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1、大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 50及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 以秘书李文的名义,给 Alex George 写一份电话留言 ,包括以下内容: 来电话者: AAA 公司的 Mr. Smith 来电时间: 3 月 23 日上午 9: 00 出访日期: 3 月 26 日,星期一 航班号: CA1202 起飞 /到达时间: 8: 00/9: 40 访问意图: Mr. Smith 将于下周到 Alex Ge

2、orge 的办公室洽谈一项新的技术开发项目并询问对方时间是否合适,如果时间不合适请 Alex George 回电话。 2 假如你叫张明,你的美国朋友 Sam 打算今年 3 月到中国来学习汉语,你得知师范大学将于 3月 20 日举办为期六周的 “汉语培训班 ”,请写信将此消息告诉他。 信的内容应包括以下几点: 1.“汉语培训班 ”开班的时间、地点、学费; 2.如果他决定来,你愿意提供住宿并帮他练习汉语; 3.如果他来,请他帮你带一盘你喜欢的英文歌曲磁带。 3 假定你是 ABC 公司的 Sam,刚从纽约旅行回来,请你给在美国旅行期间接待你的 Joe 写一封感谢信。 写信日期: 3 月 12 日 内

3、容: 1.感谢他在你旅行期间对你的热情招待; 2.在信中告诉他,你很喜欢纽约,那里的风景给你留下了很深刻的印象,希望有机会能再次去纽约; 3.热情欢迎他来中国旅行。 注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、写信人的署名等基本书信格式。 4 说明:假定你是 ABC 公司人力资源的秘书,根据以下要求写一份招聘启事,包括以下内容: 1.英语专业毕业; 2.优先考虑有相关工作经验的 求职者; 3.熟悉办公室工作,熟练运用计算机应用软件; 4.有意者请发简历至邮箱: 。 大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 50答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions

4、: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 【正确答案】 A Telephone Message To: Alex George Time: 9:00 a.m., March 23 Message: Mr. Smith of AAA company is scheduled to visit your office on March 26, Monday. His flight No.is CA1202 which takes off from Beijing at 8:00 a.m.and arrives in

5、 Shanghai at 9:40. He is expecting to discuss with you about the technical cooperation on a new project. Ring back to check whether the time is suitable. From: Li Wen 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 March 19 Dear Sam, How are you getting on? Im glad to know that you are coming to China to learn Chinese in March.

6、 Here is some information about Chinese training in the Normal College. There is going to be a Chinese training course. It will start on March 20 and last six weeks. The course will cost 60 a week. If you come, you can live in my house and Im glad to help you practice Chinese. By the way, I enjoy En

7、glish songs. Would you please get me a tape of English songs? That will be helpful for my English study. Im really looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Zhang Ming 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 March 12 Dear Joe, Im Sam from ABC Company. Im writing to you to express my appreciation for your hospitality du

8、ring my travel in the United States. New York is a vibrant and fascinating city and I like it very much. I hope to have chance to go there and meet you again. Meantime, I sincerely invite you to come to China and it would be my honor to be your guide. Look forward to seeing you again. Sincerely your

9、s, Sam 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Wanted Our ABC Company is looking for some new staff. We are majoring in international trades and have already gained much reputation over the past years. We hope the applicants should meet the following requirements. First, the applicants should be graduates of English Maj

10、or. Second, it will be preferable if the applicants have relevant experience. Third, the ability to deal with office work and capability of operating the computer software are also essential. If you are interested in this offer, please send your resume to the e-mail . Human Resources of ABC Company 【知识模块】 作文


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