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1、武汉大学考博英语模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 I only know the man by_but I have never spoken to him. ( A) chance ( B) heart ( C) sight ( D) experience 2 She bought a house near the sea last year so she could take a_ along the beach whenever she wanted to. ( A) stroll ( B) stride ( C) stretch (

2、 D) strand 3 Some workers in the nuclear power station were exposed to high levels of_. ( A) radiation ( B) cancer ( C) microwaves ( D) high temperature 4 The synthetic fibers produced in that large factory account for one third of all the fibers turned out in the area. ( A) constitute ( B) consist

3、of ( C) institute ( D) result in 5 He did not relish appealing amongst his friends and _ of their criticism or censure. ( A) running short ( B) running out ( C) naming the gauntlet ( D) running ahead 6 He could hardly _ his temper when he saw the state of his office. ( A) hold in ( B) hold up ( C) h

4、old off ( D) hold out 7 The girl _ when she couldnt answered the question in the presence of all her classmates. ( A) flourished ( B) flattered ( C) flushed ( D) fluttered 8 In the dark they could not see anything clear, but could _. ( A) hear somebody mourn ( B) hear somebody mourning ( C) hear som

5、ebody mourned ( D) hear somebody had been mourning 9 There was a noisy _ at the back of the hall when the speaker began his address. ( A) interaction ( B) irritation ( C) disturbance ( D) interruption 10 To _ the structural imbalances in the budget, and also in the economy the Administration has giv

6、en its support to a constitutional amendment. ( A) relinquish ( B) remedy ( C) compensate ( D) redress 11 The _ was that, if you had to abandon ship and had time to put on a dry suit, it would be an excellent aid to self-preservation. ( A) conviction ( B) contradiction ( C) verdict ( D) confusion 12

7、 I didnt listen to Mom and I was not surprised at the look of _ on her face. ( A) indifference ( B) compliment ( C) negligence ( D) reproach 13 The director of the research institute came in person to_that everything was all right. ( A) make out ( B) make sure ( C) make clear ( D) make up 14 _ the h

8、eat to a simmer and continue to cook for another 8-10 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated. ( A) Turn off ( B) Turn over ( C) Turn down ( D) Turn up 15 The _ was typical of the Lake District, with high mountains, lakes, and deep valleys. ( A) scene ( B) scenery ( C) view ( D) landscape

9、16 Her remarks_a complete disregard for human rights. ( A) magnified ( B) maintained ( C) manipulated ( D) manifested 17 The need to see that justice is done _ every decision made in the courts. ( A) implants into ( B) imposes on ( C) impinges upon ( D) imprecates upon 18 The weatherman broadcasts t

10、he _ in temperature twice a day. ( A) diversion ( B) variety ( C) variation ( D) modification 19 The primary objective of Basic Econometrics is to provide an elementary but an comprehensive introduction to the art and science of econometrics. ( A) brief ( B) precise ( C) simplified ( D) extensive 20

11、 _ there is a logical connection between all the things that happen in that immensely connected body of salted water that covers 71 percent of the surface of the earth. ( A) I dawn upon it that ( B) It dawns upon me that ( C) I dawn upon this that ( D) This dawns upon me that 21 The economy in this

12、region has been stagnant for a long time and no signs of recovery have _ till now. ( A) shown up ( B) kept up ( C) picked up ( D) made for 22 Doctors have long known that if a patient is _ that he will recover and is treated with sympathy, his pain will often disappear. ( A) assumed ( B) assured ( C

13、) informed ( D) proved 23 The girl _ when she couldnt answer the question in the presence of all her classmates. ( A) flourished ( B) flattered ( C) flushed ( D) fluttered 24 Because of her dual nationality in the United States and Mexico, Maria was almost required to pay taxes in both countries unt

14、il her accountant _ with a satisfactory solution for both countries. ( A) intercepted ( B) interacted ( C) interpreted ( D) intervened 25 Her friends helped her _ after her sister was killed in a car crash. ( A) pull off ( B) pull out ( C) pull through ( D) pull on 26 Despite warnings from his paren

15、ts and teacher, Stevenson is_to computer games. ( A) activated ( B) adhered ( C) addicted ( D) appealed 27 Almost overnight, Ames became a hero of environmentalists when his finding led to new and _ bans on certain chemicals. ( A) regulations ( B) authorities ( C) orders ( D) suggestions 28 A judge

16、who is lenient will not punish people severely. ( A) merciful ( B) loose ( C) sincere ( D) lunatic 29 I arrives at the airport so late that I_missed the plane. ( A) only ( B) quite ( C) narrowly ( D) seldom 30 How large a proportion of the sales of stores in or near resort areas can be_ to tourist s

17、pending? ( A) attributed ( B) applied ( C) contributed ( D) attached 二、 Cloze 30 Americas Federal Reserve cut interest rates by another quarter-point, to 3.75%. Wall Street, which had been【 C1】 _for a sixth half-point cut, was disappointed. The Dow fell by 2%【 C2】 _the week. The past weeks economic

18、statistics gave mixed signals. Exports dropped by 2% in both March and April, largely【 C3】 _a decline in high-tech investment【 C4】 _;the merchandise-trade【 C5】_widened to $ 458 billion in the 12 months【 C6】 _April. 【 C7】 _, the Conference Boards index of consumer confidence was higher than【 C8】 _in

19、June. Concerns【 C9】 _inflation in the Euro area【 C10】 _. Preliminary data【 C11】 _that German consumer price inflation fell to 3. l%in the year to June, from 3.5% in May; wage growth【 C12】 _to 1.4% in April, a real pay cut of 1.5%. Some economists fear that Germany is on the【 C13】 _of recessioa The I

20、FO index of business confidence dropped more 【 C14】 _than expected in May, and the institute has cut its forecast of GDP【 C15】 _this year to only 1.2% , well below the German governments forecast of 2%. 31 【 C9】 ( A) on ( B) for ( C) of ( D) over 31 It is appropriate on an anniversary of the foundin

21、g of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes. It is equally appropriate at such time for students to 【 C1】_ why they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best 【 C2】_ the privilege of attending. At the least you as students can hope to become 【 C3】 _ in subject matter whic

22、h may be useful to you in later life. There is, 【 C4】 _, much more to be gained. It is now that you must learn to exercise your mind sufficiently 【 C5】 _ learning becomes a joy and you thereby become a student for life. 【 C6】 _ this may require an effort of will and a period of self-discipline. Cert

23、ainly it is not 【 C7】 _ without hard work. Teacher scan guide and encourage you, but lemming is not done passively. To learn is your 【 C8】 _. There is 【 C9】 _ the trained mind satisfaction to be derived from exploring the ideas of others, mastering them and evaluating them. But there is 【 C10】 _ lev

24、el of inquiry which I hope that some of you will choose. If your study takes you to the 【 C11】 _ of understanding of a subject and, you have reached so far, you find that you can penetrate to 【 C12】 _ no one has been before, you research. Commitment to a life of scholarship or research is 【 C13】 _ m

25、any other laudable goals. It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even 【 C14】 _ other facets of life prove disappointing. I strongly 【 C15】 _ it. 32 【 C1】 _ ( A) count ( B) reflect ( C) depend ( D) comment 33 【 C2】 _ ( A) benefit from ( B) take over ( C) apply for ( D) go through 34

26、 【 C3】 _ ( A) efficient ( B) excellent ( C) professional ( D) proficient 35 【 C4】 _ ( A) however ( B) therefore ( C) indeed ( D) after all 36 【 C5】 _ ( A) if ( B) because ( C) so that ( D) before 37 【 C6】 _ ( A) Of late ( B) Consequently ( C) Afterwards ( D) At first 38 【 C7】 _ ( A) acquired ( B) ac

27、complished ( C) approached ( D) assured 39 【 C8】 _ ( A) ambition ( B) conscience ( C) responsibility ( D) challenge 40 【 C9】 _ ( A) to ( B) on ( C) in ( D) by 41 【 C10】 _ ( A) any ( B) one ( C) another ( D) no 42 【 C11】 _ ( A) ends ( B) limits ( C) borders ( D) edges 43 【 C12】 _ ( A) elsewhere ( B)

28、what ( C) whichever ( D) where 44 【 C13】 _ ( A) compatible with ( B) responsible for ( C) followed by ( D) relevant to 45 【 C14】 _ ( A) shall ( B) will ( C) would ( D) should 46 【 C15】 _ ( A) declare ( B) recommend ( C) advise ( D) contend 46 Unconsciously, we all carry with us 【 51】 have been calle

29、d “body bubbles“. These bubbles are like invisible walls 【 52】 define our personal space. The amount of space changes 【 53】 on the interpersonal relationship. For example, we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members than to 【 54】 . Personality 【 55】 determines the size of this

30、space. Introverts often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than 【 56】 . Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese 【 57】 and employee usually stand farther apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs tend to 【 58】 closer together than American

31、a when talking. For Americans, 【 59】 in social conversation is about an arms length to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be associated 【 60】 greater intimacy or aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying “Excuse me,“ or “Pardon me“ for the slightest accidental touching of ano

32、ther person reveals an American attitude about personal space. Thus when a persons “space“ is intruded 【 61】 by someone, he or 【 62】 . may feel 【 63】 and react defensively. In cultures 【 64】 close physical contact is acceptable and desirable, Americans may be perceived 【 65】 cold and distant. Cultur

33、e does not always 【 66】 the messages that our body movements 【 67】 Contexts, personalities, and relationships also influence them. Therefore, no two people in any one society have the same nonverbal behavior. However, like verbal language, 【 68】 communication cannot be completely separated 【 69】 cul

34、ture. 【 70】 we emphasize differences or similarities, the “silent language“ is much louder than it first appears. 66 At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious【

35、 46】 has occurred in the roles that women【 47】 . Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at meeting expectations in that arena,【 48】 maintaining their family roles of nurturing and creating a(n)【 49】 that is a haven for all family members.【 50】 many women experience strain from

36、 trying to “do it all,“ they often enjoy the increased【 51】 that can result from playing multiple roles. As womens roles have changed, changing expectations about mens roles have become more【 52】 . Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility【 53】 the family provider. Probably the most sign

37、ificant change in mens roles, however, is in the emotional【 54】of family life. Men are increasingly【 55】 to meet the emotional needs of their families,【 56】 their wives. In fact, expectations about the emotional domain of marriage have become more significant for marriage in general. Research on【 57

38、】 marriage has changed over recent decades points to the increasing importance of the emotional side of the relationships and the importance of sharing in the “emotion work“【 58】 to nourish marriages and other family relationships. Men and women want to experience marriages that are interdependent,【

39、 59】 both partners nurture each other, attend and respond to each other, and encourage and promote each other. We are thus seeing marriages in which mens and womens roles are becoming increasingly more【 60】 . ( A) incidents ( B) changes ( C) results ( D) effects ( A) take ( B) do ( C) play ( D) show

40、 ( A) by ( B) while ( C) hence ( D) thus ( A) home ( B) garden ( C) arena ( D) paradise ( A) When ( B) Even though ( C) Since ( D) Nevertheless ( A) rewards ( B) profits ( C) privileges ( D) incomes ( A) general ( B) acceptable ( C) popular ( D) apparent ( A) as ( B) of ( C) from ( D) for ( A) secti

41、on ( B) constituent ( C) domain ( D) point ( A) encouraged ( B) expected ( C) advised ( D) predicted ( A) not to mention ( B) as well as ( C) including ( D) especially ( A) how ( B) what ( C) why ( D) if ( A) but ( B) only ( C) enough ( D) necessary ( A) unless ( B) although ( C) where ( D) because

42、( A) pleasant ( B) important ( C) similar ( D) manageable 81 Seventeen-year-old Quantae Williams doesnt understand why the U. S. Supreme Court struck down his school districts racial diversity program. He now【 61】 the prospect of leaving his mixed-race high school in suburban Louisville and【 62】 to

43、the poor black downtown schools where he【 63】 in fights. “Im doing【 64】 in town. They should just leave it the【 65】 it is,“ said Williams, using a fond nickname for suburban Jeffersontown High School,【 66】 hes bused every day from his downtown neighborhood. “Everything is【 67】 , we get along well. I

44、f I go where all my friends go, Ill start getting in trouble again,“ Williams said as he took a【 68】 from his summer job【 69】 clothing【 70】 for poor families. Last months 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court struck down programs that were started voluntarily in Louisville and Seattle. The courts decision

45、 has left schools【 71】 the country【 72】 to find a way to protect【 73】 in their classrooms. Critics have called the decision the biggest【 74】 to the ideals of the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education【 75】 , which outlawed racial segregation in U. S. public schools. With students already【 76】 to schools

46、for the【 77】 year that begins in September,【 78】 will be immediately affected by the Supreme Court decision. In Jefferson County, officials said it could be two years【 79】 a new plan is【 80】 place, leaving most students in their current schools. ( A) aspires to ( B) dreads ( C) is hostile to ( D) di

47、sdains ( A) maintaining ( B) transmitting ( C) reimbursing ( D) returning ( A) used to get ( B) is used to get ( C) is used to getting ( D) use to get ( A) well ( B) better ( C) good ( D) best ( A) method ( B) way ( C) procedure ( D) manner ( A) where ( B) to where ( C) for which ( D) which ( A) lin

48、ked ( B) segregated ( C) equal ( D) mixed ( A) rest ( B) break ( C) resurgence ( D) recreation ( A) picking ( B) sorting ( C) selecting ( D) separating ( A) forfeit ( B) booty ( C) donation ( D) present ( A) over ( B) across ( C) amid ( D) along ( A) falsifying ( B) purchasing ( C) scampering ( D) scrambling ( A) sanctity ( B) complication ( C) genuineness ( D) diversity ( A) concession ( B) countenance ( C) threat ( D) adherence ( A) condition ( B) case ( C) claim ( D) example ( A) looted ( B) assigned


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