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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 167及答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptabl

2、e. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 Intercultural Learning I. Introduction the【 T1】 of intercultural awareness:【 T1】 _ crucial to comprehend and communicate in the global village II. The definition of intercultural learning A. Th

3、e concept of culture including lifestyles,【 T2】 , beliefs, history or experiences, etc.【 T2】 _ existing in one place or many places existing in a religion with followers from different【 T3】【 T3】 _ B. The interpretation of intercultural learning the process of getting better understanding of cultures

4、 around the world the objective: to increase mutual【 T4】 and understanding【 T4】 _ forms: not only a part of EFL, but applied in all【 T5】【 T5】 _ III. Intercultural awareness the common notion: a【 T6】 skill【 T6】 _ Claire Kramschs view: a(n)【 T7】 made up of a collection【 T7】 _ of skills and attitudes:

5、1)observing, identifying and recognizing 2)comparing and contrasting 3)negotiating meaning 4)dealing with or tolerating ambiguity 5)effectively【 T8】【 T8】 _ 6)limiting the possibility of misinterpretation 7)defending ones own point of view while acknowledging the legitimacy of others 8)accepting diff

6、erence methods: a. realizing the vital importance of these skills b. using【 T9】 themes as materials in teaching【 T9】 _ IV. When should it be introduced? accessible to【 T10】【 T10】 _ 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 10 How to Be Effective Readers? I. Wh

7、at is reading? 1)A method of absorbing【 T1】【 T1】 _ the degree of comprehension the reading speed 2)Factors influencing our reading ability: vocabulary cultural background knowledge -【 T2】【 T2】 _ II. How to be effective readers? 1)Developing a(n)【 T3】【 T3】 _ making reading a regular and enjoyable act

8、ivity 2)Having a clear purpose of reading the reason for improving the reading speed the use of different strategies for different【 T4】【 T4】 _ 3)Developing good reading habits concentrating on the important parts -【 T5】【 T5】 _ skipping the insignificant parts III. The skills of effective reading 1)S

9、kill focuses for different levels of readers A. Programs for beginners developing a basic reading vocabulary 【 T6】 skills【 T6】 _ reading for meaning B. Programs for【 T7】 or advanced readers【 T7】 _ expanding vocabulary 【 T8】 comprehension skills【 T8】 _ mastering skills 2)Strategic skills for quick an

10、d efficient reading A. Skimming finding the【 T9】 of the passage【 T9】 _ only trying to locate specific information B. Scanning searching for【 T10】 or ideas【 T10】 _ moving your eyes quickly down the page 11 【 T1】 12 【 T2】 13 【 T3】 14 【 T4】 15 【 T5】 16 【 T6】 17 【 T7】 18 【 T8】 19 【 T9】 20 【 T10】 专业英语四级(

11、听力)模拟试卷 167答案与解析 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You m

12、ay use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文】 Intercultural Learning Good morning, welcome to our discussion. Todays lecture will deal with the topic of intercultural awareness and learning. For too long, we have been concentrating on struc

13、tures and forms and producing materials that may help our students to have perfect diphthongs or a flawless command of the third conditional while leaving out anything approaching real, valid, meaningful content.(1)If our students are to have any hope of using their language skills to genuinely comp

14、rehend and communicate in the global village, intercultural awareness is crucial. The concept of culture is quite expansive, nearly covering every aspect of society under the sun.(2)It could be a way of life, a set of social practices, a system of beliefs, or a shared history or a set of experiences

15、. A culture may be synonymous with a country, or a region, or a nationality or it may cross several countries and regions.(3)A culture may be synonymous with a religion, though followers of Christianity and Judaism or Islam may also come from different cultures. It is highly possible to belong to or

16、 identify oneself with more than one culture. What is intercultural learning? The process of becoming more aware of and better understanding ones own culture and other cultures around the world.(4)The aim of intercultural learning is to increase international and cross-cultural tolerance and underst

17、anding.(5)This can take lots of forms intercultural learning is by no means only a part of EFL, but has exponents in all fields of education. (6)Intercultural awareness in language learning is often talked about as though it were a “fifth skill“ the ability to be aware of cultural relativity followi

18、ng reading, writing, listening and speaking. But, as Claire Kramsch points out: “ If language is seen as social practice, culture becomes the very core of language teaching. Cultural awareness must then be viewed as enabling language proficiency. Culture in language teaching is not an expendable fif

19、th skill, tacked on, so to speak, to the teaching of speaking, listening, reading and writing. “ Following on from what Kramsch says above,(7)intercultural awareness is not really therefore a skill, but a collection of skills and attitudes better thought of as a competence. What are these attitudes

20、and skills that make up the competence? Among them are: observing, identifying and recognizing comparing and contrasting negotiating meaning dealing with or tolerating ambiguity (8)effectively interpreting messages limiting the possibility of misinterpretation defending ones own point of view while

21、acknowledging the legitimacy of others accepting difference These are very similar to many of the skills we teach normally. So what makes intercultural learning different? Raised awareness of what we do and of the vital importance of these skills already makes intercultural communicative competence

22、a more attainable goal. Moreover and despite the fact that the competence is more than just a body of knowledge (9)intercultural awareness skills can be developed by designing materials which have cultural and intercultural themes as their content, a kind of loop input, if you like. Anyway, in the p

23、ractical way when shall we introduce intercultural learning?(10)Intercultural awareness, as a fundamental feature of language and an integral part of language learning, is important at all levels. So much about today. I hope this lecture could help you realize the importance of intercultural learnin

24、g. Thank you for listening. 【知识模块】 讲座 1 【正确答案】 importance 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座指出 If our students are to have any hope of using theirlanguage skills to genuinely comprehend and communicate in the global village, interculturalawareness is crucial即如果我们的学生有任何机会在这个地球村使用他们的语言技能,并做到真正理解和沟通, 那么跨文化意识是至关重要的。根据题干设

25、置,此处应填入名词,因此填入 importance。 【知识模块】 讲座 2 【正确答案】 social practices 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处考查文化的概念。讲座提到,文化的概念非常广,几乎涉及社会的方方面面。然后指出 It could be a way of life, a set of social practices, asystem of beliefs, or a shared history or a set of experiences即它可以是一种生活方式、一组社会实践、一个信念体系 。因此填入 social practices。 【知识模块】 讲座 3 【正确

26、答案】 cultures 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 A culture may be synonymous with a religion, thoughfollowers of Christianity and Judaism or Islam may also come from different cultures即文化可能近似于宗教,尽管基督 教和犹太教或者伊斯兰教的追随者也可能来自不同的文化。因此填入 cultures。 【知识模块】 讲座 4 【正确答案】 tolerance 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处考查跨文化学习的目的。讲座提到 The aim ofinter

27、cultural learning is to increase international and cross-cultural tolerance andunderstanding即提高国际和跨文化的包容和理解。因此填入 tolerance。 【知识模块】 讲座 5 【正确答案】 fields of education 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到跨文化学习的类型,指出 interculturallearning is by no means only a part of EFL , but has exponents in all fields of education即跨文化学

28、习决不仅仅是英语学习的一部分,它被倡导运用于所有教育领域。因此填入 fields of education。 【知识模块】 讲座 6 【正确答案】 fifth 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 Intercultural awareness in language learning is often talkedabout as though it were a“fifth skill” ,即人们一般把跨文化意识视为是语言学习中除了听、说、读、写外的一种第五技能。因此填入fifth。 【知识模块】 讲座 7 【正确答案】 competence 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座提到 inte

29、rcultural awareness is not really therefore askill, but a collection of skills and attitudes better thought of as a competence,即跨文化意识并非是一种技能,更应当被视作是一种技能和态度相结合的能力。因此填入 competence。 【知识模块】 讲座 8 【正确答案】 interpreting messages 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处考查组成这种能力的技能和态度包括哪些内容,其中一个就是 effectirely interpreting messages,即有

30、效地解读信息。因此填入 interpreting messages。 【知识模块】 讲座 9 【正确答案】 cultural and intercultural 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 intercultural awareness skills can bedeveloped by designing materials which have cultural and intercultural themes as their content,即跨文化意识的技能可以通过设计具有文化和跨文化主题的材料作为其内容来培养。因此填入 cultural and intercultural

31、。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【正确答案】 all-level students 【试题解析】 本题为概括题。讲座提到 Intercuhural awareness, as a fundamentalfeature of language and an integral part of language learning, is important at all levels即跨文化意识,作为语言的基本特点和语言学习中不可或缺的一部分,在各层级都很重要。因此填入 alllevel students。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【听力原文】 How to Be Effective Readers

32、? Good morning, in todays lecture, well discuss how to be effective readers. Id like to spend some time discussing with you the following topics: What is reading? How can we read effectively? And what are the skills of reading? First of all, Id say,(1)reading is a method of absorbing written informa

33、tion. It mainly contains two aspects: the degree of comprehension and the reading speed.(2)Our reading ability is closely related to our vocabulary, cultural background knowledge and reading techniques. However, we vary widely in every significant aspect intelligence, language skills, interest, etc.

34、 So we are supposed to recognize our individual differences and work hard to be effective readers. In my opinion, there are many things that we could do.(3)Firstly, we should develop a love of reading by making reading a regular and enjoyable activity. Secondly, we should have a clear purpose in rea

35、ding.(4)And we should know why we need to improve our reading speed and use different strategies for different reading tasks. Thirdly, developing good reading habits is quite important.(5)We should concentrate on the important parts, skim the rest, and skip the insignificantparts. Sometimes we shoul

36、d read silently rather than read aloud. Secondly, Id like to say, generally speaking, reading programs for different levels of readers have different focuses and emphasize specific reading skills. Programs for beginners generally focus on developing a basic reading vocabulary, decoding skills and re

37、ading for meaning. Programs for intermediate or advanced readers are shifted to expanding vocabulary, refining comprehension skills and mastering skills. In order to make reading more efficient, it is necessary for us to know some reading strategic skills. Skimming and scanning are two specific read

38、ing strategic skills for quick and efficient reading.(9)Thepurpose: of skimming is to find the main idea of the passage. Readers often do skimming when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time. When skimming, readers only try to locate specific information and they often do not

39、 even follow the development of the story.(10)Scanning is another technique readers often use when looking up a word in a telephone book or dictionary to search for key words or ideas. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page to seek specific words and phrases. Based on this, I will

40、introduce to you three strategies which may help you to conduct effective reading. First, make sure the books are specific to your age and reading levels. Second, find some background information which relates to the book before reading. Third, leave plenty of time for reflection and let yourself be

41、 free to develop imagination at the end of the reading. OK, today we had a brief look at the ways to be effective readers, and the skills of reading as well. Undoubtedly, reading is always beneficial. I hope youll enjoy reading and keep reading after todays lecture. Thank you for your attention. 【知识

42、模块】 讲座 11 【正确答案】 written information 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。讲座在介绍阅读时指出 reading is a method ofabsorbing written information,即阅读是获取书面信息的一种方法。因此填入writteninformation。 【知识模块】 讲座 12 【正确答案】 reading techniques 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到影响阅读能力的因素: Our reading abilityis closely related to our vocabulary, cultural background k

43、nowledge and reading techniques即我们的阅读能力与我们的词汇、文化背景知识和阅读技巧密切相关。因此填入 readingtechniques。 【知识模块】 讲座 13 【正确答案】 love of reading 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。讲座提到怎样成为高效阅读者时指出: Firstly,weshould develop a love of reading by making reading a regular and enjoyable activity即首先应培养对阅读的喜爱。因此填入 love of reading。 【知识模块】 讲座 14 【正确答案

44、】 reading tasks 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处考查成为高效阅读者应做到的第二点:阅读时有明确的目的。讲座提到 And we should know why we need to improve our reading speed anduse different strategies for different reading tasks即我们应该知道为什么需要提高我们的阅读速度,并且针对不同阅读任务采取不同策略。因此填入 reading tasks。 【知识模块】 讲座 15 【正确答案】 skimming the rest 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处考查良好的阅读习

45、惯: We should concentrate onthe important parts, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts其中包括skim the rest。值得注意的是,动词 skim的形式应与题干前后的 concentrating和skipping保持一致,因此填入 skimming the rest。 【知识模块】 讲座 16 【正确答案】 decoding 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处讲到初学者高效阅读的技巧: Programs for beginnersgenerally focus on developing

46、a basic reading vocabulary, decoding skills and reading formeaning即增强基础阅读词汇,培养解读能力,并且为了理解意义而阅读。因此填入 decoding。 【知识模块】 讲座 17 【正确答案】 intermediate 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。此处讲到中级和高级水平阅读者高效阅读的技巧:Programs for intermediate or advanced readers are shifted to expanding vocabulary。因此填入 intermediate。 【知识模块】 讲座 18 【正确答案】

47、refining 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到中级和高级水平阅读者的技巧: refiningcomprehension skills and mastering skills ,即改进理解能力并掌握技能。因此填入 refining。 【知识模块】 讲座 19 【正确答案】 main idea 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。此处提到略读的目的: The purpose of skimming is to find themain idea of the passage即找出文章的中心 思想。因此填入 main idea。 【知识模块】 讲座 20 【正确答案】 key words 【试题解析】 本题为细节题。讲座提到 Scanning is another techniqueto search for keywords or ideas即浏览是另一种寻找关键词和中心思想的技能。因此填入key words。 【知识模块】 讲座


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