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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 182及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Its very far from here. ( B) I come from other country. ( C) Sorry, Im new here. ( D) I work in a bank. ( A) Its him. ( B) Yes, it is. ( C) Its mine. ( D) Its my. ( A) Im reading the hook. ( B) Thank you very much. ( C) I think it is very interestin

3、g. ( D) I think so. ( A) Since yesterday. ( B) Two weeks ago. ( C) Yes, its a long way to China. ( D) Three weeks. ( A) No, you cant. ( B) I am kind-hearted. ( C) Youre right. ( D) Go ahead. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorde

4、d dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It is easy. ( B) It is hard. ( C) It is boring. ( D) It is inter

5、esting. ( A) At six. ( B) At seven. ( C) An hour earlier. ( D) At five. ( A) 4 dollars. ( B) 7.5 dollars. ( C) 12 dollars. ( D) 8 dollars. ( A) At a book store ( B) In a classroom. ( C) In a library. ( D) In a reading room. ( A) It is not very good. ( B) Its excellent. ( C) Its not as good as his ot

6、her novels. ( D) There is room for improvement. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the bl

7、ank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 11 A lift is wonderful. Its also (11) for us. Think about a tall building. Maybe it has twenty floors, maybe it has (12) or more. Who can walk all these stairs

8、every day? So if we use a lift to go up and down, it will be easier for us to live in a tall building. We can have tall buildings because we have lifts. Sometimes a worker (13) in the lift. He or she runs it up and down. In (14) lifts there is no worker. The people walk in. They know what floor they

9、 want to go. They push a (15) and the lift goes to that floor. Its very fast and easy. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 Do yo

10、u think John will call his girl friend as soon as he _ in town? ( A) will arrive ( B) arrives ( C) arrived ( D) had arrived 17 _ from the top of the hill, the lake is just like a mirror. ( A) Seeing ( B) Having seen ( C) To see ( D) Seen 18 My children are looking forward to _ a trip to Beijing next

11、 week. ( A) make ( B) be making ( C) making ( D) have made 19 It is important that the committee _ about the project at once. ( A) be informed ( B) will be informed ( C) is informed ( D) being informed 20 Something is wrong with my bike. I must have it _. ( A) fixed ( B) fix ( C) to fix ( D) be fixe

12、d 21 _ is the date today? ( A) When ( B) What ( C) Which ( D) How 22 She is flying to Shanghai _ an important academic conference. ( A) at ( B) in ( C) to ( D) for 23 By the end of that year Alice _ more than a thousand foreign stamps. ( A) had collected ( B) has collected ( C) had been collected (

13、D) has been collected 24 The new coat _ her 100 dollars. ( A) took ( B) cost ( C) spent ( D) paid 25 Encourage children to _ some of their pocket money to buy Spring Festival presents. ( A) set out ( B) take off ( C) put aside ( D) give in Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements her

14、e. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 Have they made any (inquire) _after me? 27 Many foreign words and phrases have (rich) _the English language. 28 His (perform) _in the sports meet was not good. 29 They are busy with preparing for the evening

15、(gather) _. 30 It is not (reason) _for children to ask their parents for too ninny things. 31 You can judge his feeling from his (face) _expressions. 32 He left the house without my (aware) _. 33 In the relationship with others, you will notice some (annoy) _habits. 34 (obvious)_, he hasnt realized

16、the mistake he made. 35 If you had been more (care) _, you wouldnt have made so many mistakes. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.

17、 You should make the correct choice. 36 Its that time of year when we pack up our bags and head to the beach for the day to enjoy those warm sunrays and tile refreshing sound of the lapping water. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day

18、 and all the way home. First, before you leave home, if youve got long hair, pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when youre swimming. Second, slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, and then toss the sunscreen in your bag

19、 so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. Dont let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Why not get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh? Make sure youve got all the daily essentials in your bag-sunglasses, sunscreen, a good book, a floppy hat, some lip gl

20、oss, and any other makeup touch ups youll want. If you plan to wear eye makeup, make sure its waterproof. Stay away from heavy foundations, If you must apply something, use a bronzer moisturizer. Its also a good idea to bring lip balm with an SPF15 to protect your lips. It never hurts to put some mo

21、isturizer in the bag. include a snack and plenty of fluids. Its important not to get dehydrated (使脱水 ). My favorite beach look is this. And whats perfect is that it keeps me looking fashion fresh throughout the day and takes me fight into the evening. 36 The word “tips“ in the first sentence of the

22、second paragraph means_. ( A) clothes ( B) words ( C) tour ( D) clues 37 Which one of the following sentences is TRUE? ( A) The author told us to bring as many things as you can. ( B) Before you leave the house, it is no use wiping the sunscreen. ( C) It is very important to make yourself not to get

23、 dehydrated. ( D) A big bag is not necessary for you. 38 If you want to go to the beach , what should you prepare for your hair?_ ( A) Some funky hair accessories. ( B) Mirrors. ( C) Sunglasses. ( D) A good book. 39 Which of the following is essential in your bag in the article? _ ( A) Chair. ( B) S

24、unglasses. ( C) Shirt. ( D) Coat. 40 Which one is the best title for this article?_ ( A) Look Fashionable At The Beach! ( B) Beautiful Beaches! ( C) Traveling Around The World! ( D) Vocations On The Beach! Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements a

25、re numbered 41 through 45. 41 We know that, for the most part, the bigger a mans muscles are, the stronger he is. Can it be considered, then, that the larger the brain a man has, the cleverer he is? The answer is no. There are only two animals that have larger brains than man, the whale and the elep

26、hant. Yet, according to his size, mans brain is larger. Mans brain usually weighs about three pounds or a little more, and this is about one-fortieth of the weight of his whole body. The whales body, on the other hand, is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the elephants body is about fiv

27、e hundred times as heavy. But a man who has a large brain is not necessarily cleverer than one whose brain is smaller. We know that geniuses have existed who have had very large brains, but there have been others whose brains were rather small. We do not understand why some people are cleverer than

28、others. Whether our brains are large or small is less important than that we try to do our very best. 41 _a man with the large brain must be cleverer. ( A) It is known to all that ( B) Of course ( C) We can not think that ( D) Not 42 According to the size, a mans brain is_. ( A) the third largest (

29、B) larger than any other animals ( C) smaller than the whales and the elephants ( D) the second largest 43 Mans body is_his brain. ( A) forty-one times as weighty as ( B) forty times weightier than ( C) thirty-nine times as weighty as ( D) forty times the weighty of 44 _geniuses have very large brai

30、ns. ( A) Not all ( B) All ( C) The ( D) None of 45 Whether we gain success depends mainly on_. ( A) large brains ( B) genius ( C) hard work ( D) cleverness Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50)

31、. You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 This practice book is intended for foreign engineers or students of engineering who have already mastered the elements of English, and who now want to use their knowledge of the language to read books on their own su

32、bjects. Readers should understand, however, that the purpose of the book is to teach language, not to teach engineering. The language in which scientific and technical words facts are expressed is certainly not a different language from that of daily life, but all the same it presents the foreign st

33、udent with a number of special problems. The most obvious and the most widely recognized of these problems is the vocabulary. Much more difficult are the semi-scientific or semi-technical words which have a whole range of meanings and are frequently used idiomatically. One of the aims of this practi

34、ce book is to present as many of these words as possible, and as often as possible: words such as work, paint, load, feed and force. Words like these may look harmless, but they can cause a lot of trouble for the students. But more than anything else, I have tried to describe the technical statement

35、: that is, the completed sentence rather than the individual word. Many of the structures illustrated in this book are essential to the expression of technical facts and ideas-at least for the present. This practice book is aimed at (46) and primarily addressed to (47) and students engaged in engine

36、ering. Semi-scientific or semi-technical words are difficult to understand because they (48) . The main characteristic of the book is that the book emphasizes on the practice of (49) . Many structures illustrated in the book are essential to the expression of technical (50) . Task 4 Directions: The

37、following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A. Financial deficits J. Circulating fund B. Financial and monetary cris

38、is K. Electronic currency C. Cut down expenditures L. Stock exchange D. Bubble economy M. Commodity economy E. Economic boom N. National economy F. Export-oriented economy O. Knowledge economy G. Foreign exchange budget P. Intensive investment H. Administrative expenditure Q. Investment in real esta

39、tes I. Floating capital R. Idle capital 51 ( ) 泡沫经济 ( ) 削减开支 52 ( ) 外汇预算 ( ) 周转资金 53 ( ) 财政赤字 ( ) 外向型经济 54 ( ) 商品经济 ( ) 房地产投资 55 ( ) 闲置资本 ( ) 财政金融危机 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) followi

40、ng them. 56 NOTICE TO ALL STAFF Due to the recent government financial cuts, we have been forced to make the following changes: Meals & light refreshments: The canteen will only be open for meals between 12 p.m.-2 p.m. and 6p.m.-8p.m It will not be open in the morning or afternoon. Coffee and tea wi

41、ll be available from the automatic machines. Telephone calls: All outside telephone calls must go through the switchboard (总机 ). Heating: The central heating system will only operate between October 1st and April 30th and will have a constant temperature of 19 . Travel expense: If you wish to reclai

42、m travel expense, you must fill in a claim form, attach a receipt and state the purpose of the journey. 56 Why does the company make these changes? Because of _ . 57 When will the canteen be open in the evening? 58 Where do you get coffee and tea? 59 At what temperature does the central heating syst

43、em keep? 60 In order to get back travel expense, what will you have to do? You have to fill in a claim form, _, and state the purpose of the journey. 61 Air-conditioning can protect us from the extreme hot. ( A)空调在酷热天保护我们。 ( B)空调可使我们免受酷热之苦。 ( C)空调使我们遭受酷热之苦。 ( D)空调保护使我们遭受酷热之苦。 62 The pilot will be ab

44、le to see on the screen whether another planes course conflicts with his own. ( A)飞行员可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否占据了自己的跑道。 ( B)飞行员可以从屏幕上看到 另一架飞机是否停在跑道上。 ( C)飞行员不可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否在自己的跑道上滑行。 ( D)飞行员可以从屏幕上看到另一架飞机是否在自己的跑道准备起飞。 63 Great ftres often occur around Christmas, causing great loss of life and property. ( A)大的

45、火灾经常发生在圣诞节,给生命和财产巨大破坏。 ( B)大的火灾经常发生在圣诞节前,没有生命和财产的巨大破坏。 ( C)大的火灾经常发生在圣诞节前后,造成生命和财 产的巨大损失。 ( D)大的火灾经常发生在圣诞节,造成生命和财产的巨大损失。 64 Department stores play slower music during the five weekdays to encourage shopping. ( A)百货商店在五天工作日播放慢节奏的音乐来鼓励消费。 ( B)百货商店在五天工作日玩慢节奏的音乐来鼓励消费。 ( C)百货商店在五天工作日没有播放慢节奏的音乐却能控制消费。 ( D)

46、百货商店在五天工作日播放音乐来消费。 65 Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all very much for giving me a chance to say something about myself on this special occasion. During the past four years since I took charge of the department, the sales volume of our products has grown fast and greatly and I am really proud of my

47、 department and staff. Sometimes some people ask me about the secret of such growth, and I always reply like this: its the harmony in the department. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or compositi

48、on according to the following information. 66 海 报 为迎接 “十一 ”,本商场所有沪产运动鞋对折销售,尺寸齐全,款式新颖,质量上乘,时间就在今明两天,地点在本购物中心底楼。 不要犹豫,不要错过良机。请仔细挑选,一旦售出,概不调换或退款。 第一百货商店鞋帽部 2008年 9月 30日 Words for reference:调换 replacement,退款 refunding 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 182答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices


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