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1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 You will hear a speaker talking to a group of managers about Unilevers food factory Lowestoft, UKs Factory of the Year. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. Lowestoft, U

2、Ks Factory of the Year Honors Gained 【 L1】 The food plant changed its_radically, which helped it save its cost greatly. 【 L2】 Lowestoft specialises in_. 【 L3】 The food plant also won the prizes for the Best_and General Products Plant and the Best Factory in the East of England. 【 L4】 The food plant

3、beat Unilevers internal efficiency targets by_. Business Scope & Objectives 【 L5】 Lowestoft consists of four factories, which have 14 different_. 【 L6】 Its general manager has always aimed at achieving_, cutting out loss and becoming the safest food plant. Measures Taken 【 L7】 Investing in the_helps

4、 the factory to achieve these objectives. 【 L8】 In Cookes plant,_is the partner of the unions. 【 L9】 Many staff obtained externally accredited_over the last few years. 【 L10】 The factorys_surpasses all the equivalent factories. 【 L11】 New automated equipment helps the factory to meet the_of large cu

5、stomers. 【 L12】 The factorys concern on_also indicates its success. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 11 【 L11】 12 【 L12】 12 You will hear a speaker giving a group of managers an introduction to business ethics. As you listen, for questions 1-12, compl

6、ete the notes using up to three words or a number. You will hear the recording twice. AN INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ETHICS 【 L1】 One doesnt know whether strong _can help an individual avoid making ethically questionable decisions in a business setting. 【 L2】 It is clear that the_ may be influenced by

7、three general sets of factors. Individual Factor 【 L3】 The_of an individual about an issue contributes to his ethical behaviour. 【 L4】 A decision maker with insufficient knowledge concerning an issue may take action that arouses an ethical_. 【 L5】 Generally speaking, the reason that people join orga

8、nisations is to accomplish_. Social Factors 【 L6】 More or less, the social factors, which are also called _, decide ones behaviour in the workplace. 【 L7】 In some culture, customs agents can expect_for simply finishing their ordinary jobs. 【 L8】 What_do exerts great impact on the formation of a pers

9、ons sense of business ethics. Other Factors 【 L9】 Proper company policies and procedures lead to the reduction of the _ of unethical behaviour. 【 L10】 At some fast-food restaurants, the person who receives your payment doesnt_. 【 L11】 The procedure which requires different people to _and give out th

10、e product can reduce unethical behaviour. 【 L12】 For a company, it is necessary to have its ethical code. Whats more, _ should take this code seriously. 13 【 L1】 14 【 L2】 15 【 L3】 16 【 L4】 17 【 L5】 18 【 L6】 19 【 L7】 20 【 L8】 21 【 L9】 22 【 L10】 23 【 L11】 24 【 L12】 BEC商务英语(高级)听力综合模拟试卷 5答案与解析 一、 PART O

11、NE 0 【听力原文】 Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I will talk to you about Unilevers food factory Lowestoft. This food plant saved 10.4 million over four years by revolutionising its business philosophy, and, as we know, it has been named as the UKs Factory of the Year. Then, how was this impress

12、ive feat achieved? Lowestoft, the largest frozen food plant in Europe employing 950 staff, was presented with the trophy at the Best Factory Awards ceremony run by Cranfield School of Management last week. The company also scooped the prizes for the Best Household and General Products Plant and the

13、Best Factory in the East of England after embarking on a four-year world-class manufacturing plan that has resulted in it beating Unilevers internal efficiency targets by 22 per cent. The Lowestoft plant is in fact more than just one factory it is in effect a site containing four factories that prod

14、uces all of Bird Eyes red meat, poultry, frozen vegetable and potato products. There are 14 different product lines. The plant general manager Cookes objective from the very start has been to achieve full productivity, cut out loss and become the safest of food plant in Europe. The factory is now we

15、ll on its way to achieving these objectives. Investing in the workforce has been a key factor. Instead of an us and them mentality,(8)Cooke has ensured that management works in partnership with the unions, and that staff are as highly trained as possible.(9)Over the last few years, 1,500 externally

16、accredited qualifications have been issued. As a result, operational efficiency currently stands at 84 per cent. According to Cooke, an impressive record at an equivalent factory would be around 75 per cent. The factory has also beaten its cost targets for the last four years, saving Unilever 10.5 m

17、illion. The factory has also invested in automated equipment. New machinery enables the firm to make 110 different types of food packages to meet the demands of large customers. The company has also invested in ultra-violet recognition equipment that follows the progress of individual peas on the pr

18、oduction line and can recognise three million different colours. Safety is another key indicator of the factorys achievements. Two years ago, the plant was awarded a Unilever gold award for improving its safety record by 90 per cent over six years. The plant has recently been nominated for Unilevers

19、 global safety award. The Cranfield award highlights not only how far Unilevers Lowestoft factory has come, but how much room for improvement there is in food production. This plant is at the cutting edge, and as the awards suggest, is fast becoming a model of how a modern food plant should be run.

20、The factors I mentioned contribute a lot to the factorys achievement, and they can also show us the future of food production. 【知识模块】 填空题 1 【正确答案】 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY 【知识模块】 填空题 2 【正确答案】 FROZEN FOOD 【知识模块】 填空题 3 【正确答案】 HOUSEHOLD 【知识模块】 填空题 4 【正确答案】 INTERNAL EFFICIENCY TARGETS 【知识模块】 填空题 5 【正确答案】 PRO

21、DUCT LINES 【知识模块】 填空题 6 【正确答案】 FULL PRODUCTIVITY 【知识模块】 填空题 7 【正确答案】 WORKFORCE 【知识模块】 填空题 8 【正确答案】 MANAGEMENT 【知识模块】 填空题 9 【正确答案】 QUALIFICATIONS 【知识模块】 填空题 10 【正确答案】 OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY 【知识模块】 填空题 11 【正确答案】 DEMANDS 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【正确答案】 SAFETY 【知识模块】 填空题 12 【听力原文】 Woman: Good morning, ladies and g

22、entlemen. I am honoured to have this opportunity to talk to you. Today, I am going to say something about business ethics. Is it possible for an individual with strong moral values to make ethically questionable decisions in a business setting? What affects a persons inclination to make either ethic

23、al or unethical decisions in a business organisation? Although the answers to those questions are not entirely clear, there appear to be three general sets of factors that influence the standards of behaviour in an organisation: individual factors, social factors and opportunity. Several individual

24、factors influence the level of ethical behaviour in an organisation. An individuals knowledge level regarding an issue can help to determine ethical behaviour. A decision maker with a greater amount of knowledge regarding an object or situation may take steps to avoid ethical problems, whereas a les

25、s-informed person may unknowingly take action that leads to an ethical conflict. Ones moral values and central, value-related attitudes clearly influence his or her business behaviour. Most people join organisations to accomplish personal goals. The types of personal goals an individual aspires to a

26、nd the manner in which these goals are pursued have significant impact on that individuals behaviour in an organisation. A persons behaviour in the workplace is, to some degree, determined by cultural norms, and these social factors vary from one culture to another. For example, in some countries it

27、 is acceptable and ethical for customs agents to receive gratuities for performing ordinary, legal tasks that are a part of jobs, whereas in other countries these practices would be viewed as unethical and perhaps illegal. The actions and decisions of coworkers is another social factor believed to s

28、hape a persons sense of business ethics. For example, if your coworkers make long-distance telephone calls on company time and at company expense, you might view that behaviour as acceptable and ethical because everyone does it. Significant others are persons to whom someone is emotion-ally attached

29、 spouses, friends, and relatives, for instance. Their moral values and attitudes can also affect an employees perception of what is ethical and unethical in the workplace. Opportunity refers to the amount of freedom an organisation gives an employee to behave ethically if he or she makes that choice

30、. In some organisations, certain company policies and procedures reduce the opportunity to be unethical. For example, at some fast-food restaurants, one person takes your order and receives your payment and another person fills the order. This procedure reduces the opportunity to be unethical becaus

31、e the person handling the money is not dispensing the product, and the person giving out the product is not handling the money. The existence of an ethical code and the importance management places on this code are other determinants of opportunity. The degree of enforcement of company policies, pro

32、cedures, and ethical codes is a major force affecting opportunity. When violations are dealt with consistently and firmly, the opportunity to be unethical is reduced. 【知识模块】 填空题 13 【正确答案】 MORAL VALUES 【知识模块】 填空题 14 【正确答案】 STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR / BEHAVIOR 【知识模块】 填空题 15 【正确 答案】 KNOWLEDGE LEVEL 【知识模块】

33、 填空题 16 【正确答案】 CONFLICT 【知识模块】 填空题 17 【正确答案】 PERSONAL GOALS 【知识模块】 填空题 18 【正确答案】 CULTURAL NORMS 【知识模块】 填空题 19 【正确答案】 GRATUITIES 【知识模块】 填空题 20 【正确答案】 COWORKERS 【知识模块】 填空题 21 【正确答案】 OPPORTUNITY 【知识模块 】 填空题 22 【正确答案】 FILL THE ORDER 【知识模块】 填空题 23 【正确答案】 HANDLE THE MONEY 【知识模块】 填空题 24 【正确答案】 MANAGEMENT 【知识模块】 填空题


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