1、Designation: C754 18Standard Specification forInstallation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw-Attached Gypsum Panel Products1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C754; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev
2、ision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This specifi
3、cation covers the minimum requirements forthe installation of interior nonstructural steel framing andfurring members designed to receive screw-attached gypsumpanel products. The steel framing and furring members cov-ered in this specification are limited to those complying withSpecification C645.1.
4、2 Details of construction for a specific assembly toachieve the required fire resistance, sound or acoustic ratingshall be obtained from reports of fire-resistance tests, engineer-ing evaluations, or listings from recognized fire testing, soundor acoustic laboratories.1.3 The values stated in inch-p
5、ound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
6、ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A641/A641M Specification for ZincCoated (Galvanize
7、d)Carbon Steel WireA653/A653M Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated(Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed)by the Hot-Dip ProcessA1008/A1008M Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled,Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability,
8、SolutionHardened, and Bake HardenableC11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related BuildingMaterials and SystemsC645 Specification for Nonstructural Steel Framing Mem-bersC840 Specification forApplication and Finishing of GypsumBoardC955 Specification for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Fram-ing Membe
9、rs2.2 AISI Standard:3AISI COSP Code of Standard Practice for Cold-FormedSteel Structural Framing - 2006 Edition2.3 ICC-ES Document4ICC-ES AC86 Criteria for Cold-Formed Steel FramingMembersInterior Nonload-bearing Wall AssembliesApproved May 20123. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsTerms shall be as defined
10、in TerminologyC11.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 channel, nthe material described in 4.3 to whichfurring members are attached.3.2.2 cross furring, nfurring member attached perpen-dicular to main runners or framing members.3.2.3 cross furring member, na member installed perp
11、en-dicularly to the main beams designed to receive screw-attachedgypsum panel products.3.2.4 direct furring, nfurring members attached directly tothe structural members of the building.3.2.5 framing member, nmetal studs, runners (track), andrigid furring channels designed to receive screw-attachedgy
12、psum panel products.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C11 onGypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems and is the direct responsibilityof Subcommittee C11.03 on Specifications for theApplication of Gypsum and OtherProducts in Assemblies.Current edition approved A
13、pril 1, 2018. Published April 2018. Originallyapproved in 1974. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as C754 17. DOI:10.1520/C0754-18.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume in
14、formation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 1140 ConnecticutAve., NW, Suite 705, Washington, DC 20036, http:/www.steel.org.4Available from ICC Evaluation Services, Inc., 5360 Workman Mill Road,Whittier, CA 90601
15、, www.icc-es.org.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on sta
16、ndardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.13.2.6 furred ceiling, na ceiling in which the rigid furringchannels and studs are attac
17、hed directly to the structuralmembers of the building.3.2.7 furring, vpreparing a wall or ceiling with framing orfurring members to provide a level surface or airspace.3.2.8 furring member, nmetal studs, rigid furringchannels, or channels used either as direct furring or as crossfurring.3.2.9 grid s
18、uspension system, na ceiling system composedof modular interlocking steel components designed to receivescrew-attached gypsum panel products.3.2.10 main beam, nthe main support member of a gridsuspension system that receives cross furring members.3.2.11 main runner, nthe channel or stud that is atta
19、chedto or suspended from the structural members of the building.3.2.12 runner (track), na member designed to receive theends of metal studs, attached directly to the structural membersof the building.3.2.13 suspended ceiling, na ceiling in which the mainrunners and cross furring are suspended below
20、the structuralmembers of the building.4. Materials and Manufacture4.1 Studs, Runners, Rigid Furring Channels, and GridSuspension SystemsSee Specification C645.4.2 Tie Wire and Hanger WireZinc-coated (galvanized)soft-annealed steel, or of a material and size having equivalentcorrosion resistance and
21、strength. Wire diameters (uncoated)specified herein correspond with United States steel wire gaugenumbers as follows:DiameterAWire Gauge(U.S. Steel Wire Gauge)in. mm0.0348 0.88 No. 200.0410 1.04 No. 190.0475 1.21 No. 180.0540 1.37 No. 170.0625 1.59 No. 160.0800 2.03 No. 140.0915 2.32 No. 130.1055 2.
22、68 No. 120.1205 3.06 No. 110.1350 3.43 No. 100.1483 3.77 No. 90.1620 4.12 No. 8AAllowable variations in diameter shall be in accordance with tolerances asestablished in Specification A641/A641M.4.3 ChannelsChannels shall be cold-formed from steelwith a minimum 33 000 psi (228 MPa) yield strength and
23、0.0538 in. (1.37 mm) minimum bare steel thickness.4.3.1 Protective Coating: Channels for use in interior applications shall have aprotective coating conforming to the requirements of Specifi-cation C645. Channels for use in exterior applications shall havea protective coating conformin
24、g to the requirements of Speci-fication C955.4.3.2 Channels shall have the following minimum weightsin lb per 1000 linear ft (kg/m):SectionDesignationWeb Depth Flange Width Weightin. (mm) in. (mm)lb/1000 ft(kg/m)075U050 -5434 (19)12 (13) 277 (0.412)150U050 -54 112 (38)12 (13) 414 (0.616)200U050 -54
25、2 (51)12 (13) 506 (0.753)250U050 -54 212 (64)12 (13) 597 (0.888)4.4 Grid Suspension System:4.4.1 Main BeamFormed from cold-rolled steel “T”sections, indexed with slots to receive ends of cross furringmembers, and with stamped couplings at each end for thepurpose of splicing.4.4.2 Cross Furring Membe
26、rsFormed from cold-rolledsteel, designed to permit screw attachment of gypsum panelproducts, and formed with an end configuration that permitsmechanical interlock with the indexed slots of the main beam.4.5 Rod and Flat HangersFormed from steel conformingto Specification A1008/A1008M. When specified
27、, rod and flathangers shall be protected with zinc coating or another equallyrust-inhibiting coating.5. Installation of Metal Framing5.1 Tolerances:5.1.1 Spacing of studs and furring members shall be notmore than 618 in. (3 mm) from the spacing shown in Tables 1and 2. Any cumulative error shall be n
28、ot more than 618 in.5.2 Runner (Track) Installation:5.2.1 GeneralRunners shall be aligned accurately at thefloor and ceiling and securely anchored approximately 2 in.(50 mm) from the runner ends, not more than 24 in. (610 mm)on center. Runners shall be secured with fasteners at partitioncorners. One
29、 runner shall extend to the end of the corner andthe other runner shall butt to it and be gapped to allowclearance for the gypsum panel product thickness. Runnersshall not be mitered.5.2.2 Runners to Concrete SlabsShall be fastened withconcrete stub nails, expansion anchors, shielded screws, orpower
30、-driven fasteners not exceeding 24 in. (610 mm) oncenter.5.2.3 Runners to WoodShall be fastened with screwsproviding not less than 1 in. (25 mm) penetration or nailsproviding 112 in. (38 mm) penetration into the wood.5.2.4 Runners to Suspended CeilingsShall be fastenedwith “Molly”-type expandable fa
31、steners, toggle bolts, clamps,or screws into channels, splines, “T” runners, or other mem-bers.5.3 Stud Installation:5.3.1 Stud Height and Spacing Limitations: Maximum framing spacing determined by gypsumpanel product thickness shall be in accordance with Table Stud heights shall be
32、 not greater than those shown inTables 3- Studs shall engage both the floor and ceiling run-ners. The gap between the end of a stud and the web of the topand bottom runner shall be not more than14 in. (6 mm). Where conditions require that a partition be con-structed with compensation
33、 for vertical structural movement,the gap between the end of a stud and the adjacent runner shallbe designed by an architect or engineer.C754 1825.3.2 Location: Studs shall be positioned vertically and shall bespaced not more than the maximum framing spacing allowedfor the finish specified. S
34、tuds located adjacent to door andwindow frames, partition intersections, and corners shall beanchored to runner flanges by screws, or by crimping at eachstud and runner flange. At the junction of through and abutting partitions, astud shall be located not more than 2 in. (50 mm) away fromthe
35、intersection in the abutting partition from the throughpartition (see Fig. 1), and not more than 2 in. (50 mm) frompartition corners and other construction.Astud shall be locatedadjacent to all door and borrowed light frames. Studs shall besecurely anchored to the jamb anchor clips on each door fram
36、eor borrowed light frame by bolt or screw attachment. A headershall be formed over metal door and borrowed light frameswith a cut-to-length section of runner placed horizontally withthe flanges cut and web bent vertically at each end, andsecurely attached to the adjacent vertical studs. A cut-to-len
37、gthstud shall be positioned at the location of vertical joints overthe header extending to the ceiling runner. Additional cut tolength studs required to comply with framing spacing inaccordance with Table 1 shall also be added over the header,extending to the ceiling runner. At partition corn
38、ers, a stud shall be installed so thatit forms the outside corner. Following application of a singlelayer of gypsum panel product to this stud, a second stud shallbe installed in the abutting runner and the web shall bescrew-attached through the gypsum panel product into theflange of the first stud
39、(see Fig. 2). A three-stud conventionalcorner shall be permitted (see Fig. 3).5.4 Chase Wall Partitions:5.4.1 A double row of runners and studs as specified in 5.2and 5.3 shall be installed. Height shall be in accordance with5. Where a gypsum panel product is used as bracingbetween chase
40、walls, a gap of not more than 20 in. (508 mm)between rows of studs shall be permitted.TABLE 1 Maximum Framing SpacingNOTE 1Where a conflict exists in spacing between base and face layers, the closer spacing shall govern.Gypsum Panel Product ThicknessLocation ApplicationMaximum Spacing, ocBase Layer,
41、in. (mm)Face Layer,in. (mm)One Layer Only,in. (mm)Two LayersFasteners Only,in. (mm)Adhesive BetweenLayers, in. (mm)38 (9.5) . . . ceilings perpendicular 16 (406)A16 (406)A16 (406)A38 (9.5) ceilings perpendicular NA 16 (406) 16 (406)38 (9.5) ceilings parallel NA NR 16 (406)12 (12.7) . . . ceilings pe
42、rpendicular 24 (610)A24 (610)A24 (610)A. . . ceilings parallel 16 (406)A16 (406)A16 (406)A38 (9.5) ceilings perpendicular NA 16 (406) 24 (610)38 (9.5) ceilings parallel NA NR 24 (610)12 (12.7) ceilings perpendicular NA 24 (610) 24 (610)12 (12.7) ceilings parallel NA 16 (406) 24 (610)58 (15.9) . . .
43、ceilings perpendicular 24 (610)A24 (610)A24 (610)A. . . ceilings parallel 16 (406)A16 (406)A16 (406)A38 (9.5) ceilings perpendicular NA 16 (406) 24 (406)38 (9.5) ceilings parallel NA NR 24 (610)12 or58 (12.7 or 15.9) ceilings perpendicular NA 24 (610) 24 (610)12 or58 (12.7 or 15.9) ceilings parallel
44、 NA 16 (406) 24 (406)14 (6.4) . . . walls parallel NR 16 (406)A16 (406)A38 (9.5) walls NR NR NR NR12 or58 (12.7 or 15.9) walls perpendicular or parallel NA 16 (406) 16 (406)38 (9.5) . . . walls perpendicular or parallel 16 (406)A16 (406)A24 (610)A38 or12 or58(9.5 or 12.7 or 15.9)walls perpendicular
45、or parallel NA 16 (406) 24 (610)12 or58(12.7 or 15.9). . . walls perpendicular or parallel 24 (610)A24 (610)A24 (610)A38 or12 or58(9.5 or 12.7 or 15.9)walls perpendicular or parallel NA 24 (610) 24 (610)Perpendicularperpendicular to framing membersParallelparallel to framing membersNAnot applicableN
46、Rnot recommendedocon centerADenotes framing spacing for base layer in two-layer application.TABLE 2 Spans and Spacings of Horizontal Furring MembersType of FurringMaximumASpacingctoc,Bin. (mm)MaximumSpan,ft (mm)Rigid Furring Channel 24 (610) 4 (1220)158 in. (41 mm) stud(erected with open side up and
47、 against support)24 (610) 5 (1520)212 in. (64 mm) stud(erected with web vertical to support)C24 (610) 6 (1830)358 in. (92 mm) stud(erected with web vertical to support)C24 (610) 8 (2440)AConsult Table 1 for maximum spacing as determined by gypsum panel productthickness.Bc to ccenter to centerCA in.
48、6-in. (150-mm) length of same size stud or track shall be nested to form a“box” at each saddle tie.C754 1835.4.3 Horizontal cross braces to opposite studs shall beinstalled not more than 4 ft (1220 mm) on center vertically.Horizontal cross braces shall be either of the following: Gypsum panel
49、 product gussets 12 in. (305 mm) deepattached to the stud webs with three screws. A stud or runner with the web screw-attached to thewall stud web with not less than two screws.5.5 Rigid Furring Channel Installation, Direct Attachmentto Masonry or ConcreteThe furring member shall be at-tached to masonry or concrete surfaces, either vertically orhorizontally. Spacing shall be determined by gypsum panelproduct thickness in accordance with Table 1. For furringpositioned horizontally, the center line