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1、在职申硕(同等学力)英语模拟试卷 87及答案与解析 Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHE

2、ET. 0 A.All you need now is a good, long rest B.I caught a bad cold last week C.You look run-down Alice:【 D1】 _, Pat. Pat: Yeah. Ive been feeling under the weather recently.【 D2】 _, and I still havent gotten over it. Alice: Well, you want to take sick leave?【 D3】 _ Pat: I guess so.Even though I seem

3、 to be over the worst of it, I dont want to give the bug to anyone in the office. Alice: Yes. Better not. 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 3 A.great minds think alike B.We could do it first thing tomorrow morning C.We still have to do about ten more Nancy:How many orders do we still need to pack, Gilbert? We

4、ve been packing all day. Gilbert:【 D4】 _. Nancy:Well, Im really tired from packing all of the stuff all day.And its about time to clockout. Gibert:I know.Maybe we can finish it tomorrow. Nancy:Why not! These orders are not urgent.【 D5】 _. Gibert:All right. Lets call it quits and go home. Neal:See,【

5、D6】 _! 4 【 D4】 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A,B,C and D,taken from the interview.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 6

6、A.Thats right, John. B.Why should we believe you this time? C.But Mrs.Faulkes, you said that five years ago when you were campaigning for the last general election. D.Hows the campaign going? Interviewer:In our radio car we have Geraldine Faulkes who is on the campaign trail in the constituency of L

7、iverpool north-east.Good morning, Mrs.Faulkes. Mrs.Faulkes:Good morning, John.Interviewer:Now, Mrs.Faulkes.Its only three weeks till the general election.【 D7】_ Mrs.Faulkes:I am fully confident that the Conservative Party will win this general election and that the people of this country will welcom

8、e five more years of good Conservative Government. Interviewer:I see.Now I believe that your party is promising tax cuts if it wins the election. Mrs.Faulkes:【 D8】 _. We are the party of low taxation and we believe that our economicpolicies over the past five years have been the right policies.Our e

9、conomy is growing stronger and now is the right time for income tax cuts. Interviewer:【 D9】 _You said you would lower taxes five years ago, but you didnt, did you? Mrs.Faulkes:Our economic policies over the last five years have given us one of the strongest economies in Europe with some of the lowes

10、t interest rates. We said that we were going to lower interest rates at the last election and we have delivered our promise. And whats more we believe that interest rates will remain low if we are elected for another term. Interviewer:But I dont think low interest rates are the same as lower taxes.

11、You said you would lower taxes and you didnt.【 D10】 _ Mrs.Faulkes:The economy of the country is now very healthy thanks to good government, and I believe that now is the time for tax cuts. 7 【 D7】 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 Section A Directions: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one w

12、ord or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 11 The person he interviewed was_his former schoolmate.

13、( A) no other than ( B) no more than ( C) none other than ( D) none the less 12 The bed has been _ in the family.It was my great-grandmothers originally. ( A) handed out ( B) handed over ( C) handed down ( D) handed round 13 None of us expected the chairman to_at the party. We thought he was still i

14、n hospital. ( A) turn in ( B) turn over ( C) turn up ( D) turn down 14 After a long delay, she_replying to my e-mail. ( A) got away with ( B) got back at ( C) got by ( D) got round to 15 The company has capitalized _the error of judgment made by its business competitor. ( A) in ( B) over ( C) with (

15、 D) on 16 There are still many problems ahead of us, but by this time next year we can see light at the end of the_. ( A) battle ( B) day ( C) road ( D) tunnel 17 Professor Johnsons retirement_from next January. ( A) carries into effect ( B) takes effect ( C) has effect ( D) puts into effect 18 Many

16、 sat at the table, looked at the plate and_her lips. ( A) smacked ( B) opened ( C) parted ( D) separated 19 Shes always been kind to me I cant just turn_on her now that she needs my help. ( A) my back ( B) my head ( C) my eye ( D) my shoulder 20 When he first started in university, he really felt at

17、_with his major economics. ( A) shore ( B) bank ( C) ocean ( D) sea 一、 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark the co

18、rresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 20 The rich have traditionally passed their wealth on to their children. But an increasing number of billionaires are choosing not to. The reason? They want their children to live on themselves and

19、not to turn into spoiled successors. Nicola Horlick or “ supermom“ , a famous British billionaire, owing to the fact that she has high-flying jobs and five kids has spent her career making a report 250m. She now seems determined to throw off large parts of it. She already gives away about 25% of her

20、 income each year; she has just revealed, in a report on the state of charity in the city, that she will not be leaving most of the remainder to her children. “ I think it is wrong to give too much inherited wealth to children,“ Horlick told the reports authors. “I will not be leaving all my wealth

21、to my children because that would just ruin their lives. “ She is by no means the first to go public with this convition. Bill Gates has put an estimated $ 30bn into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was supplemented, in 2009, by another $ 24 bn or so from his friend Warren Buffett. Buffet

22、t has always been colorful, quotably clear on where he stands. His daughter often tells a story of finding herself without change for a car parking ticket her father lent her $ 20, then promptly made her write him a check. “To suggest that the children of the wealthy should be just as wealthy,“ he h

23、as said, “ is like saying the members of Americas 2004 Olympic team should be made up only of the children of the 1980 Olympic team. Antia Roddick, the late founder of the B。 dy Shop, told her kids that they would not inherit one penny. The money that she made from the company would go into the Body

24、 Shop Foundation, which isnt one of those awful tax shelters, like some in America. It just functions to take the money and give it away. 21 The billionaires mentioned in the passage dont want to leave much of their wealth to their children because_. ( A) they prefer to give their wealth to charity

25、( B) they want their business to go on healthily ( C) they believe too much wealth will harm their children ( D) they hope their children can make more money themselves 22 What do we learn about Nicola Horlick? ( A) She has already given away about 25% of her wealth. ( B) She is the first one who de

26、clares to give away her wealth. ( C) She will leave only a small portion of her wealth to her kids. ( D) She inherited most of her wealth from her parents. 23 Buffett distinguishes himself for_. ( A) his clear-cut position ( B) being strict with his children ( C) his talent in financial management (

27、 D) being a giant in the stock market 24 According to Buffetts daughter, her father_. ( A) refuses to lend her money ( B) wants her to invest in the Olympic Games ( C) never gives her more money than necessary ( D) always makes sure that she returns his money 25 The attitude of the writer toward tha

28、t billionaires dont pass their wealth to their children is ( A) negative ( B) positive ( C) objective ( D) casual 25 Much has been written about poverty but none of the accounts seem to get at the root of the problem. It must be noted that the debilitating effects of poverty are not only the result

29、of lack of money but are also the result of powerlessness. The poor are subject to their social situation instead of being able to affect it through action, that is, through behavior that flows from an individuals decisions and plans. In other words, when social scientists have reported on the psych

30、ological consequences of poverty, it seems reasonable to believe that they have described the psychological consequences of powerlessness. The solution to poverty most frequently suggested is to help the poor secure more money without otherwise changing the present power relationships. This appears

31、to implement the idea of equality while avoiding any unnecessary threat to the established centers of power. But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness, not to the absolute supply of money available to the poor, and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of

32、 money decreases as a society acquires a large supply of goods and services, the solution of raising the incomes of the poor is likely, unless accompanied by other measures, to be ineffective in a wealthy society. In order to reduce poverty related psychological and social problems in the United Sta

33、tes, the major community will have to change its relationship to neighborhoods of poverty in such fashion that families in the neighborhoods have a greater interest in the broader society and can more successfully participate in the decision-making process of the surrounding community. Social action

34、 to help the poor should have the following characteristics: the poor should see themselves as the source of the action; the action should effect in major ways the preconceptions of institutions and persons who define the poor; the action should demand much in effect or skill; the action should be s

35、uccessful and the successful self-originated important action should increase the feeling of potentialworth and individual power of individuals who are poor. The only initial resource which a community should provide to neighborhoods of poverty should be on a temporary basis and should consist of or

36、ganizers who will enable the neighborhoods quickly to create powerful, independent, democratic organizations of the poor. Through such organizations, the poor will then negotiate with the outsiders for resources and opportunities without having to submit to concurrent control from outside. 26 By “po

37、werless“ (sentence 2, Para 1) , the author most probably means that the poor_. ( A) have no right to make individual decisions and plans ( B) can not exercise control over other groups of people ( C) are not in a condition to change their present situation ( D) are too weak to resist any social situ

38、ation imposed on them 27 The author expresses his opinion in the first paragraph that_. ( A) the hopeless condition of the poor is caused by their powerlessness rather than lack of money ( B) great efforts should be made to help poor to secure more money without changing present power relationships

39、( C) it is no use raising the incomes of the poor while not improve their state of powerlessness ( D) in helping the poor attention should be paid to avoiding any unnecessary threat to the established centers of power 28 Social action to help the poor should have the characteristics include_. ( A) t

40、he poor should see themselves as the source of the action ( B) the action should effect in major ways preconceptions of institutions ( C) the action should demand much in effect or skill ( D) all of the above 29 According to the author, the primary role of the major community in helping the neighbor

41、hoods of poverty is_. ( A) to provide long-term assistance from outside ( B) to offer necessary opportunities of securing more money ( C) to carry out more social programs in the neighborhoods ( D) to lend experienced advice in the formation of democratic self-help organizations 30 What does the wor

42、d “concurrent“ (Para. 3) most probably mean? ( A) Following. ( B) Subsequent. ( C) Previous. ( D) Simultaneous. 31 The main purpose of the author in writing the passage is_. ( A) to criticize the present methods employed to help the poor ( B) to analyze the social and psychological aspects of povert

43、y ( C) to propose a way in which the poor can be more effectively helped ( D) to describe the attitude of the community towards the poor 31 Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permission or scan the Websites youve visited, or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit

44、 card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits. In fact, its likely some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoev

45、er it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked. Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that its important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain. The digi

46、tal bread crumbs (碎屑 ) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think. Like it or not, increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret. The key question

47、 is:Does that matter? For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no“. When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is “slipping awa

48、y, and that bothers me“. But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收费站 ) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few turn do

49、wn supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon(优惠券 ) . But privacy does matter at least sometimes. Its like health: When you have it you dont notice it.Only when its gone do you wish youd done more to protect it.


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