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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 49及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Rewards for shareholders 1 They will be able to try the companys _ new product. 2 They will also receive a _ per share. The present situation 3 Sales have decreased in the last _. 4 Shares are expected to increase in value by _ the near future. 5 The companys

2、 main rivals are enormous _ companies. Company history 6 The company was originally a _ business. 7 It recently became an _. The future 8 The company has set a high _ for the future. 9 It does not intend to offer _ on its products. 10 The company will spend more money on _. 11 The company anticipate

3、s trade with countries in _. 12 The company expects bigger sales in _. 二、 PART TWO 12 A to ask for a pay raise B experience share in customer service C the notice of welcoming a new employee D the automation of the production process company E assuming the position of assistant product manager F the

4、 creation of the sales forecast G the extension of contract and more sales activities H the creation of healthy corporate culture 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 A a human resources manager B a wholesaler C a software engineer D an employee in customer service department E an assistant product manager F

5、 a finance manager G a sales manager H an investment consultant 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 23 What do we learn about Jim Ready? ( A) He has set up a website. ( B) He has recently merged two systems. ( C) He is in charge of MontaVista. 24 What the new competitors have done to compete agai

6、nst MontaVista? ( A) They have employed new masters. ( B) They have combined together. ( C) They have bought modern technology. 25 What makes Mr. Ready defeat his competitors? ( A) New competitors cooperation is not very well. ( B) The African friends helped him. ( C) The new design of their semicon

7、ductor wins. 26 Which is correct about the cathedral and bazzar metaphor? ( A) Linux is better than Microsoft. ( B) Linux is worse than Microsoft. ( C) Linux is equal to Microsoft. 27 Linux and Microsoft are TEMs (telecommunications equipment manufacturers) ( A) aggregation. ( B) inevitable parts. (

8、 C) unnecessary parts. 28 The development trend of the market is ( A) going to be vertical. ( B) going to be horizontal. ( C) strictly vertical or horizontal. 29 By the answer of Mr. Ready, we could infer that MontaVista interests in ( A) palm pilot. ( B) set-top boxes and home services gateways. (

9、C) smartphones. 30 Why does Mr. Ready characterize the current state of embedded Linux, as a technology? ( A) This system is not fully satisfied. ( B) This system is not open to common users. ( C) This system is not user-friendly. BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 49答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Woman: Good evening, l

10、adies and gentlemen. Id like to welcome you all tonight to our celebration of 100 years in a confectionary business. Its a very proud occasion for us and we hope you enjoy the dinner. Naturally as shareholders in this particular sweet company, wed like you to be the first to taste our latest chocola

11、te product, so that will be coming around with coffee in a few minutes. If you havent got a sweet tooth, dont worry. We are also celebrating our centenary with a bonus for every share held by you. Id like to take this opportunity to bring you up to date with whats happening in our company at the mom

12、ent. I know some of you have been a little worried over the recent state of trade. And, well, its true that there has been a 3% decline in sales over the last two years, I can reassure you that the future looks bright. I can confidently say that with our present business strategy, we will enjoy a 10

13、% net profit growth in earnings per share over the next few years. Of course, as Im sure you are aware, all our major competitors are huge multinationals, and naturally they have very deep pockets, so to speak. And they also deal in diverse product ranges. However, we are still the only premium pric

14、ed specialist to reach an international status as an independent company, which is a marvelous achievement and we are very proud of this. Some of you here tonight perhaps dont know the background to our company. Well, we started out 100 years ago as a family business and our focus has always been on

15、 a high quality confectionary. Last year saw an exciting development when the company underwent a total restructuring and changed into an international corporation. This involved bringing in a new management team. And with their help, weve planned a three-pronged attack for the next decade. Firstly,

16、 we will be setting an ambitious sales target, which we are confident we can reach. Secondly, time may change, but our guarantee of high quality doesnt. And so we will remain faithful to our premium pricing policy and resist all temptation to give discounts purely for short-term gains. That wouldnt

17、lead us anywhere. Thirdly, promotion is the key for the future. And were planning an increased investment in TV advertising. We are now looking outwards, towards the developing markets of Eastern Europe. And you can expect a good return for your investment with us. We mustnt forget that close to hom

18、e the tourist industry accounts for a high proportion of sales, and so we will also be concentrating on building up even more business in this sector of the market. And thats all I have to say except thank you for your. 1 【正确答案】 CHOCOLATE 【试题解析】 根据提的信息以及其中 “try the companys new. ”这几个词,可判断这里是要让他们 “品尝

19、一种新产品 ”,结合上述关键句,此处应填写这个词。 2 【正确答案】 BONUS 【试题解析】 根据所提示的词语,该空格后应跟一名词,上述关键句中的介词短语点明了所要填写的这个词。 3 【正确答案】 TWO YEARS 【试题解析】 由此题所提供的信息可知, “in the last” 后需跟一表示时间的词语,结合上述关 键句,应填之词便一目了然了。 4 【正确答案】 10%/TEN PERCENT 【试题解析】 此空格前的提示语告知我们 “期望股值上升 ” ,即要跟一个表示数值的词语,关键句中的用词是 “enjoy a 10% net profit growth” ,取代提示语中的 “to

20、increase in value”;据此可知应填之词如上。 5 【正确答案】 MULTINATIONAL 【试题解析】 上述关键句中用了 major competitors一词,与该题目中用的 main rivals意义相 同,故其后跟的词语应是所填词语。 6 【正确答案】 FAMILY 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,判定应填之词是 family。 7 【正确答案】 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 【试题解析】 该题目的提示信息是, “公司最近成为 ” ,而正文中用了“changed into”这样的同义词字眼,据此可知其后跟的词语便是应填之词。 8 【正确答案

21、】 SALES TARGET 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,可知该空格里应填写这两个词。 9 【正确答案】 DISCOUNTS 【试题解析】 该题中表示 “公司不打算就其产品提供 ” ,关键句中则用 “give”取而代之,意义未变,其后所跟之词应是正确答案。 10 【正确答案】 TV ADVERTISING 【试题解析】 根据提示信息和上述关键句,可知公司计划增加电视广告方面的投入,所以这两个词是正确答案。 11 【正确答案】 ESTERN EUROPE 【试题解析】 由提示信息可知此处应填一区域名称,上述关键句已明确给出了答案。 12 【正确答案】 (THE)TOURIST IND

22、USTRY 【试题解析】 该发言人在最后向投资者说,公司将着力在旅游业这一市场大干一番,故而此处应填写这几个词。 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Man: Hello, everyone. Today we are going to talk about the sales forecast of our department we are going to create. There are some details we have to make sure. First, there are some factors that can affect our future sal

23、es: economic downturns, employee turnover, changing trends and fashions, increased competitions and etc. We have to take these factors into account and make a believable and reliable sales forecast. Secondly, all of us should feel part of achieving the sales forecast. Its a problem of attitude. Neve

24、r, never take it as the managers task and act as if you have no responsibility for it Actually, its our task and expectation. We are working and improving together. Its to everyones benefit. So I hope we should communicate well with each other. Last, On this piece of paper are your tasks. I have ass

25、igned two to three tasks to each of you. Hopefully, you will get all of them finished at the end of this month. Woman: Attention please. Here I am pleased to announce that a new employee, Mike, will be joining our staff starting from next week. He will assume the position of assistant product manage

26、r and report to me directly. His main responsibilities are to oversee the sales activities of our sales team, stipulate strategic sales plan, manage sales activities by means of biz opportunity identification, customer visiting, order fulfillment, customer satisfaction and etc. Our newest employee h

27、as come to us from Siemens China, where he held the position of product manager. We believe that he will be a valuable addition to our team. Please join me in wishing our newest employee a successful career with our company. I am planning to organise some activities to welcome our new employee, and

28、if you have any suggestions, do please send to me via e-malls. Thanks. Man: Hello, everybody. I am very pleased to share some experience in dealing with customer service with you. Newcomers are always confused with this kind of job and sometimes you may think its really easy and need no special trai

29、ning at all. Actually I had this kind of opinion when I just entered into this career. However, my views have changed as time passed by. Dealing with customer service isnt as simple as dialing a number and talking to persons. On the other end, it requires a strategy. One of the primary keys to deali

30、ng with customer service is to remain calm and polite at all times. Do not, however, confuse calmness and politeness with meekness. In this relationship, customers have the upper hand, so they shouldnt hesitate to take advantage of it. Secondly, explain the problem as clearly as possible. Lastly, bu

31、t more importantly, bear in mind that the customers are always right. Woman: Hello, Mr. Philip. I am so glad that finally I have the chance to discuss with you after I have sent you the letter two weeks ago. You must have been quite busy these days. As you know, I am grateful for the opportunity to

32、work for you and I enjoy doing so. I hope, youll agree that in the two years I have worked for you, I have become an integral member of your team and accomplished a great deal. For example, in the last six months alone, I have successfully finished the software project ahead of time However, I am st

33、ill working for the initial salary on which we agreed two years ago. If my memory serves me right, we also agreed to negotiate my salary in two years based on my performance and that time has come. Therefore, in light of my performance and our agreement, I am respectfully requesting an immediate pay

34、 raise of 20 percent, to be followed in six months by a performance-based pay raise of an additional three percent. Thank you. Man: Hello, I am calling to discuss the extension of our contract for next year. Your brand of automobile air conditioning has been going really well here You have probably

35、noticed that from the order book in the last year. Customers really love it. As a matter of fact, I am not surprised at its good market its of high quality and good price. This brings me to my next point. Could you provide us with more seasonal discounting from your end? What I mean is reductions th

36、at we could pass straight onto our customers. Generally we run sales in May, late summer and early winter, and at that time your companys products are the only ones that dont feature. This kind of situation affects our sales promotion programme as a whole and I suppose you could give the customers a

37、 certain amount of discount. 13 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 与此相关的选项只有 F,其他选项在正文中均未提及。独自的 第二句和第三句就说明了主题。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据录音中 “Here I am pleased to announce that a new employee, Mike, will be joining our staff starting from next week.”这两话可判定 C项是相关的选项。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 正文第二句 “I am very pleased to share some

38、 experience in dealing with customer service with you.”这一关键句已说明所谈内容是关于分享客户服务经验的,故选 B项。 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据正文中 “If my memory serves me right, we also agreed to negotiate my salary in two years based on my performance and that time has come.”这一句话,可知他们谈的是涨工资的问题,因此 A项为正确选项。 17 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 根据正文第一句

39、“Hello, I am calling to discuss the extension of our contract for next year.”判定 G项正确。 18 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 根据此人后面所说的话 “Never, never take it as the managers task and act as if you have no responsibility for it. Actually, its our task and expectation. We are working and improving together.”判定此项为正确选项。 19

40、 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 根据录音中 “He will assume the position of assistant product manager and report to me directly.”这句话可判定 E项是相关的选项。 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此人与其他员工分享了客户服务的一些经验和策略等, 可以推知他是做客服工作的,故 D项为正确答案。 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此位女士说 “For example, in the last six months alone, I have successfully finished the softw

41、are project ahead of time”据此判定 C项应为正确选项。 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据正文第一句和第二句 “Hello, I am calling to discuss the extension of our contract for next year. Your brand of automobile air conditioning has been going really well hereYou have probably noticed that from the order book in the last year.”判定 B项正确。

42、三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Woman: Hello, Carole Gracian here, thanks for hearing Big Thinker on air. My guest today is embedded pioneer and MontaVista OEO Jim Ready. Mr. Ready, how do you feel about having the combination of Wind River plus Red Hat as a competitor? Man: Winds agreement-to the extent to

43、 which it has happened-Ill take. But, its a distraction, independent of how successful you think Wind will be. You have to be prepared. Theyre not stupid folks, and you have to prepare for the consequences. Woman: Well, Wind River actually is the market share leader in embedded. So potentially, an a

44、lliance of Wind River and Red Hat combines to span the full area, from embedded to enterprise to the desktop, doesnt it? Additionally, isnt this end-to-end play something Microsoft is going after in a major way?. Man: Its clear that VxWorks is dead. There are vanishingly smaller new design wins that

45、 incorporate VxWorks. Our semiconductor friends in Asia say that in terms of new design wins, the choice is overwhelmingly Linux. Thats the whole reason we got into this in the first place-the steam has run cut d old embedded technology. Whatever Wind does in Linux, they have to split with Red Hat.

46、That weakens their position. Woman: Would you compare the emerging battle between Linux and Microsoft to the Cathedral and the Bazaar metaphor described by Eric S. Raymond?. Man: The standards organisations like the Open, Source Development Labs (OSDL) with its Carrier Grade Linux are demonstrably s

47、hining stars, that bring a semi-cathedral approach to open source development. Its an aggregation of TEMs (telecommunications equipment manufacturers), and companies like Alcatel and Nokia, specifying and then delivering compliant software. Its an organised bazaar, with people acting in combined sel

48、f-interest to Linux where it needs to go. Woman: So, its not black and white, and you dont have extremes of the cathedral / bazaar model in the Eric. S. Raymond sense. There are aggregations in the bazaar space that are more focused. Traditionally, MontaVista has stayed away from market-specific pro

49、ducts, such as providing complete OS/ middleware stacks for PDAs, smartphones, set-top boxes, home services gateways, etc. Will that change? If so, which vertical markets interest MontaVista most? Man: The alternatives are not strictly vertical and horizontal. We can point out the dead bodies along the vertical path, but the alternative is not a haphazard horizontal path. Rather, it


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