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1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 15及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg

2、in. 1 Broadband connectivity is a transformative tool to achieve the three pillars of sustainable development economic growth, social inclusion and environmental balance. 2 Broadband networks provide smart eco-friendly solutions to manage booming cities and transport systems: enhance efficiency for

3、manufacturing industries and power generation. 3 It helps conduct long-distance diagnosis and treatment for patients in remote locations: and promotes innovative educational applications for students around the world. 4 ICTs are powerhouses of the global economy, offering solutions for sustainable e

4、conomic growth and shared prosperity. 5 World Radio Day recognizes the unique role and impact of a medium that reaches the largest audience worldwide. 6 This years observance highlights the need for radio broadcasters everywhere to promote the voice of women. 7 I encourage radio stations to be more

5、inclusive by equally recognizing women in their staff and in their audience. 8 Radio can also help dismantle stereotypical and unbalanced programming. 9 Although mobile penetration has spread rapidly with over 5. 3 billion subscribers worldwide, the thrust now is to drive content through enhanced br

6、oadband access aimed at establishing the information and communication highways networks that will feed both rural communities and urban centres with the means to meet their development goals and aspirations. ITUs leadership role is aimed at increasing the roll out of this state-of-the-art technolog

7、y to firmly establish a universally accessible knowledge-based information society. 10 A team of scientists in Japan decided to follow Natures lead by focusing on a kind of butterflies that have bright blue wings that sparkle in sunlight. Using a mixture of waterproofing compounds and other chemical

8、s, the Japanese scientists created a butterfly-like material in colors ranging from red to blue. Another group in Turkey used a cheap and common kind of plastic to make a different waterproof material, similar to the leaves of the lotus plant. The new materials might make useful coatings for windows

9、, cameras and other objects. The fashionable Japanese coating would also be environmentally friendly because there would be no need for harsh dyes to color it or detergents to clean it. 11 I do appreciate the invitation to be here this evening, and I want to thank Intel and everyone associated with

10、the science talent search. This is a proud evening for the young people that Ive just met, as well as for their parents and their teachers. My congratulations to each and every one of you. Much of the public debate these days is centered on how to improve our countrys schools. This is clearly the ma

11、in concern of most Americans, and its the top priority of the president and our administration. As we carry on the discussion, we need to step back now and then and recognize the good. For all the problems in education today, American schools are still producing the finest young scientists, engineer

12、s, physicians and mathematicians in the entire world. Earlier today, I met with the French ambassador in my office, and I remembered that the first representative that America posted to Paris was a scientist and inventor named Benjamin Franklin. Many look at Franklins life and see the epitome of wha

13、t makes an American, the qualities of optimism and practicality, the independent cast of mind, and the drive to work, succeed and to rise in the world. Whether your family has lived here since Franklins time or, if, like some talent search finalists over the years, your life began on another contine

14、nt, this is your country. And as young scientists, you really are keepers of an amazing legacy of creativity, enterprise and human progress. The story is told of Joseph Fritz, an engineer in the steel industry in Pennsylvania during the 19th century. A new machine had been designed to improve the st

15、eel-making process, and Fritz and some others were given the job of making the thing work. It was a huge undertaking. Their crew labored for weeks and months. When they finally had everything put together, Fritz looked around and said, “Alright, boys, its finished. Lets start it up and see why it do

16、esnt work. “ Invention and discovery are like that sometimes. The people who really make a difference are the ones who keep at it, who find out what doesnt work and why, who go on learning and experimenting and giving the best they have to give. For six decades, the science talent search has rewarde

17、d this kind of effort. As we review the history, we see that doing well in this competition is a strong indicator of future achievement. Finalists and semi-finalists have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize, the Fields Medal and the National Medal of Science as well as membership in the National Acad

18、emies of Sciences and Engineering. The talent search has also helped change the face of American education. In 1942, only 1 out of every 25 high schools in America offered science courses. The founders of the program found this unacceptable in a nation fighting a world war and preparing for world le

19、adership. This competition has provided constant motivation to schools to strengthen their course offerings in science, technology skills and advanced math. There is still more to be done. The government should support the effort wherever possible so that all of our students might be offered challen

20、ging curricula and textbooks. President Bush and Education Secretary Paige are proposing a math and science partnership fund to improve course offerings in schools across the country, and new initiatives draw even greater numbers of talented teachers into these fields. The plain truth, as Craig Barr

21、ett has often pointed out, is that the modern economy has made advanced math and science and technology skills as basic to a sound education as the RRRs. Students who learn them are preparing for the jobs of the future. At the same time, such knowledge equips young people to meet what President Kenn

22、edy called “the greatest challenge of modern science,“ to expand life and hope for the worlds inhabitants. The finalists we recognize tonight have already shown themselves equal to the task. Theyve set before us new possibilities for the treatment of disease, faster computing, more resilient crops a

23、nd safer vehicles. In their work, we find new insights into applied mathematics, a better understanding of the natural world around us and even, I am told, an idea of how we might build a sweeter sounding violin. All of this goes to show that the pursuit of knowledge, attended by youthful idealism a

24、nd guided by moral purpose, is inherently good. It ennobles the seeker and brings to an imperfect world an extra measure of hope and gladness and beauty. Every time this happens, every time a new generation applies the old virtues of perseverance, patience and discipline, every time God-given talent

25、s are put to their highest and best use, then we have the cause to celebrate, and that is why weve come here this evening. Once again, on behalf of the president and millions of Americans, I congratulate the finalists, and I commend the parents and teachers who have encouraged you every step of the

26、way. They and I share the excitement of knowing that what we see know is only the beginning. The sun is just now rising over your professional lives. For each of you, my wish is that your career will be a continuing story not only of high achievement, but high purpose, integrity and humanity. Thank

27、you very much. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12

28、科学是个美妙的东西 如果无须靠它维生的话。 13 宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。 14 两国都承诺为新清洁能源研究中心提供支持,它将有助于在至少三个有巨大潜力的方面产生新想法和新产品:使用能源更高效的建筑规范、碳捕获与封存和电动交通工具。 15 爱因斯坦关于宇宙飞速扩展的理论已经得到了英国科学家的证实,他们赞叹其“不可思议的准确性 ”。 16 为了做好国家科学技术奖励工作,保证国家 科学技术奖的评审质量,我们制定本细则。 17 另一项非常有发展前景的应用是影像技术,它可以用于十分先进的条形码、电子营销和虚拟购物。 18 国家科学技术奖的推荐、评审和

29、授奖,实行公开、公平、公正原则,不受任何组织或者个人的非法干涉。 19 在语言生成的期间,当婴儿聆听时,他们同时也在统计所听到的语言。 20 近十年来,计算机通信技术获得了飞速发展,从而使人们得以共享全球的信息资源和信息服务。有了计算机通信技术,你可以在几分钟之内获得大英博物馆的一篇报道,或在家里订票,或用信用卡付账等 。计算机之间如何能够通信 ?这就要借助于通信信道和网络。 21 在过去的一年中,我国政府大力推进科技创新。历时两年研究制定的国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要颁布实施,并制定了相关专项规划和配套政策措施。大型油气田和煤层气开发、新一代宽带无线移动通信网的设计与开发、大型飞机设计与

30、制造、载人航天与探月工程等 16个重大专项启动。高性能计算机、超级优质杂交水稻、第三代移动通信、数字电视等一些关键技术取得突破,自主创新能力增强。 22 主席先生、秘书长、各位同事: 我很高兴作为中国国 家主席习近平的特使参加这次联合国气候峰会。中国政府赞赏潘基文秘书长倡议召开此次峰会,相信峰会将对全球合作应对气候变化进程产生积极作用。中国愿与国际社会一道,积极应对气候变化的严峻挑战。 中国高度重视应对气候变化。中国国家主席习近平指出,应对气候变化是中国可持续发展的内在要求,也是负责任大国应尽的国际义务,这不是别人要我们做,而是我们自己要做。中国在发展中国家最早制定实施应对气候变化的国家方案,

31、近期又出台国家应对气候变化规划,确保实现 2020年碳排放强度比 2005年下降40一 45的目标。中国 致力于积极推进节能减排、低碳发展和生态建设。 2013年与 2005年相比,中国碳排放强度下降 28 5,相当于少排放二氧化碳 25亿吨。 20062013年,中国淘汰落后火电机组 9482万千瓦、炼钢产能 1 17亿吨、炼铁产能 1 65亿吨、水泥产能 8 57亿吨。据世界银行报告, 1991一 2010年中国累计节能量占全球的 58。 2013年中国可再生能源发电装机容量占全球的24,与 2005年相比,水电、风电、太阳能发电装机容量分别增长 2倍、 60倍和280倍。森林蓄积量比 2

32、005年增加 20亿立方米,人工林保存面积居世 界第一。中国出台实施大气污染防治行动计划,在发展中国家率先监测和控制空气污染物 PM 2 5。 中国是 13亿人口的发展中国家,发展经济、改善民生、保护环境任务艰巨。作为一个负责任的大国,今后中国将以更大力度和更好效果应对气候变化,主动承担与自身国情、发展阶段和实际能力相符的国际义务。中国将尽快提出 2020年后应对气候变化行动目标,碳排放强度要显著下降,非化石能源比重要显著提高,森林蓄积量要显著增加,努力争取二氧化碳排放总量尽早达到峰值。 中国将加快推动能源生产和消费革命,坚决控制能源消费总量, 提高能源利用效率,大力发展非化石能源,加强大气污

33、染治理和生态建设,加快建立碳交易市场,强化技术创新,增强全社会绿色低碳发展意识,努力走出一条发展经济与应对气候变化双赢的可持续发展之路。 中国将大力推进应对气候变化的南南合作。在此,我宣布,从明年开始,中国将在现有基础上把每年的资金支持翻一番,建立气候变化南南合作基金。中国还将提供 600万美元资金,支持联合国秘书长推动应对气候变化的南南合作。 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 15答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Eng

34、lish into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【 正确答案】 宽带连通是实现可持续发展三大支柱 经济增长、社会包容和环境平衡的变革工具。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 宽带网络提供了各种有利于生态的智能性解决办法,以便管理新兴城市和运输系统;提高制造业和发电的效率。 【知识模块

35、】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 它为偏远地区病人开展远距离的诊断和治疗;并促进为世界各地的学生提供富有创意的教育应用软件。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 信息和通信技术是全球经济的动力,为可持续经济增长和共同繁荣提供各种解决办法。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 世界无线电日是为了对世界上这个受众人数最多的媒介所具有的独特作用和影响力进行认可。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 今年的纪念活动着重强调,各地的无线电广播机构需要宣传妇女的声音。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 我鼓励广播电台做到更加包容,承认其员工和受众当中妇女的平等地位。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8

36、 【正确答案】 无线电台还可有助于消除节目编排中存在的陈腐偏见和失衡情况。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【 正确答案】 移动业务发展迅猛,全球用户已突破 53亿,目前的工作重点是通过强化宽带接人推进内容的发展,以期建成信息通信高速公路 即建成能够利用各种手段,使农村社区和城市均能实现其发展目标与抱负的网络。国际电联发挥的领导作用意在大力推广此类最先进的技术,为一个面向大众的知识型信息社会奠定坚实基础。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 日本的一个科学家小组决定接受大自然的导引,专注研究一种长着在阳光下熠熠生辉的鲜艳蓝色翅膀的蝴蝶。他们利用一种防水复合材料和别的化学材料制成从红到蓝 颜色不

37、一的仿蝴蝶材料。另外,土耳其的科学家也利用一种随处可见的廉价塑料制成了另一种仿莲叶的防水材料。这些新材料可用作窗户、相机以及其他物体的涂层。日本人研制的涂层很具时尚性,且利于环保,因为无须染上刺眼的颜色,也不用洗涤剂清洁。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 感谢你们今晚让我在此发言,也感谢英特尔公司以及与此次英特尔科学奖有关的所有人。对于我刚才与之会面的年轻人和他们的父母及老师们来说,今晚是令他们引以为豪的夜晚。我向你们每一位表示祝贺。 近来,公众们争论的焦点多与如何 改善我们国家的学校有关。这显然是大多数美国人所主要关心的问题,也是总统和本届政府优先考虑的问题。 随着讨论的继续,我们

38、需要不时地回顾审视一下,对那些好的方面予以肯定。尽管今天的教育仍存在许多问题,但美国的学校仍在培养着世界上最杰出的年轻科学家、工程师、物理学家和数学家。 今天早些时候,我在办公室会见了法国大使。我记得,美国派驻法国巴黎的第一位代表即是一位科学家、发明家本杰明 -富兰克林。许多人在综观了他的一生后,认为富兰克林是美国人的代表,在他身上凝聚了乐观、务实、独立思考、乐于工作、勇于成功 并出人头地的品质。无论你的家庭自富兰克林时代起就在这里生活,或是像多年来英特尔科学奖的一些决胜者那样来自他乡,这就是你们自己的国家。作为年轻的科学家,你们才是创造、奋进、人类进步等不凡遗产的守护者。 有个故事说的是 1

39、9世纪宾夕法尼亚钢铁工业的工程师约瑟夫 -弗里兹。有人设计了一种用于改进钢材生产过程的机器,弗里兹和其他几个人奉命研究如何使它发挥作用。这项工作工程浩大,他们一帮人一直干了数月。在他们终于全部安装完毕时,弗里兹瞧了瞧说道: “啊,伙计们。我们干完了。现在,来启动一下,看看它为什么不行。 ” 有时,发明和发现就是这样。真正不凡的人是那些坚持不懈,找出什么行不通以及为什么的人,那些继续探究、实验直至得出最佳答案的人。 60年来,英特尔科学奖一直在奖励这种努力。回顾其历史,我们知道如果在这样的竞赛中表现优秀则预示着日后的成就。先前一些进入决赛和半决赛的选手日后成了美国国家科学院、美国国家工程学院的院

40、士,获得了诺贝尔奖、菲尔兹奖、美国国家科学奖章。 英特尔科学奖也促进了美国教育面貌的改变。在 1942年,美国每 25所中学中仅有一所开设了科学课程。当时该项目的创始人认为这对于一个正卷入世界大战 且准备成为世界领袖的国家来说是不可接受的。 事实证明,这种竞赛不断激励学校加强科学、技术技能以及高等数学诸课程。需要做的事情还很多。政府应该尽可能支持这种努力,以使我们所有的学生可以接触到富有挑战性的课程和教材。 布什总统和教育部长佩基正建议设立一项旨在改善全国各学校课程设置的数学及科学互助基金,新倡议势必会让更多有才华的教师参与到这些领域中来。 正如克雷格 ?巴雷特所指出的那样,显而易见的事实是现

41、代经济已经使得高等数学、科技技能对于健全教育的意义如同读写和算术一样重要。在学习这些学科 的学生是在为未来就业做准备。同时,此种知识的装配可使年轻人能够迎接肯尼迪总统所说的 “现代科学最大的挑战 ”,即为全世界的居民们延长生命、拓展希望。 我们所表彰的决赛选手们已经证明他们是胜任此项工作的。他们已在我们面前展现了诸如疾病治疗、高速运算、耐性农作物、安全汽车等技术的可能性。从他们所从事的项目中,我们看到他们对应用数学有了新的洞察,对我们周围这个自然世界有了更好的了解,甚至 (我听说 )还有一种制造音质更好小提琴的想法。 所有这一切都表明,年轻人以理想为羽翼、以道德理想为导引,对知识孜孜以求 ,其

42、本质上就是有益的。它使探寻者变得高尚,给这个不完美的世界增添一些希望、快乐和美丽。每当此时,每当一代新人实践坚韧、耐心、自制等美德的时候,每当上帝赋予的才智得以最大最好利用的时候,我们就有了庆祝的理由 这就是我们今晚来到这里的目的。 我再次代表总统以及千千万万的美国人向决赛选手表示祝贺,对在你们前进的每一步都予以鼓励的你们的父母和老师表达敬意。我和他们都兴奋不已,因为我们现在所看到的只是个开端。你们的职业生涯才刚刚开始。我祝愿你们每个人在事业中继续取得非凡成就,并且做到高尚、正直、博爱。 非常感谢 ! 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translat

43、ion (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 Science is a wonderful thing if one does no

44、t have to earn ones living out of it. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity: and Im not sure about the universe. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 Both countries have committed support for a new clean energy research center which will help generate new ideas and new produ

45、cts in at least three critical areas with vast potential. Efficient building codes, carbon capture and sequestration, and electric vehicles. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Albert Einsteins theory about how fast the universe is expanding has been proved correct by British scientists who praised his “incredible

46、 accuracy“. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 The Implementation Rules is enacted to do better in national science and technology award work and to ensure the assessment quality of national science and technology awards. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 A further highly promising application is imaging, which will be used f

47、or highly sophisticated bar codes, video marketing and virtual goods. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 Recommendation, assessment and awarding of National Science and Technology Awards shall abide by the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and shall not be interfered illegally by any organization

48、 or individual. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 During the production of speech, when babies listen, what theyre doing is taking statistics on the language that they hear. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 During the past ten years, the technology of computer communications has developed rapidly. As a result, more and more

49、 people can share the worldwide information resources and services. With the computer communications, you can get a report from the British Museum within several minutes, book a ticket at home, pay bills with a credit card, or . everything. How can a computer communicate with others? Channels and networks make it realizable. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 In the past year, our government made all efforts to promote innovation in science and technology. The Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium-Term Scientific and Te


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