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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 54及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by marking the corresponding letter with a sing

2、le bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1 A: Would you mind checking my spelling and punctuation in this literature here, please? B: _ ( A) Im sorry, but my spelling is terrible. ( B) No, I wouldnt. ( C) Yes, go ahead. ( D) Yes, I would. 2 A: Your little boy has done

3、a good job at school.B: _ ( A) Yes, you are very kind. ( B) No, youre too polite. ( C) Thanks, but youre exaggerating. ( D) Yes, Im proud of him. 3 A: Are you feeling better now?B: _ ( A) Well, not too better yet, thank you. ( B) Well, not too well yet. Better than I was though. ( C) Well, it doesnt

4、 matter, Im all right now. ( D) Well, never mind, Im much better now. 4 A: Do you do exercise every day? B: _ ( A) No, it depends on what kind of exercise. ( B) No, I go to health club most of the time. ( C) Yes, usually every day. ( D) Yes, rain or shine. 5 A: Hi, John, how are you? I heard you wer

5、e sick. B: They must have confused me with somebody else. _ ( A) I was sick last week. ( B) I could not agree with you more. ( C) I have never felt better. ( D) So you are right. Section B Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each

6、conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 6 Woman: I went downtown yesterday and saw Jea

7、ns sister there. Man: Unlike her sister, Jean doesnt have lots of time to spend buying dresses. Question: What do we learn about Jean? ( A) Jean was too busy to go shopping. ( B) Jean saw her sister downtown yesterday. ( C) Jean and her sister had a lot of time to spend. ( D) Jean wasnt a good buyer

8、 of dresses like her sister. 7 Woman: Im upset. You told my boss I had a part-time job? Man: I am sorry. I couldnt help it. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He couldnt help the woman at all. ( B) He couldnt hold back the secret. ( C) He couldnt possibly tell the boss. ( D) He couldnt decide wh

9、o told the boss. 8 Man: Is the freeway always this deserted? Woman: Its the middle of the day. Everyone is at work. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) The freeway isnt usually as empty as it is now. ( B) Many prefer to eat dessert in the middle of the day. ( C) The freeway isnt working in the

10、 middle of the day. ( D) Most people prefer to work at night. 9 Woman: I can hardly go on. The work is so tough. Man: Dont lose heart, Ill back you up all the time. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He will help the woman with her work. ( B) He will support the woman. ( C) He will do the work f

11、or the woman. ( D) He will encourage the woman. 10 Woman: We are going to go away on vacation. Can you hear me? Man: Im all ears. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He is listening attentively. ( B) He couldnt care less. ( C) He like the womans idea. ( D) He is against the womans plan. Section A

12、 Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 10 A. All you need now is a goo

13、d, long rest B. I caught a bad cold last week C. You look run-down Alice:【 D1】 _. Pat. Pat: Yeah. Ive been feeling under the weather recently. 【 D2】 _. and I still havent gotten over it. Alice: Well, you want to take sick leave? 【 D3】 _ Pat: I guess so. Even though I seem to be over the worst of it,

14、 I dont want to give the bug to anyone in the office. Alice: Yes. Better not. 11 【 D1】 12 【 D2】 13 【 D3】 13 A. The spring promotion will last for two weeks. B. It varies from goods to goods. C. Nothing special. A: What do you want to buy, sir? B: (1)_. A: Please feel free to walk around. Take your t

15、ime. B: Thank you. Im browsing. A: All the things here are on display. B: Do you offer discount? A: Yes, sir. (2)_. B: How much discount do you offer? A: (3)_.The best discount is 40 %. B: I see. 16 A. its not you B. Im calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park C. prices have really gone up the

16、past couple of years A: I need to find a new place to live. B: Yeah? Why? Dont you like living with me? A: Oh,【 D1】 _.I just want my own place. B: Well, check the newspaper. A: Jeez. I didnt realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days. B: Yeah, 【 D2】 _. A: Oh, heres one. Its looks

17、 like its in this neighborhood, $600 a month. Thats not too bad. B: No, its pretty good. Why not give the landlord a call? A: Hello. 【 D3】 _. Could I take a look at it? Yes. Tonight at six is fine. Thanks. 17 【 D1】 18 【 D2】 19 【 D3】 19 A. she had better think the whole thing over B. make do with an

18、unhappy marriage C. its really a shame Bill: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up. Kate: 【 D4】 _. Ive heard that they quarrel, but theyve always made up afterward. Bill: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon. Kate: What is going to happen to our nephew, little Jac

19、k? Bill: Nancy is going to take him. Kate: The cost of living is so high. It will be very difficult for her to take the responsibility. 【 D5】 _. Bill: She seems to have made up her mind. She said she should rather be a single parent than【 D6】 _. Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out

20、of it. 20 【 D4】 21 【 D5】 22 【 D6】 22 A. They drink coffee and chat. B. there is always a special room for people boiling coffee. C. many of them take coffee back to their desk and keep on working. A: Grace, how do you know about coffee? B: Coffee is the usual drink now. Many joint-ventures companies

21、 in Beijing allow their staff a “coffee time“ and (1)_. A: Can you tell me some detail about the “coffee time“ ? B: Yes. In companies, employees are allowed to have coffee breaks twice a day. They are often in the morning and mid afternoon. People use the 15 minutes to relax. (2)_. A: So they have a

22、 rest in both the morning and the afternoon? B: Yes. But because of the heavy pressure of work, (3)_. A: Oh, are there any other drinks for them? B: Besides, Americans like tea, cola, milk and other soft drinks. In summer, the ice tea and ice coffee are widely drunk. A: Can we say that the westerner

23、s like coffee as same as our Chinese like tea? B: Yes, what you said is absolutely right! Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D,taken from the interview.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete

24、 the interview and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 25 A. I shouldnt depend on only one way of investment B. I will consider what you have told me carefully. C. It is a package of different investments D. you can go to a financial adviser. A: Bob, I dont want to have my money just sitting in th

25、e bank. If not real estate right now, what do you suggest? B: I think youd better get some professional advice. I mean (7)_.Theyd be able to put together a sensible portfolio for you. A: Portfolio? What exacdy is that? B: (8)_, such as stocks, bonds, gold, foreign currencies. A: I see. So whats the

26、advantage? B: Well, as I said earlier, it helps put your money into different investments, which will lower the risks involved. A: So you mean (9)_? B: Yeah, definitely. A: Thanks. Money management is not easy. (10)_. 29 A. Its really family first B. the real work will start when they walk off the s

27、tage C. then it was just a penalty D. because Im a pretty street-smart guy Yorke: Youve talked about finding meaning in suffering. What do you mean by that? McGraw: Everybody at some point is going to have misfortune. I think if we dont learn from that, 【 D7】 _. But if you use it, then it becomes tu

28、ition. I draw a lot on my personal experiences. Its hard for people to deceive me, 【 D8】 _. Yorke: Are there families who come on your show but whom you feel you just cant help? McGrow: I never think that Im doing eight-minute cures on television. But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any p

29、roblem lies in defining it first. I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path, but 【 D9】 _. Yorke: What would you say is the greatest value system that you have? McGrow: 【 D10】 _Our family and its properties, needs, values, come before everything else work, recreation, whatever. 30

30、【 D7】 31 【 D8】 32 【 D9】 33 【 D10】 33 A. Xiamen is a rapidly growing modern city with a vigorous economy. B. Min cuisine is one of the eight most famous cuisines of China. C. Elephant Trunk Peak is so named for its distinctive shape. D. Xiamen is one of the cleanest and most beautiful seaport cities

31、in China. A: It s a great honor to have you visit Xiamen. B: Thank you and I find (7)_. A: Yes. Xiamen has always been an important trading port since the Opium War. B: It is said that Xiamen is a “window city“ for China s opening to the outside world. A: It is also one of the municipalities designa

32、ted under separate state plan and enjoying provincial level of power in economic management. B: Today, (8)_. A: That s true! Over the past 10 years, Xiamen has increasingly focused on the cultivation of international trade, education and tourism. B: I ve heard that Xiamen Island is also known as Egr

33、et Island. A: That s because it is shaped like a white egret. B: Are there any sightseeing spots on Xiamen Island? A: Of course, there are a lot. Ten Thousand Stone Mountain boasts because of many oddly shaped rocks and stones. (9)_. There is a botanical garden on the Ten Thousand Stone Mountain , w

34、ith three or four thousand tropical and subtropical plants. The small gardens are dotted with pavilions and platforms. At the foot of the Five-Elder Peak stands the Nanputuo Temple, the most famous Buddhist Temple in Fujian Province. Behind the temple stands a screen of five peaks colored by green t

35、rees and bamboos. They are called “ Five Old Gentlemen Reaching the Clouds“ and are the one of the eight grand sights of Xiamen. Coming to the top, you not only have a view of the mountain undulating in the wind, but also the view of the sea surging in the distance. B: Is Xiamen also famous for its

36、delicious food? A: Yes! Xiamen abounds in sea food all the year round. Fruits are available in all four seasons. (10)_. One of the most famous and traditional dish of Xiamen food is Wall-Jump Buddha. It is said that the food is so delicious that even Buddha was tempted by it and humped over a wall t

37、o taste it. B: Its interesting! Thank you very much for your introduction! A: Thats my pleasure. Welcome to Xiamen and enjoy yourself! 37 A. She was so proud of me B. Im sure my mom didnt like it C. When I played on the stage D. My coach drilled the word into our heads Interviewer: When did acting c

38、lick for you? Dana: In my first year of high school, when I played a part in Gods Spell. That year, they brought in a director from outside who was really hard-core. He made us work and got us into not being anywhere else but right there in the play. 【 D7】 _. I was totally involved and I was moved t

39、o tears. I remember my aunt coming up to me after the show and saying, “Dana, you were great.“ 【 D8】 _. I think I realized that you could connect to people through being a character. And I thought that was kind of cool. Interviewer: Did you pick up any life lessons when you were a power forward on y

40、our high school basketball team? Dana: Defense first, I guess. It helped me to learn to work with lots of different kinds of people and be a team player, to be able to move your ego out of the way and block out whatever else is going on in your life and focus on the task at hand. 【 D9】 _. Ive used t

41、hat throughout my entire career. Interviewer: In 1992 your older brother, Lance, was killed in a motorcycle accident. How did you explain to your mother that you were going to continue riding? Dana: Honestly, I think that my brother and I had a very close relationship. Riding motorcycle was the last

42、 thing my brother and I did together; every day, we rode bikes. Its my way of connecting with him【 D10】 _. But I think she just put me in Gods hands. Interviewer: Youve always talked about how heavily you rely on your mothers counsel. Sum up her best advice. Dana: Believe in yourself. Stay in your o

43、wn lane. Theres only one you. 38 【 D7】 39 【 D8】 40 【 D9】 41 【 D10】 41 A. Nationalities stay in their own areas. B. People dont queue like they do here in England. C. What I liked best was that I could work and still lead a normal life. D. Some supermarkets are open twenty-four hours a day. Interview

44、er: How long did you live in the States? Interviewee: I was there for two years, in New York, and I enjoyed it tremendously. 【 D7】 _I mean, the shops are open till 10:00 p.m. Interviewer: All shops? Interviewee: Yes, everything. Food shops, chemists and department stores. 【 D8】_And on public holiday

45、s, only the banks are shut. Interviewer: I see, er. Do you think New York is as multinational as London? Interviewee: Oh, thats for sure. But its not as mixed. 【 D9】 _like theres Russian section, the German section and China Town. But I think the major difference between these two cities was the hei

46、ght of the place. Everything was up in the Big Apple. We lived on the fifth floor. And of course everything is faster and the New Yorkers are much ruder. Interviewer: Oh! In what way? Interviewee: Well, pushing in the street, fights about getting on the bus. 【 D10】_And of course the taxi drivers! Ne

47、w York taxi drivers must be the rudest in the world! 42 【 D7】 43 【 D8】 44 【 D9】 45 【 D10】 Section A Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then ma

48、rk the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 46 Despite his remarks that triggered bitter debates, the president insisted he was telling the truth. ( A) terminated ( B) disseminated ( C) extinguished ( D) initiated 47 Mr. Johnson evid

49、ently regarded this as a great joke. ( A) readily ( B) casually ( C) obviously ( D) simply 48 Mr.Johnson evidently regarded this as a great joke. ( A) readily ( B) casually ( C) obviously ( D) simply 49 The bed has been_in the family. It was my great-grandmothers originally. ( A) handed out ( B) handed over ( C) handed down ( D)


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