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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 635及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be

2、read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at A

3、NSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 1 Good Writing Educators in English-speak

4、ing countries have developed a set of basic characteristics of good English writing unity,【 T1】 , emphasis,【 T1】 _ development and clarity. Here, a different set of concepts are introduced: I. Good writing is good thinking. It should be【 T2】 , having something insightful to say about the【 T2】 _ topi

5、c. It is not simply【 T3】 .【 T3】 _ It may 1)enlighten you or【 T4】 the subject:【 T4】 _ 2)make you feel something similar: 3)make you feel exactly【 T5】 .【 T5】 _ II. Good writing involves thoughtful【 T6】 .【 T6】 _ It is the result of 99% of hard work and 1% of inspiration. III. Good writing is directed t

6、oward an audience. The audience determines 1)diction and sentence structure 2)the sentence length and patterns 3)the overall【 T7】【 T7】 _ 4)details that would be included IV. Good writing achieves a clear【 T8】 .【 T8】 _ V. Good writing expresses ideas clearly. It reflects good thinking, which should b

7、e put into precise,【 T9】 and【 T9】 _ lucid articles. For non-native speakers of English, clear expression involves being【 T10】 .【 T10】 _ 2 【 T1】 3 【 T2】 4 【 T3】 5 【 T4】 6 【 T5】 7 【 T6】 8 【 T7】 9 【 T8】 10 【 T9】 11 【 T10】 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the e

8、nd of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each qu

9、estion on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) Billionaires are quite rare nowadays. ( B) Forbes 400 includes billionaires all over the world. ( C) Billionaires are much more now than ever before. ( D) Millionaires are hard to find through dating services. ( A) Th

10、ey tend to be older than their pursuers. ( B) They tend to be much less than men billionaires. ( C) They tend to be harder to find than men billionaires. ( D) They tend to be nearly as many as men billionaires. ( A) By searching the websites. ( B) By getting an MBA diploma. ( C) By finding a job in

11、education. ( D) By looking for common interests. ( A) Those women who are smart and wealthy. ( B) Those women who are smart but not wealthy. ( C) Those women who are wealthy but not beautiful. ( D) Those women who are beautiful but not smart. ( A) The ways and traps in hunting for billionaires. ( B)

12、 Public attitude towards hunting for billionaires. ( C) Billionaires requirements for partners. ( D) Current situations of billionaires in the US. ( A) The importance of smartness. ( B) The importance of humbleness. ( C) The importance of diligence. ( D) The importance of confidence. ( A) There is n

13、o one who is smarter than him. ( B) There is no one who is as bright as people think. ( C) There is no one who is more talented than him. ( D) There is no one who is as powerful as people think. ( A) The size of their offices. ( B) The high salary. ( C) The result of their jobs done. ( D) The result

14、 of the competition. ( A) It is a metaphor to show you need to be hateful. ( B) It is a metaphor to show you need to be hostile. ( C) It is a metaphor to show you need to be unfriendly. ( D) It is a metaphor to show you need to be purposeful. ( A) As long as you think, you may succeed. ( B) As long

15、as you work hard, you may succeed. ( C) Women are superior to men in jobs. ( D) Only genius can achieve success. 二、 PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word, phrase

16、or statement that best completes the sentence. 22 In the sentence “He saw his face reflected in the water“, the italicized phrase is_. ( A) the object ( B) an adverbial ( C) a complement ( D) the subject 23 Which of the following italicized phrases indicates PURPOSE? ( A) He wanted all the running o

17、f the business for himself. ( B) I knew he worked for a security firm. ( C) I thanked him for his help. ( D) The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink. 24 Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause? ( A) I have made it a rule that I keep diaries. ( B) He will have it tha

18、t our plan is really practical. ( C) We take it that you will agree with us. ( D) It is common knowledge that the whale is not a fish. 25 It is stability_destroys peoples ambition and barricades peoples steps. ( A) which ( B) what ( C) that ( D) / 26 You have to water the vegetables every day,_? ( A

19、) dont you ( B) have you ( C) havent you ( D) do you 27 Which of the following italicized parts indicates CONTRAST? ( A) He is doing his homework while his dog is playing outside. ( B) They used to live in the same building when they were young. ( C) While the party won the election, they had lost m

20、any votes from lower class. ( D) Work hard and you will benefit from it. 28 Whether we help him or not, he will succeed. The italicized part functions as a(n)_in the sentence. ( A) adverbial clause of condition ( B) adverbial clause of time ( C) adverbial clause of concession ( D) adverbial clause o

21、f cause 29 The pair of words “lend“ and “borrow“ are_. ( A) antonyms ( B) hyponyms ( C) homonyms ( D) synonyms 30 Which of the following determiners(限定词 )can be placed before both singular countable nouns and plural countable nouns? ( A) A great deal of. ( B) A few. ( C) Little. ( D) Enough. 31 Whic

22、h of the following sentences expresses UNWILLINGNESS? ( A) Hard as my work is, I will try to meet the deadline. ( B) I shall never do that again. ( C) My sister will help figure it out. ( D) This is what I have left for you. 32 Which of the following sentences does NOT express a fact? ( A) Mary and

23、her son must be home by now. ( B) Attenion should be paid to what you are doing now. ( C) Its a sunny day, isnt it? ( D) Its time now, and I must go. 33 Which of the following sentences can NOT delete the word “should“? ( A) I request that company should pay more to those who work hard. ( B) He insi

24、sts that money should be saved in banks. ( C) I should have told you earlier so that you can make full preparation. ( D) She demands that her husband should take care of their baby today. 34 Which of the following sentences does NOT include an appositive(clause)? ( A) We ourselves wanted to see such

25、 a result. ( B) All people, old and young, strong and weak, have rooted their hope in American dream. ( C) The fact that religion has played a very important part in the development of science is often forgotten. ( D) We are going to hold a meeting in Nanjing tomorrow night. 35 _she started complain

26、ing. ( A) Hardly had he arrived when ( B) He hardly had arrived when ( C) He hardly arrived that ( D) Hardly had he arrived that 36 The size of the newly broadened square is four times_of the previous one. ( A) as ( B) what ( C) that ( D) / 37 Chinese people are usually described as hospitable, gene

27、rous and amiable. The underlined part means_. ( A) humble ( B) modest ( C) admirable ( D) pleasant and friendly 38 The defendant is now at the mercy of judges for his misbehavior. The underlined part means_. ( A) at hand ( B) under the control of ( C) in name of ( D) beyond the mercy of 39 What poli

28、ticians cherish most is the benefits of their parties. The underlined part means_. ( A) miss ( B) remember ( C) favor ( D) learn 40 The process of the development of modernization can be measured by the level of peoples living. The underlined part means_. ( A) estimated ( B) thought ( C) considered

29、( D) described 41 Scientists have known how to harness the limitless power of the sun. The underlined part means_. ( A) accomplish ( B) utilize ( C) balance ( D) circulate 三、 PART IV CLOZE Decide which of the words given in the box below would best complete the passage if inserted in the correspondi

30、ng blanks. The words can be used ONCE ONLY. 41 AapparentBautomaticCConsequentlyDDecidedlyEdecline FdelightfulGenrollmentsHfinancialIintimateJjunior KprofessionalLrecalledMstructureNswitchedOsymptoms Many of todays college students are suffering from a form of shock. Lisa is a good example of a stude

31、nt in shock. She is an attractive, intelligent twenty-year-old college【 C1】 _at a state university. Now, only three years later, Lisa is miserable. She has【 C2】 _her major four times and is forced to hold down two part-time jobs in order to pay her tuition. She suffers from sleeping and eating disor

32、ders and has no【 C3】_ friend. Sometimes she burst out crying for no【 C4】 _reason. What is happening to Lisa happens to millions of college students each year. As a result, roughly one-quarter of the student population at any time will suffer from【 C5】_ of depression. Half of them will experience dep

33、ression intense enough to call for【 C6】 _help. But many of them【 C7】 _ the idea because they dont want people to think theres something wrong with them. There are two reasons todays college students are suffering more than in earlier generations. First is a weakening family support【 C8】 _. Today, wi

34、th the high divorce rate, the traditional family is not always available for support. Another problem is【 C9】 _pressure. In the last decade tuition cost rose about sixty-six percent at public colleges and ninety percent at private schools.【 C10】 _, most students must work at least part-time. It can

35、be depressing to students to be faced with the added tuition costs. 42 【 C1】 43 【 C2】 44 【 C3】 45 【 C4】 46 【 C5】 47 【 C6】 48 【 C7】 49 【 C8】 50 【 C9】 51 【 C10】 SECTION A In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested a

36、nswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 51 Being with Seamus Heaney was like being with two people at once. On the one hand, he was noble, statesmanlike, slightly formidable: That monumental head could happily have taken its place among the classical emperors t

37、hat ring the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. On the other, with his shambling gait(蹒跚步态 ), unruly hair and bred-in-the-bone jocundity(欢乐 ), he remained always the farmers son from Co. Derry. I met him first nearly 20 years ago, when I interviewed him for Harpers & Queen on the publication of “Seeing T

38、hings“. He spoke about the duty he felt to respond to letters from admirers, and of how this maddened his wife “Marie always says, For Gods sake!, but the relationship between ones ethical commands and ones whole reality is very complex.“ He reflected on the need sometimes for a poet to be political

39、, and stern: “Sometimes its immoral not to put the boot in and cause a bit of bother: sometimes acquiescence(默认 )is a failure.“ He mused on his Catholic upbringing which though he was no longer a churchgoer had left him feeling he had “a right to joy“. Ahead of the interview, Id been terrified of ge

40、tting out of my depth, so as well as buying all Heaneys poetry: Id bought a volume of A-level notes on his work. When wed finished speaking, he offered to sign the books and, to my horror, at the bottom of the tower, he discovered my notes. He roared with laughter. I laughed too. We parted on the me

41、rriest terms. But that evening, when he gave a reading at the Royal Society of Literature, he was recollected, and grave. Demonstrating Ted Hughess belief that “poetry derives from the place of ultimate suffering and decision“, he recited “Mid-Term Break“, about the tragic death of his younger broth

42、er, aged four: “In the porch I met my father crying “ We were brought together again by another poet, and mutual friend, George Mackay Brown. Embarking on Browns biography, I wrote to Heaney to ask whether he might share his memories and thoughts. He responded with a fax I will treasure forever: fou

43、r pages of precise, perfectly turned reflections that I stitched through my book like golden thread. Then, last September, Heaney gave a reading in Stirling. He allowed me to interview him for “Seven Wonders“, speaking in rich, graceful sentences that made their way unedited from the recorder to the

44、 page. At a dinner in his honour, he told us how thrilled hed been by the neighbouring farmer who dropped in to see him after he returned from receiving the Nobel Prize. “Ah, Seamus,“ the farmer said. “Welcome home. And congratulations on the winnings!“ At the reading itself, he seemed frail, but ra

45、diant. He spoke of his desire “to rise up and make poetry move to make art and humanity worth something“. Then there were questions. A Stirling student, as awkward and shy as my 20-something self, asked whether Heaney had anything interesting left to say, now that he was so old. Unabashed, and twink

46、ling with amusement, Heaney referred him to his early poem “Digging“. “I might not have too much more digging ahead,“ he admitted, “but I hope theres a good bit of hoeing“. If only there had been more. 52 Which of the following can NOT be learned from the first paragraph? ( A) It is a memorable expe

47、rience being with Seamus Heaney. ( B) Most poets are complex creatures with double personalities. ( C) Images of both an emperor and a farmer can be seen in Seamus Heaney. ( D) Seamus Heaney is an old man with optimistic spirit about life. 53 The interview on the publication of “Seeing Things“ showe

48、d that_. ( A) Harpers & Queen is one poem included in the collection “Seeing Things“ ( B) Seamus Heaneys wife enjoyed answering letters from his admirers ( C) a poet should have serious thoughts before publically raising his/her opinions ( D) Seamus Heaney was amused by the authors preparation for t

49、he interview 53 Everyone loves an underdog. The news of Detroits bankruptcy on July 18th, the largest ever filed by an American city, made headlines everywhere. The story is one that people have been following intently for over half a century. Motown, Americas darling industrial conurbation, symbol of th


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