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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 27及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While traditional “paid“ mediasuch as television commercials and print advertisementsstill play a major role, companies today can exploit many

2、 alternative forms of media. Consumers passionate a-bout a product may create “earned“ media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage“owned“ media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. The way consumers now approach the p

3、rocess of making purchase decisions means that marketings impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media. Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users responses. But in some c

4、ases, one marketers owned media become another marketers paid mediafor instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.

5、 This trend, which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. Johnson obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby -size holes in their lives. Of course, the image of parenth

6、ood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, co

7、nsidering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “ own“(read: with round-the-clock help)is a piece of cake. Its hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina m

8、ake it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But its interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress -free, happiness -enhancing parenthood arent in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in

9、the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “the Rachel“ might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 他是个极其自负的怪人。除非事情与自己有关,否则他从来不屑对世界或世人瞧上一眼。对他来说,他不仅是世界上最重要的人物,而且在他眼里,他是惟一活在世界上的人。他认为自己是世界上最伟大的戏剧家之一、最伟大的思想家之一、最伟大的作曲家之一。听听他的谈话,仿佛他就是莎

10、士比亚、柏拉图、贝多芬三人集于一身。想要听到他的高论十分容易,他是世上最能使人精疲力竭的健谈者之一。同他度过一个夜晚,就是听他一个人滔滔不绝地说上一晚。有时,他才华横溢;有时,他又令人极其厌烦。但无论是妙趣横生还是枯燥无味,他的谈话只有一个 主题:他自己,他的所思所为。 他狂妄地认为自己总是正确的。任何人在最无足轻重的问题上露出丝毫的异议,都会激起他的谴责。他可能会一连好几个小时滔滔不绝,千方百计地证明自己如何如何正确。有了这种使人耗尽心力的雄辩本事,听者最后都被他弄得头昏脑涨,耳朵发聋,为了图个清净,只好同意他的说法。 4 意识到我们的文化差异可以帮助我们更有效地相互交流,了解我们不同的交流

11、方式可以丰富我们的文化生活。不同的交流风格体现了我们深层的哲学观及世界观,这些深层的哲学观及世界观正是我们各自的文化基础。明白了这些深 层哲学我们就会获得这个世界展示给我们的更加宽广的景象。 从某种意义上说,各国对多极化的认可反映了国际关系中对民主化的追求。在经济全球化的时代,一种深入的相互依赖的关系正在国与国之间形成。在联合国宪章中曾发表过的一种国与国平等的原则正深人人心,越来越多的国家已经清楚地意识到:无论大小、强弱、贫富,所有的国家都是世界大家庭中平等的一员,国际关系的民主化将成为构筑世界新秩序的共同愿望。 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 27答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory

12、Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 过去,市场营销成功的简单指南就是:你付出多少,你就收获多少。如今,情况却不相同了。传统的付费媒体,如电视商业广告和印刷品广告,虽仍有很重要的作用,如今,仍有许多媒体形式可供公司选择。对产品感兴趣的消费者会主动将该产品推荐给朋友,由此创造了 “免费 ”媒体,而公司可以向在其网站上注册的用户发送邮件提醒其产品及促销活动,而影响这个 “自主 ”媒体。如今,消费者所接触的做出购买决定的方式很广泛,已经超出了传统的付费媒体形式。 市场营销人员通过付费和自有媒体促销他们的 产品。对 “免费 ”媒介来说,市场营销人员扮演着用户反应的发起者。但

13、是,在某些情况下,某营销人员的自有媒体会成为另一名营销人员的付费媒体,如某电子商务零售商出售其网站的广告空间。我们定义此种 “出售 ”形式为自有媒体,这种媒体流量巨大,所以,其他机构纷纷前来投放广告或开通电子商务引擎。我们认为,这种趋势虽然还处于起步阶段,但在零售业和航空、酒店等旅游供应业已快速发展,无疑可以有更大的发展。如强生公司创建了著名网站 BabyCenter,此独立媒体不仅推广互补性产品,甚至还促销竞争性产品。此举不仅带来了创收,其他营销人 员的出现还令网站看起来很客观,使企业有机会从其他公司的营销活动中获得宝贵的信息,并且还有助于扩大所有相关企业的用户流量。 上述给营销人员提供更多

14、、更广沟通选择的技术大变革,同时增加了风险,因为激动的消费者能更快、更明显、更有害地表达他们的看法。这种 “劫持 ”媒体和 “免费 ”媒体相对:某项资产或活动成了对某种产品或某个品牌不满的消费者、其他股东或活动家的 “劫持物 ”。例如,社交网络用户越来越意识到,他们可以通过 “劫持 ”媒体给最初创建该媒体的企业施加压力。 如果这种事情发生的话,激动的消费者就会试图说 服其他人一起抵制两家公司的产品,这样就危及到企业的名誉。在这种情况下,如果企业的回应不够快、也不理想,情况就会变得不可收拾。譬如,今年早些时候,丰田公司在召回危机中采取了相对较快、较有序的社交媒体回应行动,包括在 Twitter和

15、 Digg(一种社会新闻网站 )等网站上与客户直接进行交流,从而缓解了一些损害。 2 【正确答案】 毫无疑问, Jennifer Senior在有深刻见解的、煽动性的杂志封面故事中表达了她的想法 “我爱我的孩子,我讨厌我的生活 ”,此想法引来很多议论。谈到养孩子,人们就会觉得是件完 全令人高兴、生活充实的事情。 Jennifer Senior没有指出抚养孩子会使父母快乐还是痛苦,而是建议我们需要重新定义幸福:我们不应该认为幸福是可以衡量的瞬间快乐的组合,而应该把它看成一种过去的状态。尽管每天抚养孩子的经历是那么难熬,但 Jennifer Senior在故事中说, “正是那些使我们心情沮丧的时刻

16、,日后却成了快乐的源泉 ”。 杂志的封面是一位怀抱可爱婴儿的魅力母亲 (麦当娜和婴儿 ),此封面在这周的杂志上不可能成为唯一的 “圣母和圣子 ”的形象。杂志上还有好多关于最近刚收养孩子的母亲,刚变成单身的 母亲,如桑德拉 ?布洛克,以及常见的 “詹妮弗 ?安尼斯顿怀孕了 ”的故事。实际上,每周至少有一位名人母亲或准妈妈微笑地出现在杂志上。 在一个一直庆祝生育的社会,承认后悔生孩子就像承认支持杀小猫一样,这难道不值得反思吗 ?把父母和孩子的后悔作比较,这看上去并不公平。没人会让不想抚养孩子的父母去反思自己是否不该养孩子,但那些不幸福的没孩子的人却为这样的事情所困扰: “孩子是世上唯一最重要的东西

17、 ”,很显然,他们的痛苦必须通过生儿育女才能解除。 当然,像美国周刊与人物这样的名人杂志展示的父母形象是非常不现实的,特别是当父母是单亲妈妈时更是如此,就像布洛克。根据多项研究结果,有孩子的父母不如没孩子的夫妇快乐,单亲父母是最不快乐的。不要对此感到震惊,想一想,没有人依靠,自己抚养一个孩子需要做多少工作啊 !但是,听听桑德拉和布兰妮说的话, “自己养孩子,简直小菜一碟 !”(她们当然认为容易了,因为她们周围有 _群人帮忙。 ) 很难想象,许多人很愚蠢地想生孩子,只是因为 Reese和 Angelina使这种事情变得看起来很光彩,其实大多数成年人了 解养孩子可不像剪头发那么容易。但是,反思一下

18、:我们每周看到的没压力、幸福地为人父母的例子会不会潜意识里加剧我们对实际生活的不满。这就好像:我们有一种想成为 “瑞秋 ”(老友记中的单身妈妈 )的想法,这种想法使我们看上去有点像瑞秋的扮演者詹妮弗 ?安尼斯顿。 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 He is a man obsessed by himself. Not the slightest interest would he have unless it is a matter or people concerning him. To him, his exist

19、ence is not just an evidence of human excellence, but the proof of the only living spirit in this world. As a self proclaimed mastermind of drama, philosophy and music, he talks as if he was a very incarnation of Shakespeare, Plato and Beethoven at the same time. You cant miss it when he talks, for

20、he would express himself tirelessly by any chance he could get. A night spent with him is a night for monologue. He is equally brilliant and boring, for his arguments, no matter tactfully sharp or excessively dull, would subsequently relate to one theme: himself, his thoughts and actions. He is a de

21、fiant protector of his ideas. Any rivaling thought would become his target. With his persuasive skills he can provide hours of justification that nobody could bear. Battered and tortured, the contester would be left with no choice, but to comply with him. 4 【正确答案】 Realizing the difference among our

22、culture can help us to communicate with each other more effectively. Learning our different ways of communication can enrich our cultured life. Different communication styles embody our deep-seated views of philosophy and the world. These deep-seated views of philosophy and the world is exactly our

23、cultural foundations respectively. We will get wider visions which are shown by the world when we can understand the deep-seated philosophy. The approval of every country to multi-polarization reflects the pursuit of democratization in international relations in a sense. In the times of economic glo

24、balization, a relation of deep interdependence is formed among nations. The principle of equality among nations, which was published in Charters of the United Nations, is filtering into peoples mind. More and more countries have clearly realized that big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, every nation is all equal member of the world. The democratization of international relations will be the common aspiration in establishing new order of the world.


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