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1、2004年 GCT工程硕士(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through

2、the center. 1 The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to _ it open. ( A) cut ( B) press ( C) break ( D) shake 2 People who walk on the grass are _ to a fine of $5. ( A) possible ( B) likely ( C) liable ( D) reliable 3 People do not always recall events as they _ actually. ( A) a

3、re happening ( B) will happen ( C) happened ( D) would happen 4 The Mona Lisa, _ in Italy, is now in the Louvre, a museum in Paris. ( A) who painted ( B) who has painted ( C) which painted ( D) which was painted 5 Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modem physics at the _ of hi

4、s health. ( A) cost ( B) disposal ( C) mercy ( D) expenditure 6 John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to _ more responsibilities that are assigned to him. ( A) take up ( B) take in ( C) take off ( D) take on 7 Effective prevention against physical harms has never been _ urgently needed

5、, especially in schools. ( A) more ( B) as ( C) such ( D) quite 8 A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers _ not to work at all. ( A) should prefer ( B) prefer ( C) would prefer ( D) preferred 9 The ATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day and se

6、ven days a week _ ATMs are located. ( A) wherever ( B) whenever ( C) however ( D) whatever 10 Becoming aware of our mothers age, not just in numbers of years but _ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better. ( A) in spite of ( B) on account of ( C) in terms of ( D)

7、 by means of 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line th

8、rough the center. 11 These days a green building means more than just the color of the paint. Green building can also refer to environmentally friendly houses, factories, and offices. Buildings account for 65 percent of total U.S. electricity use. But green buildings can reduce energy and water use.

9、 Also, the buildings are often located near public transportation such as buses and subways, so that people can drive their cars less. That could be good for the environment, because cars use lots of natural resources such as gasoline, and give off pollution. Green buildings are often built on previ

10、ously developed land, so that the buildings dont destroy forests or other wild habitats(栖息地 ). Malty Dettling is a project manager for a building that puts these ideas into action. The Solaire has been called the countrys first green residential high-rise building. According to Dettling, “Weve reduc

11、ed our energy consumption by one-third and our water by 50 percent“. Not everyone is leaping to move into a green building, however. Some people think that features such as solar panels cost more money than more traditional energy sources. Despite this, Dettling hopes that green buildings will becom

12、e common in the future. “Its going to be big“, she said. 11 What does green building refer to nowadays? ( A) Buildings painted by green hands. ( B) Buildings covered with green plants. ( C) Buildings that are environmentally-friendly. ( D) Buildings like houses, factories, and offices. 12 The word “

13、Also“(Line 2, Para. 2) is used to _. ( A) continue the discussion of total U.S. electricity use ( B) expand the topic of reduction of energy and water use ( C) include the discussion of public transportation ( D) shift the focus to the topic of the environment protection 13 In terms of land use, gre

14、en buildings are constructed by _. ( A) making use of developed land ( B) developing new land ( C) clearing the ground in a forest ( D) draining wild habitats 14 Why are some people not so enthusiastic about green buildings? ( A) Because they do not jump into green building. ( B) Because they fail t

15、o move into a green building. ( C) Because they find it more costly to live in a green building. ( D) Because they think that solar panels still cost too much. 15 What did Marty Dettling mean when she said, “Its going to be big?“ ( A) Green buildings have a great potential. ( B) People expect bigger

16、 green buildings. ( C) Green buildings will be larger in size. ( D) People prefer to live in bigger buildings. 16 Theme-park-bound bargain seekers would be wise to spend some time surfing online before they get in line at the parks this summer. A growing number of these attractions now allow custome

17、rs to print e-tickets at home with large discounts off the gate price, in part to spur attendance that has declined in recent years. After boom times in the late 1990s, theme park attendance began to decrease, with an overall decline of about 40% over the past few years at North Americas 50 most-vis

18、ited establishments, says James Zoitak, editor of Amusement Business. “The boom was off the rose as we turned the comer into 2000, so theres more discounting now“, he says. Discounting isnt new to an industry that has longer partnered with other commercial enterprises, such as soft drink companies,

19、to offer deals. But e-ticketing adds a new opportunity that not only brings savings but convenience as well, since it allows visitors to avoid the line at the gate. “If you can get in early before the lines fill up, youre getting more for your money“, says Robert Niles of the website Theme Park Insi

20、der. 16 The word “attractions“(Line 1, Para. 2) refers to _. ( A) theme parks ( B) bargains ( C) e-tickets ( D) discounts 17 Why do more and more theme parks offer large discounts off the gate price? ( A) To get in line at the parks this summer. ( B) To encourage more people to come to the parks. (

21、C) To enable people to get e-tickets at home. ( D) To reduce the attendance figure. 18 What does the sentence “The boom was off the rose“ mean? ( A) The rose in the theme park was out of bloom. ( B) The year 2000 was lucky for the 50 establishments. ( C) The theme park attendance was like the rose.

22、( D) The best time for the theme parks was gone. 19 What is the new opportunity e-ticketing brings to the theme parks? ( A) The theme park industry will be more profitable. ( B) Soft drink companies will be better partners of the parks. ( C) The tour to the parks will be more convenient. ( D) Visito

23、rs to the parks will have more discounts. 20 The last sentence of this passage is based on the idea that _. ( A) it is wise to surf online ( B) discounting isnt everything ( C) e-ticketing attracts more partners ( D) time is money 21 One thing almost everyone is agreed on, including Americans, is th

24、at they place a very high valuation upon success; Success does not necessarily mean material rewards, but recognition of some sort-preferably measurable. If a boy turns out to be a preacher(传道者 ) instead of a businessman, thats all right. But the bigger his church is, the more successful he is judge

25、d to be. A good many things contributed to this accent on success. There was the Puritan(清教徒的 ) belief in the virtue of work, both for its own sake and because the rewards it brought were regarded as signs of Gods love. There was the richness of opportunity in a land waiting to be settled. There was

26、 the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement. There was the determination of an immigrant to gain in the new world what had been denied to him in the old, and on the part of his children an urge to throw off the immigrant onus(负担

27、) by still more success and still more rise in a fluid and classless society. Brothers did not compete within the family for the favor of the parents as in Europe, but worked hard for success in the outer world, along paths of their own choosing. 21 According to the first paragraph, _. ( A) success

28、is highly valued in American society ( B) success surely brings material rewards ( C) success equals measurable recognition ( D) people agree on what success means 22 In this passage, the author indicates that _. ( A) preachers are not so successful as businessmen ( B) businessmen are not so success

29、ful as preachers ( C) boys are advised to become preachers instead of businessmen ( D) measurable success can also be achieved by preachers 23 The word “accent“(Line 1, Para. 2) most probably means _. ( A) dialect ( B) emphasis ( C) attention ( D) recognition 24 Which of the following does NOT accou

30、nt for peoples desire for success? ( A) The Puritan belief in the virtue of work. ( B) Richness of opportunities in the new world. ( C) Lack of fixed social ranks and classes. ( D) Determination to deny the value of the new world. 25 It is suggested in the last paragraph that _ in the old world. ( A

31、) children tended to compete for the favor of their parents ( B) children were determined to throw off their immigrant identities ( C) children were urged to achieve success in the fluid and classless society ( D) children worked hard for success along paths chosen by their parents 26 Advertisement

32、I JODRELL BANK VISITOR CENTRE EXHIBITION OF MODERN ASTRONOMY PLANETARIUM GARDENS, RESTAURANTS, SHOPS Open: Summer (March 12 October 31) Daily (including SAT at the mercy of意思为 “受 的影响 (控制 )“; at the expenditure of为错误搭配,应该是 at the expense of,与 at the cost of为同义词词组。全句意思为:霍金博士以他的健康为代价,在现代物理理论方面做出了巨大的贡献。

33、 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 应该区分四个词组的意思和用法。 take up意思为 “占 “,宾语一般为 “时间 “; take in意思为 “接受,容纳,了解 “,宾语一般为较为抽象的概念,其被动语态形式 be taken in意思为 “上当,受骗 “; take off一般指 “(飞机 )起飞 “;take on意思为 “承担 “,后面一般跟 “任务,工作 “等。全句意思为:约翰 .史密斯是个用功的学生,给他再多的任务他也不会拒绝。 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题的关键是要区分四种选项的用法。注意 as的正确用法应该是as+adj./(adv.)+as; such应该与

34、that搭配,组成 suchthat 的结构; quite在本句中与前面的 never不相配合。正确答案为 more。全句意思为:预防身体伤害的有效措施从未有过如此迫切的必要性,特别是在学校。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本句的考点是虚拟语气。当条件句的时态是过去式时,主句的时态应该为 would再加动词原型。本句中 were与 would prefer相对应,所以应该选C。注意: suggest由于其主语不是某人,所以它的意思不是 “建议 “,不能用后面的宾语从句跟动词原形的形式。 suggest在本句的意思为: “表明、显示 “。全句意思为:一项最近的调研结果表明,如果经济上没有问

35、题的话,大部分母亲宁愿什么工作也不做。 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 应该搞清楚四个连接副词的意思区别 , wherever引导地点状语从句, whenever引导时间状语从句, however引导方式状语从句, whatever引导宾语从句。首先庳判断句子最后部分从句的性质。此从句的关键词是 “located“,意思是 “位于,存在 “,表示地点,所以应该选择 A。全句意思为:只要有自动取款机的地方,银行客户就能够随时取到钱。 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 四个词组的意思不同: in spite of意思为 “尽管 “,。 no account of意思为 “由于 “; in

36、terms of意思为 “就 来说,在 方面 “; by means of意思为 “通过,以 的方式 “。应该正确理解整个句子,只有 C项最适合本句的意义。全句意思为:清楚母亲的年龄,不光是具体的岁数,还有她精神和身体方面的状况,通常有助于我们更好地了解她。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are f

37、our choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 做一道阅读理解题最关键的地方是要找到文章中该道题所依据的句子,然后与四个选项进行比较,确定与依据句意思相同的选择项为正确答案。本道题的依据句是文章的第二句话。 C项选择的用词和意思与依据句相同。 A和 B项选择的信息文章中没有出现, D项选择的错误在于缺少 “green“一词的概念。 12

38、【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 Also是一个连词,引导一个并列的概念,与前面的句子相对应。这两个句子的意思为:绿色建筑能够节能省水。此外,绿色建筑紧挨公共汽车或地铁之类的公共交通线,住户可以少用自己的汽车。这两个句子都是有关节能绿色建筑的不同方面,都与环境保护有关系,与本段第一句话的侧重点不同。所以应该选择 D。 A, B和 C项选择的意思与 “Also“所引导的句子没有呼应关系。 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题的依据句是第二段最后一个句子,关键词是 on previously developed land,与 A项选择的意思相同。其他选择项的信息在文章中找不到依据,属于无关信息

39、。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题的依据句是文章最后一段的第二个句子,意思为:有些人认为,像太阳能电池板这样的设施,其费用大大超过了传统的能源设施。四项选择中, A和 B选择的内容没有在文章中出现,属于无关信息。后面两项选择的区别在于: C项选择的意思强调绿色建筑的运行成本高。 这一观点依据是:绿色环保的前期费用大大高于传统的节能方式,正好是本句话的意思。 D项选择说的是太阳能电池板的费用高,但这只是诸多因素的一个方面。应注意 features such as这一表达法的含义。 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 首先应找到文章的最后一个句子,分析句子中的支持信息和线索。可以判断

40、, green buildings will become common in the future与 its going to be big为同义句子。所以, A项选择的 “绿色建筑具有很大潜力 “最接 近依据句的意思。其他选项的信息在文章中没有出现。 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 应该特别注意 attractions前面的代词 these,它应该反指前面出现的某一个词,而 C和 D项选择只在后面出现, B项选择意思错误。所以,只能选择 A为正确答案。 attractions在此指的是 theme parks“主题公园 “。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题的依据句是第二段

41、后半句话, in part to spur attendance that has declined in recent years意思为:部分原因是为了提高最近几年不断下降的参观率。它与 B项选择 “为了吸引更多的人来公园 “意思一致。其他选择项都包含有错误信息或无关信息。 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 应该将这个句子放在上下文的背景下进行理解。 “之所以进一步打折降价就是因为来的人更少了 “。 The boom was off the rose是一个比喻的说法,意思为:好日子一去不返。只有 D项选择最为接近这个意思。 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题的依据句是第五段的第二

42、个句子,关键信息词句是 not only brings savings but convenience as well, since it allows visitors to avoid the line at the gate,意思为:不光省钱还方便,因为参观者不用在公园门口花时间排队买票。 C项选择与依据句的意思完全一致,而其他选择项都包含有错误信息或无关信息。 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 应该仔细分析本句话的意思。 If you can get in early before the lines fill up, youre getting more for your mon

43、ey意思为:如果你不排队能早点就进到公园,那你的钱花得很值。言下之意是 D项选择的意思,时间就是金钱,节省时间就是节省金钱。其他选择项在文章中没有依据信息。 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 应该逐条将四个选择项在原文中间确认。 B项选择过于绝对,在文章中已经被否定掉 (Success does not necessarily mean material rewards)。 D项选择意思有误。应该为 “人们同意成功很重要 “这个看法,而不 是 “人们同意成功是什么“。 C项选择中的 equal一词有误,与原句的意思不一致。而 A项选择的内容在第一段可以得到确认。 22 【正确答案】 D 【

44、试题解析】 本题的依据句是文章的第一段。应该逐条对比四种选择项与原文的意思是否一致。 A, B和 C项选择都与原文的意思不符,可以予以否定。 D项选择可以由本段的最后一个句子所确认。 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本词汇题的关键是要找到上下文的同义词或支持线索。前面的代词this意味着前面肯定有一个同义词 (组 )。仔细分析可以看出,前面的 high valuation就是 accent的意思。 B项选择的 emphasis与 high valuation意思相近,并且也与介词 on/upon搭配。其他选择项意思和搭配有误。 24 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题属于正误判断,应把

45、四个选择项的依据句在文章中找到,逐一进行确认。依据句是文章的第二段, A, B和 C项选择都可以得到确认。 D项选择的依据句是最后一段的第一个句子,选项中 deny“拒绝 “一词有误,应该为它的反义词如 gain“得到 “,其意思才能与原文保持一致。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试 题解析】 本题是一道引申题,应该把四个选择项的依据句在文章中找到,逐一进行确认。本题的依据句是文章的最后一段。通过分析现在的情况与过去情况的对比就可以引申出 A项正确答案。其他选项与文章中的信息不符合。 26 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题的关键是要浏览两个广告的共同点,由 “开放时间 “和 “门票价格 “可以

46、看出这两个地方应该是旅游点。 A项选择的意思是 “房地产 “, B项选择的意思是 “拍卖 “, C项选择的意思为 “购物 “,都不是这两个广告的内容。 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 首先要找到题 干上的电话号码,然后看号码前后的信息。在这里,与此电话号码有关的内容是 Evening tours, Meetings, Concerts。言下之意是,如果要安排这些活动,就要打这个号码与 Administrator联系。 A项选择的意思是“安排一项特别的活动 “,应该是最佳答案。其他选择项的信息都与这个电话号码没有任何联系。 28 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题属于判断题,要求把四个选

47、择项的依据信息在广告中找到,逐一进行对照确认。 B项选择的意思在两个广告中都得到了确认 (广告 1:childrenadm itted at reduced charge;广告 2: adult 30 p, children 15p)。其他的选择项都只在一个广告中正确,而在另一个广告中不正确。 29 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 应该首先找到这道题的依据 Situated just outside Perth,可以确定出 B项选择 near的意思最为接近。其他选项的意思与原文有差距。 C项选择 on the edge of指的是 “在 Perth的 (里面 )边缘 “。 30 【正确答案】

48、B 【试题解析】 应注意,本题题干 the exhibition and the palace涉及两个广告的内容。要求把四个选择项的依据信息在两个广告中找到,逐一进行对照确认。只有B项选择的信息可以在两个广告中都能得到确认。其他的选择项都只在一个广告中正确,而在另一个广告中不正确。 (本题难度较小,但太费时间 )。 三、 Part III Cloze Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C a

49、nd D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 31 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题的关键是理解上下文的信息。此处应该强调 “雇用 “一个不适当的人所造成的问题。 B项选择 appointing是任命的意思,最符合上下文的意思。其他选择项要么没有 “雇用 “的含义要么搭配不正确。 32 【正确答 案】 C 【试题解析】 本题上下文的线索非常明显,连词 than前后的不定式短语 to get rid of(解雇 )与 to employ(雇用 )相互对应,最符合上下文的概念。 A和 D项选择是同义词,都是 “解雇 “的意思,两者可以互换使用,不可能是正确答案。 B项选择的 apply应与介词 for搭配使用,意思为 “申请 “。 33 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题的考点是英语习惯搭配。应该看出,只有 whether可以与 or搭


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