ASME A17 3 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to A17 3 Safety Code For Existing Elevators and Escalators (Includes Interpretations Through No 8)《现有升降梯和自动扶梯》.pdf

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ASME A17 3 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to A17 3 Safety Code For Existing Elevators and Escalators (Includes Interpretations Through No 8)《现有升降梯和自动扶梯》.pdf_第1页
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ASME A17 3 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to A17 3 Safety Code For Existing Elevators and Escalators (Includes Interpretations Through No 8)《现有升降梯和自动扶梯》.pdf_第2页
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ASME A17 3 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to A17 3 Safety Code For Existing Elevators and Escalators (Includes Interpretations Through No 8)《现有升降梯和自动扶梯》.pdf_第3页
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ASME A17 3 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to A17 3 Safety Code For Existing Elevators and Escalators (Includes Interpretations Through No 8)《现有升降梯和自动扶梯》.pdf_第5页
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1、A17.3 Existing Elevators andEscalatorsINTERPRETATIONSNO. 8February 2008January 2011THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSTHREE PARK AVENUE O NEW YORK, NY 10016No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permiss

2、ion of the publisher.Copyright 2011 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.ASME A17.3INTERPRETATIONS NO. 8February 2008 Through January 2011INTRODUCTIONAs a service to persons who use the A17.3 Code forenforcement or as a guide, the A17 Committee rendersint

3、erpretations of the requirements upon request. ThePreface to the Code explains the procedure forrequesting interpretations.This booklet includes the interpretations that wereissued by the A17 Committee from February 2008through January 2011. Subsequent interpretations willbe included with each new e

4、dition of the Code.APPLICABILITY OF INTERPRETATIONSEach interpretation applies to the edition and supple-mentslistedforthatinquiry.ManyoftheRulesonwhichthe interpretations have been made have been revisedin later editions or supplements. Where such revisionshave been made, the interpretations may no

5、 longer beapplicable to the revised requirement.ASMEproceduresprovideforreconsiderationoftheseinterpretations when or if additional information isavailable which might affect any interpretation. Further,persons aggrieved by any interpretation may appeal tothecognizantASMEcommitteeorsubcommittee.ASME

6、iiidoes not “approve,” “certify,“ ”rate,“ or “endorse” anyitem, construction, proprietary device, or activity.FORM AND ARRANGEMENTInquiry Number. The interpretations are listed in theorderoftheassignedserialnumbers.Thefirsttwodigitsrepresent the year in which the interpretations werereceived.Subject

7、. The primary Rule and subject of the interpre-tation is listed for each inquiry.Edition. For each interpretation, the edition andaddenda, if any, on which the interpretation was ren-dered are listed.Question. The questions are taken verbatim from theoriginal inquiries except for editorial correctio

8、ns neces-sary to improve clarity.Answer. The answers are those approved by the A17Committee, except for editorial corrections necessary toimprove clarity.Figures. Where the original inquiry included a planor drawing that was essential for the understanding ofthe interpretation, a figure has been inc

9、luded.Approval Dates. The date of approval by the A17Committee is listed for each interpretation.INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKivASME A17.3 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 8Inquiry: 09-17Subject: Paragraph 3.4.5Edition: A17.3-2002Background: This paragraph establishes the requirements for car illumination. The paragr

10、aphdoes not contain a positive statement that spells out the requirement for car top lighting.Question:Doessubpara.3.4.5(e)requiretop-of-carlightingtobeprovidedonexistingelevators?Answer: No, see Inquiry 05-09.A17 Standards Committee Approval: September 16, 2009Inquiry: 09-43Subject: Section 1.5, Al

11、terations, Maintenance, and Inspections and TestsEdition: ASME A17.3-2002Background: Subparagraph 1.5(a) specified in ASME A17.1-2000. Subparagraph 1.5(b)specified ASME A17.1-2000.The subsequentedition ASME A17.3-2005specified require-ments 8.10 and 8.11 in subpara. 1.5(a), and 8

12、.6 and 8.7 in subpara. 1.5(b). Also, Section 1.5 inprevious editions of A17.3 required compliance with Parts X and XII of A17.1. There is not an8.10.8.11 in A17.1-2000, and has to do only with maintenance of roller tracks and chains.Question: Was it the intent of A17.3-2002 to require compli

13、ance with 8.6, 8.7, 8.10, and 8.11 inA17.1-2000?Answer: Yes, this was editorially corrected in A17.3-2005.A17 Standards Committee Approval: September 16, 2009Inquiry: 10-1494Subject: Subparagraphs through (e), Existing Pipes Conveying Gases, Vapors, or LiquidsEdition: A17.3-2008Question (

14、1): Are previously installed low-pressure steam riser and return piping, not servingthe elevator, in an existing single-car elevator shaft considered hazardous?Answer (1): Yes.Question (2): If so, do these pipes need to be securely fastened and covered in such a manneras to separate them from the ho

15、istway?Answer (2): If they cannot be removed or rerouted, yes.Question (3): If covering the existing pipes is required, does the use of a polyurea protectivecoating on the existing piping qualify as “covered in such a manner as to separate them fromthe hoistway”?Answer (3): The Code does not specify

16、 the method, but it needs to be separated from thehoistway.A17 Standards Committee Approval: January 26, 20111INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK2A17.3 Existing Elevators andEscalatorsINTERPRETATIONSNO. 7January 2005January 2008THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSTHREE PARK AVENUE O NEW YORK, NY 10016N

17、o part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.Copyright 2009 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.ASME A17.3INTERPRETATIONS NO. 7January 2005 thro

18、ugh January 2008INTRODUCTIONAs a service to persons who use the A17.3 Code forenforcement or as a guide, the A17 Committee rendersinterpretations of the requirements upon request. ThePreface to the Code explains the procedure forrequesting interpretations.This booklet includes the interpretations th

19、at wereissuedbytheA17CommitteefromJanuary2005throughJanuary 2008. Subsequent interpretations will beincluded with each addenda and new edition of theCode.APPLICABILITY OF INTERPRETATIONSEach interpretation applies to the edition and supple-mentslistedforthatinquiry.ManyoftheRulesonwhichthe interpret

20、ations have been made have been revisedin later editions or supplements. Where such revisionshave been made, the interpretations may no longer beapplicable to the revised requirement.ASMEproceduresprovideforreconsiderationoftheseinterpretations when or if additional information isavailable which mig

21、ht affect any interpretation. Further,persons aggrieved by any interpretation may appeal tothecognizantASMEcommitteeorsubcommittee.ASMEiiidoes not “approve,” “certify,“ ”rate,“ or “endorse” anyitem, construction, proprietary device, or activity.FORM AND ARRANGEMENTInquiry Number. The interpretations

22、 are listed in theorderoftheassignedserialnumbers.Thefirsttwodigitsrepresent the year in which the interpretations werereceived.Subject. The primary Rule and subject of the interpre-tation is listed for each inquiry.Edition. For each interpretation, the edition andaddenda, if any, on which the inter

23、pretation was ren-dered are listed.Question. The questions are taken verbatim from theoriginal inquiries except for editorial corrections neces-sary to improve clarity.Answer. The answers are those approved by the A17Committee, except for editorial corrections necessary toimprove clarity.Figures. Wh

24、ere the original inquiry included a planor drawing that was essential for the understanding ofthe interpretation, a figure has been included.Approval Dates. The date of approval by the A17Committee is listed for each interpretation.INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKivA17.3 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 7Inquiry: 05-09S

25、ubject: Para. 3.4.5Edition: ASME A17.3-2002Question: Does A17.3 require top-of-car lighting?Answer: No.A17 Standards Committee Approval: May 18, 2005Inquiry: 05-10Subject: Para. 3.10.4(u)Edition: ASME A17.3-2002Question: Are the emergency stop switches required by 3.10.4(u) required to conform to3.1

26、0.4(e)?Answer: No.A17 Standards Committee Approval: May 18, 2005Inquiry: 05-47Subject: Para. 2.2.2, Access to Machine Rooms and Machinery SpacesEdition: ASME A17.3-2002Background:Thefollowingquestionsarebasedonhavingabasementofmid-hoistwaymounteddriving machine with an overhead machinery space with

27、beams, sheaves, and a governor at thetop of the hoistway with no floor underneath the equipment.Question (1): Does para. 2.2.2 permit the only means of access to a governor to be through thehoistway?Answer (1): Yes. However, other means of access are permitted.Question (2): Does 2.2.2 permit the onl

28、y means of access to an overhead machinery spacecontaining sheaves and governor to be through the hoistway?Answer (2): Yes. However, other means of access are permitted.Question (3): Does 2.2.2 permit the only means of access to an overhead machinery spacecontaining sheaves and governor to be throug

29、h the hoistway via the car top?Answer (3): Yes. However, other means of access are permitted.Question (4): Does 2.2.2 permit the only means of access to an overhead machinery spacecontaining sheaves and a governor to be through the hoistway via a permanently installed ladderrunning through the full

30、length of the hoistway?Answer (4): Yes. However, other means of access are permitted.Question (5): Would the answers to Questions (1) through (4) be any different if the beams,sheaves, and governor had a floor underneath them?Answer (5): No.A17 Standards Committee Approval: May 10, 20061A17.3 INTERP

31、RETATIONS NO. 7Inquiry: 06-38Subject: 2.2.5(c), Pipes Conveying Gases, Vapors, or Liquids; 3.11.3, Firefighters Service; 4.7.8,Emergency Operation and Signaling DevicesEdition: ASME A17.3-1996Question (1): Per 4.7.8, an existing hydraulic elevator that has a travel distance of less than25 ft is not

32、required to perform recall functions. If sprinklers are proposed to be installed withinthe elevator machine room and pit, is automatic power shunt-trip required prior to sprinkleractivation (via heat detectors)? If “yes,” can power be removed if the existing elevator controlleris incapable of recall

33、ing the elevator?Answer (1): This is not addressed in A17.3-1996.Question (2): Automatic sprinklers are proposed to be installed within the elevator machineroom of a 45 yr old elevator. The existing traction elevator is incapable of performing recallfunctions (recall was not required at the time of

34、the original installation). Is automatic powershunt-trip required prior to sprinkler activation (via heat detectors)? If “yes,” can power beremoved if the existing elevator controller is incapable of recalling the elevator?Answer (2): See answer to Question (1).A17 Standards Committee Approval: Sept

35、ember 20, 2006Inquiry: 07-15Subject: Section 2.3Edition: ASME A17.3-2002Question: Does Section 2.3 require pit ladders to be installed?Answer: Means of access is required; however, that means of access does not need to be apermanently installed pit ladder.A17 Standards Committee Approval: May 23, 20

36、072ASME Al7.3 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 6 January 2003 through January 2005 INTRODUCTION As a service to persons who use the A17.3 Code for enforcement or as a guide, the A17 Committee renders interpretations of the requirements upon request. The Preface to the Code explains the procedure for requesting i

37、nterpretations. This booklet includes the interpretations that were issued by the A17 Committee from January 2003 through January 2005. Subsequent interpretations will be included with each addenda and new edition of the Code. APPLICABILITY OF INTERPRETATIONS Each interpretation applies to the editi

38、on and supple- ments listed for that inquiry. Many of the Rules on which the interpretations have been made have been revised in later editions or supplements. Where such revisions have been made, the interpretations may no longer be applicable to the revised requirement. ASME procedures provide for

39、 reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which might affect any interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by any interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,“ “certify,“ “rate,“ or “endorse“ any it

40、em, construction, proprietary device, or activity. FORM AND ARRANGEMENT Inquiry Number. The interpretations are listed in the order of the assigned serial numbers. The first two digits represent the year in which the interpretations were received. Subject. The primary Rule and subject of the interpr

41、e- tation is listed for each inquiry. Edition. For each interpretation, the edition and addenda, if any, on which the interpretation was ren- dered are listed. Question. The questions are taken verbatim from the original inquiries except for editorial corrections neces- sary to improve clarity. Answ

42、er. The answers are those approved by the A17 Committee, except for editorial corrections necessary to improve clarity. Figures. Where the original inquiry included a plan or drawing that was essential for the understanding of the interpretation, a figure has been included. Approval Dates. The date

43、of approval by the A17 Com- mittee is listed for each interpretation. . 111 iv 02-38, 04-14 A17.3 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 6 Inquiry: 02-38 Subject: Restricted Opening of Hoistway Doors and/or Car Doors on Passenger Elevators Edition: Paragraph 2.7.4 of A17.3-1996 Question: Would door restrictors be requ

44、ired on an existing two-stop hydraulic passenger elevator equipped with front and rear, manually operated, horizontal sliding scissor gates, both of which can be opened at any point in the hoistway? Answer: Yes. A17 Committee Approval: January 8,2003 Inquiry: 04-14 Subject: Part 8 General Requiremen

45、ts, Scope Edition: ASME A17.1-2000 including Question (1): Does this part require retroactive system upgrades for elevators installed or modernized before the date of the standard publication if no work other than regular maintenance procedures are performed? Example: safety bulk

46、head requirements for below-ground cylinders with no evidence of unexplained oil loss or other voluntary upgrading installed prior to 1971 would require unjustified renewal of cylinders or system alterations using a car safety device. Answer (1): Yes. See requirement Question (2): If the

47、response is “yes,“ what is the purpose of A17.3-2002 para. 4.3.3(a)? Answer (2): A17.3 is a stand-alone code. See General in the Preface of A17.3. A17 Standards Committee Approval: January 27,2005 1 Al 2305 Al 7.3 Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators I N TE R P R ETATI O N S No. 5 June

48、1996 - December 2001 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS THREE PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10016 No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright O 2002 by THE AMERICAN SOCIE

49、TY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. No. 5 June 1996 through December 2001 INTRODUCTION As a service to persons who use the A17.3 Code for enforcement or as a guide, the A17 Committee renders interpretations of the requirements upon request. The Preface to the Code explains the procedure for requesting interpretations. This booklet includes the interpretations that were issued by the A17 Committee from June 1996 through December 2001. Subsequent interpretations will be included with each addenda and new edition of the Code. APPLICABILITY OF INTERPRETATIONS Ea


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