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1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg

2、in. 1 I see the Chinese governments commitment to build an information technology infrastructure that will enable China to compete on an equal footing with other major economies of the world. 2 We often talk about how the Internet is revolutionizing the world of commerce. But the Internet has just a

3、s much potential to revolutionize education. 3 More and more schools are setting up their own web pages to share information, exchange ideas and learn more about other cultures. 4 the Internet is in many ways the worlds largest research library. With the right direction from their teachers, students

4、 can find information that contributes to their studies in a wide variety of fields. 5 Youngsters will not only improve their education by using the Internet, they will also learn skills that are critically needed to help China achieve its information technology and E-commerce goals. 6 It is also im

5、portant for young people to understand the Internet because it is driving significant changes in our world: changes in how we communicate, how we buy and sell, how we compete, and how we live and work. 7 By building an Internet infrastructure, you will give these students the tools they need to help

6、 establish China as one of the leaders in the Internet Age. 8 We are committed to working with you and with other organizations and institutions in China to help make the Internet an integrated part of your educational system and your economy. 9 And even more policy makers and the corporate sectors

7、would like to see how the world is changing. Now, why doesnt this take place? Why are we not using the data we have? We have data in the United Nations, in the national statistical agencies and in universities and other nongovernmental organizations. Because the data is hidden down in the databases.

8、 And the public is there, and the Internet is there, but we have still not used it effectively. All that information we saw changing in the world does not include publicly-funded statistics. There are some web pages like this, you know, but they take some nourishment down from the databases, but peo

9、ple put prices on them, stupid passwords and boring statistics. 10 Every age has its ideal of beauty, and every age produces its visual incarnation of that ideal from the Venus de Milo in ancient Greece to Marilyn Monroe in the 1960s. Miss Digital World is the search for a contemporary ideal of beau

10、ty, seen through virtual reality. Designers will program their contestants to parade along a virtual catwalk, and therell be a virtual presenter and virtual guests who will help create the atmosphere of a beauty contest. The winner will be crowned at a flesh-and-blood conference and hopefully the di

11、gital queen will go on to greater things with roles in video games, virtual reality films and adverts. 11 Now, you probably all have heard the term big data. In fact, youre probably sick of hearing the term big data. It is true that there is a lot of hype around the term, and that is very unfortunat

12、e, because big data is an extremely important tool by which society is going to advance. In the past, we used to look at small data and think about what it would mean to try to understand the world, and now we have a lot more of it, more than we ever could before. What we find is that when we have a

13、 large body of data, we can fundamentally do things that we couldnt do when we only had smaller amounts. Big data is important, and big data is new, and when you think about it, the only way this planet is going to deal with its global challenges to feed people, supply them with medical care, supply

14、 them with energy, electricity, and to make sure theyre not burnt to a crisp because of global warming is because of the effective use of data. So what is new about big data? What is the big deal? Well, to answer that question, lets think about what information looked like, physically looked like in

15、 the past. In 1908, on the island of Crete, archaeologists discovered a clay disc. They dated it from 2000 B. C. , so its 4, 000 years old. Now, theres inscriptions on this disc, but we actually dont know what it means. Its a complete mystery, but the point is that this is what information used to l

16、ook like 4, 000 years ago. This is how society stored and transmitted information. Now, society hasnt advanced all that much. We still store information on discs, but now we can store a lot more information, more than ever before. Searching it is easier. Copying it easier. Sharing it is easier. Proc

17、essing it is easier. And what we can do is we can reuse this information for uses that we never even imagined when we first collected the data. In this respect, the data has gone from a stock to a flow, from something that is stationary and static to something that is fluid and dynamic. There is, if

18、 you will, a liquidity to information. The disc that was discovered off of Crete thats 4, 000 years old, is heavy, it doesnt store a lot of information, and that information is unchangeable. By contrast, all of the files that Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agency in the United States

19、 fits on a memory stick the size of a fingernail, and it can be shared at the speed of light. Now, one reason why we have so much data in the world today is we are collecting things that weve always collected information on, but another reason why is were taking things that have always been informat

20、ional but have never been rendered into a data format and we are putting it into data. Think, for example, the question of location. Take, for example, Martin Luther. If we wanted to know in the 1500s where Martin Luther was, we would have to follow him at all times, maybe with a feathery quill and

21、an inkwell, and record it, but now think about what it looks like today. You know that somewhere, probably in a telecommunications carriers database, there is a spreadsheet or at least a database entry that records your information of where youve been at all times. If you have a cell phone, and that

22、 cell phone has GPS, but even if it doesnt have GPS, it can record your information. In this respect, location has been datafied. Now think, for example, of the issue of posture, the way that you are all sitting right now, the way that you sit, the way that you sit, the way that you sit. Its all dif

23、ferent, and its a function of your leg length and your back and the contours of your back, and if I were to put sensors, maybe 100 sensors into all of your chairs right now, I could create an index thats fairly unique to you, sort of like a fingerprint, but its not your finger. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-En

24、glish Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 百度在一直努力创新,通过大数据分析的优势帮助我们寻求未来技术解决方案,应

25、对社会和环境问题。 13 腾讯作为中国最大的私营综合性互联网企业之一, 12年来的成长经历可以说见证了中国互联网产业的发展奇迹, 14 联合国已经认识到大数据技术的巨大潜力,该技术能够在可持续发展领域推进社会创新,我们也欢迎百度这样的合作伙伴继续发挥其技术专长。 15 腾讯为全国四亿网民提供高质量网络服务,它提供从即时通信,网络媒体,网络游戏,搜索引擎到电子商务等各种互联网业务。 16 云计算的核心价值就是应用公共网络设施使我们的运算、处理、逻辑组建能力能像水和电一样融人大家的生活。 17 云计算可以让我们帮助用户在任何时间地点获取任何信息,让他们获得在电脑时代和网络初期无法得到的便利。 18

26、 我们要在法律和政策上制止任何危害用户信息安全的行为发生,保证云计算及整个产业有良好的发展环境。 19 网络信息传播已经成为社会信息传播的主流方式,网络信息技术已经 深入中国社会的各个领域,对中国社会的发展产生巨大的推动作用。 20 现在,很多孩子都用上了手机或经常上网。一个古老的现象 恐吓,也插上了高科技的翅膀。孩子在教室或操场上受到威胁,至少可以从老师或家长那里得到某种庇护。调查发现,有超过 1 4的年轻人遭受过来白手机或电脑的威胁。其中, 10的人在手机上接收过恐吓或威胁性的信息, 7的人在网上聊天室受到过骚扰,还有 4的人收到通过电子信箱发来的恐吓信。 21 我国正与美国的一家公司合作

27、开发用于可视电话的可变增益放大器 (VGA)和超高解像显 示器。该微型显示器的基本结构是一层液晶体,夹在玻璃和电脑芯之间。电脑芯片片上有一组微型显像元素,由晶片控制开关,从而影响液晶体物质。当电脑晶片上的所有显像元素被一同开关的时候,就可得到可与电脑显示器相媲美的清晰影像。电话内置微型显示器和摄像头。其功能是,在通话时,可将显示屏上的影像发送给与你通话的人。对方可以通过可视电话、传真机或电子邮件接收影像。 22 我们生活在信息的海洋里。信息淹没了我们,向我们进攻并将我们击垮。它无处不在,无时不在。然而问题是:它对我们有什么影响 ?我们都知道信息革命的益处 ,但它有什么坏处 ?这种向我们狂轰滥炸

28、的东西是否会影响我们的人性 ?这是很多人关心的问题。 如果过去 30万年里大脑没有什么变化,那么现在同样也不会变。那里有线路,有荷尔蒙活动 什么都不缺。但是,大脑不断询问的问题是:闲着,下面我该做什么。因为我正好有线路处理。 但真的有信息过载吗 ?当大脑没有关闭时,它却说:我正在处理这东西,但 算了吧,伙计 !信息过载这个比方暗示大脑就像是一件厨房电器。它有电流容量限制,一旦刺激过度便会燃烧,引起短路。信息过载的问题在于有多少信息是有意义的。 问题就在 这儿。正如这些广告所显示的那样,我们饱受信息的狂轰滥炸,但却不知有多少可以被接收。我们生活在一个忙碌不安的时代,连汽车也不耐烦。我们四处奔走,

29、干什么都没有时间。 然而,什么时候最深沉、最有意义、最触动灵魂呢 ?那通常是在信息量很低,环境非常幽静的地方。随着这些地方逐渐从我们的文化中消除,我们是要付出代价的。 信息到处弥漫着,我们足不出户,甚至不用起床,便可知晓天下事。那么图书馆还有什么用处 ? 图书馆是个储藏和传播智慧、交流思想、酝酿创造力的地方。但现在的情形是,许多人正被动地漫游在未加 筛选的信息汪洋大海中,逐渐失去判断好坏的能力。长此以往,我们将来能否还会拥有一个延续的文明不得而知。 这就提出了一个问题:信息和知识到底有何区别 ?知识是经过既能推理又可记忆的人脑加工和丰富了的信息。而信息只是稍加处理的数据。而人们的冲动是把其益处

30、用于消费者的社会去赚钱。信息本身没有坏处,它是美好的东西。我们必须意识到要把信息转化为知识。如果不进行转化,信息则毫无价值。 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 12答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are

31、 listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 我看到中国 政府致力于建设信息技术基础设施,它将使中国能够在平等的基础上,与世界其他主要国家开展竞争。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 我们经常谈论互联网如何使商务领域发生了革命性变化。不过,互联网同样具有实现教育革命的潜力。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 越来越多的学校在竞相设置他们自己的网页,以便共享信息、交流思想,更多地学习其他文化的知识。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 互联网以许多方面来说是世界上最大的科研图书

32、馆。在教师的正确指导下,学生可以从许多领域发 现有利于他们学习的信息。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 青少年不仅可以利用互联网得到更好教育,而且可以学到帮助中国实现信息技术和电子商务目标所迫切需要的技术。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 让年轻人了解网络,也具有重要意义。因为它正推动我们的世界发生显著变化,改变我们的通信方式,改变我们购买和销售商品的方式,改变我们的竞争方式,而且改变我们的工作和生活方式。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 通过建设互联网基础设施,你们将为这些学生提供帮助中国成为互联 网时代领先者所需要的工具。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 我

33、们将致力于跟你们以及中国其他组织与机构开展合作,为使互联网成为你们教育系统和经济的一个有机组成部分提供帮助。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 此外,更多的政策制定者、各公司行业,都会想知道世界的变化。但为什么大家仍然不知道世界的变化 ?为什么我们无法使用已知的数据呢 ?我们的联合国、国家统计部门、学院还有非政府组织都拥有数据,但数据被深藏在数据库里,而公众在上面,互联网在这里,我们并未对其进行有效的使用。之 前我们看到的,关于世界变化的信息,并不包括公众资助的统计数据,的确有一些网站依靠数据库的营养而存在着,但这是要收费的,还有愚蠢的密码和讨厌的统计表格。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10

34、【正确答案】 从古希腊米洛的维纳斯到 20世纪 60年代的玛丽莲 -梦露,每个时代都怀有美的理想,也都产生过该种理想的形象的化身。 “世界数码小姐 ”选美比赛便是通过虚拟的方式寻找当代人眼中的完美女人。设计者们通过设计程序使他们的参赛选手走过虚拟的 T型舞台,还有虚拟主持人和嘉宾烘托选美比赛的现场气氛。获胜者将参加真实的颁奖 仪式。数码皇后可望继续在电脑游戏、虚拟现实电影和广告中有更大的作为。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 你或许听说过大数据这个词,事实上,你可能对这个词已经心生厌恶。确实,大数据受到了空前的宣传炒作,这很不应该,因为大数据是一个非常重要的工具,社会将由此而不断进步

35、。过去我们习惯于处理小数据、思考这些小数据的意义并以此来了解世界。现在我们有很多很多的数据,数据量前所未有的巨大。当我们掌握海量数据时我们可以做一些事,一些在只有较少数据时不可能办到的事。大数据很重要,它也是一个新兴事物, 想象一下它能够帮助我们应对世界性难题,像食物短缺、医疗短缺、能源短缺、电力短缺还有确保人类家园不会因为全球变暖而生灵涂炭的唯一办法是有效利用大数据。 那么大数据新在何处,重在何处呢 ?为了回答这个问题,让我们想一下信息看上去是什么样的,在以前是什么样的 ?1908年在克里特岛上 (注:位于地中海,为希腊第一大岛 )考古学家发现了一个黏土做的盘子,这是个公元前 2000年的盘

36、子,距今约有 4000年的历史。盘子上有铭文,但是我们不知道它们是什么意思,这完全是个谜团。但这就是 4000年前信息的样子,这就是当时社会存 储和传递信息的方式。 现代社会也没有什么很大的进步,我们还是把数据存储在盘中 (注:指磁盘 ),但我们可以存储更多的信息,远远超过以前的信息容量。这些信息搜索和复制起来更简单,分享和处理起来也更便捷。我们也可以重新利用这些信息,它有一些我们当初收集的时候从来没有想过的用途。从这个方面来说数据已经从储存状态到了流动状态、从静态的统计性的数据变成动态的数据流,这就是信息的流动性。克里特岛发现的黏土盘有 4000年的历史,非常笨重,不能记录太多的信息,并且它

37、所记录的信息是不能更改的。与此相反,爱德华 -斯诺登从美 国国家安全局所获得的文件可以放在一个仅有指甲大小的存储盘里,并且可以以光速进行数据共享。 今天我们有这么多数据的一个原因是,针对已经了解颇多的事物继续收集信息;另一个原因是,我们记录了许多蕴含丰富信息的事物,但是从没把信息转换成数据形式,现在我们正在把信息转变成数据。想一想,举个例子,定位问题,比如我们想知道马丁 -路德 16世纪在哪里,我们必须一直跟着他或许用羽毛笔和墨水把这些情况记录下来。那现今是什么样的情形呢 ?在某些地方可能在电信运营商的数据库里有个电子数据表,或者至少一个数据条目记录着所有关于你 任何时候在什么地点的信息。如果

38、你有个手机,这个手机有全球定位系统,或者即使没有全球定位系统,它还是可以记录你的信息,从这方面来说,位置信息被数据化了。 再举个例子,关于姿势,你们现在坐着的姿势、你坐着的姿势、你的坐姿,还有你的坐姿,这些都不一样。这是一个关于腿长、你的背部和背部轮廓的函数。如果我现在放一些传感器或许是 100个传感器在你的椅子里,我可以算出你独一无二的参数,就像你的指纹,但这不是关于你的手指的。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages

39、from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 Baidu has been really innovative in utilising their competitive strength of big data analysis to help us

40、 pave the way for future technological solutions to societal and environmental problems. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 Tencent is one of Chinas largest privately owned enterprises oriented toward comprehensive Internet business. Founded 12 years ago, it is a testament to the miraculous development of Chinas

41、Internet industry. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The UN recognizes that big data technology has tremendous potential to drive social innovation in the area of sustainable development, and we welcome partners like Baidu to contribute their technology expertise. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Tencent offers high-quality

42、 network services to 400 million users across the country. We boast all kinds of Internet businesses, including instant-communication tools, online media, online games, search engines and e-business. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The key value of cloud computing is that it can utilize the public network stru

43、cture to make our computing ability, processing ability and logic components as assessable as household tap water and electricity. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 With the aid of cloud computing, we can help users to acquire any information anytime, anywhere. This is an unprecedented convenience as compared wi

44、th the PC era and the initial periods of the Internet era. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 With regard to laws and policies, efforts should be made to prohibit acts that may harm the safety of user information, thus to foster an environment conducive to the development of cloud computing and the entire industr

45、y. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 Online communication has become a mainstream way for the flow of information of society, and online information technology has entered various social sectors of the country, which is a powerful impetus for the development of Chinese society. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 With many chi

46、ldren now using mobiles or going online, an age-old problem, bullying, has taken high-tech wing. Children who are being bullied in the classroom, in the playground, can at least seek some kind of sanctuary from their teacher and/or parents. A survey found that more than a quarter of young people had

47、 been threatened via mobile phone or their computer. 10% had received bullying or threatening text messages on their mobiles. Another 7% had been harassed in internet chat rooms, while 4% had received threats by email. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 China is cooperating with an American company in developing

48、VGA and ultrahigh resolution displays for video phones. This microdisplay is basically liquid crystal material sandwiched between a layer of glass and a computer chip. On this computer chip you have an array of tiny little pixels, or picture elements, that the computer can turn on and off to affect

49、the liquid crystal materials. And when all those picture elements are turned on and off, in a giant array, you can have a full high-resolution picture comparable to your computer monitor. This phone has been modified to include a microdisplay and a camera. The idea is, while talking on the phone you can send images on the display screens to the person youre talking to over the line. They can retrieve the images from their own camera phone, a fax machine or email. 【知识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 We are awash in an ocean of information, w


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