ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D1185-1998a(2003) Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping《材料搬运和航运用托盘及有关设备的试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 1185 98a (Reapproved 2003)Standard Test Methods forPallets and Related Structures Employed in MaterialsHandling and Shipping1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1185; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the c

2、ase of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 These t

3、est methods cover the performance of pallets andrelated structures, functioning as skids, bases, platforms, andbins in materials handling and shipping. Their use facilitatesthe protection of both packaged and unpackaged productsduring storage and transportation. The test methods includemeasurements

4、of the relative resistance of pallets and relatedstructures to deformations, damages, and structural failureswhich detrimentally affect the functionality of the unit load.1.2 These test methods include conditioning requirements,static stiffness and strength tests, and dynamic tests of struc-tural re

5、liability. These test methods are used to evaluate therelative performance of new, used, or reconditioned generaland special-purpose pallets fabricated from various materialsincluding solid wood, wood composites, fiberboard, honey-comb, plastics, or metal, or to compare the performance ofsuch pallet

6、s and related structures to specified performancecriteria. Recommended criteria for all tests specified in thisstandard are listed in Appendix X2.1.2.1 These test methods are also used to classify pallets assingle- or multiple-use pallets and to determine the safeworking loads for pallets under spec

7、ified load and supportconditions.1.3 Nonmandatory Preliminary TestsBecause each palletmay be used under several different conditions of load andsupport, pallet-design considerations and safe working-loadestimates shall be based on that condition under which thepallet offers least resistance or is mo

8、st severely stressed.1.3.1 Preliminary, short-duration static tests up to the ulti-mate (see 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4) shall be performed on previouslynon-tested pallets to determine which load and support condi-tions influence most severely the pallet load-carrying capacityand safe working loads.1.3.2 Dur

9、ing the development of prototypes leading todesigns that will be subject to acceptance testing, as describedin 1.4, these preliminary tests shall include the free-fall droptests in accordance with Mandatory Acceptance Tests:1.4.1 General-Purpose PalletsWhen the objective of thetest is to det

10、ermine the safe working load or to classify ageneral-purpose pallet as a single- or multiple-use pallet, alltests described in these test methods shall be performed in theorder specified. The same pallet shall be used for all static anddynamic tests, where feasible.1.4.2 Special-Purpose PalletsWhen

11、the objective of thetest is to determine the safe working load or to classify aspecial-purpose pallet, as a single- or multiple-use pallet, onlythose tests representing the intended condition of use shall beperformed. Certain specialpurpose pallet designs, because ofthe pallet size, its shape, or th

12、e material of fabrication, orcombinations thereof, cannot be reliably tested using thismethodology. When available, alternative test methods shouldbe used.1.4.3 Field TestingIt is recommended that pallet designspassing these acceptance tests be further subjected to fieldtesting in the distribution e

13、nvironment.1.5 Simulation of the Distribution EnvironmentThese testmethods are not intended to lead to exact simulations of palletperformance in the distribution environment. These test meth-ods are designed to relate to practice with the added provisionthat they are repeatable, do not depend on exc

14、eptional skills,and are safe to conduct without elaborate precautions. The testfindings are not expected to lead to unalterable conclusions.1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 onPackaging and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.21 on ShippingContainers

15、and SystemsApplication of Performance Test Methods.Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1998. Published March 1999. Originallypublished as D 1185 51 T. Last previous edition D 1185 98.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Test

16、ing in the distribution environment may be necessary toverify the results obtained from laboratory tests.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and

17、 health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific warningsare given in Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 642 Test Method for Determining Compressive Resis-tance of Shipping Containers, Components, and UnitLoadsD 996 Terminology of

18、Packaging and Distribution Environ-mentsD 999 Methods for Vibration Testing of Shipping Contain-ersD 1505 Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Densi-tyGradient TechniqueD 1761 Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in WoodD 2395 Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Wood andWood-Base MaterialsD

19、4003 Test Methods for Programmable Horizontal ImpactTest for Shipping Containers and SystemsD 4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, orPackaging Components for TestingD 4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-ment of Wood and Wood-Base MaterialsD 4444 Test Methods for Use

20、 and Calibration of Hand-HeldMoisture MetersD 4728 Test Method for Random Vibration Testing ofShipping ContainersF 680 Methods of Testing NailsF 1575 Test Method for Determining Bending Yield Mo-ment of NailsF 1667 Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes,and Staples2.2 ASME Standard:3MH 1

21、Pallets, Slipsheets, and Other Bases for Unit Loads2.3 ISO Standard:3ISO 445 Pallets for Material Handling Vocabulary2.4 TAPPI Standard:4TAPPI T 208 OM - 89 Moisture in Wood, Pulp, Paper andPaper Board by Tolvene Distillation3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsThe following standards are applicable,with Te

22、rminology D 996, to be considered the governingstandard in the case of a dispute: Terminology D 996, MH 1,and ISO 445.3.2 datum loada preload level applied to the specimen toreduce test variables as influenced by the test setup during theinitial stage of testing. Test deformations shall be assumed t

23、obe zero at this preload level.3.3 general-purpose palletspallets designed and con-structed to support a wide range of loads using a variety ofapplicable handling devices.3.4 preliminary safe working loadan estimate of the safeworking load of a pallet not yet confirmed by all of theappropriate tests

24、 specified in these test methods.3.5 safe working loadThe maximum load, determinedfrom tests, that a pallet can support without failure in handling,storage, and distribution including an appropriate allowancefor variations in performance as well as necessary safetyfactors.3.6 special-purpose pallets

25、pallets designed and con-structed to support a specified load using certain handlingdevices.4. Significance and Use4.1 Static compression and bending tests provide data thatare used to estimate stiffness, strength, and safe working loadsfor pallets under specified load and support conditions. Thesee

26、stimates provide a basis for designing pallets and comparingthe performance between pallets of different designs andconstructions.4.2 Dynamic tests provide data which are used to estimatethe physical durability and functionality of a pallet in specifiedmaterial handling and shipping environments. Th

27、ese estimatesprovide a basis for designing single or multiple-use pallets.4.3 Other tests may be performed to assess the properties ofspecific materials (Test Methods D 2395, D 4442, D 4444, andT 208 OM) and connecting devices (Test Methods D 1761,F 680, Test Method F 1575, and Specification F 1667)

28、, designfeatures, use applications, and other variables encountered.5. Materials5.1 These test methods are pertinent to pallets constructedof materials listed in Table 1.6. Sampling6.1 Sampling shall provide for the selection of representa-tive specimens. The number of test replications required var

29、ies.At least three replications per pallet design shall be tested.7. Conditioning7.1 Some pallets are constructed of materials whose prop-erties are affected by changes in temperature, relative humidity,and environmental moisture conditions prior to and during usein the distribution environment. Pri

30、or to test, these pallets shallbe conditioned as described in Table 1.7.2 Where conditioning influences pallet performance, thespecified test-specimen environment shall exist during the timeof testing. If the test environment cannot be maintained at therequired conditioning level, the tests shall be

31、 performedimmediately after the pallet has been removed from theconditioning environment. Immediately after each individualtest, specimens subjected to Environments A or B shall bereturned to the conditioning environment for a minimum of 12For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.a

32、, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from theAmerican National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street,13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.4Available fr

33、om the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, P.O.Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348.D 1185 98a (2003)2h prior to the next test. For additional details concerningconditioning procedures, see Practice D 4332.7.3 For wood or wood-base materials, the moisture contentof selected components sha

34、ll be observed and recorded at thebeginning of the test (see Test Methods D 4442 and D 4444).7.4 Pallets fabricated of several different materials, such ascomposites, shall be conditioned to the extremes applicable tothe materials in the structure.STATIC TESTS8. Summary of Test Method8.1 Static test

35、s are performed to determine the strength andstiffness of the pallet under specified load and support condi-tions. For all static tests described in 8.3-8.5, the test loadapplied shall include the mass of all load applicators supportedby the pallet. The performance criteria in X2.1 ofAppendix X2may

36、be used to determine the safe working load of a pallet (see1.2.1 and 1.4).8.2 Apparatus:8.2.1 Calibrated Compression Testing Machine, with suffi-cient load capacity to structurally fail the pallet and a suffi-ciently large bed to support the pallet and the pallet supports(see 8.3.2).8.2.2 Floating H

37、ead, used for application of rigid loads.8.2.3 Fixed Head, used for supporting load at prescribedangles (see 8.4.1).8.2.4 “Dead Weights” simulate the desired load, used in-stead of a testing machine. These dead weights shall conformto the description in Deformations shall be monitored an

38、d recorded usingmicrometer dial gages or other suitable measuring devices,such as calibrated sensors, capable of measuring deformationor deflection of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).8.2.6 Calibration and Standardization of the CompressionTest ApparatusThe accuracy of the compression testingdevice shall be ver

39、ified using procedures described in TestMethod D 642.8.3 Compression Tests on Pallet Deck Spacers orSupportsThe purpose of this test is to determine the resis-tance to compression of deck spacers (stringers, blocks, andposts) of pallets.8.3.1 Deformation MeasurementsWhen tested in accor-dance with t

40、he procedure specified in 8.3.2, record the changein the height, y, at Locations A, B, C, and D, as shown in Fig.1, relative to the ground (or test frame), (1) at the datum load(see 8.3.2 and 3.1); (2) at the beginning and end of the full-loadperiod; and (3) upon unloading, at the datum load (see 8.

41、3.2),every 5 min until successive readings are practically identical(limited to a maximum period of 1 h). When, due to test procedure, the deflections atLocations A, B, C, and D are not identical, the average of thefour observations shall be used as the test measure (see Fig. 1).8.3.2 Test Pr

42、ocedure: Place the pallet in a normal position on a flat, hard,rigid, and horizontal surface. Place a rigid load applicator ofsufficient size to overlap the pallet edges and ends, as shown inFig. Gradually apply the test load at a uniform rate of 0.56 0.1 in./min from 0 to 0.10 R, w

43、here R is the preliminary safeworking load based on the preliminary test or on that deter-mined from tests to failure. This value of 0.10 R shall be thedatum load for subsequent deflection measurements (see Note1). Apply the full test load of 1.1MR, where M is themaximum number of pallet loads expec

44、ted in a stack duringuse. The datum as well as the full test loads shall be applied innot less than 1 min or more than 5 min. Maintain the full testload for a period of at least 24 h. Reduce the test load to theTABLE 1 Conditioning and Testing EnvironmentsConditioningEnvironmentTemperature,CRelative

45、Humidity, %MinimumConditioningTime, hPallet Materialno conditioningrequiredunprocessed sawn wood assembled with metal connectorsA,BmetalsA +60 6 2C. 24 plasticsBB 25 6 3 . .CD25 6 320 6 590 6 5.4824paper-based materials, wood assembled with adhesives, and processedwood (that is, plywood, strandboard

46、, particle board, and other wood basedmaterials).DAThe moisture content of unprocessed sawn wood components shall represent the maximum that would occur during the use of the pallet.BSpecial purpose pallets may be conditioned to temperatures reflecting anticipated use conditions.C45C shall be the te

47、mperature used for 8.4, Pallet Bending Tests.DEnvironment D shall be used for pallets made of these materials when it is expected that the pallets may be exposed to water in the distribution environment.FIG. 1 Load and Support Conditions and Locations of DeflectionMeasurements for Compression Tests

48、of Pallet Deck Spacers orSupportsD 1185 98a (2003)3datum load for the necessary period (see 8.3.1). Take deflectionmeasurements at A, B, C, and D (see Fig. 1).NOTE 1For plastic, corrugated paperboard, or honeycomb pallets,datum load levels of 100 to 200 lbf are recommended. If because of the

49、unavailability of a suitable testingmachine, dead weights are used for the test load, they shall besymmetrically placed during loading and unloading. Deadweights shall be carefully placed, without dropping, within a 1to 5-min loading period. An alternative to the full pallet compression test isthe test of an individual spacer as in block or post pallets or aportion of the spacer as in stringer pallets (see Fig. 2). Thedatum load shall be adjusted by the ratio of the bearing area ofthe individual spacers or portions of spacers tested and thebearing a


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