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1、国家公共英语(四级)笔试模拟试卷 141及答案与解析 PART A Directions: For Questions 1-5, you will hear a conversation. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twi

2、ce. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. 1 In which city does Mr. Hood work? 2 What is the other advantage of living in the U. S. besides relaxed attitude? 3 The disadvantage Mr. Hood thinks is the waste of _. 4 4. The major threat to world peace is the build-up of _. 5 What is Mr. Hoods

3、 attitude towards the possibility of a world war? PART B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. 6 What type of program is Chinese Mot

4、hers? 7 If you want to watch the program of China Music, which channel do you turn to? 8 Who will give a display in the program Romantic Dream? 9 China Sports on BTV 1 will begin at _. 10 What type of program can people watch on BTV 3 at 11: 30? PART C Directions: You will hear three dialogues or mo

5、nologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 11 Wh

6、en did Poe start publishing his poetry and stories and pursue a career in journalism? ( A) In the early 1810s. ( B) In the early 1820s. ( C) In the early 1830s. ( D) In the early 1840s. 12 How old was he when Poe died? ( A) 30. ( B) 40. ( C) 50. ( D) 60. 13 Which is not considered as Poes finest poe

7、ms? ( A) To Helen. ( B) Annabel Lee. ( C) The Raven. ( D) The Tell-Tale Heart. 14 What does each vanity stamp cost? ( A) $8.80. ( B) $0.88. ( C) $10. ( D) $5. 15 What is the usage of these vanity stamps? ( A) They can be used normally to mail a letter. ( B) They can only be used for exhibition. ( C)

8、 They are used to attract more tourists. ( D) They are used to post on famous buildings. 16 Why does Japan print vanity stamps? ( A) Because the Japanese like taking photographs. ( B) Because the Japanese like writing letters to each other. ( C) Because the Japanese postal officials want to print a

9、special stamp to catch worldwide attention. ( D) Because the Japanese postal officials hope these stamps will help promote interests in letter-writing. 17 Why did the man go to see the woman? ( A) To apply for a student loan. ( B) To discuss a decision he has to make. ( C) To ask for a letter of rec

10、ommendation. ( D) To find out which colleges accepted him. 18 What concern does the man have about the State University? ( A) The laboratories are not well equipped. ( B) The classes are too large. ( C) Its too expensive, ( D) Its too far away from home. 19 What does the man consider to be an advant

11、age of White Stone College? ( A) It has a beautiful campus. ( B) Professors regularly publish their results. ( C) Its in an urban setting, ( D) Faculty members interact with students. 20 What is the man likely to do in the near future? ( A) Investigate borrowing money for college. ( B) Choose a new

12、major. ( C) Accept an internship at the State University. ( D) Look for a job as a biologist. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 20 Human beings are animals. We breathe,

13、eat and digest, and reproduce the same life 【 21】 _ common to all animals. In a biological laboratory, rats, monkeys, and humans seem very much the same. However, biological understanding is not enough. 【 22】 _ itself, it can never tell us what human beings are. 【 23】 _ to our physical equipment - t

14、he naked human body - we are not an 【 24】 _ animal. We are tropical creatures, 【 25】_ hairless and sensitive to cold. We are not fast and have neither claws nor sharp teeth to defend ourselves. We need a lot of food but have almost no physical equipment to help us get it. In the purely physical 【 26

15、】 _ , our species seems a poor 【 27】 _ for survival. But we have survived - survived and multiplied and 【 28】 _ the earth. Some day we will have a 【 29】 _ living on the moon, a place with neither air nor water and with temperatures that turn gases into solids. How can we have done all these things?

16、Part of the answer is physical. 【 30】 _ its limitations, our physical equipment has some important 【 31】 _ . We have excellent vision and hands that can 【 32】 _ objects with a precision unmatched by any other 【 33】_ . Most importantly, we have a large brain with an almost 【 34】 _ number of neural 【

17、35】 _ . We have used this physical equipment to create culture, the key to our survival and success. If we live in the Arctic, we supply the warmth our tropical bodies need 【 36】_ clothing, shelter, and 【 37】 _ heat. If a million people want to live in a desert that supplies natural food for only a

18、few hundred, we find water to grow food and 【 38】 _ deficits by transporting supplies from distant places. Inhabitants of our eventual moon colony will bring their own food and oxygen and then create an artificial earth environment to supply necessities. With culture, we can overcome our natural lim

19、itations. It was not always 【 39】 _ Our distant ancestors were just animals, faced with the limits of their physical equipment. They had no 【 40】 _ and lacked the physical capacity to use it. 21 【 21】 ( A) processes ( B) acts ( C) modes ( D) procedures 22 【 22】 ( A) On ( B) With ( C) For ( D) By 23

20、【 23】 ( A) Stripped ( B) Pared ( C) Peeled ( D) Removed 24 【 24】 ( A) intelligent ( B) impressive ( C) influential ( D) incentive 25 【 25】 ( A) barely ( B) hardly ( C) nearly ( D) scarcely 26 【 26】 ( A) meaning ( B) judgement ( C) perspective ( D) sense 27 【 27】 ( A) bet ( B) chance ( C) fact ( D) l

21、uck 28 【 28】 ( A) filled ( B) loaded ( C) stuffed ( D) scattered 29 【 29】 ( A) residence ( B) colony ( C) home ( D) empire 30 【 30】 ( A) Apart from ( B) With regard to ( C) With the exception of ( D) In spite of 31 【 31】 ( A) abilities ( B) potentials ( C) capabilities ( D) possibilities 32 【 32】 (

22、A) maneuver ( B) manage ( C) manipulate ( D) manufacture 33 【 33】 ( A) animal ( B) animals ( C) creatures ( D) creature 34 【 34】 ( A) infinite ( B) unknown ( C) boundless ( D) ceaseless 35 【 35】 ( A) connections ( B) relations ( C) activities ( D) accesses 36 【 36】 ( A) for ( B) to ( C) with ( D) by

23、 37 【 37】 ( A) artificial ( B) fake ( C) unreal ( D) unauthentic 38 【 38】 ( A) add up ( B) break up ( C) make up ( D) cut up 39 【 39】 ( A) this ( B) thus ( C) hence ( D) that 40 【 40】 ( A) intellect ( B) equipment ( C) competence ( D) culture Part B Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer

24、the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D . Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 40 Cancer researchers are learning to read genes like a crystal ball to predict how patients will respond to cancer therapy, who will suffer the worst side effects and what treatments may be best for a part

25、icular patient. Foreseeing the outcome of treatment, and knowing with certainty which drugs are best for individual patients, have long been the goals of cancer researchers. For at least 40 years, oncologists have puzzled over why some patients respond so well to chemotherapy while others obtain mod

26、est benefits or none at all. The discovery decades ago that linked a chromosome abnormality to one form of leukemia paved the way for the development of the drug Gleevec by Druker and the ability to identify the patients most likely to benefit. More recently, with the wealth of knowledge from the Hu

27、man Genome Project, researchers have been able to develop even more specific tools to create genetic profiles of tumors and match those profiles with the right drugs. The tools also help determine which patients are most likely to experience the worst side effects of specific types of chemotherapy a

28、nd guide them to other treatments. Researchers from the University of Chicago studied alterations of the UGT1A1 gene, associated with an increased chance of chemotherapy side effects. Mark Ratain and his team studied 61 colon cancer patients receiving irinotecan and learned that patients with altera

29、tions of the gene labeled as 7/7 were most likely to suffer severe losses of white blood cells. Patients with the 6/7 alteration type had intermediate side effects, and patients with the 6/6 type had none. Scientists at the Massachusetts General Hospital examined genes that normally have the ability

30、 to repair damage to DNA in cells called XPD and XRCC1. The number of variations in these genes indicate how long a patient is likely to survive. Sarada Gurnbhagavatula and her team studied variations of these genes in 103 patients diagnosed with advanced non-small-cell lung canter. Patients with a

31、total of three variations in the genes survived a median of 6.8 months; those with two variations survived 11 months; patients with one variation survived 16.6 months; and those with no variations survived 20.4 months. Gnrnhhagavatula says the variations could be identified and those with the worst

32、predicted outcomes put on chemotherapy regimens that offer better odds of survival. Scientists at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center and Genomic Health Inc. have developed a way to test lung tumors for genetic profiles associated with responses to the new lung cancer drug Iressa. The drug has been shown to

33、shrink tumors in 10% to 12% of patients with advanced lung cancer. David Agus at Cedar-Sinai found a pattern of 185 genes that are turned off and on in a manner that correlates with response to Iressa or to a lack of response. When used commercially, the test will target patients most likely to bene

34、fit and will allow patients to make other choices if the negative profile is found. 41 The text is mainly about _. ( A) the search for effective cancer treatment drugs ( B) the goals of cancer therapy ( C) the success in reading genes ( D) the advances in cancer treatment 42 The achievements from Hu

35、man Genome Project enable researchers to _. ( A) diagnose a chromosome abnormality more accurately ( B) develop cancer treatment drugs like Gleevec ( C) administer cancer treatment with less side effect ( D) come up with chemotherapy as an effective tool for cancer treatment 43 The purpose of the au

36、thor in mentioning the three researches is to _. ( A) make a contrastive analysis of them ( B) illustrate the achievements in cancer therapy ( C) present the similarities and differences between them ( D) show how altered genes can cause cancer 44 Sarada and her team are convinced that _. ( A) resea

37、rch on genes offers them greater predictive power ( B) lung cancer is caused by variation of genes ( C) patients can survive lung cancer by altering their genes ( D) chemotherapy can save even the worst lung cancer patients 45 As is used in the text, the word “profile“ in the second paragraph most p

38、robably means _. ( A) graphic presentation ( B) scientific discovery ( C) inherited source ( D) specific treatment plan 45 The video game presents a world - a much simpler world than our own, where success is very clearly defined and, for a time, easily attained. Through practice, a player can contr

39、ol this world for a while, He can escape from the anxieties of real life into a place where his own actions always count, where he can be a hero. When the game is over, he is neither lost nor beaten. Most video games call for some semblance of hand-and-eye coordination, and some hospitals arc now us

40、ing them in recovery programs for brain-damaged patients. It has been found that some patients who were otherwise thought to be unreachable have been “brought out“ through their use. Moreover, experimental research is now being conducted regarding the feasibility of video games as a test for drunken

41、 driving. Intoxicants tend to slow reaction time and impair coordination - and nowhere is this kind of impairment more measurable than on the video game playfield. Some day a poor showing at “Six-Pack Man“ may cost you your license. Video games for microcomputer are not restricted to mere “twitch“ g

42、ames, however. Strategy games are becoming more and more popular, and among these are the so-called “fantasy role playing“ adventures. These games allow players to construct a whole personality, choosing strengths and weaknesses from a list of possible character traits. Nowadays, more and more adole

43、scents are crowded in electronic game houses for days to experience what they perceive to be excitement. In due course, they train their abilities in confronting with new situations, and whats more, they learn how to communicate with their targeted rivals, in a novel and friendly way. But there is s

44、uch a large amount of criticism concerning the electronic games that they are generally seen as a way of infecting hostility and belligerence. And the managers of such business are severely criticized by the schools and parents alike. On the 6ther hand, this business seems never fading. Instead, it

45、becomes a success in many places, even if it is strictly controlled by certain policies. Video games mirror a balance between reality and our own wishes. It has become all outlet for emotion. But we should bear in mind that everything has two sides. Video games would also do harm to us if we are red

46、uced to its prisoners. 46 According to the article, the video game player can _. ( A) be successful in his life if success is clearly defined ( B) control the world of our own for a time ( C) forget about the uneasiness of real life for a while ( D) never lose the game when he plays a hero 47 “Six-P

47、ack Man“ is probably a video game that can _. ( A) test for drunken driving ( B) cost you a lot of money ( C) be a danger to public morals ( D) help conduct experimental research 48 We can safely infer from the article that video games can NOT improve peoples _. ( A) ability to handle new situations

48、 ( B) skills in getting along with others ( C) physical power and forbearance ( D) hand-and-eye coordination 49 The authors general attitude towards video games is that _. ( A) video games create a world which reflect our real life ( B) most video games are helpful rather than harmful to people ( C)

49、 more research should be done regarding the benefits of video games ( D) video games mirror a balance between reality and our own wishes 50 Which of the following most appropriately describes the authors logic of writing this passage ? ( A) Cite two different views concerning one issue, and then give comments of them. ( B) Analyze an issue and then express his own attitude. ( C) List differe


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