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1、国家公共英语四级(综合)练习试卷 15及答案与解析 Part D Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 0 Whether trying to live with the depressing spectacle of drought or battling rampaging floods or suff

2、ering with a debilitating disease caused by contaminated drinking supplies, people in almost every corner of the world have had their problems with the vagaries of water. Although water covers much of our planet, more than 97% is in the oceans. Another 2% is unusable ice. Moreover, much of the remai

3、nder is polluted. So much for the supposed abundance! Developed and developing countries alike are now talking about a crisis. What of the future? Will water needs reach a peak? Unhappily, UN experts expect demands to double in the next 25 years. 【 B1】 This will coincide with increasing population a

4、nd industrialization and the attendant risk of factory and human waste further contaminating rivers, lakes and ground water.So, is there any hope of a solution? The answer, fortunately, is that the problem is being tackled. 【 B2】 Specialists in many countries are developing methods to improve supply

5、 and conservation and protect quality, and a number of ambitious programs have been undertaken. Good forecasting-including predictions of snow, rain, river levels and soil loss-can help scientists head off, or at least cope with floods. Canals can ease one of the major water-related problems, drough

6、t. With something tike three quarters of the world s fresh water tied up as ice, plans to drag icebergs to drought areas have been around for a long time; attempts to overcome the drawbacks are still being made. A great deal of energy would be needed to the ice and pump the water inland, and the ice

7、 might melt before reaching its destination. In addition, research into desalting seawater continues with new and improving desalting methods although no method can yet promise truly low-cost fresh water. Fossil water-underground water dating back to the ice age could be drilled for in some areas bu

8、t supplies are non-renewable. Work continues in all these areas. It is obvious that a lot of time, money and research is going into finding solutions to some of the problems. 【 B3】 However, worldwide, the ugly fact remains that something like 250 million new cases of waterborne diseases are discover

9、ed every year and 25,000 people die from them every day. Pollution continues to plague all of us. “Even as the rain falls“, says Russell W. Peterson, former chairman of the US Council on Environmental Quality, “It scours pollutants from the air. In fact, nearly all the pollutants the people of the w

10、orld discharge into the air end up in our water systems.“ 【 B4】 Therefore, whether tainted by industrial waste, sewage or other pollution, unreliable water supplies frequently create breeding grounds for deadly water-borne diseases when safeguards and purification are inadequate. Millions of people,

11、 therefore, continue to be affected by water-related problems and contrary to popular belief, future water supplies are not inexhaustible. So the situation is very serious, especially in view of the UN estimates of demand. 【 B5】 Although projects to provide ever increasing supplies of water indicate

12、 that a growing number of countries are aware of the present problems and of those to come, these more often than not are highly expensive and not very practical, and very time-consuming when time is commodity in short supply. Therefore, while research in these areas is important, the eventual solut

13、ion would definitely appear to be worldwide conservation and pollution controlin other words, a greater respect for our most valuable natural resource. 一、 Section IV Writing (35 minutes) 6 Some people are trying to fill up lakes to set up commercial buildings, and they say that they are helping the

14、economy. There is strong protest among the common citizens who think that the lakes are more important than anything. Write an essay to the newspaper to express your idea by: 1) criticizing their view; 2) justifying your stand. Make full use of the information provided below: Title: Save Lakes Argum

15、ents: Lakes are important in regulating a city s temperature and keeping edible water and lakes form beautiful scenery of the place. You should write 160-200 words on ANSWER SHEET 国家公共英语四级(综合)练习试卷 15答案与解析 Part D Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments

16、 into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 【知识模块】 Environment 1 【正确答案】 与此同时,人口和工业化在持续增长,且工业和生活废物进一步对河流、湖泊和地表水污染的危险也随之而来。 【知识模块】 Environment 2 【正确答案】 许多国家的专家正在研发改善水供给、水储存和水保护的方法,并且一些宏伟的计划已经被付诸实践。 【知识模块】 Environment 3 【正确答案】 然而,在世界范围内丑 陋的现实是:每年有大约两亿五千万人患上与水有关的疾病,并且每天都

17、有两万五千人死于这些疾病。 【知识模块】 Environment 4 【正确答案】 因此,不管是受工业废物、污水或其他污染的影响,一旦水源保护和净化措施不够,这些便常常成为滋生与水有关的致命疾病的温床。 【知识模块】 Environment 5 【正确答案】 尽管旨在增加水供给的项目表明,越来越多的国家认识到了目前和将来的问题,但这些计划却往往不是代价高昂,就是不切实际,或是非常费时,尤其当时间是一种供不应求的商品时。 【知识模块】 Environment 一、 Section IV Writing (35 minutes) 6 【正确答案】 Save Lakes In a city wher

18、e lakes have become rare and cement buildings are keeping rising, destroying lakes not only helps little in the economy but also threatens the basic living conditions of the human beings. Lakes are an indispensable emotional need of a city. Big cities of today are made up of solid blocks of cement o

19、r pieces of glaring glass. People either work in suffocating offices or travel in dust-filled streets. The grass and trees are crowded into narrow lines. People are simply out of touch with the beauty of nature. No wonder not a few people often feel distressed though they enjoy plenty of material co

20、mfort. Besides, lakes play a vital role in regulating a city s temperature and keeping flood water. Nobody will forget the horrible scene of a southern city in which flood water reached the waist of people with the disappearance of lakes containing flood. Saving lakes is saving not only the quality of life but also life itself. 【知识模块】 Environment


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