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1、专业英语四级(新闻报道类阅读理解)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 0 Barack Obama declared war on Wall Street last night as he unveiled a series of measures aimed at checking the behaviour of banks. The proposals, regarded as the biggest regulatory crackdown on banks since the 1930s, would limit the size of institutions and bar them fr

2、om the most cavalier trading practices. Mr Obama hopes that the move will reset his flagging presidency. “We should no longer allow banks to stray too far from their central mission of serving their customers,“ he said. “My resolve to reform the system is only strengthened when I see record profits

3、at some of the very firms claiming that they cannot lend more to small business, cannot keep credit card rates low and cannot refund taxpayers for the bailout. If these folks want a fight, its a fight Im ready to have. Never again will the American taxpayer be held hostage by a bank that is too big

4、to fail.“ Flanked by his economic advisers, he said that Wall Street banks must: halt “proprietary trading“, where banks risk huge sums predicting the outcome of future moves in the price of commodities such as oil; operate more cautiously and have more available funds; not become too large by limit

5、ing the amount of ordinary banking business they can undertake. In Britain, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats pounced on the Presidents words, claiming that they had been calling for similar measures for some time. The Treasury said that it would study his moves carefully. Mr. Obamas comments

6、prompted heavy falls in stock markets on both sides of the Atlantic. The FTSE100 fell 85.70 points to 5335.1 a fall of 1.6 per cent while on Wall Street share prices fell by more than 2 per cent at one stage. Among those with the biggest share price falls on Wall Street were the banks seen as being

7、most wounded by Mr Obamas proposals. Shares of JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America each fell by more than 6 per cent, while Citigroup shares fell by more than 5 per cent and Goldman Sachs shares by more than 3 per cent. George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, hailed Mr. Obamas intervention as a welcom

8、e move. “I have said consistently that we should look at separating retail banking from activities like large-scale proprietary trading and that this was best done internationally,“ he said. “Coming on top of growing agreement on a bank levy, it shows that Conservatives are part of an emerging inter

9、national consensus on these issues.“ Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, said: “Barack Obama understands that the bonus culture in the banking system has got entirely out of hand and must be curbed. The days of excessive risk-taking on the back of taxpayers money must stop now. Whil

10、e Obamas proposals to prevent the worst elements of proprietary trading are welcome, this is merely a halfway house. Analysts said that the proposals, if enacted unilaterally by the US, could damage Wall Streets standing as a global financial centre. Ralph Fogel, investment strategist at Fogel Neale

11、 Partners in New York, said: “This is going to have a tremendous impact on big-name brokerage firms. If they stop prop trading it will not only dry up liquidity in the market but it will change the whole structure of Wall Street.“ 1 Whats the meaning of “hail“ in Paragraph 7? ( A) To criticize ( B)

12、To condemn ( C) To praise ( D) To mock 2 According to the passage, the following statements are correct EXCEPT_. ( A) The proposal requires that banks should stop spending money on prop-rietary trading. ( B) Falls in stock markets are effected after Obama revealed measures to regulate bank behaviors

13、 in both America and Britain. ( C) George Osborne believed that retail banking should be separated from large-scale proprietary trading. ( D) Big banks will survive the proposal more easily than smaller ones. 3 Which of the following is NOT a banks name? ( A) FTSE100 ( B) JPMorgan Chase ( C) Citigro

14、up ( D) Goldman Sachs 4 What are George Osbornes and Vince Cables opinions on Obamas proposal? ( A) Neither liked it. ( B) Both favored it. ( C) It is not stated in the passage. ( D) George Osborne thinks it is welcoming, while Vince Cable does not. 5 President Obama declares war on Wall Street mean

15、s_. ( A) President Obama is going to send troops to Wall Street ( B) Wall Street is under attacks by terrorists ( C) President Obama is angry at Wall Street ( D) President Obama plans to take measures to discipline the banking business on Wall Street 5 A massive earthquake struck Haiti just before 5

16、 p.m. on Jan. 12, about 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the countrys capital. The quake was the worst in the region in more than 200 years. Apreliminary assessment from Haitis government put the body count at 150,000 on Jan. 23. “I dont think we will ever know what the death toll is from this

17、earthquake,“ said Edmond Mulet, the newly appointed head of United Nations operations in Haiti. “People are burying bodies by themselves, many have been thrown into dumps outside the city and an untold number still lie under the rubble.“ The day after the quake, Haitis president, Rene Preval, called

18、 the destruction “unimaginable.“ The quake left the country in shambles, without electricity or phone service. Haitis shaky infrastructure before the quake meant aid efforts faced steep obstacles. With little food and water to be had, thousands of residents of the capital, Port-au-Prince, where the

19、destruction was centered, fled the city to seek refuge with relatives in the countryside. Despite scattered looting, the city remained relatively calm, but there was little evidence that the central government was able to function. Ban Ki-Moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations, on Jan. 18

20、 requested that another 3,500 peacekeepers be sent to Haiti to assist in delivering aid and prevent violence. The United States ordered the deployment of 5,000 troops to assist in the relief effort. The earthquake could be felt across the border in the Dominican Republic, on the eastern part of the

21、island of Hispaniola. High-rise buildings in the capital, Santo Domingo, shook and sent people streaming down stairways into the streets, fearing that the tremor could intensify. Huge swaths of the capital, Port-au-Prince, lay in ruins, and thousands of people were feared dead in the rubble of gover

22、nment buildings, foreign aid offices and shantytowns. Schools, hospitals and a prison collapsed. Sixteen United Nations peac-ekeepers were killed and at least 140 United Nations workers were missing, including the chief of its mission, Hedi Annabi. The citys archbishop, Msgr. Joseph Serge Miot, was

23、found dead in the rubble of the Port-au-Prince cathedral. Survivors squatted in the streets, some hurt and bloody, many more without food and water, close to piles of covered corpses and rubble. Limbs protruded from disi- ntegrated concrete, muffled cries emanated from deep inside the wrecks of buil

24、dings many of them poorly constructed in the first place. Ten days after the quake, the number of survivors pulled from the rubble stood at 121 as hopes of finding more dwindled. A large aftershock on the morning of Jan. 20, which had a magnitude of 6.1, was centered on Gressier, a village west of P

25、ort-au-Prince. As the most powerful tremor to hit Haiti since the initial earthquake on Jan. 12, it caused some additional damage to the ravaged capital and surrounding areas. 6 According to the passage, the death toll of this Haiti earthquake is_. ( A) unknown ( B) 3,500 ( C) 5000 ( D) 150000 7 Wha

26、ts the main idea of the passage? ( A) It describes in details those who have been sent in helping troops. ( B) It estimates Haitis loss caused by the earthquake. ( C) It explains why the earthquake is so devastating. ( D) It gives an objective account of Haiti after the earthquake. 8 According to Pa

27、ragraph 3, why do aid efforts face steep obstacles? ( A) Because few people survived the earthquake. ( B) Because the destruction is huge. ( C) Because the buildings are of poor quality. ( D) Both B & C 9 Where could you most likely find this article? ( A) In a pamphlet. ( B) In newspapers. ( C) In

28、a novel. ( D) In a diary. 10 According to the last paragraph, is there a chance to find more survivors from the rubble? ( A) Absolutely yes. ( B) Not much. ( C) No chance at all. ( D) Not mentioned. 专业英语四级(新闻报道类阅读理解)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词汇题。从选项可以看出,重点是判断此词的感情色彩,是批评、谴责,还是表扬、嘲笑。仔细阅读第七段可以发现所选词

29、汇一定是积极、正面的含义,可以马上判定是选项 C。 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。题于中没有出现任何可以用来定位的关键词,所以必须 从选项中确定信息的来源,一一比较排除。选项 A中的 “proprietary trading”可用作定位,发现文中第三段专门提到这一点,且前面使用的是 halt(停止 )一词,即使不认识这个词,也可以从后面的 risk一词中判断出否定的含义。选项 B可以从文中“Mr Obamas comments prompted heavy falls in stock markets on both sides of the Atlantic ”一句得到佐证。选

30、项 C中的人名 “George Osborne”可以定位到信息“I have said consistently that we should look at separating retail banking from activities like largescale proprietary trading”,确定 C的陈述符合原文。故只剩选项 D。 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。此题中的 “Bank names”是定位线索,而选项中出现的专有名词都是定位关键词,返回原文中根据上下文即可判断出 FTSE100不是银行的名字而是股市中的指数名称。 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题

31、解析】 细节题。题干中的 “George Osborne and Vince Cable”是定位关键词,他们对奥巴马政府的提议做出评价时都使用了 “welcome”一词,说明他们的态度都是赞成的。 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨题。题干出自全文第一句,通读全篇可以意识到这里的 “发动战争 ”是比喻用法,旨在说明奥巴马政府准备对华尔街的金融体系进行大刀阔斧的改革了,所以按字面意义理解的选项 A和 B都不对。选项 C不准确,奥巴马政府对华尔街不满是可以推断出来的,但是文章的主 题是要说明即将采取的措施,不仅仅是表达不满,所以不是最佳答案。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。需要

32、在文中找到每一个数字及其对应的意义,再进行选择。 3,500是再次派往海地的维和人员数; 5,000是美国政府派来的军队数量;150,000是海地政府最初公布的遇难者人数,这是最具迷惑性的选项,但是“preliminary”作为修饰语已经显示出这并非最终的准确数目。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨题。选项 A、 B、 C中所提到的内容,如派出救援部队的国家,海地在此次地震中遭受 的损失,以及为何损失如此严重的问题在文中都有所阐述,但是题干问的是主要内容,所以这三项都存在以偏概全的问题,不是最佳选项,只有 D包含了所有内容。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。题干已经指出信息

33、出自第三段,根据 “The day after the quake, Haitis president, Ren6 Pr6val, called the destruction“unimaginable ”The quake left the country in shambles, without electricity or phone service Haitis shaky infrastructure before the quake meant aid efforts faced steep obstacles ”可以看出,灾难本身的巨大毁灭性、断水断电以及海地原建筑物质量不合格等原因使援救工作面临很大困难。 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 态度题。这是一道隐性的态度题,答题者必须从作者的口吻和态度出发来判断这篇文章的体裁。文章对不少问题都进行了详细的描述,不像是小册子,同时其 实事求是的口吻和客观的描述可以看出本文更可能出自一篇新闻报道,而非个人的日记或是非纪实的小说,所以选 B。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。此题其实是考查对文中 “as hopes of finding more dwindled”一句的理解, dwindle一词已经表明希望不大。选项 A和 C都过于绝对,不是最佳选项。


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