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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 113及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Notes The edition the man wants to advertise on is: (1) The press date is (2) The location of the ad the man likes is (3) The cost of the ad is: (4) 4 Look at the note below.You will hear a man phoning a customer about an order.9 You will hear three telephon

2、e conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You will hear each recording twice. Conversation One Look at the note below. You will hear a woman making a call about a delivery. Telephone Message TO: Daniel Webster DATE: 12/08/05 S

3、amantha Jefferson called to say the new (1)_ would be delivered on Thursday. John Robbins, the technician, will come to show us the (2) _ in dealing with the machines at (3)_ oclock on the day. Please phone Ms. Jefferson on (4) _ if there are any problems. 二、 PART TWO 12 You will hear another five s

4、hort pieces. For each piece decide what the speaker is talking about. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the piece. You will hear the five pieces twice. Objects: A cloth B vitamins C medicine D picture E dress F voice G silk H apple 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 18 You will hear five another reco

5、rding. Each speaker is expressing one opinion. For each recording, decide what the main idea each expresses. Write one letter (A H) next to the number of the recording. De not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay each recording. A is worried about forgetting new inform

6、ation B isnt keen on the traveling involved C thinks more people should take similar courses D complains about a lack of information E finds it difficult to organize studies F is looking forward to meeting new people G thinks the cost will be worth it H believes the effort will not be valued 三、 PART

7、 THREE 22 You will hear part of a tutorial between a business student called Gareth and his tutor, in which they discuss Trident Appliances, a manufacturer of photocopiers. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recordi

8、ng. 23 Gareth says that Tridents problem with selling the product is caused by the ( A) product specifications. ( B) prices that they charge. ( C) engineering support. 24 Gareth thinks that the parent company ( A) is interested in selling Trident. ( B) would like Trident to supply new markets. ( C)

9、wants Trident to succeed without any help. 25 In Gareths opinion, what is the main reason for the workforce being demotivated? ( A) changes in pay and conditions ( B) lack of job security ( C) poor management 26 Gareth thinks that the difficulty for the sales force is caused by ( A) having to deal w

10、ith too many customers. ( B) a lack of adequate training. ( C) uncertainty about their responsibilities. 27 Gareth says that the service engineers should ( A) have a wider role. ( B) respond to call-outs more quickly. ( C) co-operate more with the Parts Services Department. 28 Gareth suggests that t

11、he poor internal communications reflect the middle managers attitude towards ( A) company policies. ( B) the employees. ( C) senior managers. 29 Gareth thinks that the Chief Executives most urgent problem is the ( A) product range. ( B) companys turnover. ( C) size of the workforce. 30 Gareth says t

12、hat the fault in Tridents advertising lies in the ( A) design of the advertisements. ( B) media which are used. ( C) targeting of customers. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 113答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello. Fashion Magazine. How can I help you? Man: Hello. This is Anderson. Can you introduce me the adve

13、rtising rates of your magazine? Woman: OK! Our advertising rates are different according to size and period. Our fall and spring editions are more costly than winter and summer editions。 When do you want to advertise? Man: Id like to advertise in the spring edition, if possible. Woman: Oh, the time

14、might be a little tight because our press date is March 5th, but it can be done. Do you have a predetermined design? You can use either your own designers or if it is more convenient for you, we have a team of designers to serve you. Man: Thank you, but my company has already had the ad designed. Ho

15、w much will it cost for a full page ad in your spring edition? Woman: It depends on the location. Would you prefer a front or back page ad? Those are more prime spots. We also offer pages in the middle of the magazine. Man: I think the back page ad is nice. How much is it? Woman: 1500. Man: OK. I go

16、t it. Thanks. Woman: My pleasure. 1 【正确答案】 SPRING EDITION 【试题解析】 对话中女士说到广告费用因广告大小和杂志的季刊不同而有所不同,春秋季 刊比冬夏季刊贵,她询问男士想在哪种季刊上登广告。男士的回答是: Id like to advertise in the spring edition, if possible. 可见他青睐 spring edition。 2 【正确答案】 MARCH 5TH 【试题解析】 对话中女士说道: Oh, the time might be a little tight because our press

17、date is March 5th。 3 【正确答案】 BACK PAGE 【试题解析】 答题 的关键信息是女士的询问: Would you prefer a front or back page ad? 男士的回答是: I think the back page ad is nice. 4 【正确答案】 1500 【试题解析】 男士在回答完想在封底登广告之后问道: How much is it? 女士回答: 1500。 4 【听力原文】 Man: Hello. Could I speak to Bob Cole in Purchasing, please? Woman: Im afraid

18、hes out of the office for the day. Can I take a message? Man: Yes, please. Its Alex Parker from Pilton Engineering. Woman: Oh yes. We ordered some packaging machines from you, didnt we? Man: Thats right, but Im going to have to postpone the delivery date. Were having problems finding the right lifti

19、ng machinery for them. Woman: I see. Man: Now, under the terms of the contract I signed, there is a penalty clause for late delivery. But Im hoping Bob will waive that, since I also agreed to a very good bulk discount. Woman: Ill check for you. Man: Thanks. Ive decided that, as were doing the mainte

20、nance, I wont charge for installation. Woman: OK. Ive got that. Man: Oh, and one more thing -I cant find anything in the contract about whos dealing with insurance while the goods are on the road. Woman: Ill check that. 5 【正确答案】 PACKAGING 6 【正确答案】 PENALTY CLAUSE 7 【正确答案】 INSTALLATION 8 【正确答案】 INSURA

21、NCE 9 【听力原文】 Man: Good afternoon. Sales Department. Can I help you? Woman: Hello, could I speak to Daniel Webster? Man: Hes not in the office now, Im afraid. Theres an important conference in the Central Business Building this week. Would you like to leave a message for him? Woman: Yes, please. This

22、 is Samantha Jefferson from T it makes possible the exchange of ideas between men as well as the passing down of ideas from father to son. 17 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 根据原文 “The power of speech is one ofthe most important possessions of the humanrace ”可知焦点为:说话能力是人类最重要的财富,可知谈论的是语言。 18 【听力原文】 Well in a sense Iv

23、e got no choice in the matter. No ones actually told me to get the qualification. Its just that from my point of view, my own sense of confidence, if you like, I feel that if Im going to be responsible for instructing other people in the company, then I should do something to improve my own level of

24、 knowledge. On the other hand, I dont know what I feel about the course it self. One thing is for sure, I am not looking forward to the journey there and back every day. Its going to be very tiring. Mind you, I know I shouldnt complain. Its only for a month after all. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题目本身并不难。需要解释

25、两个词组: there and back,往返,来回。如 Can I go there and back in a day?我一天内能打来回吗 ?mind you,请注意的意思。 19 【听力原文】 Its certainly a challenge, isnt it? Of course I am nervous in some ways. Who wouldnt be? Then again theres a lot to look forward to as well. For starters, its going to be something like twenty people

26、doing it. So Im sure thats going to include some interesting types, you know, people you enjoy spending time with on the course itself and also afterwards. Could be some useful contacts, too. Well, OK. I need the course. If I dont do it, I wont be able to cope with all the latest equipment. I mean,

27、these days, you have to swim fast to stay afloat, dont you? But still I dont see why it cant be enjoyable at the same time. 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 此人要参加一个课程班,有点紧张,但愿意去,因为在那既可以认识朋友还可以学习新的东西。 20 【听力原文】 What I mainly feel, really, is nervous. You know, like I am being sent back to school or some thing. I a

28、m feeling very lacking in confidence, which is of course not the best starting position. After all these years of doing the job, and doing it well, Im proud to say, and picking it up as Ive gone along. It seems embarrassing to be told to go get a piece of paper, to have to have a certificate, especi

29、ally when you feel you know what youre doing. Yes, of course, I do realize therell be things on the course I havent done before. And that concerns me too. Because I dont know how well Ill retain it all, if Ill be able to recall it afterwards. Oh, perhaps it will all be OK in the end. I certainly hop

30、e so. 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 个参加工作多年的人要重新去参加考试,拿文凭,有点对自己的记忆力产生怀疑; “I dont know how well Ill retain it all, if Ill be able to re call it afterwards.” 21 【听力原文】 Yes, the course content does look good in the brochure. I know in a sense I shouldnt complain. After all its a chance to enhance my skills and kn

31、owledge. And thats welcome at times. But its still a bit of gamble, isnt it? I just have to hope it really does improve my chances of hanging on to my job here. Its a bit frightening, to tell you the truth, with so many pople having to go. After g0 years in a company, you dont want to think about be

32、ing out of work, do you? But I really wish the brochure would tell you more. It looks good, as I said, but theres no detail, nothing on the time or the teachers. So I feel a bit in the dark really. 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 仅从 “It looks good, as I Said, but theres no detail, nothing on the time or the teac

33、hers.”就可看出其在抱怨关于 course介绍的太少了。 22 【听力原文】 At this age, youve just got to want to get ahead and do whatever it takes to be ahead of the rest. Thats what drives me anyway. I just cant wait to get started. Ever since I first saw the notice up on the board, I knew it was for me. I de appreciate its a bit

34、 far away. Yes, and I am a little hazy on some of the detail or what the other people will be like. But those are small things, unimportant points to my mind. Its certainly not cheap. Net by anyones standards. But you get what you pay for, dont you? I am really confident that Ill be enjoying the ben

35、efits of it for years to come. So Im sure it represents good value for money and time. 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 有很多话来支持答案 G。有代表是最后一句: “So Im sure it represents good value for money and time”。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Woman: Ah, Gareth, do sit down. Man: Thank you. Woman: Now, presumably youve considered th

36、is case study about Trident Appliances? Man: Yes. Woman: Good. Well, lets start with the present situation. Trident manufactures photocopiers, which they sell in bulk to retailers and large organisations. Now, why do you think theyre having trouble selling them? Man: Its strange, because theres a bi

37、g demand for photocopiers, and Tridents are competitively priced. But the specifications just dont compare with whats expected these days. Its a shame, because theyve got plenty of technical expertise in their engineering support team. Woman: OK. Now, the company is owned by a large multinational. H

38、ow do they see Trident? Man: Well, the group is largely in the mining sector, and Trident doesnt fit in with that, so youd expect the parent company to want to sell it. Or alternatively to be active, say by helping it to expand its markets. But really it seems quite content to take a hands-off appro

39、ach, as long as Trident is generating some income. Woman: Hmm . . . Theres clearly poor morale among the employees. Why do you think that is? Man: Well, weak line managers are often a reason, but I cant find any evidence for that here. And even the recent changes, like the cut in bonuses, have been

40、accepted fairly calmly. I think it reflects peoples uncertainty about their long-term prospects with the company. Woman: What would you say about the sales staff? Theres a lot about them in the case study. Man: Theyre doing the best they can in the circumstances. Theres a system for helping them to

41、develop their selling skills, and thats working. The way customers are allocated to each salesperson could be improved maybe, to reduce unnecessary travel. But theyre getting contradictory signals about what theyre supposed to be doing: just responding to enquiries, or going out looking for new busi

42、ness. Woman: Uh-huh. And what about the service engineers: whats the main weakness in that department? Man: They seem to miss a lot of opportunities. When they visit a customer to install or repair a photocopier, its their chance to look at all the equipment there and suggest how Trident could suppl

43、y the companys needs better. Then theres their problem with spares, the Parts Services Department keeps stocks low, for financial reasons, but that means the engineers often cant get the parts they need for call-outs, and the customer has to wait. Woman: Now, what about communications within the com

44、pany? Im sure youll agree theyre not as good as they could be. Why do you think that is? Man: Well, was bit surprised, because, in fact, middle managers hold regular meetings with their departments. But thats because theyre given information by the top management about policy issues and plans, for i

45、nstance, which they have to pass on. But I have to say that some of them dont seem to think their staff can have anything to say thats worth hearing. And, of course, this creates ill feeling. Woman: OK. Now, if you think about the Chief Executives problems for a moment. what do you think he needs to

46、 tackle first? Man: There are so many problems! Something needs to be done about the workforce, because some departments employ staff without the necessary training. In the long term, of course, they need to develop the photocopiers themselves. But the priority must be to reverse the fall in revenue

47、, even if it means cutting prices, in order to increase the sales volume. Unless they do that, theyll go out of business very soon. Woman: And what about their advertising? Man: Well, theyre using modern media, like the internet, and targeting their advertising more than they used to, for instance b

48、y moving from magazine ads to direct mailshots to companies. But these have an old-fashioned feel to them; the layout and graphics dont seem to have changed for twenty years. Woman: Right. Now, lets go on to . . . 23 【正确答案】 A 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【正确答案】 B 26 【正确答案】 C 27 【正确答案】 A 28 【正确答案】 B 29 【正确答案】 B 30 【正确答案】 A


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