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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the note below.You will hear a woman telephoning about a seminar.4 Look at the note below.You will hear a man phoning about a delivery.8 Look at the notes below.You will hear a journalist asking for information about a conference.二、 PART TWO 12 You wi

2、ll hear five short recordings. Five speakers are talking about delegating at work. For each recording, decide what advice the speaker gives about delegating at work. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay t

3、he recordings. A Make sure you delegate for the right reasons. B Dont delegate to very new staff. C Discuss fully what problems might arise. D Set up a support network for staff. E Give people freedom to act for themselves. F Provide staff with feedback during tasks. G Review performance when tasks

4、are completed. H Dont be discouraged by a lack of success. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear another five recordings. Five speakers are talking about the reason for the success of their companys most recent TV advertising campaign. For each recording, decide what reason the speaker gives for

5、 the success of the campaign. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A More money than usual was allocated to the campaign. B A new production company was used for the commercial. C The advi

6、ce of consultants was acted upon. D A different type of customer was attracted. E A competitors problem benefited the company. F The campaign was accompanied by mail-shot samples. G More comprehensive research was done. H A new team took responsibility for the project. 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PA

7、RT THREE 22 You will hear a radio reporter talking about difficulties faced by the new Chief Executive of Healthway plc, a chain of health and beauty stores. For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 The Chie

8、f Executive is in a difficult position because Healthway plc is ( A) becoming less popular with the general public. ( B) failing to attract new shareholders. ( C) suffering from a history of static sales. 24 What form of competition is a threat to Healthway plc? ( A) the growth of internet shopping

9、( B) supermarkets undercutting its prices ( C) other health and beauty chains opening stores 25 How does Healthway plc differ from Robert Henlows previous employer? ( A) Most senior staff have been promoted internally. ( B) Senior staff are generally appointed from outside. ( C) It has a high turnov

10、er of senior staff. 26 The reporters criticism of Charles Hamiltons financial strategy is that the company ( A) under-invested in its systems. ( B) failed to grow through takeovers. ( C) paid too little attention to its share price. 27 With regard to the beauty treatment centres, Charles Hamilton is

11、 criticised for ( A) closing a chain which had the potential for making a profit. ( B) over-investing in the centres at the expense of the core activity. ( C) starting a new concept that was unlikely to succeed. 28 What mistake did Charles Hamilton make with regard to staff? ( A) failing to ensure t

12、hat the need for reorganisation was understood ( B) concentrating redundancies in the wrong parts of the company ( C) getting rid of too many people with essential skills 29 What does the consultants report recommend? ( A) reducing the total number of stores ( B) increasing the average size of the s

13、tores ( C) leaving staff numbers unchanged 30 Why is Robert Henlows new position a personal challenge for him? ( A) He has never worked in a company with such serious problems. ( B) It is his first appointment as Chief Executive of a large company. ( C) He is unfamiliar with the sector in which Heal

14、thway operates. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 96答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Hello. Can I help you? Woman: My names Sue Bentley. Is Amy Johnson there? Man: Im afraid not. Im her assistant. Can I take a message? Woman: Im running a seminar in Amys department next Thursday. The provisional title was Dealing wi

15、th Overseas Clients. Could you please tell Amy Ive changed it to International Communication instead? Man: Certainly. Anything else? Woman: Yes. Ive seen the rooms Amy recommended . I like the presentation room best, but its too small for all twenty participants, so Id better have the boardroom. One

16、 more thing: I can deal with photocopying the slides myself, but if Amy could provide photocopies of the feedback form for everyone, thatd be great. Man: OK. Got that. Woman: And could you also mention that shes welcome to keep hold of one of the books Ive lent her - Working Overseas - but I do need

17、 the other one back in time for the seminar - its called Global Partnerships. Thats all! Thank you for your help. Man: Youre welcome. 1 【正确答案】 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION 2 【正确答案】 BOARDROOM 3 【正确答案】 FEEDBACK FORM(S) 4 【正确答案】 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS 4 【听力原文】 Man: Sarah Williams, please. Woman: Im afraid

18、shes not available right now. Man: Ah, can you ask her to call me back? Brian Jones - its urgent. Woman: Of course. Can I ask what its about? Man: You tell her theres been a mix-up yet again. Instead of plain paper, weve got headed paper. Last month, we even got lined paper! Woman: I do apologise. I

19、ll ask her to phone you as soon as possible. Shes at lunch at the moment, and then shell be in a training session, but Ill make sure she contacts you when that finishes. Man: Ah, we need the goods by Thursday, otherwise our production line will be held up, and well miss our deadlines. If you cant so

20、rt it out, well have to change supplier. We cant afford to wait around. Woman: Of course. Man: And another thing - the amount owing on the invoice is given in full - thats not right. Id thought wed agreed Id settle the bill by instalments. I could pay half now, but Im not prepared to. Woman: Im sure

21、 she can sort something out. 5 【正确答案】 HEADED 6 【正确答案】 TRAINING SESSION 7 【正确答案】 CHANGE SUPPLIER 8 【正确答案】 INSTALMENTS 8 【听力原文】 Woman: New Vision, Conference Department, Janet Edwards speaking. Man: Hello. This is Nick Brown from Business News. I hear youre running a rather special conference in Newca

22、stle. Woman: You mean our event on the tenth of October? Man: Yes. Can you tell me something about it, so I can mention it in our paper? Woman: Certainly. The name should give you a clue - were calling it Innovations. Not the usual Better Sales Techniques, etc. Man: That sounds very forward-looking.

23、 I assume its about new developments in technology? Woman: We thought there were too many seminars on that. Were focusing on human resources instead. Man: New ways of approaching it, I suppose. Interesting! So, who have you got to lead it? Woman: Well, this is a little different, too Daniel Christie

24、. Man: Is he the man from Cambridge Business School whos just written that book on incentive schemes? Woman: I believe teamwork is actually his field. Man: So, for example, the way people interact. . . Any other special features? Woman: Were planning some practical and very unusual workshops about m

25、otivation. I think thatll cause a few surprises. Man: How unusual? Woman: Come and see for yourself. Ill send you a complimentary ticket. Man: Thank you. I will. 9 【正确答案】 INNOVATIONS 10 【正确答案】 HUMAN RESOURCES/HR 11 【正确答案】 TEAMWORK 12 【正确答案】 MOTIVATION 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Thirteen No matter how muc

26、h confidence you have in the person youre entrusting a task to, I think theres a crucial element to delegating thats often forgotten. There has to be a framework in place of where and who to go to if they get stuck and need help. I know, as a manager, Im used to dealing with tasks all by myself, but

27、 when Im delegating to juniors, I always remind myself that not everybody is as independent as me. pause Fourteen If youve ever delegated to someone else and spent more time on the task than if youd done it yourself, then its time to review where youre going wrong. If your motivation for delegating

28、is thinking that the other person can do it better than you, or itll free you up to do something else, thats great. But delegation isnt an easy way out, so if youre just being lazy or the task seems too small to concern yourself with, always do it yourself. pause Fifteen Once youve selected someone

29、to delegate a task to -assuming you do have a choice of personnel - theres something you need to do thats too important to leave till the jobs finished. Its a mistake if you dont make it clear to staff what theyre doing well and what they could improve on. Some managers think its a form of interferi

30、ng and doesnt give people space to get on with the job, but I find some constructive suggestions are usually helpful. pause Sixteen When you give someone a task to do, theres not much point in simply listing the particular difficulties involved in carrying it out. You really need to check they under

31、stand what challenges they can expect to face and how they might deal with them. So you should sit down with them and explore possible solutions. If they simply say I understand, its not a guarantee that they do. pause Seventeen Once you become an effective delegator, youll be talked about by those

32、who see what you and your team can achieve. And, as for team members, well, theyll appreciate the trust you place in them and the support theyve received from you. But until you reach that point on the learning curve, keep telling yourself not to give up whenever it doesnt go to plan. Ive certainly

33、had some disastrous attempts at delegating in my time. 13 【正确答案】 D 14 【正确答案】 A 15 【正确答案】 F 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 H 17 【听力原文】 Eighteen Our last campaign was the most successful ever. Always worried about the cost, we were on a tight budget, but the results were fantastic. Research had shown our rival

34、s products were more attractive, but while the ad was running, one of them had some bad publicity about their products, and we picked up a lot of their trade. Sometimes, its not how much you invest or who you use, but just being in the right place at the right time. pause Nineteen Last years TV camp

35、aign took the market by storm. In the past, wed depended heavily on sending out samples to customers - it was a cheap and, we thought, effective way of targeting our core customer base. But last year, we had the good fortune to recruit a dynamic young Marketing Manager who brought with him a group o

36、f people who are changing the way we do things. Were looking to produce another even more successful series of TV commercials next year. pause Twenty Spend money to earn money! Thats been the philosophy of our organisation for years. The directors liked expensive-looking TV commercials, which appeal

37、ed to our core customers in the old age bracket. However, our last campaign proved that you dont always have to go over budget to win new customers. We thought of a new approach, which our agency developed, and it turned out to be cheaper and, to our delight, brought us to the attention of a new, yo

38、unger market. pause Twenty-one Successful TV campaigns can be costly, and good market research is absolutely vital. Weve always researched thoroughly before a campaign, but theres something else which was the key to last months success. Although some people attribute it to our main rivals bankruptcy

39、, it was the fact that we found a management group who we brought in to recommend ways of improving our marketing that really helped. A suggestion to use a TV campaign to advertise in-store promotions and mail-order facilities paid off handsomely. pause Twenty-two Consultants recommended hiring a wh

40、ole new marketing team for the company, but I rejected this. Weve got a good experienced team in the company. It wouldve been an unnecessary expense. We decided we should put more effort into the groundwork for the campaign. Our team carried out a more detailed customer survey, and on the basis of t

41、hat, our production company was able to create a commercial that was more accurately targeted. 18 【正确答案】 E 19 【正确答案】 H 20 【正确答案】 D 21 【正确答案】 C 22 【正确答案】 G 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 Man: Next week, Healthway plc, the health and beauty chain, gets a new Chief Executive. Heres our reporter, Lynne Trenche

42、r, to tell us why many people regard the job as one of the most difficult in retailing. Hello, Lynne. Woman: Hello. No, it isnt an enviable position. Robert Henlow, Healthways new CEO, is taking control of a company which may have been a well-loved and trusted retail brand for many years, but its co

43、re business is mature, and successive managements simply havent come up with a winning formula to deliver dynamic sales growth. And the shareholders see Henlow as Healthways last chance. Man: The company faces stiff competition, doesnt it? Woman: Thats right. In fact, most town-centre health and bea

44、uty chains are feeling the pinch, with few planning to expand. Unlike food, its a high-margin business, which gives supermarkets, particularly those on out-of-town sites, scope to sell similar products for considerably less. Even the development of online shopping hasnt yet outweighed the convenienc

45、e of out-of-town sites. Man: Robert Henlow is coming from a company with a very different sort of culture from Healthway, isnt he? Woman: Yes, hes moving from a firm thats very open, with plenty of staff coming in from other companies, or indeed industries. Healthway, on the other hand, has a cultur

46、e where people join the group and either leave quickly, or not until they retire. Its famous for breeding its own managers, and outsiders have traditionally not been welcomed. Man: Healthways financial strategy has been criticised in recent years, I believe. Woman: Under the last Chief Executive, Ch

47、arles Hamilton, Healthway concentrated on the bottom line, with the aim of supporting the share price. Even the one acquisition that the company made had that same goal. But this strategy had its downside: very few improvements were made within the business, so their IT, for instance, is now several

48、 years out of date. Man: Wasnt it Charles Hamilton who started Healthways beauty treatment centres? Woman: Yes, almost his first major action as Chief Executive was to set up a separate chain of stores that, in addition to selling health and beauty products, provided massage and other treatments. Th

49、is ran alongside the existing stores. But even at the outset, few investors were taken in by his over-optimistic forecasts, and the doubters were proved right. Just before he left the company, he closed the centres and admitted his mistake. Man: Hamilton also made drastic staffing changes, didnt he? Woman: He certainly did: he slimmed down the head office, he undertook a complete overhaul of the top manage


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