ASTM A940 A940M-2006(2011) Standard Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings Alloy Differentially Heat Treated for Turbine Rotors《涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件 合金钢锻件的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM A940 A940M-2006(2011) Standard Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings Alloy Differentially Heat Treated for Turbine Rotors《涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件 合金钢锻件的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A940 A940M-2006(2011) Standard Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings Alloy Differentially Heat Treated for Turbine Rotors《涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件 合金钢锻件的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A940 A940M-2006(2011) Standard Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings Alloy Differentially Heat Treated for Turbine Rotors《涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件 合金钢锻件的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A940 A940M-2006(2011) Standard Specification for Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings Alloy Differentially Heat Treated for Turbine Rotors《涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件 合金钢锻件的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: A940/A940M 06 (Reapproved 2011)Standard Specification forVacuum Treated Steel Forgings, Alloy, Differentially HeatTreated, for Turbine Rotors1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A940/A940M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original ad

2、option or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers vacuum treated, alloy steelforgings, differe

3、ntially heat treated for turbine rotors.1.2 Differential heat treatment of a rotor forging involvessubjecting two portions of the forging concurrently to twodifferent austenitizing temperatures followed by two differentcooling rates for normalizing and quenching, and then temper-ing, to achieve cree

4、p resistance in the high pressure (HP)portion and high toughness in the low pressure (LP) portion.21.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used

5、independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3A275/A275M Practice for Magnetic Particle Examinationof Steel ForgingsA370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testingof Steel ProductsA4

6、18/A418M Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Tur-bine and Generator Steel Rotor ForgingsA470/A470M Specification for Vacuum-Treated Carbonand Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and ShaftsA472/A472M Specification for Heat Stability of SteamTurbine Shafts and Rotor ForgingsA788/A788M Specifica

7、tion for Steel Forgings, General Re-quirementsE139 Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture,and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials3. Ordering Information3.1 In addition to the ordering information required bySpecification A788/A788M, the purchaser shall include withthe inquiry and or

8、der a detailed drawing, sketch, or writtendescription of the forging, including the mechanical testlocations, the portion of the forging to be included in theheating chamber during the stability test, and the minimumstability test temperature.3.2 The purchaser shall specify if check tests for mechan

9、icalproperties are required after stress relief or heat stability tests.3.3 Supplementary RequirementsSupplementary require-ments are provided. These requirements shall apply only whenspecified in the purchase order.4. General Requirements4.1 Material supplied to this specification shall conform tot

10、he requirements of Specification A788/A788M, which out-lines additional ordering information, manufacturing require-ments, testing and retesting methods and procedures, marking,certification, product analysis variations, and additional supple-mentary requirements.4.2 If the requirements of this spec

11、ification are in conflictwith the requirements of Specification A788/A788M, therequirements of this specification shall prevail.5. Manufacture5.1 Melting processes of Specification A788/A788M shallbe applicable, except that the open hearth or basic oxygenmethods of primary melting shall not be used

12、and the moltensteel shall be vacuum treated during processing. Except forvacuum stream degassed ingots, the hydrogen content shall bedetermined. The acceptable hydrogen limit as well as the stagein processing when sampling, the sample preparation proce-dure and the method of analysis shall be establ

13、ished betweenthe manufacturer and the purchaser.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.06 on Steel Forgings and Billets.Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published June

14、2011. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as A940/A940M 06.DOI: 10.1520/A0940_A0940M-06R11.2Symposium on Steel Forgings, ASTM STP 903, ASTM International, WestConshohocken, PA, 1984, pp. 5986.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orconta

15、ct ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5.1.1 If the ESR proces

16、s is used, the electrodes shall havebeen produced from vacuum treated primary heat(s).5.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification A788/A788M, it is important to maintain the axial center of theforging in common with the axial center of the original ingot.5.3 Differential Heat TreatmentThe h

17、eat treatment formechanical properties shall consist of normalizing and temper-ing of the creep resistant portion, HP portion, and quenchingand tempering of the high toughness portion, LP portion.5.3.1 The preliminary heat treatment shall consist of nor-malizing well above the transformation tempera

18、ture range.5.3.2 The normalizing and quenching treatments shall befrom above the transformation range but below the normalizingtemperature described in 5.3.1. This treatment shall be per-formed after preliminary machining. The heat treatment for the HP portion shall consistof normalizing, acc

19、elerated air cooling, and tempering. For the high toughness LP portion, the heat treat-ment shall consist of water quenching (or water-spray quench-ing) and tempering.5.3.3 The final tempering temperature for all zones shall notbe below 1200F 650C.5.3.4 After heat treatment and subsequent rou

20、gh machiningand boring, the forging shall be stress relieved at a temperaturenot more than 100F 55C below the final tempering tem-perature, but not below 1100F 595C.5.3.5 With the prior approval of the purchaser, the stressrelieving temperature may approach, equal, or slightly exceedthe final temper

21、ing temperature as a means of adjusting finalstrength or toughness. If the stress relieving temperature iswithin 25F 15C of the final tempering temperature, orhigher, acceptance tests shall be obtained after the stressrelieving operation.5.3.6 The method of cooling the HP and LP portions duringthe n

22、ormalizing, quenching, tempering, and stress relievingheat treating cycles shall be reported.5.4 Machining:5.4.1 Preliminary Rough MachiningAll exterior surfacesof the forging shall be machined prior to heat treatment formechanical properties.5.4.2 Second Rough MachiningAfter heat treatment formecha

23、nical properties, all surfaces of the forging shall be roughmachined prior to stress relief and the stability test.5.4.3 Boring: Forgings shall be bored to permissible bore size andtolerances when required by the purchasers drawing. Forgings may be bored to limits agreed to by thepurch

24、aser or indicated on the purchasers drawing, to removeobjectionable center conditions revealed by ultrasonic inspec-tion. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, themanufacturer may bore the forging at any time after quenchingand prior to stress relief.5.4.4 Machining to Purchasers Requi

25、rements forShipmentThe forging, as shipped, shall conform to the finishand dimensions specified on the purchasers drawing or order.6. Chemical Composition6.1 Heat AnalysisAn analysis of each heat of steel shallbe made by the manufacturer. This analysis shall be made froma test sample taken preferabl

26、y during the pouring of the heat.The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemicalcomposition prescribed in Table 1.6.2 Product AnalysisThe manufacturer shall make a prod-uct analysis from each forging. The chemical composition thusdetermined shall not vary from the requirements specified inT

27、able 1 by more than the amounts prescribed in SpecificationA788/A788M.7. Mechanical Properties7.1 Tension Test:7.1.1 The steel shall conform to the tensile requirements ofTable The number and location of tension test specimensshall be as specified on the forging drawings furnished by thepurc

28、haser.7.1.3 Final acceptance tests shall be performed after heattreatment of the forging for mechanical properties prior tostress relief. If the stress relief temperature is within 25F15C of the tempering temperature, or higher, check testsshall be made after the stress relief treatment and reported

29、 tothe purchaser. The purchaser may require check tests after thecompletion of all heating cycles, including stress relief and theheat stability tests.7.1.4 The yield strength prescribed in Table 2 shall bedetermined by the offset method of Test Methods and Defini-tions A370.7.2 Impact Test:7.2.1 Th

30、e steel shall conform to the requirements for notchtoughness (both transition temperature and room temperatureimpact values) prescribed in Table The notch toughness specimens shall be machinedfrom radial bars taken from the main body of the forging, asshown in the forging drawing. The specim

31、ens shall be CharpyV-notch, Type A, as shown in Test Methods and DefinitionsA370. The notch direction of the Charpy bars shall be asprescribed in Specification A470/A470M.8. Nondestructive Tests8.1 General Requirements:8.1.1 The forgings shall be free of cracks, seams, laps,shrinkage, and other inju

32、rious imperfections.TABLE 1 Chemical CompositionComposition, % Grade 1Carbon 0.230.31Manganese 0.501.00Phosphorus, max 0.012Sulfur, max 0.015Silicon, max 0.10Nickel 0.801.10Chromium 0.901.50Molybdenum 1.101.50Vanadium 0.200.30Columbium (Niobium) 0.010.05Aluminum 0.010 maxA940/A940M 06 (2011)28.1.2 T

33、he purchaser may request ultrasonic, magnetic par-ticle, dye penetrant, etch, or other nondestructive inspectionsnecessary to evaluate imperfections and to ensure compliancewith this requirement.8.2 Ultrasonic Inspection:8.2.1 An ultrasonic inspection shall be performed on themachined forging at the

34、 manufacturers plant. This inspectionshall be made in accordance with Test MethodA418/A418M todemonstrate freedom from detrimental internal defects.8.2.2 The ultrasonic inspection shall be conducted from allavailable surfaces prior to removal of the test specimens thatwould interfere with complete t

35、esting of the forging.8.2.3 Forgings with reportable ultrasonic indications shallbe referred to the purchaser for evaluation based on the nature,frequency, and location of the indications, both stationary andtraveling. It shall be determined by conventional or mutuallyacceptable inspection procedure

36、s whether the forging will berejected if the ultrasonic indications are considered objection-able.8.3 Internal Inspection:8.3.1 When specified for internal borescope inspection,boring shall be in accordance with the drawings furnished bythe purchaser. The drawings shall specify the nominal dimen-sio

37、ns of the bore hole.8.3.2 If objectionable conditions are encountered duringinternal inspection of the bore hole, the manufacturer shallnotify the purchaser of the location and nature of the condition.Further action shall be taken only after mutual agreementbetween the manufacturer and the purchaser

38、.9. Stability Test9.1 Each forging shall be subjected to a heat stability test atthe manufacturers plant in accordance with the latest issue ofTest Method A472/A472M to determine the stability or free-dom from a tendency to distort during high-temperatureoperating conditions.9.2 The stability test s

39、hall be conducted after the forging hasbeen stress relieved.9.2.1 The stress relief may be performed as part of thestability test if agreed to by the purchaser.9.3 Stability Test Requirements:9.3.1 The purchasers drawings shall indicate the portion ofthe forging to be included within the heating cha

40、mber duringthe stability test.9.3.2 The purchasers drawings or order shall indicate theminimum stability test temperature.10. Retreatment10.1 If the results of the mechanical tests of any forging donot conform to the requirements specified, the manufacturermay retreat the entire forging one or more

41、times, but not morethan three additional times, without the approval of thepurchaser.10.2 If the bore core properties are specified under Supple-mentary Requirement S1 and retemper is necessary afterboring, the remaining portions of the core shall be replaced inthe bore during retemper. If the stres

42、s relief temperature iswithin 25F 15C of the tempering temperature, the core barshall be reinserted for the stress relief.10.3 If complete retreatment, including differential heattreatment by normalizing and quenching, is necessary afterboring, the feasibility of retreating portions of the bore core

43、 inthe bore of the forging shall be discussed between the manu-facturer and the purchaser and a procedure agreed upon beforetreatment.11. Dimensions, Tolerances, and Finish11.1 Each forging shall conform to the dimensions andtolerances specified on the purchasers drawing or order.11.2 The finish on

44、each forging shall conform to the finishspecified on the purchasers drawing or order.12. Certification and Reports12.1 In addition to the certification requirements of Speci-fication A788/A788M, the following shall be reported:12.1.1 Hydrogen determination method and results12.1.2 Product analysis r

45、esults, and12.1.3 Location of the heat treatment transition point on theforging.13. Package Marking, Packing, and Loading13.1 Each forging shall be stamped legibly by the manufac-turer with the manufacturers name or symbol, the manufac-turers identification number, the ASTM designation, the ap-propr

46、iate grade number, and identification numbers specifiedby the purchaser on his drawing of the order.13.2 The location of such identification marks may bespecified by the purchaser on his drawing or order.13.3 Test specimens shall be identified with numbers corre-sponding to the test location and typ

47、e, if specified on thepurchasers drawings or order.13.4 The axial bores of bored forgings shall be protectedand plugged suitably to prevent damage or corrosion duringshipment or storage.14. Keywords14.1 differential heat treatment; steel forgings; turbine rotor;vacuum treated steelTABLE 2 Tensile Re

48、quirementsGrade 1Tensile strength, ksi MPa 105125 725860Yield strength, min, ksi MPa, 85 5850.2 % offsetElongation in 2 in. 17 longitudinalor 50 mm, min, % 14 radialReduction of area, 43 longitudinalmin, % 38 radialTABLE 3 Notch Toughness RequirementsTest Location Grade 1ftlb J, minTransition Temper

49、ature,FATT50F C, maxHP 6 8.2 250 120LP 25 34 36 2A940/A940M 06 (2011)3SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThe following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in theinquiry, contract, or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon by themanufacturer and the purchaser.S1. Bore Core PropertiesS1.1 The purchaser may require the removal of a longitu-dinal bore core from the forging after heat treatment formechanical properties and subsequent approval of t


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