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1、笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 Agriculture is a major industry in the United States, which is a net exporter of food. 2 Some areas where there are large river valleys or m

2、ore level plains in the dry mountainous are devoted to specialized farming. 3 Continental winds blow from the northwest throughout winter and spring, creating cold dry weather suitable for wheat; in summer, the monsoon from the southeast drives warm moisture-laden air into the continent. 4 A major c

3、oncern of agriculture today is developing enough new farmland not only to keep up with the population growth, but to replace prime farmland destroyed by the growth of urban areas. 5 Seventy years ago a famous professor wrote that a city could be destroyed and rebuilt, but farmland once lost was lost

4、 for good. California figures that for every ten people increase in population, an acre of good arable land is lost from agriculture. 6 Another service that helps prevent surplus of farm products during peak seasons is consumer marketing information. This keeps consumers informed of current food sup

5、ply and price situations, what is cheap at each season, how to prepare tasty, nutritious dishes with it, and how to preserve it. 7 Modified Agricultural Practices Since agriculture accounts for nearly 70 percent of the worlds fresh water withdrawn from rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers for hum

6、an use, the greatest potential for conservation lies with increasing irrigation efficiency. By reducing irrigation by 10 percent, we could double the amount available for domestic water worldwide. This can be done by converting to water-conserving irrigation systems; taking the poorest and steepest

7、lands out of production; switching to less-thirsty crops (which may require changes to government subsidies for certain crops); implementing proper agricultural land drainage and soil management practices, and reducing fertilizer and pesticide use. Typically, governments provide water to large comme

8、rcial farmers at greatly subsidized rates, decreasing the need for conservation and promoting wasteful practices. This has led to widespread use of wasteful irrigation systems. Studies show that just 35-50 percent of water withdrawn for irrigated agriculture actually reaches the crops. Most soaks in

9、to the ground through unlined canals, leaks out of pipes, or evaporates before reaching fields. Although some of the water lost in inefficient irrigation systems returns to streams or aquifers where it can be tapped again, water quality is invariably degraded by pesticides, fertilizers and salts. Th

10、is is in fact another way that commercial agriculture “uses“ water: by polluting it so that it is no longer safe to drink. In areas where commercial agriculture is prevalent, runoff from farms has poisoned water supply with dangerous levels of toxics. Poorly planned and poorly built irrigation syste

11、ms not only harm water quality, but can also irreparably harm the crop-growing capability of the land through salinization. Especially in arid areas, salts that occur naturally accumulate in irrigated soils. Poorly drained irrigation water can pollute water supply, and raise the groundwater table un

12、til it reaches the root zone, waterlogging and drowning crops. Globally, some 80 million hectares of farmland have been degraded by a combination of salinization and waterlogging. Switching to conserving irrigation systems has the biggest potential to save water used for agriculture (experts say dri

13、p irrigation could potentially save 40-60 percent of water now used for agriculture). The most common water-conserving irrigation systems are some form of drip irrigation (also called micro-irrigation). Conventional sprinklers spray water over crops, not only irrigating more land than is needed to g

14、row the crop but also losing much to evaporation. Drip irrigation, however, supplies water directly to the crops root system in small doses, where it can be used by the plants roots. Water is delivered through emitters that drip water at each plant, or perforated piping, installed on the surface or

15、below ground. This keeps evaporation losses low, at an efficiency rate of 95 percent. Although by 1991 some 1. 6 million hectares were using drip irrigation worldwide, this is still less than one percent of all irrigated land worldwide. Some countries have made drip irrigation a serious national pri

16、ority, such as Israel, which uses drip irrigation on 50 percent of its total irrigated area. But clearly it is the exception, and most dry countries have a long way to go. 8 Biotech Crops Biotech crops bring higher yields with solid environmental benefits: less use of energy, better soil conservatio

17、n, less fertilizer employed and therefore less polluting runoff into groundwater. But the voices opposed are also loud. Prof. Bruce Chassy, an American expert in the field, was recently in Beijing for an international conference; our journalist took the opportunity to interview him on the subject. Q

18、: The people who denounce biotechnological crops say they are worried about the possibility of the alien genes in genetically modified crops spreading to other species. For example, suppose herbicide-tolerant cotton transmits its genes to weedsthen the weeds could become “superweeds“. Do you think t

19、his concern is justified? A: Before a new biotech crop can be grown in the USA, it must be approved by the US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency. They require developers to provide evidence that there will be no unexpected or damaging environmental consequences if the

20、crop is planted. The questions require an examination of the potential for gene flow and any consequences that would ensue, including issues such as superweeds and the impact on a variety of non-target species such as birds, butterflies, earthworms and frogs. Resistance to the herbicides used in con

21、ventional agriculture does occur from time to time, and there is no reason to believe that biotech crops will produce any different kind of herbicide-resistant weeds than we already see in agriculture. In fact, after six years of planting herbicide-resistant crops in the US, we have not seen the eme

22、rgence of herbicide-resistant weeds. Q: In the US what percentage of people support biotech crops? And do those who support biotech crops also eat biotech crops? What percentage of food on the market has genetically modified ingredients? A: US consumers have been subjected to a very effective anti-b

23、iotechnology propaganda campaign for the last few years, but according to polls over 70% support biotechnology. For example, in a recent referendum in Oregon, voters rejected a proposal to require special labels on all products containing biotech ingredients by an overwhelming 73% to 27%. Thats prob

24、ably because consumers know that we have an effective regulatory system. Many may also know that 70% -80% of the processed food products on supermarket shelves contain one or more ingredients derived from biotech crops. All Americans eat biotech crops unless they deliberately seek out products that

25、are labeled otherwise. Evidence suggests that this is less than 5% of consumers. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 中国只有世界耕地的 7,却要养活世界 22的人口。 10 将来农民可使用农业无人机收集的信息,以便将化肥仅施在确实需要化肥的地方,这就能省钱并减少污染。 11 非洲的

26、大多数农民都使用多年来一直使用的同样种子,这和发达国家的农民不同,这种种子没有得到改良,无法抵抗疾病和耐旱灾。 12 我们兴修水利,开展农村土地整治,建设高标准农田,耕地面积保持在 18 2亿亩以上。 13 我们要毫不放松粮食生产,建设高标准农田,推广先进技术,增强农业综合生产能力,保障粮食和重要农产品的有效供给。 14 初步解决了进城务工人员随迁子女在城市接受义务教育问题,现有 1260万农村户籍孩子在城市接受义务教育。 15 粮食生产 中国政府通过增加国内粮食生产,保持粮食供需平衡的决心是坚定的,有信心领导全国人民实现这一目标。同时,中 国政府也清醒地认识到实现这个目标的艰巨性: 第一,中

27、国农业资源人均占有量在世界上属于低水平,耕地和水资源不足是农业发展的最大制约因素。在这样的资源条件下,要创造出远高于世界平均水平的农业生产率,必须花大力气。 第二,中国农业基础设施薄弱,生产手段落后,抗灾能力差,需要坚持不懈地改善生产条件,提高抗灾能力。 第三,中国农户生产规模小,经营分散,在向社会主义市场经济体制转变的过程中,容易造成粮食生产的波动,需要进一步加强对粮食生产的调控。 第四,中国正处在工业化迅速发展的阶段,在 资源分配上还存在不利于粮食生产的倾向,需要继续对农业特别是粮食生产采取有效的支持措施。 总之,中国政府将正视困难,在经济布局和工作指导上,继续严格执行保护耕地和生态环境的

28、基本国策,实施科教兴农和可持续发展两大战略,推动农业经济体制和农业增长方式的根本性转变,以促进粮食综合生产能力的稳步提高。 16 农村经济 我们的任务是:全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程。统筹城乡经济社会发展,建设现代农业,发展农村经济,增加农民收入,是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。加强农业基础地位,推进农业和农村 经济结构调整,保护和提高粮食综合生产能力,健全农产品质量安全体系,增强农业的市场竞争力。积极推进农业产业化经营,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度和农业综合效益。发展农产品加工业,壮大县域经济。开拓农村市场,搞活农产品流通,健全农产品市场体系。 农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是工业化

29、和现代化的必然趋势。要逐步提高城镇化水平,坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色的城镇化道路。发展小城镇要以现有的县城为基础,科学规划,合理布局,同发展乡镇企业和农村服务业结合起来。消除不利于城镇化发展的体制和政策障 碍,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。 笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 9答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 农业是美国的

30、重要产业,因为美国是一个粮食净出口国。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 在干燥的山区,有些地方有巨大的河谷或较 为平坦的平原,这些地方用于专业化的种植业。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 整个冬春两季,大陆风从西北吹来,形成了适于小麦生长的干寒气候;而在夏季,从东南吹来的季风把饱含水分的空气带上了大陆。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 如今农业方面要关注的一个主要问题就是开发足够的新农田,这不仅是为了保持与人口增长的平衡,同时也是为了补偿由于城市地区的扩展而损失了的原有良田。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 70年前一位著名的教授写道,一个城市毁弃后可以重建,但

31、农 田一旦失去就永远失去了。据加利福尼亚州估算,人口每增加十人,农业就要失去一英亩良好的可耕地。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 为防止在旺季农产品过剩,另一种服务就是提供消费市场的信息。这使消费者能及时了解当前食品供应情况和价格形势,在不同季节什么东西便宜,怎样用便宜食品制作味道好、营养丰富的食品,以及怎样储存食品。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 改良的农业耕作 从全世界河流、湖泊和地下蓄水层汲取的供人类使用的淡水中,有近 70是用于农业,因此节水的最大潜 力在于提高农业灌溉效率。减少 10的灌溉用水,我们就能够使世界各地的家庭用水量增加一倍 (翻一番 )。我们可以改用节水

32、的灌溉系统,停止耕种 (停止使用 )最贫瘠、最陡峭的土地,再种植耗水量较低的植物 (这可能会要求改变政府对某些农作物的津贴额 );采取适当的农业土地排水及土壤管理办法;减少化肥和杀虫剂的使用。 通常,政府以很高的津贴优惠向大户的商业性农民供水,这就削弱了节水的必要性,鼓励了浪费行为。这种做法已导致农民广泛使用浪费水资源的灌溉设备。研究表明,农业灌溉用水中只有 35 50真正用在农作物上。大部分 的水通过没有铺衬里的灌溉渠道浸入土壤,或从水管泄漏出来,或在到达农田之前就蒸发掉了。尽管从低效的灌溉系统中损失的部分水,会重新返回可再次利用的 (可再次抽取的 )河流或地下蓄水层中,但其水质因杀虫剂、化

33、肥和盐分的渗入却不可避免地下降了。这实际上就是商业性农业 “使用 ”水的另一种方式:对水造成污染,使水无法再安全饮用。在商业性农业盛行的地区,从农田中流出的水已经污染生活供水,使得水中的有毒物质达到危险的程度。 计划不周或建造不好的灌溉系统不仅会破坏水质,还会由于土壤碱化而损害土壤的作物生长能力,这是不可复原 的。尤其是在干旱地区,天然生成的盐会在灌溉过的土壤中越积越多。排放不畅的灌溉用水会污染供水,提高地下水位,直到地下水位达到作物的根区,浸透土壤,淹死农作物。全球约有 8000万公顷农田因土壤碱化和浸透而退化。 转而使用节水的灌溉系统可以最大限度地节省农业用水 (专家声称,水滴灌溉有可能节

34、省 40 60现在所用的农业用水 )。最常使用的节水灌溉系统是某种水滴灌溉系统 (也称作 “微灌溉 ”)。传统的洒水装置在农作物上方喷水,不仅灌溉了农作物生长所需的土地范围以外的土地 (不仅使得到灌溉的土地超出了农作物生长所需的 土地范围 ),而且使得大量水分蒸发 (而且由于水分蒸发而损失了更多的水 )。然而,滴灌是直接向植物的根系提供少量的水 (一点一点地提供水分 ),植物的根部能够吸收到这些水。水通过滴灌装置传递到每株植物,或通过安装在地表或地下的穿洞管道进行传递。这将水分蒸发的损失控制在较低量,从而用水效率提高到95。 尽管到 1991年之前,世界各地已有约 160万公顷农田采用水滴灌溉

35、,但这仍不到全世界灌溉土地面积的 1。一些国家已正式将水滴灌溉列为全国重点推广事项(全国优先考虑的事项 ),例如以色列总灌溉面积的 50都采用水滴灌 溉。但是很明显,这只是个特例,大多数干旱的国家还有很长的一段路要走。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 转基因农作物 采用生物技术的转基因农作物不仅产量高,对环境也有很大益处,如能量消耗少、对土壤保护有利、化肥用得少,因而汇入地下水的污流也随之减少。但是反对生物技术的呼声也很高。最近,转基因领域的美国专家布鲁斯 ?沙西教授来到北京参加国际会议,本报记者就此问题采访了他。 问:指责生物技术的人们说,他们担心转基因农作物中的外来基因会扩散到其他

36、物种中。比如,倘若抗除草剂的棉 花把 “抗除草剂基因 ”传给了杂草,那就会出现超级杂草。您觉得这种担心有道理吗 ? 答:在美国,一种新的采用转基因技术的农作物在种植前,必须经过美国农业部与环保局的批准。他们要求研制者提供证明,证明该农作物种植后不会对环境产生预料不到的或是有害的后果。这些问题要求对基因转移以及任何由此产生的后果的可能性,包括超级杂草、对于非目标性物种如鸟类、蝴蝶、蚯蚓、青蛙等各物种的影响进行检验。对传统农业使用的除草剂产生抵抗力在自然界时有发生,因此没有理由认为采用生物技术的农作物会产生出与我们在农业中已经见到的那些抗除 草剂杂草所不同的杂草。实际上,美国种植了六年的抗除草剂作

37、物,我们并没有看到抗除草剂杂草的出现。 问:美国人当中有多大比例支持利用生物技术种植作物 ?支持生物技术的人也吃这种农产品吗 ?市场上的食品有多大比例含有转基因成分 ? 答:过去几年中,美国消费者遭遇到很有声势的反生物技术的宣传运动,但根据问卷调查,有超过 70的人支持生物技术。比如,在最近俄勒冈州的一次全民公决中,选民们以 73对 27的压倒多数否决了在含转基因成分的食品上贴特殊标签的提议。这可能是因为消费者知道我们拥有有效的法规体系,很多 人也可能知道超市货架上 70至 80的加工食品都含有一种或多种源于转基因作物的成分。几乎所有的美国人都吃转基因农产品,除了那些刻意寻找标明没有转基因成分

38、的人。有证据表明,这样的人不到全体消费者的 5。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 【正 确答案】 China has only 7% of the worlds (total) cultivated land (farmland), and yet has to feed/ support 22% of the worlds/ the

39、world population. 【知识模块】 汉译英 10 【正确答案】 In the future farmers can use information gathered by agricultural drones to use/ apply fertilizer only in areas where it is needed. This saves money and reduces pollution. 【知识模块】 汉译英 11 【正确答案】 Unlike farmers in advanced countries, most farmers in Africa use th

40、e same seeds they have been planting for many years, which have not been improved to be disease-resistant and drought-resistant (to resist disease or tolerate drought). 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 We built more water conservancy projects, improved rural land, developed high-grade farmland, and kept/ mainta

41、ined a total area of farmland of over 121. 3 million hectares in the country. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 We should always give high priority to grain production, develop high-yield farmland, spread/ popularize advanced technologies, increase/ expand overall agricultural production capacity, and effectivel

42、y ensure the supply of grain and other important agricultural products. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 The problem of providing compulsory education for/ to children of rural migrants working in cities was basically solved, and 12.6 million children with rural residence status are now receiving compulsory edu

43、cation in cities. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 Grain Production The Chinese government has determined to even up the grain supply to meet the demand through increasing grain production, and is confident of its ability to lead the people throughout the country to achieve this goal. But at the same time it al

44、so knows clearly that this is not an easy task. First, the average amount of agricultural resources per capita in China is low compared with many other countries. China lacks cultivated land and water resources, and this is the dominant factor restricting its agricultural development. In these condi

45、tions China must make great efforts to advance its agricultural productivity and make it far higher than the average world level. Second, Chinas agricultural infrastructure is weak, means of production lag behind and it does not have sufficient ability to fight natural calamities. So a sustained eff

46、ort should be made in these respects. Third, grain production will fluctuate in the course of the transformation of the economy into a socialist market one because of the small-scale production and decentralized management of peasant households. So adjustment and control of grain production should b

47、e strengthened. Fourth, because China is in a period of rapid industrial development, there is a distribution tendency in resources that is unfavorable to grain production. So effective measures have to be adopted in support of agriculture, especially grain production. In a word, facing difficulties

48、 squarely, the Chinese government will continue to strictly carry out the basic policy of protecting cultivated land and ecological environment in its economic distribution and its work guidance and implement the two major strategies; developing agriculture by relying on science, technology and educ

49、ation in the countryside, and realizing sustainable development. Thus it expects to promote a fundamental change in the agricultural economic system and the method of increasing agricultural production, so as to facilitate the steady increase of the overall grain production capability. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 Rural Economy Our tasks are to make the rural economy flourish (to invigorate the rural economy and speed up/ hasten/ accelerate/ expedite urbanization. A major task for building a well-off society (a society with a relatively comfortable standard


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