sample shdl be delivered in accorctincc with the t2ms of the contract, or scope of this specification stdl be specified and identified as a scparite item of tkc cont,rict. (E) An7 Tddi
33、tion21 or extended exwidrutions and tests bqrond the c, Ferhl numbers for the rifles. d. List of incozction r3quipm?nt, rcsponsiSilitp for acuistion. rxintenanct, and dispsitinn thereof, if other th.n 2s specified (Sr.? &!&.s._?) R A Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-12bOSA 10 93999Ob 0
34、294lVV 7 M XLL126CS AMC) e. equiprwnt , F&nt of suppliers rasponabLllty for Coverm,entfurnlshe4 f, $election of applicable levela of preaervation, wckagnp, and picking (see 5.2) g. Packnging inatmctiona for repair parta (am 5.3) h, Applicnble acceptance teat pmcedurea and frequency of testing (eee 4
35、.5.1 and 4.5.2). i. The contract shall specify under uhxt conditions simulstad Piriv my b9 performed, the test equipr,ent available, and the pmcedurea to bri followd 6. cxqniwtion and perfomncc testing sbll bs specifiad for delivery on DD Fora U3.3 in the contract. Contract data requirements, Nonthl
36、y reporta of tho raaults of final 6.2 or ML-1-45204, 83 appropriatz, on the bhnagemmt Control Syatsns Smv List, DD Form 16&. 6-3 of KILT-45607 an.! NIL-C-45662 on tho !anagament Control Systems Sunmia List, DD Form 14&. k%tn warranted, tkc contract should speciy the apylimtion of )IIGQ-9!?58 fhesa othenIise, specified, tht contract should specify the application Custodian : hrmy-dC Preparing nctivitv : ,:rqv-wc fioject No. 1010-AG96 .9 Licensed by Information Handling Services