ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM A941-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Steel Stainless Steel Related Alloys and Ferroalloys《关于钢、不锈钢、相应合金和钛合金的标准术语》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: A941 10Standard Terminology Relating toSteel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and Ferroalloys1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A941; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This standard is a compilation of definitions of termsrelated to steel, stainless steel, related alloys, and ferroalloys.1

3、.2 When a term is used in an ASTM document for whichCommittee A01 is responsible, it is included herein only whenjudged, after review by Subcommittee A01.92, to be a gener-ally usable term.1.3 Some definitions include a discussion section, which isa mandatory part of the definition and contains addi

4、tionalinformation that is relevant to the meaning of the defined term.1.4 Definitions of terms specific to a particular standard willappear in that standard and will supersede any definitions ofidentical terms in this standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E112 Test Methods for Determin

5、ing Average Grain Size3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:Accm,Ac1,Ac3,Ac4See transformation temperature.Aecm, Ae1, Ae3, Ae4See transformation temperature.age hardening, nhardening by aging, usually after rapidcooling or cold working.age hardening, nsee precipitation har

6、dening.aging, na change in the properties of certain steels thatoccurs at ambient or moderately elevated temperatures afterhot working or a heat treatment (quench aging, naturalaging, or artificial aging) or after a cold-working operation(strain aging).DISCUSSIONThe change in properties is often, bu

7、t not always, due toprecipitation hardening, but never involves a change in the chemicalcomposition of the steel.alloy steel, na steel, other than a stainless steel, thatconforms to a specification that requires one or more of thefollowing elements, by mass percent, to have a minimumcontent equal to

8、 or greater than: 0.30 for aluminum; 0.0008for boron; 0.30 for chromium; 0.30 for cobalt; 0.40 forcopper; 0.40 for lead; 1.65 for manganese; 0.08 for molyb-denum; 0.30 for nickel; 0.06 for niobium (columbium); 0.60for silicon; 0.05 for titanium; 0.30 for tungsten (wolfram);0.10 for vanadium; 0.05 fo

9、r zirconium; or 0.10 for any otheralloying element, except sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, andnitrogen.annealing, na generic term covering any of several heattreatments.DISCUSSIONThis treatment is used for purposes such as reducinghardness, improving machinability, facilitating cold working, produc-ing

10、 a desired microstructure, or obtaining desired mechanical, physical,or other properties. Where applicable, it is preferred that the followingmore specific terms be used: box annealing, bright annealing, flameannealing, full annealing, graphitization annealing, intermediateannealing, isothermal anne

11、aling, process annealing, recrystalliza-tion annealing, spheroidizing, and subcritical annealing. The term“annealing,” without qualification, implies full annealing. Any pro-cess of annealing will usually reduce stresses; however, if thetreatment is applied for the sole purpose of stress reduction,

12、it should bedesignated stress relieving.Arcm, Ar1, Ar3, Ar4See transformation temperature.artificial aging, naging above room temperature.austempering, nheat treatment involving quenching asteel object from a temperature above the transformationrange in a medium maintained at a temperature above the

13、martensite range sufficiently fast to avoid the formation ofhigh temperature transformation products, and then holdingit at that temperature until transformation is complete.austenitizing, nforming austenite by heating a steel objectabove the transformation range.baking, nheating to a low temperatur

14、e in order to removegases.batch furnace, na heating device within which steel objectsare held stationary or oscillated during the thermal process-ing cycle.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility o

15、f SubcommitteeA01.92 on Terminology.Current edition approved April 15, 2010. Published May 2010. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as A94109a. DOI:10.1520/A0941-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service a

16、t For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-295

17、9, United States.blank carburizing, nsimulating the carburizing operationwithout introducing carbon.DISCUSSIONThis is usually accomplished by using an inert materialin place of the carburizing agent, or by applying a suitable protectivecoating on the object being heat treated.blank nitriding, nsimul

18、ating the nitriding operation withoutintroducing nitrogen.DISCUSSIONThis is usually accomplished by using an inert materialin place of the nitriding agent, or by applying a suitable protectivecoating on the object being heat treated.bluing, nsubjecting the scale-free surface of a steel object tothe

19、action of air, steam, or other agents at a suitabletemperature, thereby forming a thin blue film of oxide andimproving the objects appearance and corrosion resistance.DISCUSSIONThis term is ordinarily applied to sheet, strip, orfinished parts. It is used also to denote the heating of springs afterfa

20、brication in order to improve their annealing, nannealing in a sealed container underconditions that minimize oxidation.DISCUSSIONThe charge is usually heated slowly to a temperaturebelow the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it,and is then cooled slowly.bright annea

21、ling, nannealing in a protective medium toprevent discoloration of the bright surface.capped steel, na rimmed steel in which, during ingotsolidification, the rimming action was limited by mechanicalor chemical means.carbon potential, nthe carbon content at the surface of aspecimen of pure iron in eq

22、uilibrium with the carburizingmedium considered, and under the conditions specified.carbon restoration, nreplacing the carbon lost from thesurface layer in previous processing by carburizing this layerto substantially the original carbon level.carbon steel, na steel that conforms to a specification

23、thatprescribes a maximum limit, by heat analysis in masspercent, of not more than: 2.00 for carbon and 1.65 formanganese, but does not prescribe a minimum limit forchromium, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, niobium (colum-bium), tungsten (wolfram), vanadium, or zirconium.DISCUSSIONExcept as required abov

24、e, it is permissible for carbonsteel specifications to prescribe limits (minimum or maximum, or both)for each specified alloying element, subject to the following restrictionsfor the heat analysis limits in mass percent:(a) for wrought carbon steel products, the specified maximum limit isnot to exce

25、ed: 0.10 for aluminum, 0.60 for silicon, and 0.050 fortitanium;(b) for carbon steel castings, the specified maximum limit is not toexceed: 0.10 for aluminum, 1.00 for silicon, and 0.050 for titanium.(c) for carbon steels that are required to be rephosphorized, thespecified minimum limit for phosphor

26、us is not to be less than 0.040;(d) for carbon steels that are required to be resulfurized, the specifiedminimum limit for sulfur is not to be less than 0.060;(e) for carbon steels that are not required to be rephosphorized orresulfurized, the specified maximum limit is not to exceed: 0.60 forcopper

27、, 0.050 for phosphorus, and 0.060 for sulfur; and(f) for carbon steels that are required to contain boron, copper, or lead,the specified minimum limit is not to exceed: 0.0005 for boron, 0.35 forcopper, and 0.25 for lead.carbonitriding, ncase hardening in which a suitable steelobject is heated above

28、 Ac1in a gaseous atmosphere of suchcomposition as to cause simultaneous absorption of carbonand nitrogen by the surface and, by diffusion, to create aconcentration gradient.carburizing, na process in which an austenitized steel objectis brought into contact with a carbonaceous environment ofsufficie

29、nt carbon potential to cause absorption of carbon atthe surface and, by diffusion, to create a, nin case hardening, the outer portion that has beenmade harder than the core as a result of altered compositionor microstructure, or both, from treatments such as carbur-izing,

30、nitriding, and induction hardening, na generic term covering any of severalprocesses applicable to steel that change the chemicalcomposition or microstructure, or both, of the surface layer.DISCUSSIONThe processes commonly used are: carburizing andquench hardening; nitriding; and carb

31、onitriding. It is preferred thatthe applicable specific process name be used.cast analysisDeprecated term. Use the preferred term heatanalysis.cementation, nthe introduction of one or more elements intothe outer portion of a steel object by means of diffusion athigh temperature.certificate of compli

32、ance, nin manufactured products,adocument that states that the product was manufactured,sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with therequirements of the specification (including year of issue)and any other requirements specified in the purchase order orcontract, and has been found to meet su

33、ch requirements.DISCUSSIONA single document, containing test report informationand certificate of compliance information, may be used.certifying organization, nin product specifications, theentity responsible for the conformance and certification ofthe product to the specification requirements.check

34、 analysisDeprecated term. Use the preferred termproduct analysis.coarse grain practice, na steelmaking practice for otherthan stainless steel that is intended to produce a killed steelin which aluminum, niobium (columbium), titanium, andvanadium are residual elements.cold working, nmechanical deform

35、ation of a metal attemperatures below its recrystallization temperature.cold treatment, nexposing a steel object to temperaturesbelow room temperature for the purpose of obtaining desiredconditions or properties, such as dimensional or structuralstability.conditioning heat treatment, na preliminary

36、heat treat-ment used to prepare a steel object for a desired reaction toa subsequent heat treatment.continuous-conveyance furnace, na heating device throughwhich steel objects are intentionally moved at a constant rateduring the thermal processing cycle.controlled cooling, ncooling a steel object fr

37、om an elevatedA941 102temperature in a predetermined manner to avoid hardening,cracking, or internal damage, or to produce a desiredmicrostructure or mechanical properties.core, nin case hardening, the interior portion of unalteredcomposition or microstructure, or both, of a case hardenedsteel objec

38、t.core, nin clad products, the central portion of a multilayercomposite metallic material.critical cooling rate, nthe slowest rate of continuous cool-ing at which austenite can be cooled from above thetransformation range to prevent its transformation aboveMs.cycle annealing, nannealing employing a

39、predeterminedand closely controlled time-temperature cycle to producespecific properties or a specific microstructure.decarburization, nthe loss of carbon from the surface of asteel object as a result of its being heated in a medium thatreacts with the carbon.defect, nan imperfection of sufficient m

40、agnitude to warrantrejection based on the specified requirements.differential heating, nheating that intentionally produces atemperature gradient within a steel object such that, aftercooling, a desired stress distribution or variation in proper-ties is present within the object.diffusion coating, n

41、any process whereby a base metal iseither coated with another metal and heated to a sufficienttemperature in a suitable environment, or exposed to agaseous or liquid medium containing the other metal,thereby causing diffusion of the coating or other metal intothe base metal, with a resultant change

42、in the compositionand properties of its quenching, nin thermochemical processing, quench-ing immediately following the thermochemical quenching, nin thermomechanical processing,quenching immediately following the final hot deformation.document, na written, printed, or

43、 electronic record thatprovides information, evidence, or official statements.double aging, nemployment of two different aging treat-ments, in sequence, to control the type of precipitate formedfrom a supersaturated alloy matrix in order to obtain thedesired properties.DISCUSSIONthe first aging trea

44、tment, sometimes referred to asintermediate or stabilizing, is usually carried out at a higher tempera-ture than the second.double tempering, na treatment in which a quench-hardened steel object is given two complete temperingcycles at substantially the same temperature for the purposeof ensuring co

45、mpletion of the tempering reaction and pro-moting stability of the resultant microstructure.electronic data interchange, nthe computer to computerexchange of business information in a standardized format.ellipsis, nin a tabular entry, three periods (.) that indicatethat there is no requirement.ferri

46、tizing anneal, na heat treatment that produces apredominantly ferritic matrix in a steel object.ferroalloy, nan alloy of iron and one or more other metals,for use as an addition to the molten metal during themanufacture of steels, nickel alloys, or cobalt alloys.fine grain practice, na steelmaking p

47、ractice for other thanstainless steel that is intended to produce a killed steel thatis capable of meeting the requirements specified for fineaustenitic grain size.DISCUSSIONIt normally involves the addition of one or moreaustenitic grain refining elements in amounts that have been establishedby the

48、 steel producer as being sufficient. Austenitic grain refiningelements include, but are not limited to, aluminum, niobium (colum-bium), titanium, and vanadium.flame annealing, nannealing in which the heat is applieddirectly by a flame.flame hardening, na process in which only the surface layerof a s

49、uitable steel object is heated by flame to above Ac3orAccm, and then the object is quenched.fog quenching, nquenching in a mist.full annealing, nannealing a steel object by austenitizing itand then cooling it slowly through the transformationrange.DISCUSSIONThe austenitizing temperature is usually above Ac3forhypoeutectoid steels and between Ac1and Accmfor hypereutectoidsteels.grain growth, nan increase in the grain size of a steel object,usually as a result of exposure to elevated temperatures.grain size, nthe


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