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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 122及答案与解析 Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogu

2、e ONLY ONCE. 1 Where did the woman think they were supposed to meet? ( A) At the information desk. ( B) On the platform. ( C) On the train. ( D) Near the stairs. 2 What does the woman say about Janet? ( A) She hasnt gone camping for several weeks. ( B) She likes to take long camping trips. ( C) She

3、prefers to go camping on weekends. ( D) She takes a long time to go. 3 What does Bob intend to do? ( A) To follow the committees ideas. ( B) To make decisions with the committee. ( C) To run the committee according to his own ideas. ( D) To elect the committee chairman himself. 4 Will the man borrow

4、 any money from the woman? ( A) Yes, because she has a sum of money. ( B) Yes, because she wants to help him. ( C) No, because she has spent most of it. ( D) No, because she lent it to a friend. 5 Why didnt the woman accept the invitation? ( A) She has to prepare for the exam. ( B) She is taking an

5、exam on Friday. ( C) She doesnt enjoy tours very much. ( D) She likes staying home better. 6 What did the womans son do? ( A) Hes a reporter, ( B) Hes a salesman. ( C) Hes a repairman. ( D) Hes a mailman. 7 When must the girl turn in her term paper? ( A) By 9. ( B) By 12. ( C) By 2. ( D) By 3. 8 Whe

6、re does the mans sister work? ( A) In a hospital. ( B) In a 151ant store. ( C) In a law office. ( D) In a gift shop. 9 What does the man explain to the woman? ( A) The bus is less expensive than the train. ( B) The train is faster than the bus. ( C) The train is cheaper than the bus. ( D) The bus is

7、 slower than the train. 10 Where are the speakers? ( A) At a cinema. ( B) At a training center. ( C) At home. ( D) At a party. Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While

8、listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 Why does the speaker say that it isnt a fault to be shy? ( A) Because many people dont know how to behave in social situat

9、ions. ( B) Because one may have been born that way. ( C) Because most persons are shy. ( D) Because its good to be shy. 12 What is one of the ways suggested by psychologists for measuring shyness? ( A) By prediction. ( B) By recording. ( C) Through observation. ( D) Through interviewing. 13 What is

10、the purpose of the psychologists in asking questions? ( A) To observe people attitude towards strangers. ( B) To see how people get along with their friends. ( C) To chance peoples behaviour in social life. ( D) To find out how shy people are. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Re

11、ad the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 13 It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives,【 C1】 _about the future. These reminiscences(回忆 )are not simply random or trivial m

12、emories,【 C2】 _is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old Persons recollections of the past help to【 C3】 _an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile(脆弱的 ):【 C4】 _any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide【 C5】 _to the future, the individual mentions their past as a

13、 reminder to listeners, that here was a life【 C6】 _living.【 C7】 _, the memories form part of a continuing life【 C8】 _, in which the old person【 C9】_the events and experiences of the years gone by and【 C10】 _on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life. As the life cycle【 C11】 _to i

14、ts close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending(即将发生的 )death,【 C12】 _this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a【 C13】 _subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as【 C14】 _. As adults many of us find the topic frig

15、htening and are【 C15】 _to think about it-and certainly not to talk about it【 C16】 _the presence of someone who is dying. Death has achieved this taboo【 C17】 _only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to be an important reason for our reluctance to 43 the idea of death. It is the very fact

16、 that death re- mains【 C19】 _our control; it is almost the only one of the natural processes【 C20】 _is so. 14 【 C1】 ( A) better than ( B) rather than ( C) less than ( D) other than 15 【 C2】 ( A) so ( B) even ( C) nor ( D) hardly 16 【 C3】 ( A) preserve ( B) conserve ( C) resume ( D) assume 17 【 C4】 (

17、 A) performing ( B) playing ( C) undertaking ( D) lacking 18 【 C5】 ( A) orientation ( B) implication ( C) succession ( D) presentation 19 【 C6】 ( A) worthy ( B) worth ( C) worthless ( D) worthwhile 20 【 C7】 ( A) In a word ( B) In brief ( C) In addition ( D) In particular 21 【 C8】 ( A) prospect ( B)

18、impetus ( C) impression ( D) review 22 【 C9】 ( A) integrates ( B) incorporates ( C) includes ( D) interacts 23 【 C10】 ( A) reckons ( B) counts ( C) reflects ( D) conceive 24 【 C11】 ( A) keeps ( B) draws ( C) inclines ( D) tends 25 【 C12】 ( A) Therefore ( B) And ( C) Yet ( D) Otherwise 26 【 C13】 ( A)

19、 taboo ( B) dispute ( C) contempt ( D) neglect 27 【 C14】 ( A) notorious ( B) indecent ( C) obscure ( D) desperate 28 【 C15】 ( A) ready ( B) willing ( C) liable ( D) reluctant 29 【 C16】 ( A) at ( B) on ( C) with ( D) in 30 【 C17】 ( A) status ( B) circumstance ( C) environment ( D) priority 31 【 C18】

20、( A) encounter ( B) confront ( C) tolerate ( D) expose 32 【 C19】 ( A) under ( B) above ( C) beyond ( D) within 33 【 C20】 ( A) which ( B) what ( C) as ( D) that Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER S

21、HEET 1. 33 For some people, suits are back. For some people particularly in the boardrooms (董事会 议室 ) and comer offices of the biggest companies they never went away. The old saying “clothes make the man“ is as much of a truth as ever. Today, as always, a well-made suit is not just a crucial business

22、 necessity; it also sends a subtle message that distinguishes the wearer as a person of taste and, in many cases, as someone with many zeroes in his yearly income. What suits dont do to the same extent they once did is to reveal the wearers background. In our age of equality in dressing, one doesnt

23、need to be a blue blood or an Ivy (名牌大学 ) graduate to occupy the comer office or know the name of the best tailors. The result is that suits have become less a uniform than an expression of individual style. If youre conservative in outlook, the odds are you will dress that way too. Like to be a bit

24、 flashier? Most likely, so are your clothes. What has also changed is the way men buy suits and the occasions on which they wear them. Around the turn of the last century, men of all backgrounds and careers wore ties and a suit pretty much everywhere. These days men are more selective about when and

25、 where to dress up or dress down. A board meeting? Wear a suit. A business lunch? The same. A relaxation at a hotel by a lake? Not if you dont want to look like the hotel manager. There are three key elements that go into choosing suits: price, style, and quality. Suits can be broken down into three

26、 basic styles: European (i. e. Italian), British and American. Many designers cross cultural lines. For tailoring options, the made-to-measure is the finest. Made-to- measure suits are created by highly skilled tailors to fit your every inch. They may ask you to try on five times before they complet

27、e and the starting prices mn upwards of 3, 000. 34 What does “Suits are back“ mean in Line 1 ? ( A) Suits are old-fashioned. ( B) Suits are out-dated. ( C) Suits are enjoying popularity again. ( D) Suits are no longer popular. 35 what can a well-made suit reveal of the wearer? ( A) He can send a mes

28、sage to other peoples cell phones. ( B) He has a considerable sum of money. ( C) He is a businessman. ( D) He has a good taste for food. 36 Which is the least likely occasion for a man to wear a suit? ( A) A meeting with other board directors. ( B) A business appointment. ( C) A weekday at the comer

29、 office of big companies. ( D) A holiday at the seaside. 37 Which one of the following is NOT tree about made-to-measure suits according to the passage? ( A) Fashionable. ( B) Fit the customer very well. ( C) Time-consuming. ( D) Costly. 38 What is implied in the passage? ( A) If one wants to look b

30、etter, he has to wear suits. ( B) Different people may well choose the same type of clothes. ( C) Suits are uniforms for businessmen. ( D) Suit designers may combine different styles. 38 A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a tale, to have it retold in almost the same words, but t

31、his should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

32、A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing evil desire. To prove the latter, one would have shown in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fears, there are, I

33、 think, some cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy stories. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once, familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered. There are also people who object t

34、o fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively tree, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc. do not exist, and that, instead of indulging (纵容 ) his fantasies (幻想 ) in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics

35、. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was t

36、heir beloved gift-Mend. No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no normal child has ever believed that it was. 39 How should fairy stories be told to children according to the author? ( A) Fairy stories should be adapted by the parent when being told. ( B) Fairy sto

37、ries should be read from printed books with no variation. ( C) Fairy stories have a bad influence on children and should not be read to children. ( D) The author did express his ideas clearly. 40 Why do some people dislike fairy stories? ( A) Because they think fairy stories hurt the childrens feeli

38、ngs. ( B) Because they think fairy stories may make children crueler. ( C) Because they think fairy stories can make children self-controlled. ( D) Because they think fairy stories can make children unsympathetic. 41 When can a fairy story terrify a child according to the author? ( A) When it is ret

39、old too often. ( B) When it is improved. ( C) When it is heard for the first time. ( D) When it is told in a realistic setting. 42 Which of the following best defines the word “peculiar“ in Line 5 of the third paragraph? ( A) Particular. ( B) Modem. ( C) Objective. ( D) Strange. 43 Which is the auth

40、ors attitude toward fairy tales? ( A) They do no harm to children. ( B) They should be replaced by history and mechanics. ( C) They may drive the children mad. ( D) They are not sacred texts because they are not objectively true. 43 Larry had stolen some money, but the police had caught him and he h

41、ad been put in prison. Now his trial was about to begin, and he felt sure that he would be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time. Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trial. Of course, he didnt tell anybody, but he managed to see his friend

42、 secretly one day. He said to him, “Karl, I know that the jury will find me guilty. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking the money that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong r

43、ecommendation for mercy to their statement that they consider me guilty.“ “Well, Larry,“ answered Karl, “I shall certainly try to do what I can for you as an old friend, but of course I cannot promise anything. The other eleven people of the jury look terribly strong-minded to me.“ Larry said that h

44、e would quite understand if Karl was not able to do anything for him, and thanked him warmly for agreeing to help. The trial went on and in the end the jury found Larry guilty, with a strong recommendation for mercy, as Larry had wished. Of course Larry was very pleased. When some time after the tri

45、al Karl went to visit him in prison, Larry thanked him warmly and asked Karl how he managed to persuade the other members of the jury to recommend mercy. “Well, Larry,“ Karl answered, “as I thought, those eleven people were very difficult to persuade, but I managed it in the end by tiring them out.

46、Do you know, those fools had all wanted to find you not guilty!“ 44 Which phrase best defines a “jury“? ( A) A person who works in a court. ( B) A policeman. ( C) A judge. ( D) A group of people who decide if someone on trial is guilty or not guilty. 45 What did Larry want his friend Karl to do for

47、him? ( A) He wanted Karl to help him run away from prison. ( B) He wanted Karl to believe that he was innocent. ( C) He wanted Karl to make other members of the jury believe his innocence. ( D) He wanted Karl to persuade the jury into making the punishment less severe. 46 Why couldnt Karl promise an

48、ything? ( A) He didnt want to lend Larry a hand. ( B) Larrys case was too serious. ( C) Larry would be found guilty for sure. ( D) The other members of the jury might not listen to his recommendation. 47 How does the story impress you? ( A) Instructive. ( B) Humorous. ( C) Disappointing. ( D) Touchi

49、ng. 48 Who do you think is/are the biggest fool (s) ? ( A) Larry. ( B) Karl. ( C) The policeman who caught Larry. ( D) Other members of the jury. Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 48 Read the texts from a magazine article about controversy over human cloning research. For questions 61 to 65 ,match the name of each person to one of the statements( A

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