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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 453及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Computer Crime I. Introduction Current situation; the increase in number and type of computer crime II .

3、Features of computer criminals A. relatively honest B. gender (1) _ (1)_ 1. most being males 2. females being accomplices C. aged between 14 and (2) _ (2)_ D. bright, eager, highly motivated, adventuresome E. (3)_profiles: ranging from young teens to (3)_ elders, from black to white, from short to t

4、all III. Definitions of computer crimechanging over (4)_ (4)_ A. once defined as a form of white-collar crime committed inside a computer system B. a federal crime defined as hacking into credit and other data bases protected by federal (5)_statutes (5)_ C. unauthorized access to computers to obtain

5、 money, goods or services or classified information IV. (6) _of computer crime (6)_ A. swindling or stealing of money e. g. The Well Fargo Bank discovered an employee using the bank computer to embezzle $21.3 million. B. credit card (7)_ (7)_ e. g. A computer hacker gained illegal access to a credit

6、 data base and applied for credit cards to issue money from ATMs. C. (8) _of computer time (8)_ e. g. Excessive computer game time in business means stealing of work time. V . Protection (9)_ (9)_ hardware identification (10)_software (10)_ disconnecting critical bank applications proper internal co

7、ntrols SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

8、Now listen to the interview. 11 According to the hostess, what is the reason for increased competition in clothing industry? ( A) The increased cost of raw materials. ( B) The booming market for fast fashion. ( C) Consumers needs for luxury fashion. ( D) The increased cost of human resources. 12 Acc

9、ording to James, the Ethical Consumer Research Association aims to_. ( A) provide information that might reveal the company ethics ( B) study the ethical aspect of consumers while shopping ( C) do research on ethical consumers behavior and values ( D) give consumers useful information on quality of

10、products 13 According to James, which of the following does NOT make an ethical shopper? ( A) He/she is concerned about the human labor involved in the product. ( B) He/she wonders whether the company in involved in armaments. ( C) He/she wonders whether the company manages to make ends meet. ( D) H

11、e/she wants to know which party the company financially supports. 14 According to James, how can one become an ethical shopper? ( A) One should be wealthy enough. ( B) One should buy cheap things. ( C) One should buy everything second-hand. ( D) One should buy less. 15 According to James, what is hi

12、s attitude toward the future development of ethical shopping? ( A) Positive. ( B) Negative. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Ambiguous. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item,

13、 you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) World oil prices rose again after a short decline. ( B) More investors shifted their interest in the U. S. dollars. ( C) The Russian president suggested less dependence on the dollar. ( D) The U. S

14、. dollars gained value after world oil prices rose. 17 Which of the following best states Chinas standpoint on the Iran nuclear issues? ( A) China opposes any form of economic sanctions against Iran. ( B) China plans to stop multilateral talks with other parties involved. ( C) China hopes to continu

15、e talks with parties concerned for solutions. ( D) China supports international efforts to impose sanctions on Iran. 18 The UN Security Council plus_agreed to impose new sanctions on Iran. ( A) Canada ( B) Japan ( C) Australia ( D) Germany 19 What are the scientists at the University of California d

16、oing to help patients blink? ( A) They are transplanting a piece of muscle from the leg to the eye. ( B) They are doing surgeries on the eye to help patients blink. ( C) They are doing tests of a new blink system on real patients. ( D) They are developing artificial muscles to help patients blink. 2

17、0 Which of the following is NOT a part of the new blink system? ( A) The eyelid sling. ( B) The temples. ( C) The electrostatic polymer. ( D) A tiny battery. 20 Benjie Goodhart is in his late 30s, adores his partner and has a young son. But the thought of marriage has paralyzed him with fear. And it

18、s all thanks to his parents perfect marriage. Benjie Goodheart felt the pressure of wanting an idealized version of his parents relationship. According to Christine Northam, a relationship counselor with Relate. “Its like having a terribly clever elder brother at schoolit sets a competitive standard

19、,“ she says. “Its a normal anxiety about a big change, and youve got the added pressure of wanting an idealized version of your parents relationship. “ It seems such anxiety is not uncommon. “As much as its hard to cope with parents being imperfect, cheating, splitting,“ says therapist Tracey Cox, “

20、it is sometimes harder to be presented with the ideal happy marriage. “ Avy Joseph is a cognitive behavioral therapist and founder of CityMinds. “Its quite common for people to put pressure on themselves,“ he says, “if theyve grown up in an environment where, in their view, things have been perfect.

21、 “ Overcoming these fears involves accepting your marriage may not be perfect, but if it isnt you will cope. Just because something isnt perfect doesnt mean its worthless. And if your marriage ends in divorce, it doesnt define you as a failure. “Your own worth isnt dependent on the success of your m

22、arriage,“ says Joseph. Working at Relate, Christine Northam knows no marriage is perfect. “I dont know anybody who is 100% happy with their marriage. Most marriages go through ups and downs. Youre idealizing it. You have a false impression of what real marriage is like. Most married people hate each

23、 other at times, frankly. You cant be perfectly in love all the time. “ So marriage is not the happy ending of the fairy-tales. I love the fact that, 44 years after they married, my parents still hold hands, make each other giggle, and tease each other. But they would doubtless balk at the idea that

24、 their marriage is perfect. Mum suffers from terrible vertigo, yet Dad persists in taking enormous detours every holiday through a mountain range. Dad could spend a week looking at a ruined church, whereas Mum could do the Acropolis in five minutes flat. Hundreds more took place along the recurring

25、themes of what time to leave for the airport (Mum, six hours before a flight; Dad, six minutes), how to pour a drink (Mum, fill a large glass to the brim; Dad, quarter-fill a thimble) and how best to pass leisure time (Mum, bulk-buying from catalogue companies; Dad, reading every column inch of the

26、newspaper). They arent perfect. They just love each other enough to deal with the imperfections. As Cox says: “What they are good at is having faith, loving each other and finding compromises to make them both happy. No one breezes through (marriage) without working at it. “ And yes, I would hope to

27、 have a marriage as successful as theirs. But I know it will take some work. Im ready for that. I finally got down on one knee this year. After waiting for the perfect romantic moment, I realized it would probably never come. I had prevaricated long enough. So I asked her on the spur of the moment,

28、while I was unpacking the shopping from the car, with Wendy in a bath towel standing in our driveway asking why Id put Fred in the boot of the car (hed insisted) while he banged on the rear windscreen, pronouncing loudly about his latest fecal production. The proposal wasnt on a moonlit beach or ove

29、r a candlelit dinner, but slap bang in the minutiae of everyday life, in all its hilarious, glorious ridiculousnessand because of the person she is, Wendy loved it. And so it is that I find myself marching towards my impending nuptials, eyes wide open, resolve secure, safe in the knowledge that I am

30、 punching well above my weight with the woman who will be my wife. Benjie and Wendy were married last Saturday. 21 Benjie Goodhart is afraid of being married because_. ( A) his parents have a perfect marriage ( B) his parents hare a terrible marriage and have divorced ( C) he is afraid of a big chan

31、ge in his life ( D) he feels pressure of maintaining a perfect marriage 22 According to experts, why do people feel the pressure of having a perfect marriage? ( A) Because people fear that their marriage will not be satisfactory. ( B) Because if a marriage ends in divorce, it means that they are a f

32、ailure. ( C) Because they want to compete with others their happy marriage. ( D) All of them. 23 What does “balk“ mean in the third paragraph? ( A) accept ( B) refuse to comply ( C) suspect ( D) challenge 24 According to the last paragraph, all of the following statements are correct EXCEPT_. ( A) N

33、o marriage is perfect but they know how to deal with the imperfections. ( B) A happy marriage needs the great efforts from both parties. ( C) Only a few people have smooth marriage without efforts. ( D) A happy marriage needs the compromise from both parties. 25 The authors proposal of marriage can

34、be described as_. ( A) romantic ( B) realistic ( C) plain ( D) exciting 25 New data released today from the Partnership for a Drug Free America suggest that not only are girls now drinking more than boys, they turn to drugs and alcohol for more serious reasons as well. The report, which analyzed res

35、ults from the 2009 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), a survey of teen attitudes and behaviors, shows that the number of middle-and high-school girls who say they drink has increased by 11 percent in the past year. Boys have stayed at about the same level, hovering around 52 percent. These

36、numbers are more indicative of a long-term trend than a sudden uptick. In 2005 the rate of girls who had used alcohol in the past year as surveyed by the partnership hit 57 percent, only to fall back to 55 percent in 2007 and 53 percent in 2008. (During that same time, boys continued to fall within

37、a couple of percentage points of 50 percent, but the changes were not statistically significant. ) These arent the only data to note issues involving girls and drinking. According to Monitoring the Future, an ongoing study that monitors the habits and attitudes of young Americans, the number of high

38、-school students who admitted being drunk in the previous 30 days has changed dramatically for boys compared with girls. In 1998, 39 percent of boys reported being drunk in the previous 30 days, compared with 26. 6 percent of girls. Ten years later, in 2008, 29.2 percent, of boys reported being drun

39、k during the 30-day period, while girls stayed relatively steady at 26. 2 percent. “The numbers go down for boys and girls, but they go down much more dramatically for boys,“ says Amelia Arria, director of the center on young adult health and development at the University of Maryland, School of Publ

40、ic Health. “It represents a 25 percent decrease for boys, but only a 1 percent decrease for girls. Girls are staying kind of level, and boys are dropping. “ For years, boys were the focus of underage-drinking interventions, but for the past decade, researchers have seen a close in the gender gap. Re

41、searchers speculate that more products devoted to making drinking easier and tastierthe sugar-laden beverages known as alco-popsare a factor. “Theres a whole new raft of products that have come out in the last 10 to 12 years that were oriented to young females,“ says David Jerigan, executive directo

42、r of the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth. “Alcohol now gets sold to girls as a functional food: it gets sold with calorie information, a drink of fitness, a drink with health benefits. “ But girls may be less concerned about their figure than they are about, well, everything else. The Partners

43、hip for a Drug Free America results also show that girls are more likely to associate drugs and alcohol with a way to avoid problems and relieve stress. (Boys, on the other hand, show dramatic increases in seeing drugs and alcohol as social lubricants: in 2009 compared with 2008, they were 16 percen

44、t more likely to see them as a way to make socializing easier, and 23 percent more likely to label drinking as a necessary ingredient for a party. ) Teen girls are more likely to be attuned to their feelings, says Leslie Walker, M. D. , director of adolescent medicine at Seattle Childrens Hospital,

45、and therefore may seek alcohol as a way to self-medicate. “Girls tend to be more internalized with issues that are happening anyway. It makes sense that if they have some stress and things that they are dealing with, theyre going to take care of themselves instead of reaching out. “ Recent research

46、on the adolescent brain has shown significant differences between males and females. Arria says, “Girls tend to be more sensitive to emotional stress, neurologically. Girls mature a little bit earlier in parts of the brain; boys develop later in those areas. “ That increased sensitivity, she says, c

47、ombined with more relaxed attitudes and easier access to alcohol, may explain the difference in boys and girls when it comes to drinking. Its also possible that the more developed emotional brain allows girls to be more self-aware and honest about their motivations than boys. “I think early on, girl

48、s are more willing to admit negative emotions than boys,“ says Eric Wagner, professor at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work at Florida International University. “They might be drinking for the same reasons as boys, but boys are much less likely to admit those reasons.“ In hi

49、s interventions with high-school students, says Wagner, kids are still very much drawn to traditional gender stereotypes, with boys associating drinking with a type of macho culture. The stress of figuring out gender roles, of doing well in school, and of the larger social and economic realities has led this generations teenagers to be more anxious than previous generations, says Walker. “Its a particularly stressf


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