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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 13及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a sing

2、le bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 A: Did you hear that I won first prize in the talent show? B: _. ( A) Never heard of it. ( B) What talent have you got? ( C) So you did enter. Congratulations! ( D) I didnt show up. 2 A: This assigned reading is in its origina

3、l language, Spanish. Do you know anyone who can help me translate? B: _. ( A) What about the new librarian? Ive heard that shes bilingual. ( B) No one will help you. ( C) No, Im afraid I cant. ( D) You should learn Spanish. 3 A: Could you spare a few hours to help me clean the house? B: _. ( A) No,

4、the house is clean. ( B) Nobody could help you. ( C) No, you should rely on yourself. ( D) Im really busy with school these days. How does this Saturday sound? 4 A: Jack cant stay out with his friends now that school has started. B: _. ( A) I do believe Jack has made a right decision. ( B) Yes, t ag

5、ree, grades are more important than parties. His grades dropped. ( C) Yes, thats right. After all, young people should not be too close to their friends. ( D) No, I dont think Jack is right. After all, work is work. Play is play. 5 A: Has everyone submitted their proposals to me? B: _. ( A) Yes, eve

6、rybody has submitted themselves. ( B) Yes, everybody proposed to you. ( C) Only Fred didnt. ( D) You must wait for Fred. Section B Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices mar

7、ked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 6 Woman: Thanks a lot! This scarf will be perfect with my blue jacket. Man: Made a good choice, did I? Q

8、uestion: What does the man mean? ( A) He wants to know which scarf the woman chose. ( B) He wants to know what color the jacket is. ( C) He thinks he selected a nice scarf. ( D) He thinks any color would go well with the jacket. 7 Woman: My cousin Bob is getting married in California and I cant deci

9、de whether to go. Man: Its a long trip, but I think youll have a good time. Question: What does the man imply? ( A) Bob has been married for a long time. ( B) The woman should go to California. ( C) He plans to go to the wedding. ( D) He hasnt been to California for a long time. 8 Man: What should w

10、e do tonight? Woman: Theres supposed to be a huge sale at the mall. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) She wants to buy food. ( B) She has to sell food. ( C) The sale has been postponed. ( D) She intends to do some shopping. 9 Man: Ive made a decision about my term paper. Its going to focus on

11、 the Industrial Revolution. Woman: That might not be approvedit seems too broad. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) She implies that she also wants to write about the Industrial Revolution. ( B) She implies that she might also write the term paper. ( C) She implies that he should get started

12、right away. ( D) She implies that the subject might not be appropriate. 10 Man: Is the freeway always this deserted? Woman: Its the middle of the day. Everyone is at work. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) The freeway isnt usually as empty as it is now. ( B) Many prefer to eat dessert in the

13、 middle of the day. ( C) The freeway isnt working in the middle of the day. ( D) Most people prefer to work at night. Section A Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the mean

14、ing of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11 Evidence exists that hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits. ( A) initiated ( B) lessened ( C) cured ( D) complicated 12 Th

15、e question was discarded, because it was ambiguous. ( A) incorrect ( B) biased ( C) vague ( D) dull 13 Jane was quite annoyed with Jerry for arriving so late. ( A) put off ( B) put on ( C) put down ( D) put out 14 Flu shots are given every fall as a precaution against an epidemic the following winte

16、r. ( A) required treatment ( B) free service ( C) preventive measures ( D) new therapy 15 In the phenomenon of atomic fission, the nucleus is split into two pieces of approximately equal mass. ( A) doubly ( B) always ( C) solidly ( D) about 16 The rapid expansion of cities during the Industrial Revo

17、lution created a housing crisis. ( A) avoided ( B) brought about ( C) aggravation ( D) started with 17 Mark Twain is one of the best American creative writers. ( A) productive ( B) inventive ( C) fanciful ( D) ingenious 18 The agencys ruling crippled their plans. ( A) enhanced ( B) prompted ( C) imp

18、aired ( D) advanced 19 This legislation is critical to sustaining the business upturn. ( A) crucial for ( B) contrary to ( C) objectionable for ( D) averse to 20 The recent medical breakthrough was the culmination of many long years of experimentation. ( A) result ( B) climax ( C) abyss ( D) cultiva

19、tion Section B Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your rnachine-scoring ANSWER

20、SHEET. 21 Whether a gun is a weapon of offence or a weapon of _ depends on which end of it you are at. ( A) defense ( B) attack ( C) assault ( D) defeat 22 A severe flood struck the city and there was a _ shortage of food. ( A) frequent ( B) consequent ( C) consecutive ( D) consequential 23 Some cri

21、minal slang is so highly developed that pickpockets, for example, can _ a conversation in front of a victim without the persons realizing that they are discussing. ( A) carry on ( B) carry away ( C) carry out ( D) carry off 24 We were _ for an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. ( A) kept of

22、f ( B) held up ( C) put back ( D) broken down 25 Every month, Mrs. Smith _ all her bills before she pays them. ( A) adds into ( B) adds to ( C) adds up to ( D) adds up 26 She should _ those present at the meeting to arrive at a clear-cut decision. ( A) count up ( B) count against ( C) count on ( D)

23、count out 27 The Americans _ George Washington as the father of their country. ( A) look up to ( B) think up ( C) regard ( D) look forward to 28 He cant run a hundred yards, _ a mile. ( A) less than ( B) still less ( C) no less ( D) less even 29 _ your work in case youve made any mistakes. ( A) Take

24、 care of ( B) Ensure ( C) Look out for ( D) Check 30 _ , the house was a good buy. ( A) All things to be considered ( B) All things considering ( C) Considering all things ( D) All things considered 一、 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5

25、 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 30 After flexing its mechanical arm and finding some puzzling chemi

26、stry in a patch of Martian soil,the robotic rover Spirit began investigating the composition of a rock named Adirondack yesterday with two science instruments and a microscopic camera. Following programmed instructions from flight controllers, the six-wheel rover made several short turns and moved f

27、orward about six feet. It stopped within inches of the pyramid-shaped rock, about the size of a football. It was the vehicles second maneuver on the Martian surface since landing there on Jan. 3. Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said they did not expect results of the

28、 first rock examination until early today. But they were already both pleased and puzzled over the soil test results. “Were starting to put together a picture of what the soil at Gusev is really like,“ Dr. Steven W. Squyres of Cornell, the principal scientist of the mission, said at a news conferenc

29、e in Pasadena. He was referring to the Spirits landing site in Gusev crater, near the Martian equator. Two of the Spirits main science instruments, the M6ssbauer spectrometer and the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer, made a close examination of soil near the landing base. German scientists in charg

30、e of the studies reported that X-rays emitted by the surface soil indicated a chemical composition mainly of silicon and iron, with smaller amounts of sulfur, chlorine and argon. Argon is a noble gas that is part of the Martian atmosphere. Previous Martian sites visited by landing craft also contain

31、ed significant amounts of sulfur and chlorine. Other members of the projects science team said the M6ssbauer spectrometer found considerable amounts of the mineral olivine in the soil. Olivine, which contains oxygen, iron and magnesium, is often found in volcanic rocks. The Martian soil may resemble

32、 the volcanic soil of Hawaii. “One possibility is that this soil is simply ground-up lava,“ Dr. Squyres said. “That would surprise me, but its entirely possible that beneath .those grains there is solid rock and we are detecting some of that solid rock, not the s0il.“ Another property of the soil pe

33、rplexed geologists. The fine grains of the Gusev surface seem to stick together in dry clumps. Geologists suspected static electricity as the clinging force. If so, they said, the soil should collapse and flatten out when the M6ssbauer spectrometer pressed against the ground. Nothing collapsed, lead

34、ing Dr. Squyres to ask what force was. responsible for holding them together. 31 How many pieces of equipment is the robotic rover Spirit, armed with and what are their names? ( A) Two. They are the mechanical arm and the microscopic camera. ( B) Three. They are the two science instruments and a mic

35、roscopic camera. ( C) Four. They are the two science instruments, a microscopic camera and the flight controller. ( D) Five. They are the two science instruments, the two flight controllers and a microscopic camera and the flight controller. 32 “But they were already both ,pleased and puzzled over t

36、he soil test results“ in Para. 3 can best be used to mean _. ( A) they felt both happy and satisfactory over the test results ( B) they didnt expect to find the wonderful results ( C) they wanted very much to do more research over the rocks ( D) they were glad to see the results but they cant explai

37、n them 33 From the context, it can be concluded that olivine must be _. ( A) a kind of volcanic soil containing lava and mineral rock ( B) a kind of volcanic rock with its main content of lava and magnesium ( C) a kind of rock mainly consisting of oxygen, iron and magnesium ( D) a kind of oxygen wit

38、h iron and magnesium 34 German scientists in charge of the studies _. ( A) thought that the surface soil of Mars is mainly composed of silicon and iron, with a bit of sulfur, chlorine and argon ( B) doubted if there is any content of silicon and iron, with a bit more of sulfur, chlorine and argon (

39、C) confirmed that the Martian surface emitted X-rays, which indicated the main composition of the Martian soil ( D) indicated that the surface soil of Mars has a main chemical composition of silicon and iron 35 The last paragraph is mainly aimed at _. ( A) explaining the nature of the fine grains of

40、 the Gusev surface ( B) discussing what force was responsible for holding them together ( C) presenting the perplexion of the geologists on the existence of the static force on the Mars ( D) introducing the main points of view on the static force on the Mars 36 Which of the following can be the best

41、 title of the passage? ( A) A Brief Introduction to the Research Work of the Science Team ( B) The Difference of the Geologists on the Composition of a Rock on Mars ( C) What Force Stick Together the fine grains of the Gusev Surface ( D) The Spirit Began to Study the Composition of a Rock on Mars 36

42、 For over 30 years, Donald Kroodsma has worked to disclose such mysteries of bird communication. Through field studies and laboratory experiments, hes studied the ecological and social forces that may have contributed to the evolution of vocal learning. Kroodsma has paid particular attention to loca

43、l variation in song types, known as dialects. The Black-capped Chickadees (Parus atricapillus)on Marthas Vineyard, for example, have an entirely different song than their counterparts on the Massachusetts mainland, he says. Birds that live on the boundary between two dialects or that spend time in d

44、ifferent areas can become “bilingual,“ learning the; songs of more than one group of neighbors. Recently, Kroodsma discovered that the Three-wattled Bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) is constantly changing its song, creating what he calls a “rapid cultural evolution within each generation. “This ki

45、nd of song evolution is found in whales but, up until now, rarely in birds. A professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Kroodsma is also co-editor of the book Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds (Cornell University Press, 1996). Though he plans to conti

46、nue his field studies, he says that one of his most important goals now is to help people understand how to listen to birdsong. “Many people can identify a Wood Thrush(Hylocichla mustelina)when they hear it. Its one of the most beautiful songs in the world, “he says. “Little do they realize they cou

47、ld hear the things that Wood Thrush is communicating if they just knew how to listen.“ Next is an interview made between an amateur of bird songs(SA)and Donald Kroodsma. SA: Can you make any comparison between how a baby bird learns to sing and how a young human learns to speak? DK: On the surface,

48、its remarkably similar. I often play a tape of my daughter, recorded when she was about a year and a half old. She is taking all the sounds she knows, “bow-wow, kitty, no, down” and randomly piecing them together in a nonsensical babbling sequence. Then I play a tape of a young bird and dissect what

49、 its doing in what we call its “subsong,“ and its exactly the same thing. Its taking all the sounds it has memorized, all the sounds it has been exposed to, and singing them in a random sequence. It looks like what the baby human and the baby bird are doing is identical. Some might say thats a crass comparison, but its very intriguing. SA: Why do the song repertoires(全部技能 )and dialects of some birds vary from place to place? DK: For the s


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