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1、专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 203及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wi

2、ll be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 203答案与 解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage

3、will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done a

4、t normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1 【正确答案】 Teaching Assistants Foreign students at American colleges and universities may earn money / after they successfully complete an entry-level study program. / Those wishing to continue their education could work as a teachi

5、ng assistant, or T.A. / A teaching assistant usually works about twenty hours each week. / Teaching assistants are paid to help professors teach students in entry-level study programs. / Generally, the professor gives a talk, or lecture, / to a large group of students one or two times a week. / The

6、teaching assistant meets with smaller groups of students during the week. / The T.A. gives tests and reads any homework or reports the students may be required to write. / Teaching assistants also meet with students who seek help. / They attend teaching meetings. / And some working with science prof

7、essors help to organize laboratory equipment. / Most American colleges and universities must honor legal requirements / when employing foreign students as teaching assistants. / One of these is that the T.A. must speak English well. / 【试题解析】 教学助理 助教通常一周工作 20小时,他们协助教授进行初级课程的教学,并从中得到报酬。一般来说,教授每周对一大群学生

8、讲课或演讲 1-2次,助教与小群学生见面,对学生进行测试并批阅学生该做的作业或报告等。助教也常常会见那些需要帮助的学生,参加教学会议等等。有一些与理科教授一起工作的助教帮助他们安排实验设备。 【知识模块】 听写 2 【正确答案】 Trees Trees are the oldest living organisms on earth. / The great age of trees makes them useful for all sorts of scientific research. / Besides, trees also have a lot to teach us about

9、 being part of a community / and how cooperation is better for a society than competition. / A community of trees growing together / share all of the available resources with each other. / They do this through their roots, through the soil, / and also through the networks of tiny fungi growing in th

10、e soil between them. / They dont only share with trees of the same species. / Any type of tree can benefit. / Trees grown in city conditions do not live as long as those growing in a natural environment, / maybe because they are more isolated. / According to people who work with trees, / a community

11、 with a good mixture of different species / is stronger and more resistant to insects and diseases. / 【试题解析】 树 树是地球上最古老的生命体。古老的树木由于其可观的树龄而对各种科学研究均有帮助。此外,在关于成为群体的一部分以及合作与竞争相比是如何更有利于社群的这两个方面,树对我们也有很多启示。生长在一起的树群彼此分享所有可用的资源,他们通过根、土壤、以及生长在他们之间微小的真菌群来分享资源。他们不仅跟同品种的树分享。任何种类的树木都可以获益。 【知识模块】 听写 3 【正确答案】 Pede

12、strian Safety Roads are dangerous places for people on foot. / So, it is important for pedestrians to be aware / that traffic may be approaching from unexpected directions. / Here is some general knowledge to bear in mind. / First, pedestrians are not allowed to walk along or cross any motorway at a

13、ny time. / Second, its advisable to use crossings whenever you can / although its not illegal to cross the road at any point apart from motorways. / Third, you may cross the road when the green man is showing. / But you must not start to cross if the light is flashing. / In addition, there are some

14、crossing points known as zebra crossings. / They have black and white stripes marked on the road / and orange flashing beacons at each side of the road. / Drivers should give way to pedestrians on the crossing. / However, you should still be careful / as there are no red traffic lights instructing d

15、rivers to stop. / 【试题解析】 行人安全 对于步行的人而言,马路是个危险的地方。这里有一些需要记住的常识:首先,任何时候行人都不得行走在或者穿过快车道。其二,尽管除了快车道外,在任何地点横过马路都不属于违法行为,但无论何时只要可以都使用人行横道还是明智的做法。其三,行人绿灯显示时你可以穿过马路,但过马路前灯已经在闪的话,就不能开始过马路。 【知识模块】 听写 4 【正确答案】 Open-source Software Open-source software is computer software / that is available to the general pub

16、lic in source code form. / If a person has enough knowledge about computers and computer programming, / he or she can change the programs source code. / The source code is like a set of directions that show the program how to operate. / People change the codes so that the program will operate / in a

17、 way that will meet their needs. / Sometimes changing the code will make the program run faster. / Or it will take problems out of the program. / These problems can cause a computer program to shut down. / People who change the source code of a computer program / share these programs with each other

18、 on the Internet. / Programmers enjoy being able to improve computer programs on their own. / They enjoy being able to ask other people on the Internet for help with their programs. / Working together, people can improve computer programs for the good of the group. / 【试题解析】 开源软件 开源软件是一种大众共享的源代码电脑软件。

19、如果掌握足够多的电脑和电脑编程的知识,人们就可以改变程序的源代码。源代码是一组程序运行的计算机语言指令。人们改变源代码,使得程序以满足他们要求的方式运行。有时修改源代码可以使软件运行得更快,或者把程序中存在的问题剔除,这些问题 可能导致电脑程序的关闭。 【知识模块】 听写 5 【正确答案】 Marathon Races in America Many Americans enjoy running. / And one kind of race, the marathon, has captured the imagination of people all over the nation.

20、/ The race has roots in ancient history. / The Boston Marathon in Massachusetts is the oldest marathon which was started in 1897. / At the early stage, male racing officials did not believe women could run marathons. / It was not until 1972 that women could officially compete in Boston. / Todays mar

21、athons do not bar anyone because of sex or age. / Racing has expanded to average runners. / They can take part in races from five to ten kilometers. / Hundreds of these races are organized in America every year, / which are often in connection with a cause / like fighting disease or supporting local

22、 hospitals and schools. / Moreover, many marathons offer framing programs, / usually in cooperation with a local running club. / These programs help runners, who never thought they could run forty-two kilometers, prepare for the big race. / 【试题解析】 美国马拉松比赛 很多美国人喜欢跑步。其中一种比赛,马拉松比赛,激起了全国人民的想象。这项比赛有着古老的历史根源。波士顿马拉松开始于 1897年,是美国最古老的马拉松比赛。直到 1972年,女士才可以正式参加波士顿马拉松比赛。如今的马拉松比赛不限制参赛人的性别或年龄。参赛者的范围已经扩大,一般的跑步者也可以参与其中。每年美国会组织成百上千个这样的比赛,它们通常会与某项公共事业联系在一起,例如抗击疾病或者支持当地医院和学校。 【知识模块】 听写


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