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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 752及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 1 Acupuncture Recently, acupuncture has become a 【 1】 _word in America. Acupuncture was performed in China

3、long before the study of 【 2】 _. In very ancient times, pieces of sharp stones were used to press or prick certain section of the body in order to cure an illness. Later, needles were made from 【 3】 _and bamboo. In the course of time, the Chinese people learned to make needles out of copper, iron, a

4、nd silver. Today, the needles are made of 【 4】 _. Important factors in the acupuncture treatment: - The size and 【 5】 _of the needles. The depth of the insertion. The 【 6】 _of the time the needle should be left in the body. Finally, the number of needles used in each treatment. The earliest recorded

5、 acupuncture cure took place about 【 7】 _years ago. The most important book on acupuncture appeared in the Qin Dynasty. In the book, 【 8】 _basic points in human body were listed, and a total of 649 points in a human body were defined. A French 【 9】 _introduced it to the west at the beginning of this

6、 century. The first acupuncture clinicwas set up in 【 10】 _It was not until 1958 that the Chinese began to use acupuncture as an anesthesia. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis

7、ten carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 How old is the minivan the Lady is looking at? ( A) One year o

8、ld. ( B) Three years old. ( C) Five years old. ( D) Seven years old. 12 What is the vehicles mileage? ( A) 55,000 miles. ( B) 65,000 miles. ( C) 75,000 miles. ( D) 8,5000 miles. 13 What is the problem with the minivan s door? ( A) It has several scratches in it. ( B) It will not open properly. ( C)

9、It is missing the door handle. ( D) It has no seats covers. 14 What is one thing the extended warranty would NOT cover on the vehicle according to the conversation? ( A) A faulty oil pump. ( B) A malfunctioning gage. ( C) A worn out brake drum. ( D) An engine. 15 If the manager lowered the price as

10、the salesman suggests, what would the final price be? ( A) 15,475. ( B) 15,575. ( C) 15,675. ( D) 15,775. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be giv

11、en 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 What is the moving direction of Tropical Storm Gert? ( A) Southeast to Bermuda. ( B) Southeast from Bermuda. ( C) North to Bermuda. ( D) North from Bermuda. 17 Of all the named storms of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Gert is the ( A) 1st. ( B) 3rd. ( C

12、) 5th. ( D) 7th. 17 The United States has a major racial problem on its hands. True, Britain is facing a similar problem, but for the time being it is in America that it is graver. The only way to solve it is through education. Negroes should know about the contributions that black individuals and g

13、roups have made towards building America. This is of vital importance for their self-respect, and it is perhaps even more important for white people to know. For if you believe that a man has no history worth mentioning, it is easy to assume that he has no value as a man. Many people believe that, s

14、ince the Negros achievements do not appear in the history books, he did not have any. Most people are taken aback when they learn that Negroes sailed with Columbus, marched with the Spanish conquerors of South America and fought side by side with white Americans in all their wars. People are astonis

15、hed when you tell them about Phillis Wheatley, who learned English as a slave in Boston and wrote first-class poetry. They have never heard of Benjamin Banneker, a mathematician and a surveyor, who helped to plan the city of Washington. There has been a tendency all along to treat the black man as i

16、f he were invisible, little has been written about the 5,000 American Negroes who fought in the Revolution against the British, but they were in every important battle. In the Anglo-American war of 1812, at least one out of every six men in the U, S. Navy was a Negro. In the Civil war, more than 200

17、,000 black troops fought in the Union forces. How, then, did the image of the Negro as a valiant fighting man disappear? To justify the hideous institution of slavery, slaveholders had to create the myth of the docile, slow-witted Negro, incapable of self-improvement, and even contented with his lot

18、. Nothing could be further from the truth. The slave fought for his freedom at every chance he got, and there were numerous uprisings. Yet the myth of docility persisted. There are several other areas where the truth has been twisted or concealed. Most people have heard of the Negro. Carver, who inv

19、ented scores of new uses for the lowly peanut. But whoever heard of Norbert Rillieux, who in 1846 invented a vacuum pan that revolutionized the sugar-refining industry? Or of Elijah McCoy, who in 1872 invented the drip cup that feeds oil to the moving parts of heavy machinery? How many people know t

20、hat Negroes are credited with inventing such different items as ice creams, potato chips, the gas mask and the first traffic light? Not many. As for the winning the West, the black cowboy and the black frontiersman have been almost ignored, though film producers are becoming more aware of their impo

21、rtance. Yet in the typical trail crew of eight men that drove cattle from Texas to Kansas, at least two would have been Negroes. The black troops of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry formed one-fifth of all the mounted troops assigned to protect the frontier after the Civil War. What difference does it ma

22、ke? You may ask. A lot. The cowboy is the American folk-hero. Youngsters identify with him instantly. The average cowboy film is really a kind of morality play, with good guys and bad guys and right finally triumphing over wrong. You should see the amazement and happiness on black youngsters faces w

23、hen they learn that their ancestors really had a part in all that. 18 From the passage we know that Negroes _. ( A) have no self-respect ( B) have no history ( C) need to have an interest in history ( D) need to learn what they have done for America 19 People are surprised to learn that _. ( A) Negr

24、oes achievements are not shown in history books ( B) Phillis Wheatley learned English ( C) Negroes are good at mathematics ( D) Negroes have a very long history in America 20 How were the Negroes treated in the history books? ( A) They were ignored ( B) They were condemned ( C) They were belittled (

25、 D) They were praised 21 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) That Negroes were docile was denied by the slaveholders. ( B) That Negroes were docile was not quite tree. ( C) That Negroes were docile was a lie fostered by their masters. ( D) That Negroes were docile was sheer nonsense. 22

26、According to the passage what is unknown to many people is that _. ( A) the drip cup benefited light industry ( B) the truth about carver was twisted or concealed ( C) sugar-refining owes a lot to a Negro ( D) a Negro invented the frying pan 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There a

27、re ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 23 A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _ ( A) hamburger. ( B) sandwich. ( C) salad. ( D) pudding. 24 Each of the fifty states of the US elects_senators. ( A) 10 ( B) 4 ( C) 3 ( D) 2 25 What

28、 was called the severest of many plagues that took place between 1348 and 1350? ( A) Black Death. ( B) Black Day. ( C) Black Mail. ( D) Black Age. 26 The first president in U. S. history who resigned because of a scandal is_. ( A) Wilson ( B) Nixon ( C) Jackson ( D) Kennedy 27 Which of the following

29、 is NOT true of the U. S.A? ( A) A well -dereloped country. ( B) A permanent member of the Security Council of the UN. ( C) The biggest country in the Americas. ( D) A melting pot. 28 Sister Carrie was written by _. ( A) William Faulkner ( B) Henry James ( C) Theodore Dreiser ( D) Herman Melville 29

30、 Around _ of New Zealanders are found in North Island. ( A) 3/4 ( B) 1/2 ( C) 2011-3-5 ( D) 2011-4-10 30 The seat of the U.S. government in Washington D.C.is known as the _. ( A) Capital ( B) White House ( C) Empire State Building ( D) Pentagon 31 Which of the following is the British oldest daily n

31、ewspaper? ( A) The Telegraph. ( B) The Guardian. ( C) The News of the World. ( D) The Times. 32 Mark Twains works are characterized by the following except _. ( A) sense of humor ( B) egotism ( C) jokes ( D) tall tales 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING we read about it in magazines and we see it on TV from ti

32、me to time. What exactly is acupuncture? The word “acupuncture“ was not even listed in some of the dictionaries that came out in this country in the early 1960s. The 1966 edition of the American College Dictionary by Random House, for example, didnt include the word i acupuncture“ at all. In the 75

33、edition of College Dictionary by Random House, “acupuncture“ is listed, and the definition reads as follows: A traditional practice in Chinese folk medicine of attempting ot cure illness by puncturing specified areas of the skin with needles. In other words, acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method

34、of treating a disease or relieving pain by injecting one or more needles at certain point or points of the human body. Acupuncture was performed in China long before the study of metals was known. In very ancient times pieces of sharp stones were used to press or prick a certain section of the body

35、in order to cure an illness. This was acupuncture in the very early stage of development. Later, needles were made from bone and bamboo. In the course of time, the Chinese people learned to make needles out of copper, iron, and silver. Today acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel. The ancie

36、nt Chinese use nine types of needles. Some were about one and half inches long; others were about three and half inches. Some were round, and others were flat with two sharp edges. The size and shape of the needle is not the only important factor in treatment. An acupuncturist must also master certa

37、in basic techniques in inserting the needles. Precise rules must be followed as to how the needle is inserted, rapidly or slowly, perpendicularly or in a tilted manner. The depth of the insertion is also a factor to be considered. Still a third factor is the length of time the needle should be left

38、in the body, and finally, the number of needles used in each treatment must be carefully determined. Acupuncture can be a preventive as well as a curative treatment if it is properly administered, but in the wrong hands, the needle can be a dangerous weapon. It can kill like a sword. The earliest re

39、corded acupuncture cure took place about 2000 years ago. The most important book on acupuncture, however, did not appear until the Qin Dynasty (256 A. D.-420 A. D.). In the book, Internal Medicine, for the first time, the 349 basic acupuncture points were listed, and a total of 649 points in a human

40、 body defined. This book discussed the theory of acupuncture, the location of the points, the manipulation of the points and prohibition. From then on acupuncture was developed steadily and was taught throughout the country and studied abroad. In 1822 the Qing government banned the practice of acupu

41、ncture. In 1929 the Kuomintang government banned the practice of Chinese medicine altogether. But most of the people continued to practice acupuncture among themselves, because they found it simple and effective. How did the Western World begin to know about acupuncture? Credit must be given to a ma

42、n by the name of George Soulie de Morant, the French Councilor in Shanghai at the beginning of this century. When he was sent to Yunnanfu, where a cholera epidemic was raging, he was surprised to find that in the hospitals treatment by means of needles had better results than the medicine available

43、at the time. Impressed by this treatment, he began to study the practice. When he returned to France, after twenty years in China, he demonstrated the power of acupuncture by curing a woman whose arms had been paralyzed for several years. After inserting three needles, she was able to use her arm ag

44、ain. Thus the west became aware of this special brand of Chinese medicine called acupuncture. From then on people in France and in other parts of Europe began to show an interest in acupuncture and stared research in this area. In 1945 Mao Tsetung set up an acupuncture clinic in Yon An, the first in

45、 100 years. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, acupuncture was once again encouraged. Due to the tremendous need for medical care in the rural areas, acupuncture became a popular treatment for various illnesses such as paralysis, arthritis, deafness and blindness. It was no

46、t until 1958 that the Chinese began to use acupuncture as an anesthesia. Medical workers first applied acupuncture to alleviate post-operation pain. When this proved successful, they tried using it for dental operations. 1 【正确答案】 household 2 【正确答案】 metals 3 【正确答案】 bones 4 【正确答案】 steel 5 【正确答案】 shape

47、 6 【正确答案】 length 7 【正确答案】 2000 8 【正确答案】 349 9 【正确答案】 Consul 10 【正确答案】 Yanan SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will

48、 be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 10 【听力原文 】 Car Salesman: Oh. Hi there. A beauty, isnt she? Lady: Well . . . Car Salesman: Do you want to take her a test ride? Lady: Well . . . Urn. How old is it? Car Salesman: Well, its only three yea

49、rs old. Lady: And whats the mileage? Car Salesman: Uh, let me check. Oh yes. 75,000 miles. Lady: 75,000 miles7 Thats quite a bit for a car thats only three years old. Car Salesman: Well, once youre in the drivers seat, youll fall in love with her. Get in. Lady: Ugh. Uh, I cant seem to get the door open. Ah, its okay. It could be broken Car Salesman: Ah, just give her a little tap. Ugh. Now shes opened. Lady: Great A door I have to beat u


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