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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 412及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 Why cant the man contact Mr. Thomas himself? ( A) Because Mr. Thomas is out on business. ( B) Because the man is leaving town soon. ( C) Because Mr. Thomas doesnt have a personal phone. ( D) Because the man h

4、asnt got the contact information. 3 Whats the mans problem? ( A) He wants to make an appointment. ( B) He wants to reschedule the appointment. ( C) He wants to cancel the appointment. ( D) He wants to change the place of the appointment. 4 Which of the following statements about the man is INCORRECT

5、? ( A) He plans to leave town for several days. ( B) He fails to call first because of a hot line. ( C) He is hurried to contact Mr. Thomas. ( D) He agrees to let the woman leave a message. 5 What does the man intend to do? ( A) To organize a sports team. ( B) To join a sports team. ( C) To go to a

6、fitness center. ( D) To set up a company of his own. 6 What does the woman suggest the man do? ( A) He should become a member in the new organization. ( B) He should have some chips and a bowl of ice cream. ( C) He should stay at home and watch TV at night. ( D) He should watch his diet and do prope

7、r exercises. 7 Which of the following is NOT true about the man? ( A) He used to be the star player in high school. ( B) He has put on much weight now. ( C) He likes fresh fruits and vegetables. ( D) He stopped playing basketball five years ago. 8 The mans effort to find a position does not include_

8、. ( A) putting up ads on newspapers ( B) calling various employers ( C) going through interviews ( D) reading thousands of want ads 9 Which of the following best describes the man at the beginning of the conversation? ( A) Frustrated. ( B) Despairing. ( C) Optimistic. ( D) Nostalgic. 10 What does th

9、e job requirement say? ( A) The applicant should speak two languages. ( B) The applicant will work as tour guides in Eastern China. ( C) Relevant experience is a must. ( D) The working schedule is tight. 11 The man promises that he will_. ( A) call Explore Tours immediately ( B) go for the wonderful

10、 evening dinner ( C) treat the woman to a fine dinner ( D) not give up easily until he finds a job SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 This passage is most probably intended for

11、 ( A) textile technicians. ( B) common housewives. ( C) average audience. ( D) space travelers. 13 Why are fabrics good for public buildings? ( A) Because they prevent buildings from noise. ( B) Because they make buildings strong. ( C) Because they make buildings beautiful. ( D) Because they make bu

12、ildings special. 14 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the uses of textile fibers? ( A) In the creation of home furnishings. ( B) In building blocks. ( C) In building trades. ( D) In transportation. 15 What is the speakers field of study? ( A) Social work. ( B) Medical care. ( C) Applied phy

13、sics. ( D) Special education. 16 According to the speaker, what contributed to her admission to Ohio State University? ( A) The timely advice from her friends and relatives. ( B) The two-year professional training she received. ( C) Her determination to fulfill her dream. ( D) Her parents consistent

14、 moral support. 17 Why does the speaker want to go to a Latin American country? ( A) To get the funding for the hospitals. ( B) To help the disabled children there. ( C) To train therapists for the children there. ( D) To set up an institution for the handicapped. 18 How long does an interview usual

15、ly last according to the speaker? ( A) Less than 40 minutes. ( B) From 40 to 70 minutes. ( C) At least 40 minutes. ( D) More than 70 minutes. 19 How can one give an interviewer a good first impression? ( A) He should show respect to the interviewer. ( B) He should show confidence in himself. ( C) He

16、 should be dressed appropriately. ( D) He should speak enthusiastically. 20 What should be the best manner when you speak to an interviewer? ( A) Speaking politely and emotionally. ( B) Talking loudly to give a lasting impression. ( C) Talking a lot about the job. ( D) Speaking confidently but not a

17、ggressively. 21 Whats the main idea of the talk youve just heard? ( A) Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview. ( B) Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine. ( C) Self-confidence is most important for a job hunter. ( D) A job seeker should create a good image duri

18、ng an interview. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) Half of the American workers have promised to buy a new plane for the Delta

19、Airlines. ( B) The workers of Delta Airlines have promised to help buy a new plane for their company. ( C) Half of the workers of Delta Airlines have promised to pay half the money for a new plane. ( D) Half of the workers of Delta Airlines have bought a new plane for the company. 23 What is badly n

20、eeded in Russia according to the news? ( A) Military aid. ( B) Social security. ( C) Economic recovery. ( D) Democratic system. 24 Whats announced by Harvard President? ( A) Women may not have the aptitude for science and mathematics that men have. ( B) A plan to improve conditions for scientists. (

21、 C) A plan to improve the conditions of the university. ( D) A plan to improve conditions for female scientists. 25 How much the plan might cost? ( A) Fifteen million dollars. ( B) Five million dollars. ( C) Fifty million dollars. ( D) Filly-five million dollars. 26 What is the deficit for fiscal 20

22、06? ( A) Over $ 200 billion. ( B) $ 248 billion. ( C) $ 244 billion. ( D) Not mentioned. 27 Which of the following is the factor of increases in expenditure? ( A) Payments for individuals. ( B) Capital gains from stock markets. ( C) Engagement in Iraq war. ( D) Tax collections. 28 Whats the most ser

23、ious problem African nations are facing? ( A) Hunger. ( B) Malnutrition. ( C) Lack of drinking water. ( D) Poor transportation. 29 As suggested by Kofi Annan, how to solve the problem? ( A) To introduce new crops. ( B) To offer more international aid. ( C) To improve food security. ( D) To increase

24、agricultural production. 30 The issue concerning who controls the Internet will be discussed ( A) by dividing planners. ( B) at the first U.N. summit on information technology. ( C) during Dec. 10-12. ( D) by leaders of governments. 31 Who will NOT be discussing the controversial issues? ( A) More t

25、han 50 heads of states. ( B) Government representatives. ( C) Representatives of business. ( D) Representatives of citizens. 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the

26、 corresponding blanks. 31 During the whole of a dark, cloudy day near the end of the year I had been【 C1】 _ my horse along country roads with little life or beauty.【 C2】 _ evening fell, I found myself within view of the House of Usher. I do not know why, but my first sight of it【 C3】 _ my heart heav

27、y. I stopped my horse 【 C4】 _ the edge of the black and quiet lake that lay beside the building.【 C5】 _ down into the water , I saw a 【 C6】 _ of. the dark old house and the dying trees in it. There was something in that reflection that【 C7】 _ fear to my heart, though I could not tell what【 C8】 _ I l

28、ooked up at the old house itself , which was made【 C9】 _ stone . None of the wall had fallen, but many stones 【 C10】 _ to be loose. There 【 C11】 _ to be a break in the front of the building, 【 C12】 _ down the wall 【 C13】 _ the top until it had lost in the dark water of the lake. I had come to visit

29、a childhood friend, Roderick Usher. I【 C14】 _ him for many years, and I knew very 【 C15】 _ about him. But he had written me a letter,【 C16】 _ me to come. He was sick in body and in mind, ax he wanted to see me, his best and oldest friend. I could not refuse. But now, something about the house fright

30、ened me. TI room【 C17】 _ the friend met me was almost dark , but I could see that he had changed very much【 C18】 _ our last meeting many years ago. He looked iii, and there was a wild look in his eyes. He was nervous he would I active for a few moments and then suddenly he would be very quiet. He to

31、ld me that he had a family illness which could n be cured. The worst part was his fear of everything. The light hurt his eyes, and even a small noise filled him 【 C19】 _ fear. Most of all he was afraid of【 C20】 _ . Fear had become part of his life, such as it was now. 32 【 C1】 ( A) rode ( B) ridden

32、( C) riding ( D) ride 33 【 C2】 ( A) When ( B) On the ( C) In the ( D) Towards 34 【 C3】 ( A) got ( B) made ( C) put ( D) let 35 【 C4】 ( A) with ( B) at ( C) over ( D) under 36 【 C5】 ( A) Looked ( B) Looking ( C) Seeing ( D) Saw 37 【 C6】 ( A) image ( B) reflection ( C) impression ( D) mark 38 【 C7】 (

33、A) brought ( B) caused ( C) produced ( D) formed 39 【 C8】 ( A) was it ( B) it used to be ( C) it was ( D) should it have been 40 【 C9】 ( A) with ( B) of ( C) for ( D) by 41 【 C10】 ( A) had been ( B) saw ( C) appeared ( D) were supposed 42 【 C11】 ( A) should be ( B) seemed ( C) looking ( D) ought 43

34、【 C12】 ( A) going ( B) went ( C) gone ( D) goes 44 【 C13】 ( A) to ( B) through ( C) from ( D) since 45 【 C14】 ( A) did not see ( B) have not seen ( C) had not seen ( D) had not been seeing 46 【 C15】 ( A) few ( B) little ( C) a few ( D) a little 47 【 C16】 ( A) asked ( B) to have asked ( C) asking ( D

35、) being asked 48 【 C17】 ( A) that ( B) in that ( C) by which ( D) in which 49 【 C18】 ( A) through ( B) from ( C) since ( D) during 50 【 C19】 ( A) with ( B) of ( C) for ( D) in 51 【 C20】 ( A) dying ( B) being dead ( C) being dying ( D) died 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR The Convergence of Resources and Rank in

36、the Social Realm,“ a new paper written by University of California psychologists and social scientists published in the academic journal Current Directions in Psychological Science. The authors write that ones sense of social classderived mainly from income and education“exerts broad influences on s

37、ocial thought, emotion, and behavior. “ Using various tests that measure empathy, those who perceive themselves among the lower classes demonstrate “ heightened vigilance of the social context and an other-focused social orientation. “ In other words, poorer, less well-educated individuals tend to n

38、otice, and care more about, the people around them. “ Upper-class rank perceptions,“ on the other hand, “trigger a focus away from the context toward the self, prioritizing self-interest. How the heck can researchers measure something like empathy? One study, for instance, asked participants to iden

39、tify the emotions on display in photos of people with different facial expressions. Those with high-school-only educations showed “greater empathetic accuracy“ than participants with college educations. The paper also claims that people with less education and less money tend to be more generous wit

40、h what money they do have. When the question is posed regarding how much people should give to charity, “lower-class“ ranks suggest a higher percentage of ones income than the percentage recommended by the wealthy. (Then again, a tiny percentage of a billionaires income is a lot more than a large ch

41、unk of a middle-class persons income.) Another study cited in the paper involved giving participants 10 points, which would later be traded in for money. The individuals given the points were to divide them up between themselves and an anonymous partner. Guess who shared more of their points? We fou

42、nd that individuals reporting lower subjective socioeconomic status gave more to their partner than did upper-socioeconomic-status participants. In this context, the next time youre called “low-class,“ consider it a compliment. 82 According to psychological studies, wealthy people tend to he ( A) sy

43、mpathetic. ( B) influential. ( C) self-centered. ( D) decent. 83 The word “vigilance“ (Paragraph Three) prohahly means ( A) intense curiosity. ( B) deliherate neglect. ( C) careful attention. ( D) strong dissatisfaction. 84 We can infer that lower-class people_upper-class people. ( A) feel inferior

44、to ( B) are jealous of ( C) think highly of ( D) are more sensitive than 85 Which of the following statements might the author agree on? ( A) Low-class people have more virtues than upper-class ones. ( B) Generosity is a virtue that is rarely seen nowadays. ( C) People shouldnt he judged based on th

45、eir income. ( D) People should be proud of being low-class people. 85 Navigation computers, now sold by most car makers, cost 2000 and up. No surprise, then, that they are most often found in luxury cars, like Lexus, BMW and Audi. But it is a developing technology meaning prices should eventually dr

46、op-and the market does seem to be growing. Even at current prices, a navigation computer is impressive. It can guide you from point to point in most major cities with precise turn-by-turn directions spoken by a clear human sounding voice, and written on a screen in front of the driver. The computer

47、works with an antenna that takes signals from no fewer than three of the 24 Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the cars location earl be pinned down within 100 meters. The satellite signals, along

48、with inputs on speed from a wheel speed sensor and direction from a meter, determine the cars position even as it moves. This information is combined with a map database. Streets, landmarks and points of interest are included. Most systems are basically identical. The differences come in hardwarethe

49、 way the computer accepts the drivers request for directions and the way it presents the driving instructions. On most systems, a driver enters a desired address, motorway junction or point of interest via a touch screen or disc. But the Lexus screen goes a step further: you can point to any spot on the map screen and get directions to it. BMWs system offers set of cross hairs that can be moved across the map (you have several choices of


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