1、Designation: B566 04a (Reapproved 2016)Standard Specification forCopper-Clad Aluminum Wire1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B566; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A numbe
2、r in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers bare round copper-clad alumi
3、-num wire for electrical applications.1.2 Four classes of copper-clad aluminum wire are coveredas follows:Class 10ANominal 10 volume % copper, annealed.Class 15ANominal 15 volume % copper, annealed.Class 10HNominal 10 volume % copper, hard-drawn.Class 15HNominal 15 volume % copper, hard-drawn.1.3 Th
4、e values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3.1 ExceptionThe values stated in SI units for resistivityand density are to be regarded
5、as standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on dateof material purchase form a part of this specification to theextent referenced herein:2.2 ASTM Standards:2B193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical ConductorMaterialsB258 Specification for Nominal Diame
6、ters and Cross-SectionalAreas ofAWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Usedas Electrical Conductors2.3 National Institute of Standards and Technology:3NBS Handbook 100 Copper Wire Tables3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 lota lot is any amount of wire of one class and siz
7、epresented for acceptance at one time; such amount, however,not to exceed 100 production units.3.1.2 samplea quantity of production units (coils, reels,and so forth) selected at random from the lot for the purpose ofdetermining conformance of the lot to the requirements of thisspecification.3.1.3 sp
8、ecimena length of wire removed for test purposesfrom any individual production unit of the sample.4. Ordering Information4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall includethe following information:4.1.1 Quantity of each size and class;4.1.2 Wire size, diameter in inches (see Section 7 an
9、d Table1);4.1.3 Class of wire (see 1.2 and Table 1);4.1.4 Packaging and shipping (Section 14 and packaginginspection if required, 13.1); and4.1.5 Place of inspection (see 13.1).5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 The wire shall consist of a core of aluminum with acontinuous outer cladding of copper thor
10、oughly bonded to thecore throughout and shall be of such quality as to meet therequirements of this specification.6. General Requirements6.1 Tensile Strength and ElongationThe copper-clad alu-minum wire shall conform to the tensile strength and elonga-tion requirements of Table 1. For intermediate d
11、iameters notlisted in Table 1, the elongation requirements of the nextsmaller size shall apply; in the case of tensile strength therequirements of the next larger size shall apply.6.2 ResistivityThe electrical resistivity at a temperature of20C shall not exceed the values prescribed in Table 2. SeeN
12、ote 1 for calculating electrical resistance.NOTE 1Relationships which may be useful in connection with thevalues of electrical resistivity prescribed in this specification are shown inTable 3. Resistivity units are based on the International Annealed CopperStandard (IACS) adopted by IEC in 1913, whi
13、ch is158 mm2/m and thevalue of 0.15328 g/m2at 20C are, respectively, the international1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 onElectrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.06 onBi-Metallic Conductors.Current edition approved April 1, 2016. P
14、ublished April 2016. Originallyapproved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as B566 04a (2011).DOI: 10.1520/B0566-04AR16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume infor
15、mation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070, http:/www.nist.gov.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken
16、, PA 19428-2959. United States1equivalent of volume and weight resistivity of annealed copper equal to100 % conductivity. The later term means that a copper wire1minlengthand weighing 1 g would have a resistance of 0.15328. This is equivalentto a resistivity value of 875.20lb/mile2, which signifies
17、the resistance ofa copper wire 1 mile in length weighing 1 lb. It is also equivalent, forexample, to 1.7241 /cm of length of a copper bar 1 cm2in cross section.A complete discussion of this subject is contained in NBS Handbook 100.The use of five significant figures in expressing resistivity does no
18、t implythe need for greater accuracy of measurement than that specified in TestMethod B193. The use of five significant figures is required for completereversible conversion from one set of resistivity units to another.6.3 CohesionThe copper-clad aluminum wire, whentested in accordance with 10.4, sh
19、all be free from seams orsplits. Examination of the wire shall be made at a magnificationnot to exceed 10.6.4 AdhesionThe copper-clad aluminum wire, whentested in accordance with 10.5, shall be free from claddingdelamination. Examination of the wire shall be made at amagnification not to exceed 10.6
20、.5 JointsThe finished wire shall contain no joints orsplices.6.6 Copper ThicknessThe minimum copper thickness,when tested in accordance with 10.6, shall be not less than thefollowing:6.6.1 Class 10A and 10H wire shall have a minimumthickness of not less than 3.5 % of the wire radius.6.6.2 Class 15A
21、and 15H wire shall have a minimumthickness of not less than 5.0 % of the wire radius.6.7 Copper Volume (Area)The copper volume (area) perclass, when tested in accordance with 10.6, shall meet thefollowing tolerances:6.7.1 Class 10A and 10H wire shall contain not less than8 % and not more than 12 % c
22、opper by volume (area).6.7.2 Class 15A and 15H wire shall contain not less than13 % and not more than 17 % copper by volume (area).7. Dimensions, Mass and Permissible Variations7.1 The wire size shall be expressed as the diameter of thewire in decimal fractions of an inch to the nearest 0.0001 in.(0
23、.003 mm) (Note 2). For diameters under 0.0100 in. (0.254mm), the wire shall not vary from the specified diameter bymore than 60.0001 in. (60.003 mm) and for diameters of0.0100 in. (0.254 mm) and over, the wire shall not vary fromthe specified diameter by more than 61 %, expressed to thenearest 0.000
24、1 in. (0.003 mm).NOTE 2The values of the wire diameters in Table 1 are given to thenearest 0.0001 in. (0.003 mm) and correspond to the standard sizes givenin Specification B258.The use of gage numbers to specify wire sizes is notrecognized in this specification because of the possibility of confusio
25、n. Adiscussion of wire gages and related subjects is contained in “Copper WireTables,” NBS Handbook 100.8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance8.1 The wire, when tested in accordance with 8.2, shall befree from pits, slivers, exposed aluminum, or other imperfec-tions not consistent with good commerci
26、al practice.8.2 For wire diameters of 0.0720 in. (1.829 mm) and larger,surface finish inspection shall be made with the unaided eye(normal spectacles excepted), and for wire diameters smallerthan 0.0720 in., surface finish inspection shall be made at amagnification not to exceed 10.9. Sampling9.1 Th
27、e number of production units in a sample shall be asfollows:9.1.1 For tensile strength, elongation, resistivity, adhesion,cohesion, and dimensional measurements, the sample shallconsist of a quantity of production units shown in Table 4TABLE 1 Tensile and Elongation Requirements for Copper-CladAlumi
28、num WireNominalDiameterTensile StrengthElongation, min,%in10in.(or 250 mm)in. (mm)Minimum AllH ClassesMaximum AllA ClassesAll HClassesAll AClassesksi (MPa) ksi (MPa)0.3249 8.252 16 110 20 138 1.5 150.2893 7.348 16 110 20 138 1.5 150.2576 6.543 18 124 20 138 1.5 150.2294 5.827 20 138 20 138 1.5 150.2
29、043 5.189 22 152 20 138 1.5 150.1819 4.620 23 159 20 138 1.5 150.1620 4.115 24 166 20 138 1.5 150.1443 3.665 25 172 20 138 1.5 150.1285 3.264 26 179 20 138 1.0 150.1144 2.906 27 186 20 138 1.0 150.1019 2.588 28 193 20 138 1.0 150.0907 2.30 29 200 20 138 1.0 150.0808 2.05 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0720 1
30、.83 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0641 1.63 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0571 1.45 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0508 1.29 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0453 1.15 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0403 1.02 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0359 0.912 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0320 0.813 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0285 0.724 30 207 20 138 1.0 150.0253 0.643 30 2
31、07 20 138 1.0 150.0226 0.574 30 207 25 172 1.0 100.0201 0.511 30 207 25 172 1.0 100.0179 0.455 30 207 25 172 1.0 100.0159 0.404 30 207 25 172 1.0 100.0142 0.361 30 207 25 172 1.0 100.0126 0.320 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0113 0.287 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0100 0.254 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0089 0.226 30 207 25
32、172 1.0 50.0080 0.203 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0071 0.180 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0063 0.160 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0056 0.142 30 207 25 172 1.0 50.0050 0.127 30 207 25 172 1.0 5TABLE 2 ResistivityResistivity, max, at 20CClass of Wire mm2/m10A and 10H 0.0274315A and 15H 0.02676B566 04a (2016)2under heading “
33、First Sample.” From each unit, one testspecimen of sufficient length shall be removed for the perfor-mance of the required tests.9.1.2 For surface finish and packaging inspection (whenspecified by the purchaser at the time of placing the order), thesample shall consist of a quantity of production un
34、its as shownin Table 5.10. Test Methods10.1 Tensile Strength and ElongationThe tensile strength,expressed in pounds-force per square inch (or megapascals),shall be obtained by dividing the maximum load attained by thespecimen during the tension test, by the original cross-sectionalarea of the specim
35、en. Tensile strength and elongation may bedetermined simultaneously on the same specimen.10.1.1 The elongation of wire may be determined as thepermanent increase in length, expressed in percent of theoriginal length, due to the breaking of the wire in tension,measured between gage marks placed origi
36、nally 10 in. (250mm) apart upon the test specimen (Note 3). The elongation ofwire shall be determined as described preceding or by mea-surements made between the jaws of the testing machine.When the latter method is used, the zero length shall be thedistance between the jaws at the start of the tens
37、ion test whenapproximately 10 % of the specified tensile strength has beenapplied and be as near 10 in. as practicable and the final lengthshall be the distance between the jaws at the time of rupture.The fracture shall be between gage marks in the case ofspecimens so marked or between the jaws of t
38、he testingmachine and not closer than 1 in. (25 mm) to either gage markor either jaw.NOTE 3It is known that the rate of loading during tension testingaffects the performance of the sample to a greater or lesser extentdepending upon many factors. In general, tested values of tensile strengthare incre
39、ased and tested values of elongation are reduced with increase ofspeed of the moving head of the testing machine. In case of tests on softor annealed wire, however, the effects of speed of testing are notpronounced. Tests of soft wire made at speeds of moving head whichunder no-load conditions are n
40、ot greater than 12 in./min (300 mm/min) donot alter the final results of tensile strength and elongation determinationsto any practical extent. In the case of hard-drawn wire, these effects arepronounced when the speed of the moving head is excessive. It issuggested that tests be made at speeds of m
41、oving head which, underno-load conditions, are not greater than 3 in./min (76 mm/min), but in nocase at a speed greater than that at which correct readings can be made.10.1.2 For Classes 10H and 15H, the elongation may bemeasured by means of an extensometer or other device suitablefor measuring perc
42、ent elongation in 10 in., and having a vernierreading to 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) attached to the test specimen ata load of approximately 10 % of the specified tensile strength.The elongation shall be observed while applying a tension loadto the specimen and the reading when fracture occurs shall betaken
43、as the elongation of the specimen. Tests in which theelongation is less than specified, but in which the fracture hasoccurred within 1 in. of the jaws or extensometer clamps, shallbe disregarded.10.2 ResistivityThe electrical resistivity of the materialshall be determined in accordance with Test Met
44、hod B193.10.3 Dimensional MeasurementsDimensional measure-ments shall be made with a micrometer caliper equipped witha vernier graduated in 0.001 in. (0.0025 mm). each coil shall bemeasured at three places, one near each end and one near themiddle. From each spool approximately 12 ft (3.7 m) shall b
45、eunreeled and the wire measured in six places between thesecond (approximately 0.6 m) and twelfth foot from the end.10.4 Cohesion TestThe wire shall be twisted three turnsper length equivalent to 15 diameters of the wire to be testedand untwisted the same number of turns. An initial wire lengthlonge
46、r than specified may be used and the number of twistsincreased proportionately. The rate of applying the twist is notcritical.10.5 Adhesion TestThe wire shall be repeatedly reversebent to fracture by any convenient means.10.6 Copper Thickness and VolumeDetermination of theminimum copper thickness or
47、 copper volume shall be per-formed by microscopical examination of the polished end or bya stripping method or by any other suitable method agreedupon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.TABLE 3 Equivalent Resistivity ValuesClassVolumeConductivity at20C % IACSResistivity Equivalents at 20CVol
48、ume Mass/Unit Lengthmm2/m cmil/ft in. cm lb/mile2 g/m210A and 10H 62.854 0.027430 16.500 1.0799 2.7430 526.26 0.09216415A and 15H 64.416 0.026765 16.100 1.0537 2.6765 560.88 0.098227TABLE 4 Sampling for Mechanical and Electrical TestsNumberof UnitsFirst Sample Second SampleNumber ofUnits inSample, n
49、1AllowableNumber ofDefects inSample toAcceptLot, c1Numberof Unitsin Sample,n2n1+ n2AllowableNumber ofDefectsin BothSamples toAcceptLot, c213 all 0 . . 048 4 0 . . 0915 4 0 5 9 11625 5 0 9 14 12640 8 0 12 20 14165 12 0 18 30 166100 19 0 23 42 1TABLE 5 Sample for Surface Finish and Packaging InspectionNumber of Unitsin LotNumber of Unitsin Sample, nAllowable Number ofDefects in Sampleto Accept Lot, c13 all 048 4 0915 9 01625 14 02640 20 04165 30 066100 42 0B566 04a (2016)311. Conformance Criteria11.1 Any lot