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1、专业英语八级(文化教育类写作)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that youn

2、g children should spend most of their time playing. Which view do you agree with? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argu

3、ment with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 “The study of an a

4、cademic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.“ Do you agree to the statement? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your essay

5、you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriatene

6、ss. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 3 People at a young age tend to hold challenging goals in mind, aspiring to be successful, while parents and the elderly are more inclined to practical and easy-to-accomplish goals. What is your opinion on establishing goals

7、 for yourself? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring wh

8、at you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 4 Some people nowadays argue that colleges and universities should offer more courses o

9、n popular music, film, advertising and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past. Do you agree with them or not? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part o

10、f your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and

11、appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语八级(文化教育类写作)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Young Children and Education There is no denying that a childs education

12、 is very important. At this point some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. They believe that this will give them some advantages over those who do not enter school until the traditional school age. In my opinion, however, young children should spend mo

13、st of their time playing because it will offer them more advantages than will formal schooling at the age. To begin with, childhood is a precious time in that it is the only chance that children will be carefree and innocent. Seeing that children are facing up to sixteen years or more of education,

14、there is really no rush to start them off early. The first years of a childs life should be for fun and games, not books and homework. It is very important that children have the chance to know that enjoying life is also an important lesson to learn. The pure joy and fun of being a child are too qui

15、ckly forgotten by most people as it is. so I do not think that it is good to deprive children of that wonderful period in their lives. Not only is it important to let a child have fun just for the sake of fun, but childhood is also a productive time in terms of child development. Playing is a major

16、contributor to the physical, mental and social development of children, and therefore, children who begin their education too early will most likely be physically weaker and socially inept. When they are playing in the park with other kids, they are using and developing their bodies, which promotes

17、healthy growth. By learning to compromise, share, cooperate and take responsibility in play, they are developing mental health and social skills that will benefit them during their entire lives. If they are buried under academics at an early age, they will not have the opportunity to develop these a

18、ll-important skills. In conclusion, school is a normal part of life, and the early years of childhood spent playing is also normal. Early childhood is a period of fun and innocence everyone should experience. This time is also necessary for physical, mental and social development. Forcing children t

19、o skip this will only distort their views of life and cause them to be less developed in many aspects. 【试题解析】 本文作者首先在开头段提出自己的观点,即小孩子不宜过早开始接受正规的学校教育。接着,作者分别从两个角度阐述原因:首先,孩提时代是一段宝贵的时光,因为这是人生中惟一一段无忧无 虑、天真烂漫的日子;其次,孩提时代在孩子成长过程中也是多产的一个阶段,孩子在玩的过程中各方面都能得到发展。这两个原因从两个角度强调了孩提时代的宝贵性和玩的重要性,由此作者得出结论:迫使小孩子跳过孩提时代这个阶

20、段不仅会扭曲他们的人生观,也会使他们在许多方面得不到充分的发展,因此,小孩子不应过早开始正规的学校教育。整篇文章结构工整,语言简洁流畅,逻辑性强。 【知识模块】 文化教育类 2 【正确答案】 Academic Studies Alter the Way of Perceiving the World One of the primary aims of an educational system is to change the way that its students behave and interact with the rest of the world, even at the e

21、lementary school level. As one moves further up through school, perhaps even moving on to the graduate level of studying a particular academic discipline, there is no doubt that the world itself has not changed, but the way that the educated person views the world has become vastly different. If thi

22、s were not so, there would be few reasons for a person to pursue higher learning. To begin with, lets take the example of the study of a relatively simple academic discipline such as marketing. From the very first marketing class, the student becomes aware that marketing is engaged in the process of

23、 manipulating people. The world will never look the same to that individual as he sees the tremendous amount of information available to the world in an entirely different (and most likely more cynical) light. For instance, as a specific example, the student learns that most products and brands feat

24、ured in television and movies are placed there deliberately, with a large fee paid to the producers by the company that sells the product. It will be difficult for the marketing scholar to watch almost any movie or program without looking through his or her new frame of reference. noticing practical

25、ly every brand name and product that is featured in a television program or theatrical release. Furthermore, the more intensive the education, the more that persons view of the world will change. Nuclear physicists cannot look at an object without noting on some level its subatomic components and co

26、nstruction. Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date. Physicians cannot help but see the human body in a much more clinical5 manner than most other people - after all, they have most likely thoroughly analyze

27、d a human body before, both inside and out. The study of an academic discipline does not in and of itself make the world different, although the application of those studies can certainly change the course of human events. But the perceptions of the world and the way that it works are forever altere

28、d for the individual that pursues a higher education, as his or her “eyes“ will never “look“ the same way again. 【试题解析】 文章开篇首先从学术研究本身的意义出发,引出主题。正文部分作者通过严谨论证,使读者一步步接受作者的观点,为作者严密的逻辑叹服,同时大量实例的加入更是极易取得读者的共鸣。结尾段再次强调观点:学术研究并没有改变世界,它改变的只是人们看待世界的角度。详略得当,重心扎实。 【知识模块】 文化教育 类 3 【正确答案】 Advantages of Challenging

29、 Goals Various goals can bring us organized life and success. However, people may ask which kind of goal is better: the challenging ones or the practical ones. As for me, challenging goals are more important to human than those that are easy to come true. First, challenging goals propel our society

30、to move forward. The invention of airplane serves as a good example. Flying like a bird in the sky is one of the most desirable goals of human for thousands of years. Yet, due to the limitation of technological and material conditions,most of people just took this idea as an imaginary story which wo

31、uld never come true. Wright Brothers stuck to this aspiration and never gave up trying, though the other people did not understand them and laughed at them. Finally, they succeeded. Their great invention brought people into the blue sky and changed the way we travel absolutely. There are so many rea

32、lizations of challenging goals enabling our world to step forward, such as, the advent of computer, Internet, submarine, and so on. This is just a drop in the ocean. The challenging goal can expand our eyes and minds and as the plenty of challenging goals come true, our society has progressed. Secon

33、d, the challenging goals can foster us the sense of perseverance. The stories of many inventors can testify my point. Edison planned to invent the electric light lamp, which seemed nothing but a ridiculous joke to his peers in those days. In order to realize his goal, he did thousands of tests to fi

34、nd the most suitable materials. When failures repeated, all of his friends, even his wife, tried to persuade him out of his unrealistic goal. However, Edison insisted on it and gained success. In hope to find safe dynamite, Alfred Nobel was treated with failures as Edison was. Even worse, his younge

35、r brother was killed in his experiment and government once forbade his research, yet, Nobel did nothing but persisted and finally, he won the recognition worldwide for his remarkable finding. The challenging goals made these great men strong enough to view every defeat as another step toward success

36、. Finally, the challenging goal might bring forth happy accidents. Consider the finding of gunpowder. In ancient China, many people had a very challenging, or an impractical goal, that is living forever. They believed that certain kind of pills could be made, which would give them immortality. In th

37、e process of making the elixir, they mixed unusual medicines together and accidentally, what they got was not what they really want but gunpowder, which is one of the most important inventions in the history of human beings. To sum up. challenging goals can boost the advancement of society, cultivat

38、e a good sense of perseverance and trigger off happy accidents. 【试题解析】 文章开头首先引出了争议所在,人们对于选择什么样的目标往往各执一词。作者单刀直入地提出了自己的看法,符合英语文章的一般特点。在正文巾,作者层次鲜明地提出了更有挑战性的目标能够给我们带来的好处。如果光是空洞的说理未免难以使人信服,因而作者使用了大量的例证 (exemplification)手法,使文章更加充实饱满;且作者使用的都是大家耳熟能详的例子,如:爱迪生、诺贝尔等,这不仅能够拉近与读者问的距离,更能增强说服力。考生在写作中不妨多 加借鉴,可以有效避免文

39、章假大空的问题。 【知识模块】 文化教育类 4 【正确答案】 Classics Should Never Be Ignored To the extent that contemporary culture is. by definition, current, it does have a much more immediate impact on students and people in general than do the arts and literature of the past. Content-poraneous events directly affect everyo

40、ne alive at the time because they are occurring at precisely the same time as the individuals existence. But to paraphrase a famous philosopher: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.“ To a great extent, past arts and literature shape whom we are as people at least as much as,

41、 if not more than, contemporary culture does. Everyone alive today is affected in one way or another by the events of the past. Past events have directly led to the way that the world is shaped today. The arts and literature are one of the most well-preserved and documented resources that can give u

42、s a direct link into what actually happened in the past. Consider Michelangelos work in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, or the vast myriad of historic Buddhist statues throughout Asia, or the ancient Muslim mosques throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. It would be difficult to argue that c

43、ontemporary culture has more relevance to todays students when compared with the relevance of these examples of past arts and literature. At times it is difficult to determine what exactly is the difference between contemporary culture and the arts and literature of the past. Shakespeares classic wr

44、itings are continuously being adapted into current movies that are often big hits with students and the general population as a whole. Millions of people every year view classic works of art in museums all over the world. Readings of religious texts have never gone out of style with a large part of

45、the worlds population. Clashes between centuries-old cultures and religions, such as that of Western countries and Islamic extremists and that of Hindus and Muslims in India, demonstrate that the religious artifacts that could be called arts and literature of the past are very much a part of contemp

46、orary culture. It would seem self-evident that a properly educated university student must find a balance between studying contemporary culture without neglecting the study of arts and literature of the past. The study of one is not mutually exclusive of the study of the other. The benefits of a wel

47、l-rounded education come from not only knowing the state of the world as it exists today but also knowing how the world arrived at this stage of development in the first place. 【试题解析】 文章开头使用了欲抑先扬的写作手法,使论汪更具说服力,无可指摘。正文部分借助了大量翔实的案例来说明自身观点,即经典意义重大,应予以重视,湿得文章更加充实,有理有据。结尾部分进行概括,特别说明二者并不是非此即彼的关系,均应当加以重视,才能实现教育的全面性。 【知识模块】 文化教育类


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