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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 175及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 A phenomenon emerges that an increasing number of on-the-job people, especially those in their 20s or early 30s, return to university out of various reasons. Some people return to university in the hope of temporarily avoiding pressure from current work

2、and life, while others intend to grasp the golden opportunity for self-advancement before it is too late. What do you think of this phenomenon? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: A Way of Self-improvement or an Escape? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content

3、sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 Some students in the university enjoy privilege, for example, student athletes could pass the examinations with lower grades; members of the choir could survive the test with poo

4、r classroom attendance. Do you agree or disagree with the privilege enjoyed by the special group of students? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Are the Privileged Students on Campus Acceptable? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organizatio

5、n and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 3 When to decide on a college major has long been a hot issue for university students. Some people believe that it is not proper to ask students to choose a major before they go to university and they sho

6、uld be given at least one year to take different courses so as to find their field of interest. Others, however, do not think so. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: When to Decide on a College Major? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content

7、 sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 4 Recently a newspaper has reported that salaries for college graduates are equivalent to wages for migrant workers. Apparently this comparison is too simple and superficial. Howe

8、ver, job-hunting is much more difficult for college graduates but may be easier for migrant workers. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Main Factors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content suf

9、ficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 175答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 A Way of Self-improvement or an Escape? Nowadays, a popular trend of on-the-job people returning to university has aroused peoples

10、concern. Some return to university with the aim of escaping from reality, while others desire for self-improvement. From my perspective, I firmly agree with the latter. Firstly, people should return to university to gain special skills that are more career-oriented. Having been on the job for many y

11、ears, they know better which professional skill they are deficient in. Whats more, the diploma and advanced knowledge they get will contribute to pay rise, promotion and new employment. Additionally, they can make acquaintance with more elites. Students of great insight can learn from each other and

12、 optimize their resources available. Those who return to university to escape the pressures of work and life should face reality for reasons below. First, it is a waste of time and money to stay on campus without concrete goals. If they devote themselves to their jobs, they will gain greater achieve

13、ments. Moreover, they are likely to miss opportunities of promotion or work training. In addition, since they will have to confront pressure again in the near future, it is useless and even risky to consider the university as an ivory tower. In view of the discussions above, on-the-job people should

14、 return to university for self-improvement rather than for escape. 【试题解析】 开头部分 首先点出重返校园的社会现象,然后直接引出观点:人们重返校园主要是为了提升个人能力。 中间部分 1)从三方面分析人们重返校园的积极意义,其中包括: to gain special skills that are more career-oriented, to get the diploma and advanced knowledge 和 make acquaintance with more elites。 2)同时指出也有人重返校园是

15、为了逃避压力,并通过论证表明观点:此种做法并不能够真正克服压力,只会造成资源浪费。 结尾部分 再次重申观点:在职人员应当为了提升个 人能力重返校园,而不是为了逃避现实。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Are the Privileged Students on Campus Acceptable? With the popularization of quality-oriented education, college students can develop their interests and hobbies more freely. Amateur athletes, sin

16、gers and hosts become the second identities of many students, who are entitled to special consideration in their studies. They can pass examinations with much lower scores. So some people say that it is not right to allow privileged students on campus. However, I dont agree with them. There are many

17、 reasons why I hold a different opinion, and I would explore only a few here. The main reason why I agree with “special privileges should be enjoyed by some students“ is that it is more difficult for students to be versatile in a highly competitive world, and that exam scores no longer play a key ro

18、le in evaluating the achievement of a college student. So schools shouldnt ask students to be good at both their studies and extra-curricular activities. Furthermore, a persons time and energy are limited. For example, when student athletes are exhausted by their daily exercises, there will be littl

19、e energy left for them to study. So the special consideration for them will help these students concentrate on their specialty. All in all, what the so-called privileges students enjoy are not privileges at all, but a kind of support and encouragement of the universities. So, the privileged students

20、 on campus are acceptable. 【试题解析】 开头部分 首先介绍了高校特长生在学业上享受特殊待遇这一现象。然后用 So some people say 直接引出一些人的反对观点。最后用 However, 表明自己的态度。 中间部分 展开论证,用 The main reason 和 Furthermore, 引出两点原因,并在分析时使用 For example, 加入实例进行论证。最后用 So 进行总结。 结尾部分 总结全文,直接回答作文标题中提出的问题。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 When to Decide on a College Major? Chine

21、se students have to choose a major when applying for a university and most of them have no opportunity to change that decision. Many people, however, begin to question whether it is the best practice. I would argue that students should be allowed at least a year to find a major they are really fond

22、of. For one thing, high school students have little knowledge of majors at university, since they only learn fundamental knowledge of basic subjects. They may choose astronautics just because of the Shenzhou VII, only to find that the basic skills involved in this major are just what they are not go

23、od at. If they are allowed to make that decision in the second year at university, they can get more advice from professors and those juniors and seniors. For another, high school students may be largely swayed by their parents, who tend to choose those so-called lucrative majors in the hope that th

24、eir children can get a job with a decent salary, disregarding whether they are interested in it or not. In the meantime, during the first year, they can develop varieties of skills by learning different disciplines. The problem-solving skill and analytical capability acquired in this process will be

25、 proved invaluable in their future learning. In conclusion, students should be given chances to make a wise decision on their majors, which may determine their careers in the future. 【试题解析】 开头部分 文章通过对目前学生升入大学前要先选专业状况的描述,引出人们对这一事实的看法,即文章要讨论的问题 学生应不应该在进入大学前确定专业。 中间部分 采用总一分结构: 1)首先明确提出作者的观点:应该给学生至少一年的时

26、间来选择适合的专业。 2)接着分别用 For one thing, , For another, 和 In the meantime, 来引出三个主要原因并进行分析。论证语言逻辑清晰,层层递进。在用语方面, be swayed by和 in the hope that等词语的应用丰富了语言的色彩。 结尾部分 重申观点,简要总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Main Factors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates Recently, salaries for college graduates are very low

27、, and there has been a heated argument about whether they should have higher salaries. Some people are for it; however, others are against it. As for me, I think we should view this problem rationally. Salaries for college graduates depend on many factors, and the main factors come from themselves.

28、First of all, most graduates dont master the professional skills. Their focus of attention at university was on passing various exams. Still, others are obsessed with surfing the Internet and seldom attend regular classes. Anyway, being unskilled in their speciality is the most important factor infl

29、uencing their salaries. Secondly, many students overestimate themselves. Some college graduates think that they are superior to others and they always prefer higher salaries. But the fact is that they learn a lot of theoretical knowledge which they cannot apply well into practice. Finally, the varie

30、ty and limitation in majors have an effect on salaries. Different fields promise different levels of salary in a short term. In conclusion, three main factors influence college graduates salaries, including professional skills, self-evaluation and majors, hence college graduates should treat their salaries much more rationally. 【试题解析】 开头部分 本文首先提出问题,阐述两种对立的观点,之后表明自己的观点:大学毕业生的薪水由很多影响因素决定,尤其是自身的因素,要理性对待。 中间部分 运用 First of all,Secondly, 和 Finally, 从三个方面阐述学生自身的主要因素,包括专业技能方面、自我评估方面及专业的不同。并对每一方面进行了具体阐述。论证充分,合情合理。 结尾部分 总结影响大学毕业生薪水的三个主要因素,并且呼吁大学生理性对待薪水问题。 【知识模块】 作文


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