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1、GCT工程硕士(英语)模拟试卷 63及答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the

2、 center. 1 The new currency will get into _ soon. ( A) circuit ( B) circulation ( C) circular ( D) circle 2 Shortage of capital is the main factor that _ economic development. ( A) holds out ( B) holds on to ( C) holds back ( D) holds on 3 The captain of the ship _ the passengers that there was no d

3、anger. ( A) assured ( B) ensured ( C) secured ( D) insured 4 Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to the rapid _ of city life. ( A) rate ( B) speed ( C) step ( D) pace 5 The first Olympiad is said to have consisted _ of a 200-yard foot race near the small city of Olympia.

4、 ( A) nearly ( B) completely ( C) merely ( D) identically 6 The issue _ at the conference is very important and it will create a sensation nationwide. ( A) discussed ( B) being discussed ( C) is being discussed ( D) has been discussed 7 The extensive survey suggested that their assumptions _ totally

5、 wrong. ( A) were ( B) be ( C) was ( D) would be 8 Undoubtedly, _ wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet. ( A) anyone ( B) who ( C) whoever ( D) everyone 9 If they had sent a check to the telephone company last week, their telephone _ out of service at th

6、is moment. ( A) will not be ( B) will not have been ( C) would not be ( D) would not have been 10 Millions of Americans flock to their drugstore to buy vitamins and minerals, _ that these pills can help to prevent serious illnesses. ( A) convincing ( B) convinced ( C) to convince ( D) to be convince

7、d 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the c

8、enter. 11 Jessica Bucknam shouts “tiao!“ (tee-ow) and her fourth-grade students jump. “Dun!“ (doo-wen) she commands, and they crouch(蹲 ). They giggle(吃吃地笑 ) as the commands keep coming in Mandarin Chinese. Half of the 340 students at the K-5 school are enrolled in the program. They can continue stud

9、ying Chinese in middle and high schools. The goal: to speak like natives. About 24 000 American students are currently learning Chinese. Most are in high schools. But the number of younger students is growing in response to Chinas emergence as a global superpower. “China has become a strong partner

10、of the United States“, says Mary Patterson, Woodstocks principal. “Children who learn Chinese at a young age will have more opportunities for jobs in the future“. Isabel Weiss, 9, isnt thinking about the future. She thinks learning Chinese is fun. “when you hear people speaking in Chinese, you know

11、what theyre saying“, she says. “And they dont know that you know“. 11 What do the fourth-grade students seem to be doing in the first paragraph? ( A) They are learning how to jump. ( B) They are learning how to crouch. ( C) They are learning how to giggle. ( D) They are learning Chinese. 12 The purp

12、ose of the program for Jessicas students is to _. ( A) enable them to learn how to command ( B) get them enrolled in the language program ( C) help them to speak like a Chinese ( D) continue enrolling more students to learn Chinese 13 In response to the fact that _, more American students are learni

13、ng Chinese. ( A) the United States is the only superpower in the world ( B) international trading is becoming globalized ( C) partnership is encouraging business and trade ( D) China is emerging as a new superpower in the world 14 Why do more and more young students personally choose to learn Chines

14、e in the United States? ( A) They will have more job opportunities in the future. ( B) They are more interested in the international trade. ( C) They will visit China for further education. ( D) They are curious about the corporate partnership. 15 Isabel Weiss has also chosen to learn Chinese becaus

15、e ( A) she wants a brighter future ( B) she finds it fun to learn the language ( C) she likes to do business in China ( D) she watches people speak the language 16 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced plans to return people to the moon by 2018. “And this time“, acco

16、rding to a NASA press release, “were going to stay“. NASA wants to make a new spaceship for the missions using parts from the Apollo program, which first took people to the moon in 1969, and the space shuttle. NASA says the new Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) will be “affordable, reliable, and sage“.

17、 The CEV will be able to hold four astronauts. The plan is to have the CEV dock(对接 ) in space with the lunar lander the vehicle astronauts will use to land on the moonwhich will be launched separately into space. The CEV will then travel to the moon and all four astronauts will walk on the moon. The

18、 first moon missions are expected to last up to seven days. Exploration and construction of a moon base will be the astronauts top priorities(最优先考虑的事 ). NASA hopes to have a minimum of two moon missions a year starting in 2018. This will allow for quick moon base construction, constant scientific st

19、udy, and training for future missions to Mars. 16 What is new in NASAs plan to return to the moon by 2018? ( A) People will land and remain on the moon. ( B) Equipment will be carded and installed there. ( C) More CEVs will be made regularly. ( D) A special device will be used in landing. 17 How wil

20、l NASA make its new spaceship? ( A) It will base its design on that of the Apollo program. ( B) It will use parts only from the Apollo program. ( C) It will make use of the Apollo program and the space shuttle. ( D) It will develop new designs and make new components. 18 How will CEV and the moon la

21、nder be launched? ( A) They will be launched separately. ( B) CEV will dock with the moon lander. ( C) They will be launched together. ( D) The moon lander will hold four astronauts. 19 What will be the astronauts top priorities? ( A) Entering the orbit and landing on the moon. ( B) Landing and walk

22、ing on the moon surface. ( C) Exploration and researches into the moon composition. ( D) Exploration and construction of a moon base. 20 The reason why NASA hopes to carry out at least two moon missions a year starting in 2018 is to _. ( A) ensure the moon traveling and the moon base construction (

23、B) speed up the moon base construction and other activities ( C) guarantee the quality of the researchers scientific study ( D) set up new training laboratories for future missions to Mars 21 At the end of the U.S. Civil War, about four million slaves were freed. Now, people around the world can hea

24、r some of the former slaves stories for the first time ever, as told in their own voices. “That was in slavery time“, says Charlie Smith in one interview. “They sold the colored people. And they were bringing them from Africa. They brought me from Africa. I was a child“. The Library of Congress rele

25、ased the collection of recordings, Voices from the Days of Slavery, in January. The recordings were made between 1932 and 1975. Speaking at least 60 years after their emancipation(解放 ), the storytellers discuss their experiences as slaves. They also tell about their lives as free men and women. Isom

26、 Moseley was just a boy at the time of emancipation, but he recalls that things were slow to change. “It was a year before the folks knew they were free“, he says. Michael Taft, the head of the librarys archive of folk culture, says the recordings reveal something that written stories cannot. “The p

27、ower of hearing someone speak is so much greater than reading something from the page“, Taft says. “Its how something is said the dialect, the low pitches, the pauses that helps tell the story“. 21 What is new about the slaves stories? ( A) They are told in the slaves own voices. ( B) People travel

28、around the world to hear them. ( C) Colored people were sold. ( D) They happened in the slavery time. 22 What is the tire of the collection of recordings? ( A) The End of the U.S. Civil War ( B) The Library of Congress ( C) Voices from the Days of Slavery ( D) The Recordings of Written Stories 23 Ho

29、w many years did it take to complete the collection of recordings? ( A) 26 years. ( B) 33 years. ( C) 44 years. ( D) 57 years. 24 What do the storytellers tell us about? ( A) How they were brought to the United States from Africa. ( B) The release of the collection of recordings. ( C) What happened

30、60 years after their emancipation? ( D) Their experiences as slaves and their lives as free men and women. 25 The recordings differ from written stories in that _. ( A) the tellers and the government are contributing together ( B) the dialect, the low pitches, and the pauses are more revealing ( C)

31、the hearing and reading both help tell the stories ( D) the power of watching someone write is more engaging 26 THE SOCIETY FOR BIOMATERIALS Takes Pleasure in Announcing its STUDENT AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING RESEARCH Which will be awarded to student researchers Who have shown outstanding achievement in

32、biomaterial research Applications may be made in one of the following categories: 1. Hospital intern(实习医生 ), resident or clinical fellow 2. Undergraduate, Master or Health Science degree candidate 3. Ph.D. degree candidate or equivalent Recipient will present their paper at the Society for Biomateri

33、als meeting in Clemson, South Carolina, and be the guest of the Society during its meeting, April 28 to May 1, 2007. Each recipient will receive: 1. Travel and living expenses up to $300 2. Certificate of Award 3. Registration for the Scientific Session 4. Tickets to all official functions 5. Public

34、ation of abstract in the Transactions of the Society for Biomaterials 6. Publication of paper in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Recipient will be selected on the basis of submitted papers which must be received along with completed application forms no later than November 30, 2006. For app

35、lication, write to Student Awards Society for Biomaterials c/o Robert A. James, Doctor of Dental Science Loma Linda University S.D. Loma Linda, California 92354 26 In order to be chosen, applicants must send in _ before Nov. 30, 2006. ( A) their papers and application forms ( B) their papers and deg

36、ree certificates ( C) their application forms and diplomas ( D) their applications and registrations 27 The number 92354 is the _ of Loma Linda University S.D. ( A) fax code ( B) phone number ( C) zip code ( D) street number 28 The qualifications for the application for the award include all of the

37、following EXCEPT _. ( A) hospital interns, resident or clinical fellows ( B) undergraduates, masters or Health Science degree candidates ( C) doctorial degree candidates or equivalents ( D) Ph. . supervisors or former student award winners 29 Journal of Biomaterials Research will publish _. ( A) the

38、 abstract of the paper of the applicant chosen ( B) the presented paper of the applicant chosen ( C) the abstract and paper of the applicant selected ( D) the application form and paper of the applicant 30 It can be inferred that the criterion/criteria for the selection of qualified candidates is/ar

39、e _. ( A) the qualification of the applicants ( B) the quality of the applicants papers ( C) the number of the papers presented ( D) the abstract of the papers submitted 三、 Part III Cloze Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marke

40、d A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 31 Recruiting(招募 ) the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task.【 B1】 the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personal problems fo

41、r the whole department. And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to【 B2】 them. The HR managers first decision is【 B3】 to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company.【 B4】 applicants are easy to recruit by

42、 memo, e-mail, or newsletter. Furthermore, they are easy to assess and know the company well.【 B5】 , they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company. Recruiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy di

43、rectly or【 B6】 an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the【 B7】 . Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but now the Internet is also very popular. The decision normally depends on the vacancy. Compani

44、es advertise blue-collar or clerical jobs in local newspapers and senior management【 B8】 in national papers or professional journals,【 B9】 the Internet is one of the best ways of advertising IT vacancies or recruiting abroad. However, with the Internet there is a risk【 B10】 receiving unsuitable appl

45、ications from all over the world. 31 【 B1】 ( A) Finding ( B) Appointing ( C) Placing ( D) Searching 32 【 B2】 ( A) fire ( B) apply ( C) employ ( D) dismiss 33 【 B3】 ( A) where ( B) if ( C) which ( D) whether 34 【 B4】 ( A) Internal ( B) External ( C) Additional ( D) Terminal 35 【 B5】 ( A) Besides ( B)

46、 Whereas ( C) While ( D) However 36 【 B6】 ( A) use ( B) to use ( C) used ( D) using 37 【 B7】 ( A) advertisement ( B) job ( C) agency ( D) company 38 【 B8】 ( A) place ( B) positions ( C) rooms ( D) seats 39 【 B9】 ( A) while ( B) as ( C) when ( D) once 40 【 B10】 ( A) at ( B) in ( C) over ( D) of 四、 Pa

47、rt IV Dialogue Completion Directions: In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

48、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 41 Receptionist: Can I help you? Customer: _ Where do I pay my fees? ( A) Yes, please ( B) Thank you ( C) As you please ( D) Yes, you can 42 Operator: _ May I help you? David: Id like to set up a telephone service, please. ( A) Speaking ( B) Hey ( C)

49、Pacific Bell ( D) Im John Smith 43 Cathleen: Lets take a coffee break, shall we? Yolanda: _, but I cant. ( A) We shall ( B) Yes, lets ( C) You will ( D) I wish I could 44 Beth: You look a little pale. Are you OK? Jerry: _, I feel terrible. ( A) To speak out ( B) To begin with ( C) To sum up ( D) To tell you the truth 45 Ken: Gee, Martin, Id love a cup of coffee. Martin: _. Is instant OK? ( A) Sure thing ( B) Im sure ( C) No ki


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