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1、2014届河南宁陵初级中学九年级模拟 5英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 Do you know that the earth is getting warmer and warmer each year As the earth gets warmer , the climate changes. 【小题 1】 This has a big influence on plants , animals and people. Scientists are not sure what is making the earth warmer , but they think that human be

2、havior is making it worse. We send off lots of greenhouse gases into the air. 【小题2】 Scientists worry that if we dont do anything about that , the earth will become too uncomfortable for people to live on in the future. More than 100 country leaders gathered at a meeting in New York to discuss climat

3、e changes. 【小题 3】 US President Barack Obama , Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and French President Nicolas Sarozy all spoke at the meeting. 【小题 4】 He said China will fight climate in four ways. China will greatly cut carbon emissions (二氧化碳排放 ) by 2020 ,develop renewable energy and nuclear ene

4、rgy (核能 ) , plant 40 million hectares (公顷 ) of trees and develop more climate friendly technoligies. 【小题 5】 根据短文内容,将下面句子还原到文中合适的位置,并将其标号填入题号后的横线上。 A.The president said , “ Out of a sense of responsibility ( 责任感 ) to the orld world , China will do something to help to deal with the problem. B.They wa

5、nted to reach a globe climate change pact (公约 ) in December. C.Rainfall has changed its patterns (模式 ) and sea level is rising . D.Chinese President Hu Jintao also talked about Chinas views. E.The gases hold energy from the sun and heat the earth. 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 A 试题分析

6、:这篇短文主要介绍了 随着地球变暖,气候变化,人们越来越重视这一问题, 100多名国家领导人聚集在纽约的一次会议上 ,讨论气候变化。我国的主席也发表了中国的观点。 【小题 1】根据上文随着地球变暖,气候的变化,可知对其他方面也有影响,下文中的主语是指上文中的变化,故填 C,降水已经改变了它的模式,海平面正在上升。 【小题 2】根据上文我们排放大量的温室气体到空气中可知 E中的气体就是上文的气体,故填 E这些气体携带来自太阳的能量,使地球变热。 【小题 3】根据上文可知 B项中的 they指代上文中的 100多名国家领导人,故填 B 【小题 4】根据后文是 谈论的中国的观点,故填 D,中国国家主

7、席胡锦涛也谈到了中国的观点 【小题 5】根据上文及 A项所说的内容可知是胡锦涛主席的话,放在他的发言内容后比较合适。故填 A 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。 单项选择 * I will give you _useful advice so that you can do better in your English. A an B a C the D / 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我会给你有用的建议以便于你能在你的英语方面做的更好。根据句意可知表示类别,但是 advice是不可数名词。所以不用不定冠词,故选 D。 考点:考查冠词的用法。 - Would your younger brother

8、go for a picnic this Sunday - If I dont go , _. A so does he B so he will C neither will he D neither does he 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -你的弟弟会在这个周日野餐吗? -如果我不去,他也不去。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用 neither +助动词 +主语。在 if引导的条件状语从句中,如果两个动作都没有发生,为了区别动作的前后关系,先发生的用一般现在时态,后发生的用一般将来时态,即主将从现。根据该句是主句,上句是否定句,故选 C. 考点:考查倒装。 - The light i

9、n her room is still on. Do you know _ - In order to pass the coming final exam. A why is she so busy B if she works hard C why she stays up so late D when she will stop working 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -在她的房间的灯还亮着,你知道为什么她熬夜这么晚吗? -为了通过即将到来的期末考试。从句在句中作宾语。从句要用陈述句的语序。如果主句是一般现在时,从句根据需要选择时态,如果主句是过去时态,从句要用相应的过去时态。根据

10、回答可知表示上句问原因, A项语序错误,故选 C。 考点:考查宾语从句的用法。 - Mum , can I watch TV for a while - As long as your homework _, you can. A finishes B will be finished C is finished D will finish 答案: C 试题分析:句意: -妈妈,我能看会儿电视吗? -一旦你的作业写完了,你就可以看电视了。作业是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态,在条件状语从句中,如果两个动作都没有发生,为了区别动作的前后关系,先发生的用一般现在时态,后发生的用一般将来时态,即主将从

11、现。作业被完成是从句,故用一般现在时,故选 C. 考点:考查一般现在时的被动语态。 This is the beautiful park _is near our school. A which B where C who D what 答案: A 试题分析:句意:这是那个靠近我们学校的美丽公园。定语从句 用来充当句中定语的成分,被修饰的名词叫先行词,连接主从句的是关系词。关系词分: 1关系代词: who , whom , whose , which , that。 2关系副词: where,when why 等。一般的 who 用于指代人的先行词, which 用来指代物的先行词, that

12、既可指认又可指物。关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语。该句的先行词是 park,连接词在从句中做主语,所以用关系代词 which或 that,故选 A. 考点:考查定语从句的用法。 - What shall we do this Sunday? - Why _to the Science Museum A not to go B not go C dont go D not you go 答案: B 试题分析:句意:这个周日我们做什么?为什么不去科学博物馆? why not do sth 提出建议的句式。根据句意及结构,故选 B. 考点:考查固定句式用法。 Tell her _the teacher

13、 and _ the window. A to listen to , not look out of B listen to, dont look out of C listen to, not to look out of D to listen to, not to look out of 答案: D 试题分析:句意:告诉他听老师讲课不要从窗户里往外看。 tell sb to do sth,告诉某人做某事。 tell sb not to do sth,告诉某人不要做 ,根据句意,故选 D。 考点:考查动词不定式的用法。 - Could I clean the room for you -

14、 No, thank you. I _it myself. A was cleaning B have cleaned C cleaned D cleans 答案: B 试题分析:句意: -我能为你清整房间吗? -不了,谢谢。我已经自己清整了。动作发生在过去但是强调对现在的影响,用现在完成时态。根据句意,清整发生在过去,但是现在强调不用对方清整,即强调对现在的影响,故选 B. 考点:考查动词的现在完成时态的用法。 Mr. Yang teaches _math and is very strict with us. A our B we C ours D us 答案: D 试题分析:句意:杨先生

15、教我们数学,对我们很严格。 teach sb , 教给某人 ,动词后加人称代词的宾格, we的宾格是 us,故选 D。 考点:考查人称代词的用法。 He has few friends and often feels lonely , _he has much money. A even B because C though D however 答案: C 试题分析:句意:尽管他有许多的钱,但是他几乎没有什么朋友,经常感到孤独。 A. even甚至; B. because因为; C. though尽管; D. however然而。根据句意,故选 C. 考点:考查连词的用法。 I will go

16、 to Hangzhou sometime next week. Perhaps I _visit you at that time. A must B should C may D need 答案: C 试题分析:句意:下周的某个时间我们将要去杭州。也许我可能会在那时拜访你。 A. must 必须,肯定 B. should应该; C. may 可以,也许; D. need需要。根据句中的 perhaps可知是可能,把握不大的猜测,故选 C。 考点:考查情态动词的用法。 In class , our teachers always stand_ us in order to hear us c

17、learly. A below B between C away from D among 答案: D 试题分析:句意:在课上,总是站在我们之间来使我们听的清楚。 below 在 下方; between在两者之间; away from 远离 ; among三者或三者以上之间。在同学们中间是三者以上,故选 D。 考点:考查介词辨析。 - The population of Zhengzhou is much than that of Shanghai. A larger B less C smaller D fewer 答案: C 试题分析:句意:郑州的人口总数比上海的少。人口的多少经常用 bi

18、g/large,small,表示,两者比较,郑州的人口少,所以用比较级 smaller,故选 C。 考点:考查形容词比较级。 - What volunteer work would you like to do - I d like to _the sick people in the hospital . A make up B stay up C cheer up D put up 答案: C 试题分析:句意:你想做什么志愿者工作?我想要在医院生病的人振作起来。 make up组成,编造; B. stay up熬夜; C. cheer up使某人振作起来; D. put up张贴。根据句意

19、,故选 C. 考点:考查动词词组辨析。 Dont worry! We will do everything we can _ the sick girl. A help B to help C helping D to be helped 答案: B 试题分析:句意:不要担心,我们会做一切我们能做的事情来帮助那个生病的女孩。 we can做everything的定语从句, to help 表 示目的。动词不定式表示名词,故选 B。 考点:考查动词不定式的用法。 完型填空 完形填空 (10小题,每小题 l分,共 10分 ) Learning Chinese may seem difficult

20、to foreigners outside China. However , Daisy Raffan , an girl in Britain , hopes to bring the to the young people. Daisy ha an online learning website to teach the language to as people as possible , all over the world. With Chinas fast development in the world , Daisy thinks important for people to

21、 learn the language sooner rather than later. Daisy has been learning Putonghua the age of five. Two years ago , after she decided to pass on what she had learned , she the idea for the website , . She said , “ People are afraid to learn Putonghua. One of the main reasons is that they think its an l

22、anguage to learn , but I have had fun it. And I hope what I have done is easy and fun.” Her offers a series of lessons, which are videos of Daisy teaching a group of students on topics from greetings and numbers to Chinese culture. Many people said that what she was doing was a really good idea. 【小题

23、1】 A 18 -year -old B 18-years-old C 18 years old D 18 year old 【小题2】 A information B idea C language D gift 【小题3】 A showed up B set up C put up D thought up 【A much B more C many D most 小题4】 【小题5】 A it B that C this D them 【小题6】 A in B at C since D for 【小题7】 A came out B came up with C caught up wit

24、h D came over 【小题8】 A interesting B excellent C easy D impossible 【小题9】 A doing B to do C do D did 【小题10】 A e-mail B essay C website D magazine 答案:【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了 Daisy Raffan,一个英国女孩在自己的网站上指导年青人怎样学习普通话,她的这一举措收到

25、英国首相的大力支持。 【小题 1】考查合成形容词及语境的理解。数字加连字符加名词的单数构成复合形容词。根据冠词an和语境可知选择 A,意思是一个 18岁的女孩。 【小题 2】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. information信息; B. idea 主意; C. language 语言; D. gift礼物。根据上文可知是 把汉语这种语言带 个人们。故选 C。 【小题 3】考查动词词组及语境的理解。 A. showed up露面; B. set up建立; C. put up张贴; D. thought up想出。根据语境可知此句的含义是她建了一个网站,故选 B。 【小题 4】考查形容词及语境

26、的理解。 A. much 许多,修饰不可数名词; B. more更多; C. many许多,修饰可数名词复数; D. most最多。因 people是可数名词故用 many来修饰,故选 C 。 【小题 5】考查代词及语境的理解。固定句式 sb think it+形容词 for sb to do sth表示某人认为做某事怎样,故选 A。 【小题 6】考查介词及语境的理解。 Daisy自从五岁就一直学习普通话。 since是现在完成时的标志时间,故选 C。 【小题 7】考查动词词组及语境的理解。 A. came out出版; B. came up with 想出(主意); C. caught up

27、 with 追上 , D. came over顺便拜访。根据语境可知此句的含义是她有个想法,故选 B 【小题 8】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. interesting有趣的; B. excellent 优秀的; C. easy简单的; D. impossible不可能的。根据语境可知人们害怕学习汉语的主要原因 就是汉语难学,故选 D 【小题 9】考查动词及语境的理解。但是我在学习时很有趣, have fun doing sth,做 有趣,故选A。 【小题 10】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. e-mail电子邮件; B. essay文章; C. website 网站; D. magazine杂

28、志。根据上下文可知句意是:她的网站提供一系列的课程,故选 C。 考点:社会现象类短文。 阅读理解 On the first day of class , Smiths foreign students fill in forms and give the information about themselves. Name : Claude Country : Germany Native Language : German Time in the USA : 9 months Family : I live with my parents. Work : I used to be an ar

29、t teacher in Germany. But now Im working in a company. Interests : I love painting. I like music , too. Name : Li Ming Country : China Native Language : Chinese Time in the USA : 2 years Family : I have one son. He is studying in China. My wife is an English teacher. Work : I was a math teacher. But

30、 now Im a cook. Interests : I like cooking. I also like sports, such as basketball , table tennis and so on. Name : Carolina Country : Russia Native Language : Russian Time in the USA : 4 years Family : I live with my husband and 2 children. Work : I was a basketball player. But now Im a teacher. In

31、terests : I love sports. I like traveling. Name : Kalumi Country : Japan Native Language : Japanese Time in the USA : 3 months Family : My family , my parents and 4 brothers and sisters all live in Japan. Im here by myself. Work : I worked as a nurse in my country. Now Im a shop assistant. Interests

32、 : I like such activities as reading , drawing and watching TV. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案:,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 【小题 1】 _has lived in America for the longest time among the four persons. A Kalumi B Carolina C Claude D Li Ming 【小题 2】 _used to be teacher in their own countries. A Li Ming and Claude B Li Ming and Carolina

33、C Kalumi and Claude D Carolina and Kalumi 【小题 3】 Of the four persons , _has a big family. A Claude B Carolina C Li Ming D Kalumi 【小题 4】 _like sports. A Li Ming and Claude B Carolina and Kalumi C Li Ming and Carolina D Kalumi and Claude 【小题 5】 These persons will _ together. A draw pictures B study in

34、 the same class C teach English D play sports 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了史密斯先生在开学的第一天让外国学生填上了介绍自己的表格,表格包括,姓名,国籍,语言,在美国的时间,家庭,爱好等。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据短文中四个学生在美国居住的时间的比较,可知 Carolina住了四年,时间最长,故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题。注意题意,谁过去是老师。根据短文描述可知 Li Ming和 Claude过去是数学老师和美术老师。故选 A。 【小题 3】对比

35、理解题。根据他们的家庭描述可知 Kalumi的家庭最大,故选 D. 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据他们的爱好可知 Li Ming 和 Carolina都喜欢运动。故选 C。 【小题 5】推理判断题。根据短文开头 On the first day of class , Smiths foreign students fill in forms and give the information about themselves.可知这四个人都是史密斯先生班里的学生,所以他们是 一个班级,故选 B 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。 What do people do with their old, out

36、of date but still useful computers Most people dont know how to deal with them. Many old computers are put away. Many more are simply thrown away as rubbish. Finally, some companies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old computers. Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products(产品 )

37、. Dell, Hewlett Packard and other companies now also take back some old computers of their own brands. In some countries, laws have been passed, too. Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their used products. And 70% of computer waste must be recycled. The idea behind the laws

38、is that computer companies themselves should pay for the cost. That will encourage them to make computers which are easier and cheaper to repair and upgrade(升级 ). Yet many people are throwing away good computers, while others cannot afford them at all. Hundreds of organizations are working on this p

39、roblem. They collect and repair old computers. Some also teach others how to repair computers. These repaired computers then go to schools, charities(慈善团体 ) or people who need them. Giving a used computer to one of these organizations can turn one persons rubbish into someone elses useful things and

40、 cut down waste, too. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案:,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 【小题 1】 What do many people do with old computers A They repair them. B They sell them. C They send them to others. D They stop using them. 【小题 2】 How many computer companies are mentioned in the second paragraph? A One. B Two. C Three. D Four. 【小题 3】

41、 According to the laws in some countries, computer companies must _. A recycle most of their products B collect all their used products C repair and upgrade old computers D make more cheaper computers 【小题 4】 What do the organizations do to solve the problem of old computers A Help the computer compa

42、nies to collect them. B Repair and send them to those who need them. C Help people to learn to use them. D Turn rubbish into useful things. 【小题 5】 What is the main idea of this passage A Repairing old computers. B Encouraging to make cheap computers. C Recycling old computers. D Helping those who ne

43、ed computers. 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了废旧的电脑人们不知道怎么处理。一些国家的法律规定,电脑公司必须回收循环利用废旧的电脑,还有组织收集并修理旧电脑然后把它们给了那些需要的人。这样既帮助了别人又减少了浪费。 【小题 1】推理判断题。根据短文第一段 Most people dont know how to deal with them. Many old computers are put away. Many more are simply thrown away as rubbi

44、sh可知要么收了起来,要么当垃圾扔了, 总之是不用了,故选 D。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据第二段描述可知三个电脑公司被提及,故选 C. 【小题 3】细节理解题。根据第三段 Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their used products. And 70% of computer waste must be recycled.可知电脑的百分之七十必须循环利用,故选 A。 【小题 4】细节理解题。根据第四段 They collect and repair old computers. Some als

45、o teach others how to repair computers. These repaired computers then go to schools, charities(慈善团体 ) or people who need them.可知他们收集并修理旧电脑然后把它们给了那些需要的人,故选 B。 【小题 5】归纳理解题。根据短文的主旨大意可知主要是描述了循环利用旧电脑,故选 C, 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。 A group of swans (天鹅 ) flew down to a beach where a crow (乌鸦 ) was jumping around . T

46、he crow watched them with disdain (鄙视 ). “You have no flying skills at all ! ” he said to the swans. “ All you can do is to move your wings. Can you turn over in the air No , thats beyond you. Lets have a flying compitition. Ill show you what real flying is ! ” One of the swans , a strong young male

47、 , took up the challenge. The crow flew up and began to show his skills. He flew in circles, performed other flying tricks, and then came down and looked proudly at the swan. Now it was the swans turn. He flew up , and began flying over the sea. The crow flew after him , making all kinds of comments

48、 (评价 ) about his flying. They flew on and on till they couldnt see the land and there was nothing but water on all sides. The crow was making fewer and fewer comments. He was so exhausted that he found it hard to stay in the air, and had to struggle to keep himself from falling into the water. The swan pretended ( 假装 ) not to notice , and said, “ Why do you keep touching the water , brother Is that a


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