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1、2009年上海交通大学考博英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 Without outside_Chinas advertising cannot really mature and obtain a foothold in the global ads market. ( A) prestige ( B) consumption ( C) pressure ( D) controversy 2 Our program is different_it stresses the technical skills that business and

2、industry seek as they incorporate the internet into their enterprise systems. ( A) now that ( B) in that ( C) in case ( D) regardless of 3 Educational Service Inc. operates 70 institutes in the United States and they concentrate on providing career-focused degree programs to_28, 000 students. ( A) c

3、onsiderably ( B) approximately ( C) preferably ( D) ideally 4 When Mr. Johns went shopping at the thrift store, he was looking for a_. ( A) bargain ( B) charge ( C) gain ( D) purchase 5 Though she isnt British by birth, she is a British citizen by _of her marriage to an Englishman. ( A) virtue ( B)

4、merit ( C) approach ( D) relation 6 Last month, Mars and Earth were at the closest points in(heir_orbits. The distance between the two worlds was 68 million kilometers. ( A) identical ( B) respective ( C) rigid ( D) reverse 7 I am disgusted_the way the couple talks about the actresss private life. (

5、 A) over ( B) for ( C) at ( D) with 8 The university is now making efforts to make the supply and demand of information more _and to protect students rights with legal advice. ( A) transparent ( B) visible ( C) applicable ( D) practical 9 We are to_10,000,000 computers next year to meet the market r

6、equirements. ( A) turn in ( B) turn out ( C) turn up ( D) turn to 10 Novels and short stories from a librarys fiction collection are a good_of enjoyable reading practice. ( A) exit ( B) resource ( C) entry ( D) source 11 Now that the excitement of celebrating has had a chance to_, its time to turn t

7、he Olympic ideal into reality. ( A) cut off ( B) carry away ( C) turn off ( D) wear off 12 _wings for the common man had to await the dawn of the space age to go back to the simplicity of their beginnings. ( A) Consequently ( B) Regularly ( C) Ironically ( D) Comprehensively 13 The Chinese language

8、differs_from the English language because of their different writing system and pronunciation. ( A) considerably ( B) consistently ( C) confidently ( D) continually 14 Everyone is trying to_how the fire started. ( A) figure out ( B) make out ( C) turn out ( D) clear out 15 Although Washington is the

9、 most important city in the United States, it cannot_cities like New York and Chicago in size and population. ( A) match with ( B) abide by ( C) conform to ( D) compete with 16 Helen Kellers work gave comfort and encouragement to other handicapped people who_ might have led a hopeless life. ( A) the

10、refore ( B) thus ( C) or ( D) otherwise 17 Mr. Smith recently has_tennis to relax himself in spare time. ( A) taken up ( B) taken in ( C) taken on ( D) taken over 18 On_feature of supermarket is that it hires fewer clerks, which cut down on the cost of sale. ( A) extinct ( B) instinct ( C) distincti

11、ve ( D) instinctive 19 A good leader knows what are practical questions and also he knows when to_and when to fight. ( A) compromise ( B) struggle ( C) advance ( D) flee 20 I havent read that book, but just from looking over the_, I think it would be worth reading. ( A) forefront ( B) foreword ( C)

12、forehead ( D) forename 21 No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it had been_to Bach. ( A) associated ( B) identified ( C) attributed ( D) considered 22 Her written English was wonderful, and she had a(n)_vocabulary for a freshman. ( A) credulous ( B) incredulous ( C) credible ( D

13、) incredible 23 In a supermarket, all commodities are open to customers who can select what they need ( A) with their ease ( B) at their ease ( C) at their easiness ( D) with their easiness 24 Peoples view on quality education_from individual to individual. ( A) changes ( B) varies ( C) alters ( D)

14、transforms 25 I_the justice and fought against corruption at my best. ( A) confirmed ( B) upheld ( C) overwhelmed ( D) established 26 So far, the police can only_on the possible motives for the killing. ( A) conceive ( B) speculate ( C) assume ( D) imagine 27 The love that_takes up residence in the

15、soul and helps complete us. ( A) stands ( B) bears ( C) endures ( D) lengthens 28 A sensitive person is one who is easily hurt or_by things that people do or say. ( A) offended ( B) wounded ( C) stimulated ( D) motivated 29 According to _ sources, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is to be up righted under

16、a restoration plan by the Italian Government. ( A) conformed ( B) confirmed ( C) informed ( D) transformed 30 Some people feel there is a great deal of_between religion and science. ( A) combat ( B) fight ( C) conflict ( D) battle 31 She_and lowered her head when she couldnt answer the question in t

17、he presence of her classmates. ( A) refuted ( B) defied ( C) contradicted ( D) disputed 32 The world economic recession put an_end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002. ( A) irregular ( B) illegal ( C) absurd ( D) abrupt 33 It is very kind of you to offer, but any more pudding would simply

18、be_. ( A) exceptional ( B) excessive ( C) abundant ( D) ample 34 Most of the civil servants involved in the affair have been successfully_and sentenced. ( A) prosecuted ( B) propagated ( C) persecuted ( D) precipitated 35 It is_that makes the female horse to bend down and lick its newborn foal. ( A)

19、 impulse ( B) inspiration ( C) incentive ( D) instinct 36 This style of cooking is_to South-Eastern provinces. ( A) bizarre ( B) odd ( C) peculiar ( D) weird 37 Both sides at the conflict have agreed temporarily to_hostilities. ( A) suspend ( B) reconcile ( C) compromise ( D) negotiate 38 This paper

20、 will examine relevant theories and research findings concerning listening and second language acquisition and identify conditions that may_listening. ( A) elevate ( B) facilitate ( C) stimulate ( D) provoke 39 I cant_my eager when I hear of people being cruel to animals. ( A) restrain ( B) alleviat

21、e ( C) deteriorate ( D) relieve 40 Plastic sheeting should be wrapped around the tree in winner to_it from the wind and the frost. ( A) recover ( B) shield ( C) shade ( D) rescue 二、 Reading Comprehension 40 73.5 percent of major U. S. firms report that they record and review their employees communic

22、ations and activities on the job. The larger the company, the more likely it is to engage in monitoring and surveillance activities, according to a survey. Broken down by business category, survey respondents in the financial services sector lead the packs when it comes to monitoring their employees

23、 e-mail and Internet connections. Weber says he sees companies go through a “life cycle“ with their Internet experience. When they first get connected, companies see a surge of activity and an immediate drop-off in productivity. After about two or three weeks, Internet use levels off, Weber notes. W

24、eber observes that among his clients, hes seeing a trend where employers are letting the lifecycle run its course. In other cases, Weber says his clients are capturing the information, but not really doing anything about it. One thing the experts all agree on is that if you use the Internet and prov

25、ide access to your employees, you should have a policy in place that defines what you deem to be permissible use by employees. Weber believes that no company wants to be in the rote of Big Brother, but still must protect one of its most valuable assets. Nor are employers looking to micro-manage thei

26、r employees. Many companies are viewing use of the Internet as similar to the phone, and operating with the philosophy that incidental personal use is okay. “But some clients dont see a need to restrict access,“ he explains. For certain the issues that surround monitoring employee Internet use arent

27、 going to quiet down anything soon, the experts say. “Maybe the simplest solution is to just allow a certain percentage to go to employee use. “ 41 In monitoring the Internet use of the employees, which of the following take the lead? ( A) Computer companies. ( B) Telecommunication companies. ( C) F

28、inancial firms. ( D) Large companies. 42 Which of the following may rightly describe the lifecycle of Internet use? ( A) A sudden rise in the first 2-3 weeks followed by a sudden drop-off. ( B) A gradual increase to the first 2-3 weeks followed by a gradual decrease. ( C) A gradual increase to the f

29、irst 2-3 weeks followed by leveling off. ( D) A sudden rise in the first 2-3 weeks followed by leveling off. 43 What can we say about most companies attitude towards employee Internet use? ( A) Supportive. ( B) Disapproving. ( C) Tolerant. ( D) Cautious. 44 We know from this passage that experts thi

30、nk_. ( A) the easiest solution is to confine Internet use to certain employees ( B) policies should be laid down defining the limit of internet use for employees ( C) restrictions on employee Internet use may help increase productivity ( D) limiting employee Internet use may do harm to the image of

31、companies 45 Which of the following may serve as the best title? ( A) Internet Is Causing Trouble for Employers ( B) Managing Employee Use of the Internet ( C) The Controversy over Internet Use ( D) The Negative Side of Internet 45 The French education system is very different from the English one i

32、n its aims, its organization and its results. The French child too, the raw material of this education, is unlike the English child and differences in the raw material may well account for differences in the processes employed. The French child, boy or girl, gives one the impression of being intelle

33、ctually more precocious than the product of the chillier English climate. This is encouraged by his upbringing among adults, not in a nursery. English parents readily adapt their conversation to the childs point of view and interest themselves more in his games and childish preoccupation. The Englis

34、h are, as regards national character, younger than the French, or, to put it another way, there is in England no deep division between the life of the child and that of the grown man. The art of talking to children in the kind of language they understand is so much an English art that most of the Fr

35、ench childrens favorite books are translations from the English. French parents on the other hand, do their best to develop the childs intelligence as rapidly as possible. They have little patience with childish ideas even if they do not go so far as to look upon childhood as an unfortunate but nece

36、ssary prelude to adult life. Not that they need to force the child, for he usually lends himself willingly to the process, and enjoys the effect of his unexpectedly clever remarks and unusual sayings and of his bright judgment of men and things. It is not without significance that the French mother

37、instead of appealing to the childs heart by asking him to be good appeals to his reason by asking him to be wise. Reasonableness is looked for early in France, and the age of reason is fixed at seven years. 46 In comparing French and English education the author indicates that_. ( A) a great deal ca

38、n be learnt by both countries ( B) differences should not be looked for only in the methods ( C) the French child needs far more training ( D) the main differences are in the children 47 The passage suggests that the French child_. ( A) is as he is because of the climate ( B) only associates with ad

39、ults ( C) is not treated as a child ( D) is forced to behave like an adult 48 The word “prelude“ in the phrase “. but necessary prelude to adult life“(in the 2nd sentence of Paragraph 3 probably means_. ( A) introductory stage ( B) consequent event ( C) inevitable result ( D) acceptable reason 49 In

40、 comparison with French children, English children_. ( A) are less intelligent ( B) can stand chillier climate ( C) receive more care from their parents ( D) have shorter childhood 50 French mothers_. ( A) know how to appeal to what is best in their children ( B) are the most significant influence i

41、n their childrens lives ( C) enjoy their childrens unexpectedly clever remarks ( D) lack patience in everything 50 Marriage therapists teach a skill called active listening. Each partner takes a turn listening, then paraphrases what hes heard and validates it. There is, however, a problem. It rarely

42、 works. For 80 percent of couples, active listening is too hard. It feels wooden, like emotional gymnastics. Nor does “fighting well predict happy marriages“. Even happy couples have screaming matches. Every time you raise a hot-button issue, such as the in-laws or money, does your husband suddenly

43、clam up? More than 80 percent of the time, its the wife who brings up sticky material issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This isnt a symptom of a troubled marriage its true in most happy marriages. Youll often hear that staying in a bad marriage is worse for everybody concerne

44、d especially the children than getting divorced. That may be true if your home is. so riddled with hostility that its like a war zone. But University of Chicago sociologist Linder J. Waite says she has found that 75 percent of couples who rated their marriages as miserable but stayed of married were

45、 happy five years later. We usually think the strongest marriages are those that survive major traumas, such as bankruptcy or an extramarital affair. But frequently, dealing with the little things, those daily annoyances, eat away at a marriage. “Every couple experiences disappointment as initial ro

46、mance and passion fade and they discover all their differences,“ says Wolin. “He doesnt do enough housework. She is too emotional. He watches too much TV. Shes too lenient with the kids. People think these differences as problem, but theyre actually opportunities to build marital muscles. “ 51 Which

47、 of the following is NOT true about active listening? ( A) Active listening is necessary if you want to “fight well“. ( B) A majority of couples doesnt practice active listening. ( C) Active listening doesnt ensure happy marriages. ( D) Active listening has proven to be a little impractical. 52 The

48、phrase “clam up“ in Line 5 means_. ( A) shut up ( B) get up ( C) back up ( D) tighten up 53 We know from Paragraph 1 that the author thinks that a happy marriage_. ( A) is always full of romance and passion ( B) requires the tolerance of the husband ( C) may not be free of quarrels and fights ( D) e

49、xcludes the discussion of sticky martial issues 54 What is implied in the passage about divorce in the passage? ( A) A bad marriage should end up in divorce to avoid further harm. ( B) Divorce is not the best solution to a bad marriage. ( C) Most couples get divorced for the sake of their children. ( D) Divorce is muc


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