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1、GCT工程硕士(英语)模拟试卷 60及答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the

2、 center. 1 He is an artist in _ but not in reality. ( A) surface ( B) title ( C) rank ( D) name 2 It is vital that food and shelter are made _ for people in the flood-stricken area. ( A) free ( B) useful ( C) available ( D) usable 3 We are planning to make a _ to the Great Wall. ( A) trip ( B) journ

3、ey ( C) travel ( D) tour 4 She hoped that a long rest might _ her in health. ( A) improve ( B) reform ( C) strengthen ( D) perfect 5 The first _ in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of primitive weapons and the discovery of fire. ( A) intervals ( B) breaks ( C) stages ( D)

4、 periods 6 We find such shrubs _ will best stand up to(抵御 ) hard weather. ( A) which ( B) as ( C) what ( D) who 7 Mrs. Douglas unknowingly left a package _ on the shop counter. ( A) laying ( B) to lie ( C) laid ( D) lying 8 An old friend from abroad, _ I was expecting to stay with me, telephoned fro

5、m the airport. ( A) that ( B) which ( C) whom ( D) who 9 _ that called this morning? ( A) Who was ( B) Who it was ( C) Who was him ( D) Who was it 10 Earthworms occur _ adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found. ( A) and ( B) whenever ( C) however ( D) wherever 二、 Part I

6、I Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 E

7、lephants who paint arent new. Paintings by Ruby, an Asian elephant who lived at the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona, sold for up to $5,000 in the late 1980s, said Dick George, a consultant with the zoo. “Ruby was about seven months old when she first came to the zoo“, said George. “She lived with a goat and

8、some chickens, but she didnt have an elephant companion for a number of years. She spent a lot of time drawing in the dirt with a stick to make her days more stimulating. Her keeper bought her some art supplies“. George said, , Ruby was excited about painting right from the beginning“. The elephants

9、 at the art academies in the Southeast Asia are taught to hold a paintbrush with the tip of their trunks. Initially, the keeper guides the elephants trunk over the canvas(画布 ) and offers rewards for good performance. “It only takes a few hours to a day to teach them“, said Mia Fineman, an art histor

10、ian whose book When Elephants Paint is an illustrated history of the Asian Elephant Art and Conservation Project. 11 Ruby was an Asian elephant _. ( A) who was sold for a price as high as $5,000 ( B) who was famous for being the first painting elephant ( C) whose paintings sold for as high as $5,000

11、 ( D) who started painting in the late 1980s 12 Why did Ruby start painting according to Dick George? ( A) Because she was seven years old. ( B) Because she was the first to come to the zoo. ( C) Because she learned a lot from the goat and the chickens. ( D) Because she had no elephant partners to p

12、lay with. 13 How did Ruby paint at the very beginning? ( A) She used a stick to draw in the dirt. ( B) She spent much time in the dirt. ( C) She stimulated herself every day. ( D) She painted with her keepers art supplies. 14 To encourage the elephants to paint well, the keeper ( A) bought them a lo

13、t of art supplies ( B) made them excited at the beginning ( C) taught them to hold a paintbrush with their trunks ( D) reinforced the desired behaviors with rewards 15 When Elephants Paint is a book _. ( A) on the history of arts ( B) about the painting elephants in Asia ( C) explaining how to teach

14、 elephants to paint ( D) chiefly theorizing about elephant art 16 While it is true that Americans believe climbing the educational ladder leads to success, they are less certain that intellectual achievement is the only important factor leading to success. A competitive personality is seen as import

15、ant to success, especially in men. The development of social and political skills is also considered to be very important. To help Americans develop these other important skills, schools have added a large number of extracurricular(课程外 ) activities to daily life at school. This is especially tree of

16、 high schools and colleges and extends down into elementary schools as well. Athletics, frequently called “competitive sports“, are perhaps the most important of these activities. Football, basketball, and baseball teams are seen as very important in teaching students, particularly boys, the “winnin

17、g spirit“. At times, athletic teams seem to become more important to some students and their parents than the academic programs offered by the schools. 16 Americans believe that education is _. ( A) the only way to success ( B) the main purpose of the schools ( C) just like climbing ladders ( D) imp

18、ortant to success 17 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as important to success? ( A) intellectual achievement ( B) competitive personality ( C) social backgrounds ( D) social and political skills 18 A variety of extracurricular activities are added in American schools _. ( A) to help students

19、climb the education ladder ( B) to enrich students dull life at school ( C) to help students become more successful in later life ( D) to extend college education down into elementary schools 19 Athletic activities are designed _. ( A) to make boys stronger ( B) to teach students winning spirit ( C)

20、 to develop students social and political skills ( D) to improve the academic programs 20 Which of the following can be the best title for this passage? ( A) Education and Success ( B) Extracurricular Activities at School ( C) Athletic Sports ( D) Intellectual Achievement 21 People once widely belie

21、ved that intelligent life existed on Mars. The 19th-century discovery of what appeared to be geometric designs cut across the surface was taken as evidence. The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to irrigate the surface. It is now clear that “canals“ perhaps the m

22、ost spectacular geologic features of Mars are natural valleys where ancient rivers once flowed. Another fragmented idea concerns the planets seasonal changes in color. Once attributed to the rapid spread of some life-form, these shifts are now known to develop from the movement of fine dust in the a

23、tmosphere. By the close of the 20th century none of the many experiments conducted by spacecraft had ever found persuasive evidence of life. Nevertheless, speculation continued over the existence of some form of life, in either the present or the past. In 1996 scientists discovered organic compounds

24、 and minerals in a meteorite(陨石 ), consisting of Martian rock, that collided with Earth around 11,000 B.C. These compounds suggest that Mars may have been inhabited by organisms more than three billion years ago. 21 Why did people in the 19th century believe the existence of intelligent life on Mars

25、? ( A) Because the surface of Mars seemed to be geometric. ( B) Because the lines were drawn across the surface of the planet. ( C) Because a system of canals was thought to be there. ( D) Because it was the Martians that built the canals. 22 The “canals“ on Mars have proved to be _ according to the

26、 passage. ( A) the minor geologic characteristic of Mars ( B) natural valleys on the surface of Mars ( C) rivers that have kept flowing since ancient times ( D) a system that irrigates the whole surface 23 What were the Mars seasonal changes in color believed to be? ( A) The natural changes on the p

27、lanet. ( B) The seasonal cycles. ( C) The movement of some life form. ( D) The storm of dust in its atmosphere. 24 How is the 1996 discovery related to the possible existence of organisms on Mars? ( A) The meteorite containing organic compounds is part of Mars. ( B) A Martian rock struck Earth about

28、 11,000 years ago. ( C) The organisms came back to life after the collision with Earth. ( D) The inhabiting organisms appeared more than three billion years ago. 25 How many arguments in this passage lead to the belief of the existence of life on Mars? ( A) Two. ( B) Three. ( C) Four. ( D) Five. 26

29、Weather Forecast The following forecast shows for the listed cities the projected weather conditions and the expected range of temperatures from the afternoon high to the evening low. 26 According to the forecast, _. ( A) Kansas City will be warmer than Toronto ( B) temperatures will be the lowest i

30、n Seattle and Minneapolis ( C) the weather will be fine in most of the listed cities ( D) more than half of the listed cities ore cloudy or rain likely 27 Among the following four cities, the difference between the afternoon high and the evening low is smallest in _. ( A) Kansas City ( B) Miami ( C)

31、 Atlanta ( D) Seattle 28 Which of the following cities is closest m Miami in weather conditions? ( A) Boston ( B) Atlanta ( C) Washington ( D) Houston 29 The difference between the afternoon high and the evening low is greatest in _. ( A) Seattle ( B) Los Angeles ( C) Las Vegas ( D) Phoenix 30 The d

32、ifferences between the afternoon high and the evening low are the same in _. ( A) Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, and St. Louis ( B) Atlanta, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Seattle ( C) Cleveland, Dallas, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. ( D) Pittsburg, Miami, Houston, and Boston 三、 Part III Cloze Dir

33、ections: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 31 How much sleep does a person need?【 B1】 the physiological bases of the

34、need for sleep remain conjectural(猜想 ), rendering conclusive answers to this question impossible, much evidence has been gathered on how much sleep people do in fact obtain. Perhaps the most important conclusion to be【 B2】 from this evidence is【 B3】 there is great variability among individuals in to

35、tal sleep time. For adults,【 B4】 between six and nine hours of sleep as a nightly average is not unusual, and 7.5 hours probably best expresses the norm. Such norms, of course, forms inevitably vary with the criteria of sleep employed. The most【 B5】 and reliable figures on sleep time, including thos

36、e cited here, come from studies in sleep laboratories, where EEG criteria are employed. 【 B6】 consistently has been associated with the varying amount, quality, and pattern of electrophysiologically defined sleep. The newborn infant may spend an average of about 16 hours of each 24-hour period in sl

37、eep,【 B7】 the sleep time drops sharply; by two years of age, it may【 B8】 from nine to 12 hours. Decreases to approximately six hours have been observed among the elderly. 【 B9】 will be discussed from below, EEG sleep studies have indicated that sleep can be considered to consist of several different

38、 stages. Developmental changes in the relative proportion of sleep time【 B10】 in these sleep stages are as striking as age-related changes in total sleep time. 31 【 B1】 ( A) As ( B) Despite ( C) While ( D) Whether 32 【 B2】 ( A) arrived ( B) benefited ( C) drawn ( D) deprived 33 【 B3】 ( A) how ( B) w

39、hat ( C) whether ( D) that 34 【 B4】 ( A) something ( B) nothing ( C) anything ( D) everything 35 【 B5】 ( A) brief ( B) precise ( C) correct ( D) concise 36 【 B6】 ( A) Aging ( B) Youth ( C) Age ( D) Teenage 37 【 B7】 ( A) unless ( B) however ( C) although ( D) even if 38 【 B8】 ( A) extend ( B) range (

40、 C) alter ( D) rise 39 【 B9】 ( A) What ( B) It ( C) That ( D) As 40 【 B10】 ( A) is spent ( B) are spent ( C) spent ( D) spending 四、 Part IV Dialogue Completion Directions: In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D

41、. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 41 Student A: You are not from Britain, are you? Student B: _. ( A) Sure, I know the country well. ( B) I cant agree

42、more. ( C) Youd better go there to have look. ( D) No, but I live there now. 42 Woman: How can we get tickets for the Sundays movie? Man: _. ( A) Just go to see it. ( B) No one pays them. ( C) Just go to the booking office. ( D) I like the Sundays movie. 43 Speaker A: So well have a week off. Have a

43、 nice holiday. Speaker B: _. ( A) Yes. Ill. How about you? ( B) The same to you. ( C) Are you going anywhere? ( D) Oh, Ill stay home. 44 Speaker A: Excuse me. Do you mind if I open the window? Speaker B: _. ( A) Well. Dont open it. ( B) Well, Im sorry. Its a bit cold here. ( C) Yes. Please open it.

44、( D) Well. Its too hot here. 45 Paul: Peter, why dont you come to Marys birthday party with us? Peter: _. ( A) Sorry? Lets go right away. ( B) Thank you. Id love to. ( C) Yeah, thanks anyway. ( D) Whether Ill go or not is not your business, OK? 46 Ann: Oh, its ten oclock. Id better go home now. Bill

45、: _. ( A) OK. Please take your time. ( B) You cant go now. Dont you want to stay any longer? ( C) Wont you stay for another cup of coffee? ( D) Yeah, its really late. Why not immediately? 47 Samuel: What a surprise! You have changed your car. Diana: Yes, and another surprise. Im going to get engaged

46、 with Jessica. Samuel: _. ( A) Really? Congratulations! ( B) Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that. ( C) Im sorry to hear it. ( D) I dont know what to say. Take care of yourself! 48 Susan: I thought you were going to the conference in USA last Saturday. Gordon: _, but I havent been feeling well, so I stay

47、ed home. ( A) I didnt plan to ( B) I didnt want to ( C) I was planning to ( D) I was happy to 49 Jackson: What a lovely coat you are wearing? Chester: _. ( A) Of course. Its excellent. You should buy one. ( B) No. Its not very expensive, you see. ( C) Thank you. My husband gave it to me for my thirt

48、ieth birthday. ( D) Yes. I dont like it very much. 50 Person A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum? Person B: _. ( A) Sorry. Im a stranger here myself. ( B) Sorry. I cant tell it to you. ( C) Well. Go there yourself. ( D) OK. Next time perhaps. GCT工程硕士(英语)模拟试卷 60答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabul

49、ary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 surface意为 “表面 “; title意为 “称号,头衔 “,如 “先生 “、 “教授 “等; rank意为 “等级,地 位 “; in name意为 “名义上 “。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 free意为


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