1、AECMA PREN2560 88 10123LL 0003477 b i A. E.C. M .A. STAN DARD NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM prEN 2560 issue P 1 October 1988 DIT PAR LASSOCIATION EUROPENNE DES CONSTRUCTEURS DE MATRIEL AROSPATIAL 88, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 PARIS - TEL. 45-63-82-85 UDC : Key words ENGLISH VERSION Aerospace s
2、eries Carbon fibre preimpregnates Test method for the determination of the resin flow Srie arospatiale Primprgns de fibres de carbone Mthode dessai pour la dtermination de lcoulement de rsine Luft- und Raumfahrt Kohlenstoffaser- Prepreg Prf methode zur Bestimmung des Harzflusses This Aerospace Serie
3、s pre-standard has been drawn up under the responsibility of AECMA (Association Europenne des Constructeurs de Matriel Arosparial). It is published on green paper for the needs of AECMA-Members. It has been technically approved by the experts of the concerned AECMA Commission following comment by th
4、e Member countries. Subsequent to the publication of this pre-standard, the technical content shall not be changed to an extent that interchangeability is affected, physically or functionally, without re-identification of the standard. After examination and signature of the AECMA Standard Checking C
5、entre (NPS) and formal agreement of the Official Services of the Member countries it will be submitted as a draft European Standard to CEN (European Committee for Standardization) for final vote. Nota - Extra copies can be supplied by B.N.A.E. - 8, rue Moreau-Vauthier - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT Ed
6、ition approved for publication 17th October 1988 Comments should be sent within six months after the date of publication decision A.E.C.M.A. 88, Bd. Malesherbes 75008 PARIS - FRANCE C7 Chairman Mr. BEZAUD Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scope and field of application References Definitions Principle o
7、f the method Apparatus Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing Sampling and test specimens Procedure Calculation and expression of results Test report 0620XSP1287T5 AECMA PREN2560 88 M LOL23LL 0003q T M prEN 2560 Page 3 0 i Scope and fie1.d of application 1.1 fibre preimpre.gnate, for aeros
8、pace use. ThLa standard specifies a me%hod for deteixining the resin flow 02 a ciirbon 1.2 This standard does not give ar_y directions necessary to meet the heath and safety requirements. It is the responcibllity o4 the user o; this standzrd to adopt nppropriate health an.l tiheek o Eape. Cut: the i
9、iecescary numbor cii plies of the preimprepAte unde: test, using zie ppropriate tempiate. Remova the separatirtg film(s) mc! carefully buperirqmL:e the preinpregnate ?.Fes, oriented alwrnatel;? at 0“/90“, tu corm a iidforn: pack arL mm and trldth of (70 - + U,7; mm :ron: the centre of the ciired lam
10、inate and weigh this to the xearest rng (m,. Subject tu agreemiit betweeri the purchsen and the wpplier, th o?tion of a circle with a dimeter of (50 i- - 1) nim iriaj: be substituted Lor the squre, L 9 Calculaticn and expressioil o results 9 1 Uncorrected resin 2lcw (not corrected for uolatiles) Yhe
11、 uncorrected resin flow OZ the test specimen, expressed 8s it percentage of the origiIia1 mass, 5s calculaced from the fouEula : where : ia the resin flow expressed LE: e percenage cf the c;ri&i-nal mass is the original mass cf the test spcimen in g 1 5 nio ir is the mass of the cut oiic cured squar
12、e or circle iii g 2 is the zrea of the original test specimen iii mif“ is the erea of the cut out cured square or circle iii am2. S, CalculaLe the arirhietic mean of the values obtained for F . L. I 0620XSF0788T5 AECMA PREN25bO 88 W LOL23LL 0003503 8 W prEN 2560 Page 7 9.7 Corrected resin fl-ow (cor
13、rected for voletiles) The corrected resin flow of the test specimen, expressed as a percentage of the origicl mass, is calculated from the formula : where : c ) . 100 1 m7 . s F2 = (1 - ml S? is the resin flow expressed as a percentage of the original mass F? (I. - V/lOO) 1 = “0 mo V is the volat-i1
14、.e content in %, determined by the method given i.n EN 3558 is the original mass of the test specimen in g m2 is the mass of: the cut out cured square or circle in g is the area of the original test specimen in m2 is the erea of the cut out cured square or clrcle in mm2. s1 S, Calculate the arithmet
15、ic mean of the values obtained for F,. c 10 Test report The test report shall include the following information : 10.1 Reference to the type of preimpregnate, with complete description, including prepreg bat cli numb er 10.2 Reference to this test inethod 10.3 Description of the sampling method 10.4
16、Number of test specimens used, if different from this standard 10.5 Dimensions of the test specimens, number of plies used and original mass 10.6 Standard atmosphere used for conditioning and testing and actual time used for conditioning 10.7 Moulding temperature, pressure and time and type cf metal
17、 used 10.8 The arithmetic mean val.iie of the resin flow, expressed as a percentage of the original mass 10.9 The individual values 10.10 Observations cn any circumstances liable to influeme the results. 0670XSP1387T5 -1) AECMA PREN2560 88 = LO12311 0003504 T W prEN 2560 PEige 8 Dimensions in millim
18、etres Warp yariis direction +. I UiOth I - Figure 1 A - Example of diagonal positioning of test specimens on woven textile carbon fabric sample across the width Dimensions in millimetres C irl 42 u a, L U ,i Figure 1 B - Exanple of diagonal positioning of test specimens on woven textile carbon fabri
19、c sample along an axis inclined at an angle as close as possible to the weft direction 0620XSP1287T5 AECMA PREN25bO 8 W 1012311 0003505 1 W - prEN 2560 Page 9 Dimensions in millimetres Unidirectional filire direction - Figure 2 - Example of diagonal positioning of test specimens on unidirectional sheet or continuous tape sample I 0620XSP1287T5