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1、口译二级实务文化教育练习试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 中国拥有自己的体育传统。大约在公元 11世纪宋朝的时候,人们开始玩一种叫做 “蹴鞠 ”的游戏。这个游戏被认为是古代足球的起源,在当时非常流行,女性们也自成一队,玩得兴高采烈。现在,您该明白为什么我们现在的女子足球队那么厉害了。 / 在北京,有许许多多精彩纷呈的事情在恭候您,这是一座充满活力的现代都市,3000年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相互交织。除了紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这几个标志性建筑,北京拥有无 数的戏院、博物馆和迪斯科厅,各种各样的餐厅和购物场所。这一切的一切,都会令您感到惊奇和高兴。 /除此之外,北京城里还有千千万万友善的人民,热爱与世界各地的人民相处。北京人民相信在北京举办 2

3、008年奥运会将推动我们文化与全世界各种文化的交流。他们将向您和您所领导的奥林匹克运动尽情表达他们对奥运会的感激之情。 / 在我们的文化计划中,教育和交流将是我们的首要重点。我们将在全国弘扬奥运精神,以留下一笔精神和体育财富。 / 从 2005年至 2008年,我们每年将定期举办文化活动。我们将开展多元文化活动 ,如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会、展览、艺术比赛和野营。在奥运会期间,这些文化活动将同时在奥运村和全市范围内展开,以方便运动员们参与。 / 我们的开、闭幕式将为中国和世界杰出艺术家提供舞台,讴歌人类的共同理想、我们独特的文化和奥林匹克运动。 / 基于丝绸之路带来的灵感,我们的火炬接力将开

4、创新局面,从奥林匹亚山,途经人类古老的文明发源地 希腊、罗马、埃及、拜占庭、美索不达米亚、波斯、阿拉伯、印度和中国。以 “共享和平,共享奥运 ”为主题,奥运永恒不息的火焰将穿越喜马拉雅山脉,到达世界最高峰 珠穆 朗玛峰,也就是 Mt. Everest,从而达到一个新的高度。 /在中国,奥运圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾并在组成我们国家的 56个民族中传递。通过这样的路线,比以往任何一次接力数量都多的人民将目睹火炬,并受到鼓舞。 / 如此短的时间实在是难以展现我们文化计划的全貌。在我陈述结束前,我想告诉您一个故事。 700年前,惊奇于他有关那个美丽的遥远国度的描述

5、,人们问马可 波罗:您那些有关中国的故事是真的吗 ?他回答道:我只不过将我所见到的向你们描述了一半而已。事实上,今天我们向 您展示的也仅仅是正在恭候您到来的北京一隅。 / 女士们,先生们,我相信北京将向运动员、观众以及全世界的电视观众证明:这是一块神奇的土地。到我们中间来吧。 / (节选自 2001年 7月 13日中国代表团成员杨澜在国际奥委会上的申奥陈述 ) 2 女士们、先生们、朋友们 ! 一个音符无法表达出优美的旋律,一种颜色难以描绘出多彩的画卷。世界是一座丰富多彩的艺术殿堂,各国人民创造的独特文化都是这座殿堂里的瑰宝。一个民族的文化,往往凝聚着这个民族对世界和生命的历史认知和现实感受,也

6、往往积淀着这个民族 最深层的精神追求和行为准则。人类历史发展的过程,就是各种文明不断交流、融合、创新的过程。人类历史上各种文明都以各自的独特方式为人类进步做出了贡献。 / 文明多样性是人类社会的客观现实,是当今世界的基本特征,也是人类进步的重要动力。历史经验表明,在人类文明交流的过程中,不仅需要克服自然的屏障和隔阂,而且需要超越思想的障碍和束缚,更需要克服形形色色的偏见和误解。 /意识形态、社会制度、发展模式的差异不应成为人类文明交流的障碍,更不能成为相互对抗的理由、我们应该积极维护世界多样性,推动不同文明的对话和交融 ,相互借鉴而不是相互排斥,使人类更加和睦幸福,让世界更加丰富多彩。 / 女

7、士们、先生们、朋友们 ! 文化、教育和青年交流是中美两国人民增进相互了解和友谊的重要桥梁,也是推动中美关系健康稳定发展的重要力量。耶鲁大学是中美教育合作的先行者和文化交流的重要平台 156年前,一位名叫容闳的中国青年走进了耶鲁大学校园,四年后他以优异的成绩获得了文学士学位,成为毕业于美国大学的第一个中国留学生。此后,一批又一批中国青年来到耶鲁大学求学。 / 近 20年来,耶鲁大学吸引了 4000多名中国留学人员,同中国 文化界、科技界、教育界的合作项目超过 80个。去年夏天,耶鲁大学派遣首批学生到中国实习,其中一些人成为中国故宫博物院的第一批外国实习生。借此机会,我对莱文校长和耶鲁大学为增进中

8、关两国人民的交流所做的积极努力表示赞赏。 / 为增进中美两国青年以及教育界的相互了解,我高兴地宣布,中方决定邀请 100名耶鲁大学师生今年夏天访问中国。我相信,你们的访问将是一次十分愉快的经历。 / 女士们、先生们、朋友们 ! “长江后浪推前浪,世上新人换旧人。 ”青年人是世界的希望和未来,青年人有着蓬勃向上的生命活力 和无穷的创造力。我衷心希望,中美两国青年携起手来,以实际行动促进中美两国人民友好,同世界各国人民一道,共创世界美好的明天。 / (选自国家主席胡锦涛 2006年 4月 21日在美国耶鲁大学的演讲 ) 口译二级实务文化教育练习试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese

9、-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 China has its own sport lege

10、nds. Back in the Song Dynasty in the 11 th century, people started to play a game called cuju, which is regarded as the origin of football. The game was very popular and women also joined in. Now, you will understand why our womens football team is so good today. / There are a lot more wonderful and

11、 exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with a 3,000-year cultural tradition woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers numerous theaters, museums, discos, all kinds

12、 of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. / But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. People of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing will help to enhance the exchanges between our culture a

13、nd other diverse cultures of the world. Their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great Movement that you guide./ Within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by

14、 broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country. / Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world.

15、During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. / The opening and closing ceremonies will give Chinas, and the worlds greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and t

16、he Olympic Movement. / With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to manGreek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine. Mesopotamian, Persian. Arabian, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share

17、 the Peace, Share the Olympics,“ the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the Himalayas over the worlds highest summitMount Qomolangma. which is known to many of you as Mt. Everest. / In China, the flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow rivers, travel the Great Wal

18、l and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our nation. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay./ I am afraid I can not present the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Be

19、fore I end, let me share with you one story. Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a faraway land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. He answered: What I have told you was not even half of what I saw. Actually, what we have

20、shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. / Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us. / (Excerpts from the speech presented by Yang Lan, member of th

21、e Chinese delegation, at the 112th IOC Session on July 13, 2001 to win Beijings bid for the 2008 Olympic Games) 【知识模块】 文化教育 2 【正确答案】 Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, A composer cannot write enchanting melody with one note, and a painter cannot paint landscape with only one color. The world is a t

22、reasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed. The culture of a nation tells a lot about the evolution of the nations understanding of the world and life, both past and present. Culture thus embodies a nations fundamental pursuit of mind and di

23、ctates its norms of behavior. The historical process of human development is one in which different civilizations interact with and enrich each other and all civilizations in human history have contributed to human progress in their own unique way. / Cultural diversity is a basic feature of both hum

24、an society and todays world and an important driving force for human progress. As history has shown, in the course of interactions between civilizations, we not only need to remove natural barriers and overcome physical isolation, but also need to remove obstacles and obstructions of the mind and ov

25、ercome various prejudices and misunderstandings. / Differences in ideology, social system and development model should not stand in the way of exchanges among civilizations, still less should they become excuses for mutual confrontation. We should uphold the diversity of the world, enhance dialogue

26、and interaction between civilizations, and draw on each others strength instead of practicing mutual exclusion. When this is done, mankind will enjoy greater harmony and happiness and the world will become a more colorful place to live in. / Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, Exchanges in culture a

27、nd education and among young people serve as a bridge for increasing mutual understanding between our two peoples. They are also a major driving force for the healthy and stable growth of China-US relations. Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-US educational exchanges and provides an important

28、platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries. One hundred and fifty-six years ago, a Chinese young man named Rong Hong entered Yale Campus. Four years later, he graduated with distinction and received a Bachelor of Arts degree, making him the first ever Chinese graduate of an American u

29、niversity. Later, group after group of young Chinese followed his footsteps and studied in Yale. / Over the past 20 years, Yale has accepted over 4,000 Chinese students and undertaken more than 80 cooperation projects in culture, science and technology, and education with China. Last summer, Yale se

30、nt the first group of students to China for internships and some among them became the first foreign interns to work with Chinas Palace Museum. I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Levin, and Yale for the efforts you have made to promote exchanges between our two pe

31、oples. / To enhance mutual understanding between young people and educators of the two countries, I announce with pleasure here that we have decided to invite 100 Yale faculty members and students to visit China this summer. Im sure you can look forward to an enjoyable experience in China. / Ladies

32、and gentlemen, dear friends, As an old Chinese saying goes: “As in the Yangtze River where the waves behind drive on those before, so a new generation always excels the last one. “ Young people represent the hope and future of the world. They are full of vitality, new ideas and creativity. I sincere

33、ly hope that the young people in China and the United States will join hands and work to enhance friendship between our two peoples, and, together with people of other countries, create a better world for all. / (Excerpts from the speech delivered by President Hu Jintao at Yale Univesity on April 21, 2006) 【知识模块】 文化教育


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