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1、大学英语三级 B级(阅读)练习试卷 6及答案与解析 Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 0 A few ways Greyhound can make

2、your next trip even easier Tickets by mail Avoid lining up altogether, but purchasing your tickets in advance, and having them delivered tight to your mailbox. Just call Greyhound at least ten days before your departure. (1-800-231-2222) Prepaid tickets Its easy to purchase a ticket for a friend or

3、family member no matter how many details on how to buy a prepaid ticket Ticketing requirement Greyhound now requires that all tickets have travel dates fixed at the time of purchase. Children under two years of age travel free with an adult who has a ticket. If your destination(目的地 )is to Canada or

4、Mexico Passengers travelling to Canada or Mexico must have the proper travel documents. US, Canadian or Mexican citizens should have birth certificate, passport or naturalization(入籍 )paper. If you are not a citizen of the US, Canada or Mexico, a passport is required. In certain cases a visa may be r

5、equired as well. These documents will be necessary and may be checked at, or before, boarding a bus departing for Canada or Mexico. 1 From the passage, we can learn that “Greyhound” is probably the name of _ ( A) an airline ( B) a hotel ( C) a website ( D) a bus company 2 Why should people call Grey

6、hound for tickets in advance? ( A) To avoid waiting in lines at the booking office ( B) To hand in necessary travelling documents ( C) To get tickets from the nearest terminal ( D) To fix the travelling destination in time 3 What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets? ( A) They are not available

7、for travelling outside the US. ( B) Travellers should buy their tickets in person. ( C) Babies can not travel free with their parents. ( D) They have the exact travel date on them. 4 When people are travelling to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for _ ( A) American citizens ( B) Japanese citiz

8、ens ( C) Mexican citizens ( D) Canadian citizens 5 This passage mainly offers information about _. ( A) how to prepare documents for travelling with Greyhound ( B) how to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with it ( C) how to make your trip with Greyhound interesting ( D) how to travel from the

9、US to Canada and Mexico Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 5 People who work night shifts are constantly fighting against an “internal clock” in their bodies. Quite often the clock tells them to sleep when their jo

10、b requires them to remain fully awake. Its no wonder that more accidents happen during night shifts than at any other time. Light therapy(光照治疗法 )with a bright light box can help night-shift workers adjust their internal clock. However, many doctors recommend careful planning to help improve sleep pa

11、tterns For example, night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning when they get off work because the bodys natural rhythm(节律 )fights back, no matter how tired they are. Some experts recommend that night-shift workers schedule two smaller sleep periods-one in the morning after w

12、ork, and another longer one in the afternoon, closer to when the body would naturally need to sleep. Its also helpful to ask friends and family to cooperate by avoiding visits and phone calls during the time when you are sleeping. 6 Night-shift workers are those who _ ( A) have to pay on their inter

13、nal clock ( B) need to re-adjust their clock ( C) fall asleep late at night ( D) have to work at night 7 In order to remain fully awake at work, people working night shifts should _. ( A) have longer sleep periods after work ( B) make the light darker than usual ( C) try to reset their “internal clo

14、ck” ( D) pay more attention to their work 8 Many doctors think it is helpful for night-shift workers _ ( A) to sleep with a bright light on ( B) to plan sleep patterns carefully ( C) to avoid being disturbed at work ( D) to sleep for a long time after work 9 Night-shift workers often find it difficu

15、lt to sleep in the morning because _ ( A) their internal clock will not allow them to ( B) they are often disturbed by morning visits ( C) they are not trying hard enough to do so ( D) they are too tired to go to sleep well 10 According to the passage, some doctors recommend that night-shift workers

16、 should _. ( A) have frequent visits and phone calls ( B) improve their family relationship ( C) have two smaller sleep periods ( D) rely mainly on light therapy 大学英语三级 B级(阅读)练习试卷 6答案与解析 Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbe

17、red 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据文中最后 “boarding a bus departing for Canada or Mexico”可知,它指的是公汽公可。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正 确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文章第一句 “Avoid lining up altogether, but purc

18、hasing your tickets in advance, ” 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第三段: “Greyhound now requires that all tickets have travel dates fixed at the time of purchase. ” 【知识模块】 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 If you are not a citizen of the us can adore Mexico a passport is required 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 综合题,

19、文中提到了如何购票、购票需求、凭此票旅游注意事项等。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据短文前两句可知, “night-shift workers“就是那些值夜班的工人。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文第四句提到一种光照治疗法,其实就是为了调节他们的内部时钟。 “Lig

20、ht therapy(光照治疗法 )with a bright light box can help night-shift workers adjust their internal clock. ” 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文第五句 “However, many doctors recommend careful planning to help improve sleep patterns”,接着说明安排睡眠模式。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 为什么值夜班的工人在早上难以入睡 ? 从短文中的举例说明怎样安排睡眠模式可知, 原因在于人体内的自然节律,也就是内部时钟。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文倒数第二句: “Some experts recommend that night-shift workers schedule two smaller sleep periods” 【知识模块】 阅读理解


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