ASD-STAN PREN 2103-3-1988 Aerospace Series Steel Nickel Base and Cobalt Base Alloy Remelting Stock and Castings - Technical Specification - Part 3 - Pre-Production and Production C.pdf

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ASD-STAN PREN 2103-3-1988 Aerospace Series Steel Nickel Base and Cobalt Base Alloy Remelting Stock and Castings - Technical Specification - Part 3 - Pre-Production and Production C.pdf_第1页
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1、A.E.C. M.A. STANDARD NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM , prEN 2103 Part 3 Edition 1 March 7 988 EDITE PAR LASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE DES CONSTRUCTEURS DE MATERIEL AEROSPATIAL 88, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 PARIS -TEL. 45-63-82-85 UDC : Key words : ENGLISH VERSION Aerospace series Steel, nickel base an

2、d cobalt base alloy remelting stock and castings - Technical specification - Part 3 - Pre-production and production castings AECMA PREN2I03-03 ples zre to be taken, 6.6.1. When the test samples cre to be cast integrally with/or gated to castirigc the purchaser shall define on the casting drawing or

3、inspection schedule their iocation and the properties to be achieved if not specified jE,or if different to the material standard. Unless otherwise specified or: the order, drzwing, or inspection schedule the minimum test smiple requirements per Dtch are as indicated for level 2 of table 4 o

4、r 5 plus the adequate number for re-tests. Heat treatnient of test saniples - Test samples representing castings t be supplied in the finiilly heat treated condition shsll be heat treated with the batch cf castings the:/ represent. - Test samples representing castings to be supplied in other

5、 than the finally heat treated conditlcn shall be treated witti the batch they represent. Some of these test sanples are supplied at the request of the purchaser. The test samples required for testing in the final heat treatment cor;dition shall then be f3rnelly heat treated iri xccrdance with the r

6、equirements of the material standard. 6.6.2 Tensile test At room temperature Use proport*iorial round test pieces of the form and one of the sizes indicateci in ER 2002-1 and carry out tensile testing in accordance with EN 2002-1. In the absence of any indication n the drawing or inspect;on

7、schedule, the test freqiiency shall be crs indicated for level 2 of table 4 or 5. The results she1 1 comply with the requirements of the rriaterir;l standard, drawing or inspection schedule. c 060UXSP0188TG * O * c3 AECMA PREN2103-03 BB 3012311 0002373 8 H prEN 21 03-3 Page 13 1) At elevated

8、 temperature Elevated temperature testing shall be carried out when specified by the material standard, on the drawing or in the inspection schedule. Use proportional round test pieces of the form and one of the sizes indicated EN 2002-2. Tensile testingi shall be carried out in accordance with EN 2

9、002-2. n In the absence of any indication on the drawibg or inspection schedule the test frequency shall be as indicated for level 2 of table 5. The results shall comply with the requirements of the material standard, drawing or i n s pec t i on s c hedu 1 e . 1) 6.6.3 Creep/creep rupture testing sh

10、all be carried out when specified by the material standard, on the drawing or in the inspection schedule. Creep/creep rupture tes ti ng Use in EN 21102-5. proportional round test pieces of the form and one of Whet; required by the material standard notched or a comb test pieces conforriiing to EH 20

11、02-5 shall be used. the sizes indicated natior notch/smooth Carry out testing in accordance with EN 2002-5. In the absence of any indication on the drawing or inspection schedule the test frequency shall be as indicated for level 2 of table 5. The results shall comply with the requirements of the ma

12、terial stanctard, drawing or inspection schedule. Beam impact test 2) 6.6.4 Beam impact test shall be carried out in accordance with EN 2003-5 arid the frequency shll be as indicated for level 2 of table 4, The results shall comply with the requirements of the material standard, drawing or inspectio

13、n schedule. 1) Norrr;ally only applied to heat resisting materials 2) Normally only applied to steel 0608XSP0188T6 1- AECMA PRENZ303-03 88 m 3032333 0002374 T m prEN 21 03-3 Page 14 6.7 Intercrystalline corrosion testing 1) 6.7.1 Number, type and preparation of test samples See clause 6.6.1. G.7.2 I

14、ntercrystal 1 irle corrosion testing chal 1 be carried out in accordance with EN 2003-11 and the frequency shall be as indicated for level 2 of table 4. The results shall comply with the requirements of the material standard, drawing or inspection schedul e. 6.8 Special tests Special tests and inspe

15、ction Kay be required by the purchaser (Por example : decarburization, surface contamination, grin size, . . .). In such cases, after agreement between manufacturer and purchaser, nature, nethods and timber of tests aiid acceptance standards shall be specified on the order or in the inspect-ion sche

16、dule. 6.9 Re-test The following re-test requirements shall apply in addition to those specified in EN 2103-1: 6.9.1 Hardness tests Rejection of B batch shall normally not be based solely on hardness testing. If some products fail to meet the hardness requirements the manufacturer may : - either re-h

17、eat treat these products ad re-test as a new batch except Cor chemical composition and radiographic inspection; - or submit these products to any alternctive testing agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 1) Normally applied to austenitic stainless steel AECMA PREN2203-03 88 3022322 0002

18、375 2 prEN 2103-3 Page 15 6.9.2 Intercrystalline corrosion tests If the test procedure or the test piece preparation is faulty, testing shall he re-applied at the original frequency. When failure cannot be attributed to a faulty test procedure or to test piece preparation, the batch shall either: a)

19、 be rejected b) re-heat treated and tested as a new batch except for chemical composition and radiographic examination, 7 Repair welding Repair welding of defects shall be carried out in accordance with instructions and only with the prior approval of the purchaser. Unless otherwise agreed between p

20、urchaser and manufacturer, repair welding shall be followed by the specified heat treatment, penetrant flaw detection, radiography and mechanical testing. The methods to be applied shall be detailed in the manufacturing schedule. 8 larking 8.1 Each casting shall be marked with : - Part number - Batc

21、h number - Material standard number - Inspectors stamp - Such other marking as shall ensure full identification of the casting, If shape or dimension does not permit all of the above markings, the amount of marking may be reduced provided traceability to the required information is maintained. Alter

22、natively the castings shall be packed in bags or bundles each of which shall carry a durable label bearing the required information. 8.2 The location and method of marking shall be indicated on the drawing and shall not be detrimental to the casting. 8.3 The frequency of examination adopted by the m

23、anufacturer shall be sufficient to permit him to certify compliance with the requirements. 0608XSP0287T6 AECMA PREN2103-03 88 = 30123l13 0002376 3 = prEN 21 03-3 Page 16 - L L = o m c c c a E U c m al M (0 r 3 o. r W L 2 c $ al U W rn m al R O m W n L c .- L CI .- b ;i: 5 c m n L W c W U al P .- e -

24、 E *-ci- - - .- al al? O o m9,E 7 -&)I-% t. * O ou- W N 2 M W al VI 7 2 M al al M 5 c m R W o L ? hl a, a, O U a, m o U C v) m a, .o m lz v) S a, 3 W - - L Y- Y .- .- - s 2 cc Y v) a, + I F tl a, 3 U a, c 0 v) S O o a, Q v) S O o) C - .- Y .- L -3 2 r, U a, C O C O m o U C C o O a, 0 C a, v) .Q m a,

25、 c .- e .- .- Lc 5 - p- N Y Co e M Y O O hl z O O hl Y, I Y m .o O N 7 e c.3 O O N Y c c M W U m e - E U U .- L c I - I J =I U t L .- = 2 .- F +. m al c O M O O U W C m M - .- L .- - - F 2 al c c - L I - E E m N A m - II m I t e + =? Co T W AECNA-PREN2303-Op3 88 m LOL23LL O002377 5 W prEN 2103-3 Pag

26、e 17 - i = U m = c I - E U c m m In m L -E I E % = 0 r m m U m n m m O m m n c .- L c .- f s *. O O c - c c!5 M al al cn 2 5 s m O O L c O O - ,. cn E O In c .- E U m m u U c * m o m P v) I .- .- - .- I c u (0 I n Li m c m U W o .- c s O O 7 t s O O - CD .c A w O O N - N x O O N E A O O -N ww w I- - - N 2 - =- I .- E O ?= r a c c E - m L I I m m I - c 2 c U m m E E n o o Lc cn u m al U m m e I - - E I - - m m x Lu E I C - !

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