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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 78及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 中国的饺子是春节最重要的食物之一由于它们的形状类似于古代金银 元宝 (ingot),因此它们象征着财富。家人们会在除夕夜聚在一起来包饺子。他们会在一个饺子里藏一枚钱币,吃到它的人会在来年走好运。中国的饺子在其他节日也很受欢迎,因此它是中国文化传统的一部分。中国的饺子很美味。你可以依据自己的口味,采用不同的 馅料 (filling)来包不同种类的饺子。 2 在 1978年以前,中国经济中农业基础很差,轻工业和重工业的比例很不均衡。自 1978年起,中国采取了一系列政策,优先考虑发展轻工业,加强

2、基础工业和设备的建设,并且致力于发展 第三产业 (tertiary industry),从而让中国的经济结构更加 协调 (coordinated)、 优化 (optimized)和平衡。不同产业之间以及产业内部的比例关系已经有了明显的改善。第一产业的比例下降了,而第二产业和第三产业的比例则上升了。 3 在中国,北方的冬天在 12月和 3月之间,相当 寒冷 (chilly)。北京的气温不会在 O 以上,尽管通常会比较干燥和晴朗。长城以北,在 内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)和黑龙江,要冷得多。北方的夏季在 5月和 8月之间。北京的气温偶尔会达到 37 ,甚至更高。 7月和 8月同时也是这个

3、城市的雨季。春秋季是游览的最好季节。白天的气温会在 21 至 29 之间,而且雨水偏少。 4 中国政府非常重视环境保护方面的法律法规 建设 (formulation),而且已经将环境保护纳入到了法律 范畴 (orbit)内。迄今为止,已经 颁布(promulgate)了环保方面的五个特别法和九个自然资源法。另外, 国务院(the State Council)已经出台了 30多项环保方面的行政法规。伴随着重大建设项目的增多,中国政府于 1998年就出台了建设项目的环境保护法规,从而进一步加强环保管理,控制新污染源和保护生态环境。 5 自改革开放以来,中国的邮政和电信产业发展进入了一个历史性阶段。

4、中国的邮政网络实现了整体性服务和多运输渠道。电话网络的规模以及科技和服务的水平都发生了 质的飞跃 (qualitative Ieaps)。中国已经建立了自已的公共电信网络来覆盖整个国家,并且还与世界其他地方相连接。还采用了许多先进的方法,包括光纤 (optical cables)、数字微波网络、卫星、移动通信和数字通信。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 78答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in the Spring Festival. Sinc

5、e the shape of dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. The members of a family get together to make dumplings during the New Years Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who finds the coin while eating will likely have a good fortu

6、ne in the New Year. Chinese dumpling is also popular in other Chinese festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture and tradition. Chinese dumpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese dumplings using different fillings based on your taste. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “最重要的食物之一 ”可译为 one of the

7、 most important foods。 2第二句中, “类似于 ”可译为 is similar to。 3第四句中, “吃到它的人会在来年走好运 ”中 “人 ”是主语, “走好运 ”是谓语,“吃到它的 ”是 “人 ”的定语,所以可译为 The person who finds thecoin while eating will likely have a good fortune。 4第七句中, “依据自己的口味 ”可译为 based on your taste; “不同种类的 ”可译为 a variety of。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 Before 1978, Ch

8、inas economy had a weak foundation in agriculture, and the ratio between light and heavy industries was quite unbalanced. Since 1978, China has adopted a series of policies giving priority to the development of light industry, strengthening the construction of basic industry and facilities, and devo

9、ting major efforts to developing tertiary industry, so as to make Chinas economic structure more coordinated, optimized and balanced. The relations between different industries and within industries in terms of proportion have clearly been improved. The proportion of primary industry has declined, w

10、hile that of the secondary and tertiary industries has grown. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “农业基础 ”可译为 foundation in agriculture; “比例很不均衡 ”可译为 the ratio between light and heavy industries was quite unbalanced。 2第二句中, “自 起 ”一般译为 Since ,且后面主句要用现在完成时; “采取了一系列政策 ”可译为 has adopted a series of policies; “优先考虑 ” 、 “加强 ” 和

11、“致力于 ” 均应用现在分词结构作状语。 3第三句中, “有了明显的改善 ”用被动语态结构,而且要用现在完成时,可译为have clearly been improved。 4第四句中, “第二产业和第三产业的比例 ”可译为 that of the secondaryand tertiary industries,其中 that替代前半句中提到过的 proportion。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 In China, winters in the North fall between December and March and are incredibly chilly. B

12、eijings temperature does not rise above 0 , although it will generally be dry and sunny. North of the Great Wall, into Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, it is much colder. Summer in the North is around May to August. Beijings temperature can occasionally rise to 37C and even higher. July and August a

13、re also the rainy months in the city. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for visiting it. Daytime temperatures are between 21 and 29 ,and there is less rain. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “在 12月和 3月之间 ”可译为 fall between December andMarch,此处 fall意为 “适逢,正当 (某日 )”。 2第二句中, “尽管通常会比较干燥和晴朗 ”为让步状语从句,可译为 although it will

14、 generally be dry and sunny。 3第三句中, “要冷得多 ”要用比较级,可译为 it is much colder。 4第五句中, “偶尔会达到 ”可译为 occasionally rise to。 5第六句中, “雨季 ”可译为 rainy months。 6第八句中, “白天的气 温 ”可译为 Daytime temperatures。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 The Chinese government attaches great importance to the formulation of laws and regulations on

15、 environmental protection, and has brought the environmental protection into the legal orbit. Up to now, five special laws and nine natural resources laws related to environmental protection have been promulgated. In addition, the State Council has worked out over 30 administrative laws and regulati

16、ons on environmental protection. Along with the increase of large construction projects, the Chinese government in 1998 worked out the regulations of construction projects on environmental protection to further strengthen environmental protection management, control new pollution sources and protect

17、 the ecological environment. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “非常重视 ”可译为 attaches great importance to;“法律法规 ”可译为 laws and regulations; “将环境保护纳入到了 内 ”可译为brought the environmental protection into 。 2第二句中, “已经颁布了 ”用被动语态结构,可译为 have beenpromulgated。 3第三句中, “已经出台了 ”可译为 has worked out。 4第四句中, “伴随着 ” 可译为 Along with ; “进一步加强 ”

18、可译为 tofurther strengthen; “生态环境 ”可译为 ecological environment。 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 Since reform and opening up, the development of posts and telecommunications has entered a new historical stage. Chinas postal network has realized complete services and multiple transportation means. The scale of the

19、telephone network and the level of technology and services have all realized qualitative leaps. China has built up its public communications network to cover the whole nation and link it up with the rest of the world. Many advanced methods are used, including optical cables, digital microwave networ

20、ks, satellites, mobile telecommunications and digital communications. 【试题解析】 1第一句中, “自改革开放以来 ”可译为 Since reform and opening up,主句用现在完成时; “进入了一个历史 性阶段 ”可译为 has entered a newhistorical stage。 2第二句中, “整体性服务和多运输渠道 ”可译为 complete services andmultiple transportation means。 3第三句中, “电话网络的规模 ”可译为 The scale of

21、the telephone network; “科技和服务的水平 ”可译为 the level of technology and services。 4第四句中, “与世界其他地方相连接 ”可译为 link it up with the rest of theworld。 5第五句中, “还采用了许多先进的方法 ”用被动语态结构,可译为Manyadvanced methods are used; “包括 ” 用现在分词结构,可译为including ; “移动通信和数字通信 ”可译为 mobile telecommunicationsand digital communications。 【知识模块】 段落翻译


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