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1、托业(阅读)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 一、完成句子 1 According to the specifications, the two products are intended for two different uses, though at first glance they look _ identical. ( A) near ( B) nears ( C) nearing ( D) nearly 2 All factory workers are required to report to the auditorium _ Tuesday morning for an auxi

2、liary training session. ( A) on ( B) of ( C) at ( D) in 3 Every item that leaves our warehouse is guaranteed to meet the highest _ set by our internal quality control team. ( A) standards ( B) appeals ( C) classifications ( D) results 4 Mr. Aldridge _ to chair the committee on ethics reform although

3、 he has no experience in such a leadership position. ( A) proposed ( B) insisted ( C) advised ( D) supported 5 The budget committee performed an _ review of Dr. Garners grant application and ultimately decided to provide him with full funding. ( A) extending ( B) extension ( C) extensive ( D) extens

4、ively 6 To submit the change of address form, simply _ the bottom portion from the rest of the page, sign it, and mail it to the address shown. ( A) gather ( B) enclose ( C) attach ( D) detach 7 Members of the board have expressed _ confidence in the new CEOs ability to come up with a profitable pro

5、duction model. ( A) resolved ( B) absolute ( C) exact ( D) detailed 8 A little over 6,000 prominent news journalists have come together _ the eighth annual Outstanding Achievement in Newscasting award ceremony. ( A) to attend ( B) attendant ( C) attendance ( D) attend 9 No one will be admitted to th

6、e briefing room during Ms. Palmers speech, so it is important that you arrive prior _ the scheduled start time of 3:30. ( A) to ( B) than ( C) from ( D) at 10 Unfortunately, the director of FanTechs marketing department will be unable to be present at the meeting due to a scheduling _. ( A) conflict

7、s ( B) conflicting ( C) conflicted ( D) conflict 11 All forms of household waste _ those listed on the side of the bin can be left at the curb for the municipal recycling pickup service. ( A) despite ( B) considering ( C) throughout ( D) except 12 _ of food and other vital supplies to victims remain

8、s hampered as a result of road damage caused by the storm. ( A) Distribution ( B) Assertion ( C) Nomination ( D) Recognition 13 A leader in shipping for over 60 years, Hansen Cargo & Freight _ day and night to any location in the greater San Fernando metropolitan area. ( A) delivering ( B) delivers

9、( C) deliveries ( D) to deliver 14 YTL reminds its customers that electronics products are quite _ and should always be handled with care to ensure proper operation. ( A) available ( B) fragile ( C) cautious ( D) helpless 15 Carla Tran, Mr. Fitchs boss at the recycling plant, asked that _ monitor th

10、e central processing core carefully over the next few days. ( A) himself ( B) him ( C) his ( D) he 16 Sales of the software package have not been _ impressive, owing in part to a number of unfixed bugs that carried over from previous versions. ( A) well ( B) even ( C) very ( D) soon 17 It may have b

11、een a _ decision for Mr. Sheridan to open his coffee roasting business at a time when world prices for beans are at an all-time high. ( A) minimal ( B) slim ( C) poor ( D) delicate 18 _ construction of the ski resort is lagging a full month behind schedule, investors are confident it will be complet

12、ed before the first snowfall. ( A) Although ( B) Whereas ( C) Since ( D) Until 19 The sellers prefer that the open house until they finish painting the exterior trim and _ installing the new landscaping. ( A) has been postponed ( B) will postpone ( C) be postponed ( D) postpone 20 Fourth-quarter fig

13、ures for Lee & Wang Manufacturing were up 3.6% from the previous year, but they still failed to _ analysts predictions. ( A) introduce ( B) meet ( C) acquaint ( D) associate 21 Ms. Adams is the _ who picked up the packet of promotional materials that came yesterday. ( A) one ( B) those ( C) others (

14、 D) anybody 22 The hiring committee reported that the candidates _ experience with publishing was the reason they denied him the position. ( A) least of all ( B) so little ( C) hardly any ( D) lack of 23 Cartwright Publications is seeking a highly qualified graphic designer to _ the look of its rath

15、er outdated corporate logo. ( A) describe ( B) illustrate ( C) enhance ( D) increase 24 Investment consultants have always maintained that it is more _ to diversify ones portfolio than to focus on only one or two stocks. ( A) advantageously ( B) advantages ( C) advantageous ( D) advantaged 25 Report

16、s of problems with any of the machinery on the assembly line should be forwarded _ to the maintenance department. ( A) directly ( B) openly ( C) strongly ( D) importantly 26 Records show that the federal government is the _ largest purchaser of the firms advanced aerospace technologies. ( A) later (

17、 B) single ( C) once ( D) every 27 Workers who can multitask undertaking up to five activities at one time and successfully managing all of them are in demand now more than _. ( A) whenever ( B) ever ( C) just ( D) then 28 If Assam Motors had opened its new facility on schedule, it _ its output befo

18、re the close of the 2010 fiscal year. ( A) had been doubling ( B) could have doubled ( C) will double ( D) should double 29 Anyone interested in participating in the forum discussion on climate change can register for the event online _ do so by phone at 555-2396. ( A) and ( B) or ( C) but ( D) nor

19、30 Due to _ beyond the airlines control, all flights out of our hub in Frankfurt have been canceled until further notice. ( A) circumstances ( B) episodes ( C) qualifications ( D) instances 31 Employees are encouraged to support the greening of the home office in _ ways they feel most comfortable. (

20、 A) whenever ( B) whichever ( C) however ( D) wherever 32 The workers who prove themselves to be the most _ are those who have the best chance at advancement within the company. ( A) residual ( B) utmost ( C) comprehensive ( D) industrious 33 A customer feedback campaign conducted last year with gre

21、at success and _ this year with equally positive results is providing our marketing staff with invaluable data. ( A) yet ( B) prior ( C) seldom ( D) again 34 In a shrinking economy, consumers are unlikely to continue purchasing luxury goods like hotel stays and travel packages, _ increasing their sp

22、ending on them. ( A) so much ( B) much less ( C) no less than ( D) more or less 35 You should attempt to correct problems with your work computer _ an IT expert cannot be reached for assistance in a timely fashion. ( A) only if ( B) so as ( C) rather than ( D) in order that 36 Senator Reynolds says

23、that an emergency legislative session can be convened on Wednesday morning at 8:30 if _. ( A) necessity ( B) necessarily ( C) necessary ( D) necessities 37 The business venture, presented as both risky and only _ profitable, was deemed unworthy of support by the elite group of financial backers. ( A

24、) improbably ( B) marginally ( C) simplistically ( D) ineffectively 38 The mayors office has issued a _ that the police department concentrate on preventing violent crime instead of concerning itself with minor traffic violations. ( A) report ( B) prospect ( C) mandate ( D) conference 39 The fact th

25、at Fielding Farm Equipment has experienced _ industrial accidents over the past decade has contributed to the companys excellent safety reputation. ( A) a few ( B) very few ( C) fewest ( D) the few 40 The anti-cholesterol drug Phisor has yet to be approved for use in _ with pharmaceuticals that trea

26、t heart disease. ( A) partnership ( B) accordance ( C) teamwork ( D) conjunction 二、短文填空 40 Attn: All Staff The purpose of this memo is to warn you about a disruption to the companys Internet service. From 12 pm to 6 pm on Wednesday the IT team (81) a new server for the entire network. The new server

27、 should allow us to store larger amounts of data more reliably, so it is a valuable change. (82) , this means that you will not be able to access the Intemet from your work computer on Wednesday afternoon. For some employees, such as sales staff and customer relations managers, Internet access and e

28、mail are essential. Those employees will be given permission to work from home on that afternoon. For all other staff, please be sure to prepare offline tasks to carry out during this time. We thank you for your understanding and hope that the upgrade does not cause too much (83) for employees. Rega

29、rds, Naomi Lyneham, General Manager ( A) will be installing ( B) would install ( C) will be installed ( D) has been installed ( A) Moreover ( B) Otherwise ( C) However ( D) Likewise ( A) dependence ( B) hassle ( C) patience ( D) cooperation 43 To: Carl Webb From: Manu Tuariki Subject: Follow up Date

30、: October 26 Hi Carl, Im sending this email to follow up on our meeting last week about the work schedule for next month. Im nearly finished with the work plan, but I just need to (84) a couple of things. Firstly, thank you for your (85) that Mike Wallis take care of the Anderson Steel project. Mike

31、 has previous experience consulting for the construction industry, so he should have the skills to handle this well. Secondly, further to our discussion about conducting a financial audit next month, I think that the accounting team may need some outside support. I would like to outsource some of th

32、e work to Vincent & Co. Accountants. Their work for us on aligning the 2009 budget was outstanding, and Im sure they (86) excellent service this time as well. Would you like me to go ahead and arrange this? Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Cheers, Manu ( A) confirm ( B) deli

33、ver ( C) administer ( D) reform ( A) admission ( B) commission ( C) suggestion ( D) detention ( A) are providing ( B) have provided ( C) provide ( D) will provide 46 Dear New Haven resident, (87) the New Haven Childrens Foundation, I would like to cordially invite you to the 2nd Annual Kids Chorus C

34、oncert. The concert offers a chance for children and young people all around the region to sing and perform in front of a large audience. Last years inaugural event was extremely successful, raising over $50,000 for the foundation. This money was invested in resources for children, including a brand

35、 new skateboard park on Harris Street. Over 2,000 patrons watched the first Kids Chorus Concert last year at Verity Hall. Attendance at this years event is (88) to be even higher, so were moving to a larger venue. The concert will be in the Wafford Amphitheater at 5:30 pm on Monday, August 16. Ticke

36、ts cost just $25 per person. I encourage you to make a big contribution to the local community by showing (89) support for this event. The children and young people of New Haven will thank you! Kind regards, Ben Hilman Chairman, New Haven Childrens Fundation ( A) According to ( B) On behalf of ( C)

37、As to ( D) Instead of ( A) projects ( B) projected ( C) projecting ( D) to project ( A) impotent ( B) offensive ( C) enthusiastic ( D) absent 49 Cold Snap Predicted The citizens of Chicago are getting ready for a severe winter storm that (90) to hit the area overnight. The cold weather system, which

38、 has moved down from Canada, will bring freezing temperatures, increased moisture, and high winds to the city and surrounding regions. Forecasters are predicting that the city may receive more than 50 cm of snow in the next 24 hours. (91) this prediction proves correct, it will be the heaviest snowf

39、all in the city for more than 50 years. The citys emergency services are already on alert, and the fire department and city hospitals have called in extra staff. Residents are advised to stay indoors until the storm dies down, and to check on elderly or sick friends and relatives. By taking proper c

40、are of themselves and their loved ones, they may be able to (92) the demand for emergency services. ( A) is expecting ( B) is expected ( C) will be expecting ( D) will be expected ( A) Should ( B) If ( C) Unless ( D) While ( A) increase ( B) lessen ( C) meet ( D) exclude 三、阅读理解 52 From: Grace Sylves

41、ter To: Kevin Malone Subject: Recent Appointment Dear Mr. Malone, Thank you for visiting the Madison County Medical Clinic on Monday. I hope that you were satisfied with the level of service and care that you received. As you requested in our recent phone conversation, I have included a scanned copy

42、 of the medical certificate, signed by Dr. Edwards, as an attachment to this email. Should the electronic copy of this document be unacceptable to your employer, I will post the original document to them directly. Please let me know if this is necessary. Please note that, in the future, I recommend

43、that you request a copy of your certificate when you see the doctor. This is much simpler and more convenient for everybody. Regards, Grace Sylvester Secretary Madison County Medical Clinic 53 What is the purpose of this email? ( A) To forward a document ( B) To request a payment ( C) To postpone an

44、 appointment ( D) To renew medical insurance 54 What is Mr. Malone advised to do next time? ( A) Keep all documentation and receipts ( B) Obtain a certificate during the consultation ( C) Make an appointment at a more convenient time ( D) Submit the electronic copy to the clinic 54 Maintaining Your

45、Jazzax DVD Player There are a few measures that you can take to ensure that your Jazzax DVD Player stays in top condition for as long as possible. For the best performance, please abide by the following guidelines: - Store the machine on a flat surface and in a dry area. - To protect the electrical

46、circuit, do not leave the machine on standby for long periods. Unplug it from the electrical outlet when you know you will not be using it in the near futurel - Always use the eject button when opening and closing the machine. Handling the machine manually may cause damage to the components. - If th

47、e machine becomes dusty or dirty, clean it gently with a damp cloth. Do not use any chemical agents. The Jazzax DVD Player is under warranty for a maximum of 3 years. If you experience any problems with the machine, visit the Jazzax website for common troubleshooting problems and advice. Or, if the

48、information on the website does not meet your needs, you can call the Jazzax service center at 1-800-555-0786 and one of our technicians will come and take care of it. 55 What are customers told to do? ( A) Read the warranty carefully ( B) Clean the machine with gentle chemicals ( C) Refrain from cl

49、osing the machine by hand ( D) Dry the machine after cleaning 56 What can customers receive from the service center? ( A) Troubleshooting advice ( B) A repair service ( C) A routine maintenance check ( D) An extended warranty 56 Business Solutions has been voted the best firm in small-business banking at the Regional Banking Awards for the 5th time in a r


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