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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 530 及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture

2、. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 University Awards The BA (or Bachelor of Arts) and the BSc (or Bachelor of Science) are also called “【 1

3、】 “. Some British universities offer 4-year courses for foreign students which are made up of one【 2】 year plus three years of degree courses. Diploma courses are usually more narrowly【 3】 and more professionally【 4】 . Over the past twenty years, a large number of additional Master degrees have been

4、 introduced which combine a quite small piece of research with a【 5】 amount of course work. The PhD (or Doctor of Philosophy), is only awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable【 6】 . The honorary degrees are actually given to people who have【 7】themselves in some field

5、 of【 8】 activity outside. Course examinations can be divided into objective and subjective test. The objective test is considered to be a good test of【 9】 knowledge. The subjective tests are always in the forms of essays and【 10】 . 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【

6、10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now

7、 listen to the interview. 11 The interviewee believes that having all union employees is the_ way of operating from an employers point of view. ( A) simplest ( B) most difficult ( C) most tedious ( D) least desirable 12 Joining a union gives an employer the security of never having to worry about (

8、A) recruiting. ( B) productivity. ( C) the workforce. ( D) administration. 13 According to the interviewee, when an employee joins a union he becomes ( A) more independent. ( B) his own bargaining agent. ( C) less independent. ( D) more troublesome. 14 The interviewee believes that those who work fo

9、r a non-union small business ( A) have far less freedom. ( B) have more freedom. ( C) have the same freedom. ( D) lose their freedom. 15 One advantage of a non-union business is being able to deal directly with ( A) shop stewards. ( B) agents. ( C) employees. ( D) trade officials. SECTION C NEWS BRO

10、ADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Richard Causey has turned on his former colleagues in hope of _. ( A) the exemptio

11、n from penalty. ( B) the cooperation with prosecutors. ( C) revealing the truth about the bankruptcy. ( D) the abatement of penalty. 17 Eliots interested in poetry in about 1902 with the discovery of Romantic. He had recalled how he was initiated into poetry by Edward Fitzgeralds Omar Khayyam at the

12、 age of fourteen. “It was like a sudden conversion“, he said, an “overwhelming introduction to a new world of feeling.“ From then on, till about his twentieth year of age (1908), he took intensive courses in Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Rossetti and Swinburne. It is, no doubt, a period of keen e

13、njoyment. At this period, the poem, or the poetry of a single poet, invades the youthful consciousness and assume complete possession for a time. The frequent result is an outburst of scribbling which we may call imitation. It is not deliberate choice of a poet to mimic, but writing under a kind of

14、daemonic possession by one poet. Thus, the young Eliot started his career with a mind preoccupied by certain Romantic poets. His imitative scribbling survives in the Harvard Eliot Collection, a part of which is published as Poems Written in Early Youth. “A Lyric“ (1905), written at Smith Academy and

15、 Eliots first poem ever shown to anthers eye, is a straightforward and spontaneous overflow of a simple feeling. Modeled on Ben Johnson, the poem expresses a conventional theme, and can be summarized in a single sentence: since time and space are limited, let us love while we can. The hero is totall

16、y self-confident, with no Prufrockian self-consciousness. He never thinks of retreat, never recognizes his own limitations, and never experiences the kind of inner struggle, which will so blight the mind of Prufrock. “Song: When we came home across the hill“ (1907), written after Eliot entered Harva

17、rd College, achieved about the same degree of success. The poem is a lovers mourning of the loss of love, the passing of passion, and this is done through a simple contrast. The flowers in the field are blooming and flourishing, but those in his lovers wreath are fading and withering. The point is t

18、hat, as flowers become waste then they have been plucked, so love passes when it has been consummated. The poem achieves an effect similar to that of Shelleys “when the lamp is shattered“. The form, the dictation and the images are all borrowed. So is the carpe diem theme. In “Song: The Moonflower O

19、pens“ (1909), Eliot makes the flower-love comparison once more and complains that his love is too cold-hearted and does not have “tropical flowers/ With scarlet life for me“. In these poem, Eliot is not writing in his own right, but the poets who possessed him are writing through him. He is imitatin

20、g in the usual sense of the word, having not yet developed his critical sense. It should not be strange to find him at this stage so interested in flowers: the flowers in the wreath, this mornings flowers, flowers of yesterday, the moonflower which opens to the moth - not interested in them as symbo

21、ls, but interested in them as beautiful objects. In these poems, the Romantics did not just work on his imagination; they compelled his imagination to work their way. Though merely fin-de-siecle routines, some of these early poems already embodied Eliots mature thinking, and forecasted his later dev

22、elopment. “Before Morning“ (1908) shows his awareness of the co-habitation of beauty and decay under the same sun and the same sky. “Circles Palace“ (1909) shows that he already entertained the view of women as emasculating their male victims or sapping their strength. “On a Portrait“ (1909) describ

23、es women as mysterious and evanescent, existing “beyond the circle of our thought“. Despite all these hints of later development, these poems do not represent the Eliot we know. Their voice is the voice of tradition and their style is that of the Romantic period. It seems to me that the early Eliots

24、 connection with Tennyson is especially interesting, in that Tennyson seems to have foreshadowed Eliots own development. 17 Eliot was wrapped up in _when he began to write poems. ( A) Edward Fitzgeralds poems ( B) Romantic poets ( C) Classical literature ( D) Romantic literature 18 Who invited Eliot

25、 to poem when he was a child? ( A) Ezra Pound ( B) Whitman ( C) Franklin ( D) Edward Fitzgerald 19 Which of the following statement is NOT true of Eliots first poem? ( A) It was written at Smith Academy. ( B) It was modeled on Ben Johnson. ( C) It was included in Poems Written in Early Youth. ( D) I

26、t expresses the theme that a common persons mind is loaded with inner struggle. 20 Which of the following is NOT Eliots poem? ( A) Song: When we came home across the hill ( B) Song: The Moonflower Opens ( C) Fin-de-siecle ( D) before Morning 21 The article is primary concerned with _. ( A) comparing

27、 the early poems by Tennyson and Eliot. ( B) illustrating Eliots talent as a young artist. ( C) introducing some background knowledge of Eliot. ( D) representing Eliots early style and his connection with Romantic poets. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choic

28、e questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215. ( B) The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts. ( C) The British constitution includes decisions made by

29、 courts of law. ( D) The British constitution includes one single written constitution. 23 British agriculture is highly mechanized, with_of the population managing_ of the land area. ( A) 10%, 70% ( B) 5%, 60% ( C) 3%, 70% ( D) 4%, 6% 24 Which of the following poems is NOT written by Alfred Tennyso

30、n. ( A) Poems by Two Brothers ( B) The Princess ( C) Idylls of the King ( D) The Song of the Shirt 25 The University of Dublin was not founded until ( A) the 19th century. ( B) the 18th century. ( C) the 17th century. ( D) the 16th century. 26 At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries _ appeared in

31、 England as a new trend in literature. ( A) Renaissance ( B) Reformation ( C) Romanticism ( D) Sentimentalism 27 New Zealand is composed of two islands. They are _. Island and _ Island. ( A) The Fiat Island; the Round Island ( B) the Long Island; the Fire Island ( C) the Andros Island; the Cayman Is

32、land ( D) the north island; the south island 28 The masterpiece of Sherwood Anderson is _. ( A) The Sun also Rises ( B) The Great Gatsby ( C) The Sound and the Fury . ( D) Winesburg, Ohio 29 All of the following except _ are instances of hyponymy. ( A) chair/furniture ( B) river/lake ( C) dog/animal

33、 ( D) flute/instrument 30 The poem A Psalm of Life was written by _. ( A) Edgar Allan Poe ( B) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ( C) Ralph Walao Emerson ( D) Washington Irving 31 “Underprivileged people“ is often used by the mass media as a substitute for “poor people“; Linguistically, the former is refer

34、red to as a(n) _. ( A) linguistic taboo ( B) slangy expression ( C) high-sounding expression ( D) euphemism 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING but over the past twenty years or so a large number of additional Master degrees have been introduced which combine a quite small piece of research with a substantial a

35、mount of course work on which the student is examined. The PhD (or Doctor of Philosophy), the most prestigious research degree, is on the other hand only awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable originality. It is expected to make a significant contribution to our kno

36、wledge of and understanding of a problem. It usually involves at least four years full-time research. Thirdly, and least commonly, there are the honorary degrees. These are, for example, the DLitt or Doctor of Letters (Doctor Litterarumif you want it in the original Latin), the DSc or Doctor of Scie

37、nce, and the LLD or Doctor of Laws. These awards may bein fact often areawarded to people who have never been to University at all. They are very often in fact given to people who have distinguished themselves in some field of non-academic activity outside. Thus the University may wish to honour a f

38、amous writer by giving him a DLitt or a famous politician by giving him or her an LLD. Thats all I want to talk about today. Are there any questions? Student: May I ask a question about the examinations? Lecturer: Yes, go ahead. Student: What kind of examinations are the students going to have at th

39、e end of their course work? Lecturer: Examinations can be divided into two typesobjective and subjective. The objective test is designed in such a way as to require one and only one correct answer. Its considered to be a good test of factual knowledge. Examples of objective tests will consist of mul

40、tiple-choice and true-false questions. On the other hand, the subjective test allows for many possible ways of expressing an answer. Sometimes it even accepts completely different answers from different people. Such as essays and interviews. Student: Thank you very much. Lecturer: Well, if you want

41、any more information, please feel free to come and talk to me. 1 【正确答案】 first degrees 2 【正确答案】 preparatory 3 【正确答案】 specialized 4 【正确答案】 orientated 5 【正确答案】 substantial 6 【正确答案】 originality 7 【正确答案】 distinguished 8 【正确答案】 non-academic 9 【正确答案】 factual 10 【正确答案】 interviews SECTION B INTERVIEW Directi

42、ons: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 10 【听

43、力原文】 Interviewer: On the matter of employer-employee relations, we read a lot and hear a lot about, uh. union problems and strikes. Interviewee: Well, I think that, probably, the, uh. speaking of it from an employers standpoint, the easiest thing for an employer to do would be to join a union. Now t

44、his might seem. Interviewer: From an employers, uh. Interviewee: From an employers standpoint. The reason is that you have the security of never having to worry about having employees. Uh. youd be meeting a. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Interviewee: . a certain criterion because the unions set the criteria

45、for the people that work-their salaries, their fringe benefits, and so on. Interviewer: And you, you probably have one outfit to deal with, rather than. Interviewee: Thats correct. So you, from tile employee standpoint, of course, you have the problem that the employee is. is a captive to a set of c

46、riteria. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Interviewee: . and his freedom is greatly reduced because of the fact that, that his bargaining agent is someone else-its not himself. Interviewer: Hes no longer in an individual-to-employer situation. Interviewee: That is correct. Interviewer: Is it a trade-off, uh. to

47、 a certain extent? I mean, uh. Interviewee: Well, my feeling is . one of the nice things about working for a small business which is non-union, you have a higher degree of freedom. And that its much easier from the employees standpoint, uh. to be able to negotiate one-to-one, than to work through a

48、shop steward, or. or a union agent that tells you what youre going to do. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Interviewee: And so. uh . thats one of the great advantages of a small business- because most of them are non-union, and they have survived in the country. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Interviewee: . and, and its

49、those people that are really independent that have made this country go. But when you become a captive to any big organization- whether its a corporation, a union or a government-you just absolutely lose your freedom. 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 B 15 【正确答案】 C SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be g


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