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1、GCT工程硕士(英语)模拟试卷 64及答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the

2、 center. 1 The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to _ it open. ( A) cut ( B) press ( C) break ( D) shake 2 People who walk on the grass are _ to a fine of $5. ( A) possible ( B) likely ( C) liable ( D) reliable 3 People do not always recall events as they _ actually. ( A) are

3、happening ( B) will happen ( C) happened ( D) would happen 4 The Mona Lisa, _ in Italy, is now in the Louvre, a museum in Paris. ( A) who painted ( B) who has painted ( C) which painted ( D) which was painted 5 Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modem physics at the _ of his h

4、ealth. ( A) cost ( B) disposal ( C) mercy ( D) expenditure 6 John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to _ more responsibilities that are assigned to him. ( A) take up ( B) take in ( C) take off ( D) take on 7 Effective prevention against physical harms has never been _ urgently needed, e

5、specially in schools. ( A) more ( B) as ( C) such ( D) quite 8 A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers _ not to work at all. ( A) should prefer ( B) prefer ( C) would prefer ( D) preferred 9 The ATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day and seven

6、 days a week _ ATMs are located. ( A) wherever ( B) whenever ( C) however ( D) whatever 10 Becoming aware of our mothers age, not just in numbers of years but _ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better. ( A) in spite of ( B) on account of ( C) in terms of ( D) by

7、 means of 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line throu

8、gh the center. 11 In the fall 2006, the National Basketball Association (NBA) started using basketballs made with synthetic, or manmade material instead of leather. They made the switch because they wanted every basketball they use to feel and bounce the same. However, some players complained right

9、away that the new balls bounced differently and were actually harder to control than leather ones. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban asked for help the Department of Physics at the University of Texas. The scientists investigated friction that affects the ability of a player to hold onto a ball. “Th

10、e greater the friction, the better it will stick to his hand“, explains Horwitz, one of the physicists who worked on the project. Tests on both wet and dry balls showed that while the plastic ball was easier to grip when dry, it had less friction and became much harder to hold onto when wet. Thats b

11、ecause sweating stays on the surface of the synthetic balls but gets absorbed into the leather balls an important detail for sweaty athletes. In January, the NBA went back to use the traditional leather balls. They arent perfect, but for now, thats just the way the ball bounces. 11 The NBA started u

12、sing synthetic basketballs instead of leather ones because _. ( A) NBA players had used the leather balls for too long a time ( B) NBA officials wanted a switch with which to start a reform ( C) they emphasized that synthetic materials are manmade ( D) they wanted every basketball to feel and bounce

13、 the same 12 How did some NBA players respond to the switch to synthetic balls? ( A) They felt that the new balls were worse than the leather balls. ( B) They thought differently about the leather balls. ( C) They felt much more comfortable with the synthetic balls. ( D) They believed the new balls

14、would soon be replaced. 13 Which of the following contributes to the better control of the balls? ( A) Stronger affection. ( B) More ownership. ( C) Greater friction. ( D) Fewer investigations. 14 When is it harder for an NBA player to hold onto a synthetic ball? ( A) When sweating sticks to the bal

15、l. ( B) When the ball is wetted by water. ( C) When tests are done on the ball. ( D) When the ball is dried with a towel. 15 In the last paragraph, “thats just the way the ball bounces“, probably means_. ( A) tradition offers the best choice ( B) the NBA made a mistake ( C) the ball bounces as best

16、it can ( D) the ball bounces perfectly 16 A mother dolphin(海豚 ) chats with her baby over the telephone! They were in separate tanks connected by a special underwater audio link. “It seemed clear that they knew who they were talking with“, says Don White, whose Project Delphis ran the experiment. But

17、 what were they saying? Scientists think dolphins “talk“ about everything from basic facts like their age to their emotional state. “I speculate that they say things like there are some good fish over here, or watch out for that shark because hes hunting,“ says Denis Herzing, who studies dolphins in

18、 the Bahamas. Deciphering(译解 ) “dolphin speak“ is also tricky because their language is so dependent on what theyre doing, whether theyre playing, fighting, or going after tasty fish. During fights, for example, dolphins clap(碰撞 ) their jaws to say “Back off!“ But their jaws clap while playing, too,

19、 as if to show whos king of the underwater playground. 16 How did the mother dolphin talk with her baby over the telephone? ( A) Two connected tanks were separated for the talk. ( B) A clear voice could be heard in the two separate tanks. ( C) Both the mother dolphin and the baby knew each other. (

20、D) A special underwater audio link was set up for the talk. 17 Dolphins seem to talk to each other about any of the following EXCEPT _. ( A) their age ( B) audio link ( C) food sources ( D) their emotional state 18 Why is it challenging to interpret “dolphins speak“? ( A) Because playing and fightin

21、g are part of dolphins life. ( B) Because dolphins like to talk about their language. ( C) Because dolphins language heavily relies on their actions. ( D) Because tasty fish are difficult for dolphins to catch. 19 A dolphin might be saying “_“ when it claps its jaws. ( A) Go back to your home! ( B)

22、I am the king here! ( C) Who is playing here? ( D) Show me who the king is! 20 When scientists describe dolphins communicative skills, their tone is rather _. ( A) affirmative ( B) negative ( C) playful ( D) speculative 21 An American company has started testing a new program aimed at increasing sec

23、urity. Three workers from CityW, a company that provides security camera equipment, have volunteered to be electronically monitored. They will have a silicon chip put inside their arms. The tiny device is the size of a grain of rice and will send out radio signals. These will provide information to

24、a central monitoring system that will give the workers access to secure areas of the workplace. The chips were originally designed for medical purposes. Sean Darks, CEO of CityWatcher, said the chips were like identity cards. He said the only difference is that they are inserted inside the persons b

25、ody. He added they are very different from Global Positioning Satellite technology, which allows peoples location to be monitored. Mr. Darks insisted that they were not dangerous and even decided to have a chip implanted in his own body. However, many people are worded about the issue of privacy. Ma

26、ny believe the technology could be abused and that new laws will have to be made. Mr. Darks said his workers always choose to have the chips removed. 21 This passage is mainly about _. ( A) the test of a new security program ( B) the increasing security of U.S. companies ( C) a new central monitorin

27、g system ( D) Global Positioning Satellite technology 22 The three workers from CityW have _. ( A) volunteered to provide security camera equipment ( B) offered to be monitored in the new security program ( C) agreed to have silicon chips planted in their brain ( D) had access to secure areas of the

28、ir workplace 23 Which of the following is NOT true about the silicon chips in trial? ( A) They are as tiny as a grain of rice. ( B) They will send out radio signals. ( C) They will be developed for medical uses. ( D) They function like identity cards. 24 The chips are different from the Global Posit

29、ioning Satellite technology in that _. ( A) they allow peoples location to be monitored ( B) they are inserted into a persons body as D cards ( C) they provide information to a central monitoring system ( D) they bring more danger to the carders 25 Many people are worried about the silicon chips bec

30、ause _. ( A) the new technology may introduce on peoples privacy ( B) they cannot get the implanted chips removed ( C) the new laws about the technology might be abused ( D) they are not assured of the effect of the chips 26 26 The above listing is most probably _. ( A) an advertisement placed by an

31、 airline company ( B) a notice placed by an international air committee ( C) a ticketing message provided by a hotline company ( D) an information board provided by a travel agency 27 Which of the following airlines provides the lowest price to Hong Kong? ( A) Air New Zealand. ( B) Cathy Pacific Air

32、line. ( C) China Eastern Airline. ( D) Atlantic Airline. 28 If you decide to take a flight to Hanoi, you might have to pay _ altogether for the flight. ( A) 335 ( B) 430 ( C) 395 ( D) 670 29 Which of the following choices can help you fly to Beijing at the lowest cost? ( A) 20 Aug 07 13 Nov 07 with

33、Singapore Airline. ( B) 20 Aug 07 31 Aug 07 with China Eastern. ( C) 24 Mar 07 312 Mar 07 with Austrian Airline. ( D) 20 Aug 31 Dec 07 with Lufthansa. 30 You can call 0207 484 8925 for more information about _. ( A) taxes and charges ( B) tickets on other dates ( C) specially designed group tours (

34、D) travel agencies 三、 Part III Cloze Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 31 Double Income and No Kids (DINK

35、) becomes fashionable in China. The DINK couples are usually regarded as those who have higher educations and【 B1】 careers with higher incomes. The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional idea of the family and【 B2】 typical. A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market

36、survey company【 B3】 that about 3.3 percent of 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have【 B4】 plans to have children. It is estimated there are about 600,000 DINK families in large cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in【 B5】 rea

37、sons. Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp【 B6】 to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children. 【 B7】 , most people still believe it is necessary to bear a child to keep the famil

38、y line on. As an old Chinese saying goes, there are three aspects in failing to be a filial son and the【 B8】 serious one is to have no heir for the family. So childless couples will suffer discrimination【 B9】 family members and neighbors. But it is clear that the new tide of ideas has come, which su

39、ggests young people【 B10】 to choose their own way of life. They are installing modern ideas into traditional families and society. In the modernization process, personal choices will be highly respected. 31 【 B1】 ( A) stable ( B) available ( C) achievable ( D) liable 32 【 B2】 ( A) had become ( B) ma

40、y become ( C) became ( D) becomes 33 【 B3】 ( A) directed ( B) induced ( C) indicated ( D) dictated 34 【 B4】 ( A) no ( B) not ( C) hardly ( D) scarcely 35 【 B5】 ( A) elegant ( B) abundant ( C) similar ( D) various 36 【 B6】 ( A) tension ( B) attention ( C) intention ( D) interaction 37 【 B7】 ( A) More

41、over ( B) However ( C) According ( D) Generally 38 【 B8】 ( A) most ( B) more ( C) latest ( D) less 39 【 B9】 ( A) into ( B) to ( C) at ( D) from 40 【 B10】 ( A) wanted ( B) should want ( C) want ( D) had wanted 四、 Part IV Dialogue Completion Directions: In this part, there are ten short incomplete dia

42、logues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 41 Steve: Hi, my name is Steve. Its n

43、ice to meet you. Jack: _ Im Jack. ( A) My name is Jack, you know. ( B) How are you, Steve? ( C) Its pleasure to meet you, Steve. ( D) Youre busy, arent you? 42 Jill: Hi, Jane, this is Jill. Do you have time to talk? Jane: Hi, Jill, _. I was just watching TV. ( A) so what ( B) no doubt ( C) some time

44、 ( D) sure 43 Salesman: Good morning, sir. May I help you? Customer: Thats OK. Salesman: Fine. Please take your time. ( A) Im just looking around ( B) Im just playing around ( C) Im just sneaking around ( D) Im just hanging around 44 Customer: Could you hold the door open for a moment, please? Sales

45、man: Certainly. _ ( A) Please take your time ( B) Im sorry I cant ( C) No worry, please ( D) Never mind it 45 Harry: I didnt know you play billiards. Are you having fun? John: Im having a great time. _ What are you doing? ( A) Great! ( B) How about you? ( C) I miss it so much. ( D) Do you know billi

46、ards? 46 Bob: Why didnt you come to my party last night? Bill: Im sorry, _ I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital. ( A) I did it ( B) I still remember it ( C) I couldnt make it ( D) I will come 47 Cashier: How can I help you, Miss? Nancy: _ Cashier: Sure. How do you want it? ( A) Why didnt yo

47、u say it then? ( B) No, I dont need your help. ( C) Could you break a 20 for me? ( D) No, I can manage it. 48 Friend A: This meal is on me. Friend B: Thanks, _ but isnt it my turn to treat you? ( A) Its none of your business ( B) Ill treat you ( C) I invite you ( D) My pleasure 49 Stewardess: Please

48、 put your seat up. Well be serving dinner shortly. Passenger: Id like to, but there seems to be something wrong with it. _ ( A) Can you help with it? ( B) Can you stay a few minutes? ( C) Its your duty to fix it. ( D) Hold on, please. 50 Student A: Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed your company. Studen

49、t B: Dont mention it. _ ( A) Sorry to keep you out ( B) Many happy returns of the day ( C) Same here ( D) Youre too polite GCT工程硕士(英语)模拟试卷 64答案与解析 一、 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark


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