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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 118及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Along with the mass use of computer technology in education circle, we are delighted to witness the countless convenience brought by computer. Some people even argue that teachers will not be important in classroom any more. Is this reasonable? Read care

2、fully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to fol

3、low the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES The 21st century is also called the information age, in which computer plays an important role in every field of our lives. There is no denying that computer brings great benefit to people and is of great help to students. Recently, compu

4、ter-assisted education has become more and more popular in primary schools, high schools and colleges. The computers function of multimedia makes classes more vivid and interesting. With unique superiority, computers can become the optimum teachers in the classroom. Vivid pictures shown on screen ca

5、n motivate students interest and curiosity dramatically. Moreover, the combination of computers and Internet can provide students with abundant information. NO Computers, unlike real teachers, cant solve a variety of new problems. Everything develops so fast in todays society, including education. W

6、hat if a student suddenly asks a creative question that the computer isnt programmed for? The computer can do nothing, while teachers can explain the question according to their abundant teaching experience. Moreover, computers cant communicate with students emotionally. With a gesture or eye contac

7、t, a teacher can transfer his or her idea or feeling to the students. In this way, students can enjoy more human care in the classroom. 2 University, a place disseminating knowledge and illuminating peoples mind, renders people opportunities to further their study and cultivate their capability. Som

8、e people propose that university should enroll equal number of male and female students in every major. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Ma

9、rks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some particular subjects; therefore, more a

10、nd more people, especially feminism supporters who help improve womens status in society, are arguing that universities should enroll equal number of male and female students in every subject. Equal admission will play a vital role in improving womens status since men and women are born equal, and w

11、omen should also have the right to choose whatever majors they like. Only in this way, can men and women share not only the equal enrollment figures in every major but also equal opportunities in future jobs. NO First of all, major selection is decided by students themselves. Studies show that men a

12、nd women think differently. Male students are inclined to major in technical subjects, while female students are more likely to choose the arts. This may stem from the thought that men usually take the burden of feeding the family, and people who major in technical fields will have a better chance t

13、o get higher salary after graduation. To women, however, what they study is nothing serious for their future life. In the second place, some work is more suitable for an appointed gender. For instance, nurse schools are open to women only, and infants schools prefer female teachers. These are all be

14、cause women are more careful and patient, and less aggressive in nature. By contrast, men fit in jobs such as steel workers and police officers because of their braveness, haleness, and decisiveness. 3 Along with the shrinking job market, the university graduates find its harder and harder to get th

15、e ideal job. Therefore, they place the blame on the universities, saying that courses offered in universities cant provide them with enough practical training which may ensure them a decent job. Accordingly, some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give prac

16、tical training that benefits both the students and the society. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevanc

17、e, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES The theoretical knowledge just handles problems of abstract concept. Without combining with real job, it can not give full play to its efficiency. The theoretical kn

18、owledge without contact with reality is nonsensical. As everyone knows, with the development of society, experienced talents are in great need. Companies need those people who can apply theoretical knowledge into practice. So, offering more practical training to university students can help them ada

19、pt to the society better. Theoretical knowledge roots in practice. It is obtained from the practice of the real jobs. By providing practical training to students, the university can make them comprehend the theoretical knowledge more deeply. Thats why more and more universities stipulate that studen

20、ts should participate in social work for at least one year in their four years study. NO Universities are where theoretical knowledge is handed down from generation to generation. As we know, universities congregate a lot of preeminent scholars and professors whose main jobs are doing academic resea

21、rch. They are responsible to impart the academic knowledge to the young generation. Theoretical knowledge is beneficial to the society. Theory study will provide powerful tools for us to deal with the world around us as well as the body of ourselves. For instance, physiological or medical theories e

22、nable us to understand the way our body works so that we know how to combat disease more effectively. 4 Competition and cooperation are going along together in modern society. There has been an ongoing argument about which is more essential in childrens education. Some people claim that competition

23、is more important than cooperation, do you agree or disagree? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance,

24、 content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES Competition is ubiquitous. Brutal though it seems to be, it does stimulate our growth. Take the competition among students as an example, not to advance is to go back.

25、 Though they have got high marks, they should keep studying hard lest someone else catches up with them. The sense of competition prompts them to make progress unceasingly. In addition, as the hope of our nation, students should be ambitious and progressive. Competition is a way of life in modern wo

26、rld. One of the goals of education is to teach students how to meet the fierce competitive enviroment. NO Cooperation is the approach to getting ahead, as individual power is limited. Can one person build up the Great Wall? Obviously the answer is “ no“. Nowadays, because of the division of labor in

27、 society, no one can fulfill a task by himself. Modern pedagogy also puts emphasis on fostering childrens collaboration spirits. Take computer-supported cooperative work as an instance, groupware is a type of software designed for groups. Students are encouraged to accomplish systematically ordered

28、instruction tasks by teamwork. While working together they can perceive their own weaknesses and others merits as well, which is vital for them to go forward. 5 As more and more people travel, work or study abroad, more attention is being focused on how to treat cultural differences. Should we embra

29、ce the foreign cultures? Some believe that foreigners should follow the custom of the host country while others disagree. They think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should

30、first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES If we observe the local customs and h

31、abits we could reduce the chances of offending the locals caused by conscious or unconscious misunderstanding. Many embarrassments and conflicts are results of differences in customs and traditions between the tourists and the locals. For instance, American ladies are always embarrassed when confron

32、ting questions such as marriage, age, weight, and salary raised by Chinese visitors who just want to show their kindness and concern. The above mentioned personal information is to Chinese what talking about the weather is to Americans. Following their life habits shows our respect for the locals an

33、d thus makes it easier to establish a good relationship with them. NO Like religious belief, people are entitled to their traditions and customs, and should not be forced to forsake or abandon them when traveling to a different place. It is unrealistic to expect visitors coming afar to readily pick

34、up the local customs for their own culture is deep rooted. Take foreign citizens of Chinese origin as an example, although they have spent dozens of years in America, it is still hard for them to celebrate Christmas instead of the traditional Chinese Spring Festival. Besides, instead of challenging

35、and damaging the local traditions, the customs brought by international visitors actually help to enhance the local peoples awareness of their own culture. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 118答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Can Computers Replace Human Teachers? Computer, the most exciting and significant invention

36、in the 20th century, is reshaping our life and world. As a result, some people proclaim that computers should be involved into our classroom and replace human teachers, while others argue against them. As for me, I dont agree with the opinion that computers can replace human teachers. Among countles

37、s factors which influence my inclination, the most conspicuous one is computers are not as qualified as human teachers in the academic fields. As we all know, students can get the final result of a mathematic question under the help of computers, however, they may still be confused about the whole c

38、alculation process. By contrast, our human teachers performance is much better in this case. They can not only teach students how to analyze and calculate, but also remind them of the possible errors that they may meet. Thus, human teachers are more adequate than computers in the academic aspect. Wh

39、ats more, human teachers can help students solve psychological problems that many students may meet in schools. In China, sometimes, teachers even burden themselves with responsibilities of students parents. For example, it is the duty of teachers to deal with students with rebellious spirit, and to

40、 prevent students from campus violence, or even crime. Obviously, computers cannot do that. In summary, from what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the status of human teachers in education circle is unshakable, and computers cannot take the place of them. 【试题解析】

41、本题讨论随着科技的发展,电脑能否取代教师在课堂上传道、授业、解惑。在具体行文方面,考生要先概述正方观点,电脑有助于让课堂更生动有趣,激发学生的好奇心。然后概述反方观点,电脑的缺陷在于与人缺乏情感沟通,受限于机器本质。然后给出自己的观点:电脑不能取代教师,并加以阐述。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Should the Quantity of Male Students and Female Students Be Tantamount in the Same Major? In a time of gender equality being emphasized so m

42、uch, some espouse that the quantity of male students and female students should be identical in the same major, while others hold different opinions. If asked, I should say that I take a dim view of it, as it is much too rigorous and impossible to be carried out. In the first place, as Einstein put

43、it, “ Interest is the best teacher. “ Individual interests should have top priority when students pick up their majors. Moreover, interests vary even among the same gender, let alone between different genders. In the second place, some courses such as engineering are more suitable for male students,

44、 while the opposite is true when it comes to liberal arts. The main reason for this is that the mode of think is different between genders. Men are apt at logical thinking, while women are inclined to think in image. Therefore, it is not necessary to invariably emphasize absolute equality in this ki

45、nd of situation; otherwise it would be detrimental to the entire society. What a scene would it be if you saw half of the nurses are males in the hospital or half of the steel workers are females in the factory! Judging from all the analyses offered, we might reasonably come to the conclusion that i

46、t is unpractical to restrict the number of male and female students for the same major. 【试题解析】 本题表面上讨论的是大学的每个专业是否应该招收同等数量的男女学生,更深层次讨论的却是机会均等的问题。如果选择不同意,则可提出男生和女生思维特点和个人的喜好不同。实践表明,更多的男生喜欢理科,而更多的女生倾向于文科,生理构造的差异造成专业选择上的差异。如若选择同意此观点,则可表述天赋人权,人人生而平等。无论 男生还是女生都应该享有平等的选择专业的机会。在具体行文方面,考生要先概述材料中正反双方的观点。然后给出自

47、己的观点:不同意这种做法。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Is Practical Training More Important than Theoretical Lessons? Most universities and colleges spend much time teaching fundamental theories and elementary courses. But some students regard these kinds of knowledge unimportant, and pay little attention to them.

48、 They suggest school spend more time on practical training instead of providing theoretical lessons. However, others hold that professional theoretical knowledge is beneficial to society. In my opinion, theoretical knowledge is necessary and one will definitely benefit from it. First, fundamental th

49、eories, such as mathematics and physics, are the basis of other knowledge. To a student who majors in automatic control, the course of control system is the most practical and useful in the future. But if he isnt good at mathematics, circuits and electronics, he will hardly be able to understand the principles and methods of how to control a subject or a process. It is just like constructing a building. How can you imagine a spectacular high-rise without a firm groundsill? That is, theories and practices are interrelated. We can ignore neither of


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